Friday, March 11, 2011

I Have a Problem

Hey Blog Peeps! Welcome new readers!  If you're in the Portland area, the Portland Running Company is having a sale this weekend so go check it out!

I've been taking sort of a blog break the past few days so sorry if I have missed out on commenting on some of your wonderful blogs!  I've just really been needing to be off the computer and be more PRESENT with my kids and myself.  It has been nice.  We are also neck deep in kitchen remodel so the kitchen has been in the living room and dining room and this makes for some craziness.  It is coming along though and I'm so excited! 

Our Kitchen workers Tina and John are Awesome!  Bless their hearts for working through all the craziness of three kids and a mommy ranting all day. 

I went back to Portland Running Company today to return my Asics and get another pair of Brooks Launch since I LOVE them so much!  Just as I was leaving to attempt to go do this and go to a paint store to choose paint for my kitchen alone with my three energetic kids, my awesome babysitter text me to ask if she could come hang out.  Instead, she went along with us!  What a blessing!  I was prepared to use some MAJOR bribery but instead had her to help out!  

Unfortunately, having Katy along meant more time for me to shop in Portland Running Company which wasn't necessarily a good thing since everything was on sale.  Help me now!  I have a problem.  I've never been a big shopper.  I'm not one of those women that has to have all the latest fashion accessories or fancy shoes.  Running gear, however, has become an entirely different issue.  I must get a grip.  

I did get some great deals and things that I will use daily!  

A pair of recovery socks for myself and one for my dear husband.  Perhaps we will wear them in our 5k this weekend.  

As a mother that rarely does her hair, another hat is a perfect thing to spend my money on.  And one on sale is even better!

Love these!  I also have a pair of the Asics ones but I like these much better.  They are both great.  

I've heard good things about this Glutamine recovery drink.  Janae has convinced me to get some!  Thanks Janae!  I'll be having some tonight after my repeat miles.  And also after my 5k on Sunday!

And then, who doesn't love mail?!  Awhile back, I won a giveaway from Jill for some Fitness Edge Protein Powder Sports Drink.  Yeah, I got it today as soon as I came home from my shopping.  Thanks Jill!  

Hope to catch up with everyone soon!  So sorry if I'm bad at responding to comments these days.  I still treasure each and every comment and really hope to respond as soon as life slows down a bit.  

Happy Friday,


  1. Amanda-GOOD LUCK this weekend! Use your mantras! They've been working for me! :)

  2. i love the color of that hat....good luck on Sunday.

  3. wow you have the best giveaway luck of any blogger i know!!
    congrats on all your deals

  4. Looks like you snagged so awesome gear!!
    Good luck this weekend!!

  5. I could spend HOURS in running and athletic stores. It's so bad for me - but so much fun!

  6. Sorry the sport drink took so long to arrive, long story there. Did you get ALL orange? Uck, so sorry! Not sure what's going on with those people!!

    You got some great scores at the running store (did I ever tell you I walked there after the marathon I did there in '09 and got the coolest running shirt with the state of Oregon on it? So cool, I'll take a pic one day for ya!). I am so sad about my Brooks Launch, the podiatrist thought they were not a good shoe for me b/c of my heel. I bought a pair from that zb sports and think I will have to ship them back :(.

    Your kitchen redo sounds awesome!! I painted all my cabinets awhile back, and though I love them, they are not the same as nice custom I will live vicarioulsy thought yours :). So anxious to see the changes!!

    Hope you have a great weekend, girlie!

  7. What a haul! How fun. Looks like Christmas at your house.

  8. Look at all your loot!! You so make me want to go shopping. Good luck on Sunday, I think you'll be awesome!

  9. Oh, also, I saw that you are going to the RLAM event, I'm so bummed I'm not going to be able to go, it would have been great to meet you. :(

  10. I could spend my entire paycheck at the running store! In about 10 minutes, too! (but that's mostly because I don't make much :-/)

    Guess what! I got a new job! I haven't put in my 2 weeks yet, so it's hush hush! It's a move up