Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Gift of the Run

I've run on this path so many times in the last year since we moved here to Asheville for this adventure.  So many days I've made a choice with these divergent paths...
each one, 
welcoming me, 
letting me wander...
always leading me back to myself. 

These paths have heard my deepest of secrets and fears. 
Shared in my greatest of joys and feelings of hope and possibility. 
They've caught my tears in heartache 
and whispered 
"YES! You can!" 
in moments where I've spoken my dreams and intentions. 

All on a run. 

Today's run was no exception in all I've found and given of myself while running here. 
As I came to where this path splits...
the rain pouring down on me...
I couldn't help but be grateful. 
For here.
 For now. 
For all the healing, hurt, and happiness that is part of life. 
For the gift of the run. 
This run. 
And for all that is waiting ahead.



  1. Love, love, love this post. Well said and beautifully written as always, Amanda!
