Sunday, March 13, 2011

5k Tune Up Race Recap

Shamrock Run
3.16 (according to my Garmin so a longer 5k)

 Tune-up race
Training for: Marathon
I also thought this would be a good time to participate in Jeff's virtual 5k.  

Goal:  To get a good workout, have fun, and push myself without all those old feelings of fear and nerves to slow me down and causing me to doubt myself. And to not let my "off" week get in the way of racing a good race.

Weather:  Cold, Damp, Rainy, Wet, Wet, Wet!  My shoes and socks were sopping wet the entire race.  Along with my clothes.  

By Max Train!  Soooo many people ran this race.  The train was full of other runners.  We stopped at Starbucks and got an egg sandwich, banana and coffee (vanilla latte with half the vanilla for me).  I also had some of the energy/protein drink from Jill right before the race.  I was like a giddy little kid!  So excited.  I slept great and wasn't nervous AT. ALL!  This was great!  :)  

Course: Here is a picture of the course elevation.  It was pretty hilly.  Especially mile 2.  There was a good amount of downhills too but .75 to 2ish felt like quite the incline...not sure how it would relate to the incline on a treadmill.  Definitely not the easiest 5k I've run but not the most challenging either.  

Mile 1:  6:25.86
Mile 2:  7:04.38 (this is where we should have pushed it waaaay harder up those hills)
Mile 3:  6:20.97
last .16: :55.76

Overall time (unofficial.  on my Garmin.) :  20:46/  6:35 average  14th out of 6,000 plus.  
Official time:  20:48; 3rd in my age group

This was just the race I needed to shed the rest of my old college/high school baggage.  I don't have any regrets.  I used this as a good workout and I pushed myself enough to where I was able to end the race knowing that I can do better next time.  I had FUN and it felt great to feel strong.  

Goals for next 5k:  To leave it all out on the race.  I ran this race comfortable but working it and didn't push myself to pain. I would want to push myself to that pain level more next time.  At the end of the race I felt like I could still run 10 miles at base pace and be fine.  For a 5k race where I know I gave it all I had, I would not have this much energy left and I would have felt some pain and not stayed comfortable for the entire race.  However, the fact that I was comfortably pushing myself at this pace tells me that I'm where I want to be as far as marathon training right now!  Which is what this race was all about.  

One of the best parts!  A beer and music with my best friend (and no kids)!  

Thank you so much for your love and support in my last post!  Your comments were just what I needed to read!  Seriously, when I woke up this morning to a full inbox, your comments were just what I needed to start off on the right foot.  As Ana Maria suggested, I didn't think too much!  



  1. love the recap!!!!
    GREAT JOB!!!
    and awesome pace!!!!!!!
    glad you got to enjoy some kid free time...and a beer!

  2. Great pics, great recap. You sure are speedy!

  3. That is BEYOND rocking, Amanda!!!! :)

    Love this recap. LOVE how you did it! You dropped the bags and left 'em at the door. So much easier to run when you're not so weighted down ;-)


    (and as always, you are just cuter than cute :) )

  4. GREAT job, Amanda! Looks like an excellent race! Absolutely what you needed to build back some of that confidence. You are an amazing runner, woman and mother!! Keep up all the great work you are doing!!

  5. Look at them legs! *cat call*


  6. Love this Amanda. Love your attitude! Kara G (do you read her blog?) talked about how she is coming to terms with the fact that it is impossible to be in 5K shape and marathon shape at the same time, that she is not pushing the speed much while she focuses on the marathon.
    So, for a tune up race during marathon training, this is awesome. Also, based on this race, you can run a 7:35 pace marathon (basicly add 20 secs to the 5K and that is the 10K, and so on up to marathon pace). I don't know what your marathon pace is, but based on this you could go sub 3:20.

    So all good! And you can relearn to push through pain. Honestly, I truly believe that you get faster by racing a lot and/or pushing in training.

    I hope you are celebrating (and that your son had a blast with the sitter!)

  7. So happy you had fun! You and your husband look like college kids...way to stay young and in love, I LOVE IT!!

    Oh, and congrats on the race! That is some serious elevation and that is hard to run during a 5k. You should be SO happy!

    What a great way to start the week :) !

  8. wooo hooo, great race Amanda! You rocked it! Glad you also got to enjoy some time without the kiddos and have a beer. Just as important to relax as it is to have a great race :)

  9. I am glad that you had such a good time! and I loved the way you broke down your recap. Congrats!

  10. Gotta love Portland weather! Congrats on your 5k!

  11. Woot Woot!! You are super speedy girl! I can't even imagine what you could do if you left it all on the course!!

  12. YAY! I've been waiting for this!! GREAT race! I love the recap, I love the reflections and goals, I LOVE that you had fun!! You are just right where you should be for marathon training ESPECIALLY with how you felt about the race! Hilly course, a little long, not pushing to pain, pulling a 6:20 mile 3 instead of dying out, and feeling like you could run 10 more at base pace tells me you have a WICKED WICKED speed demon in there!!!!!! What a great way to break back into the racing scene! I hope you are just livin' it up today and feeling SUPER proud of yourself!!! I tell you my legs could probably not pull a 9 minute pace right now but I am just so inspired by you and AM today! Thankyou!

    Love the pics! Great legs:)

  13. Love the recap! You did awesome!
    Totally understand about the pushing yourself to that pain level that's what I learned about my 5k.
    And you have some amazing legs!!

  14. You did such a great job!!!! You are totally going to own the 5K on a flat course!! Sub 20 is right around the corner, I have no doubts! :)

  15. Congrats on a great race! Your time is awesome... and those hills.... oh-my!

  16. Hey there!
    Way to freakin' go! And you look soooo stinckin' hawt! and cute! And way to go;-) I too ran a 5k today. Although mine was f.l.a.t., and I should've ran harder, but just like you said, yeah...i knew I could have pushed it harder. Ah....the mind games I play out there!!

  17. Great job Amanda!!!! so funny but the 5K I did in November which was also hilly from mile 1-2...was a 20:46 on my garmin. ha ha...
    but I think this 5K was probably harder! good job sister!!!! can't wait to hear about your marathon!!

  18. I'm not going to get wordy (me?? :)) but just wanted to say a HUGE congratulations - not only on a fantastic race, but because you have learned so much and grown far since starting your marathon training journey. Nothing can be better than that!!!! You look adorable...and wowzie, those quad muscles are really rocking - you must be being a good girl and doing your leg extensions :).


  19. Ha! Thank you sooooo much everyone! What great comments to read when I got home from Home Depot! And should see how big they get when I do do extensions...not fun to get in skinny jeans. ha !

  20. Congrats!!
    Even though I feel like I did leave it all out there yesterday and was really tired for 5 mins after the race I got a huge burst of energy for the rest of the day and wanted to keep running and running :)

    You totally rocked it!!!

  21. hoooray! what a great race report - so awesome and i love the smiley pictures :o)

  22. Looked like a fun day all the way around. Good job on the 5k!

  23. AWESOME!!!!
    That's a killer 5k Amanda!

    So glad you got to have fun in the pouring rain with hubby and come home with super splits ! :)

    I am VERY confident you'll blow that 20 out next time, but this is a great time for a tune-up race.

    Way to go!

  24. Looks like a BLAST! thanks for the awesome recap!

  25. Awesome! Love the race report. Nothing beats feeling good about a race.

  26. Congrats on your race! You look so happy and fabulous

  27. Great job and I LOVE that ti motivated you. I'm all FOR leaving the past behind. Well done!

  28. Gotta be happy with that! I'm so jealous of the lack of nerves - it's great to stand on the starting line and feel relaxed.

  29. That looks like an awesome race to me! Congrats!

  30. Nice work out there! You've so got your sub-20 within reach. And you and the hubs make such a cute pair!

  31. I'm so excited for you. This was a GREAT training run and starting point for the 5k. I loved your approach to this race - perfect. If you choose to run more you will just get faster and faster. Of course, while training for a marathon, you will NOT run your absolute BEST, but it is a GREAT training tool, IMO.

  32. I love this re-cap because all I pull from it is happiness. LOVE that not only did you rock that freaking race but that you let go mentally and had a blast. Hopefully the kids were fine while you enjoyed your time away with the best friend. Right now my kids are gone with their dad so I'm soaking up all the alone time I can get with Ryan trying not to get all emotional about their absence. :)

    I'm so proud and impressed of/with you! Nice legs but GREAT GREAT smiles. :)

  33. Love the recap & congrats on your race! You've got some awesomely strong looking gams speedy girl! :)

  34. Congrats on a great 5k! You continue to be an inspiration to me and many others. And the beer looks pretty darn good, too.

  35. Awesome race. And I bet it felt great to get a race under your belt and to let go of all that past fear and nervousness from high school/college running.

    Every race is a learning experience!

  36. A very fast 5 k, congrats. I liked your goal too.
    Beautiful pictures.

  37. WHAT!!!!! GIrl, you are absolutely amazing! YOU KILLED THAT RACE!!! WOW!!! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you!! 14 out of are a superstar!!! You could have ran 10 after that....WOW!!! You look gorgeous and I am extremely proud of you, I am going to text billy to tell him how well you did...yes, I am your creepy stalker!

  38. Good job!!!! Running in the rain sounds fun right now, I sure do miss it!

  39. Yay!! Congratulations! Sounds like such a great experience even with those challenging hills. You Go Girl!

  40. Love that you had such a nice running date!

  41. So fun! I knew so many running Shamrock. Incredible pace...congrats on AG award and 14th out of 6000....stinkin awesome!! Way to go, Amanda. That must have felt awesome.

  42. You did so well on the race! I'm glad it was just the boost that you needed! I can't believe you could have run 10 miles after that! You are amazing!
    And how great that you got to do it kid free!

  43. Awesome job. I came here from Jenn's post. She was singing your praises!

  44. Damn Kid, you killed it. I am sure you can get sub 20 this year. I'd bet the farm on it. Your pics always crack me up. How tall are you? My kid is 5' 3" and sooooooo wants to be taller. I tell her that short is cute.

  45. That's a fantastic time! Congrats on a great race. Glad you were able to enjoy the race with your husband too!

  46. That's amazing! Way to go! To finish 3rd in your AG and still have enough left to keep're a machine. :)

  47. Fan-freaking-tastic!! I kept my eyes open for you, but as you know it was a zoo around there! After 9.44 miles on my Garmin, I too was completely soaked by the time I got done - hitting a huge puddle to dodge a lady that zigged in front of me didn't help!

    Weather aside, it was a fun experience. Congrats on your amazing results. That is really awesome!!

  48. amanda, the more passion you develop for running, the happier I see you and the faster you get! So amazing!

  49. Nice job! I ran competitively in high school and college too. My current 5K time is about 2 minutes slower than my PR! It is a little hard to deal with sometimes, but I am so grateful to be running and training. Running is something I hope I can do forever! I'll be running a marathon in May. It will be fun to follow your training while I'm training myself. Congrats again!

  50. Way to go! You are so fast! I love all the pictures it looks like you and your husband had an awesome time!
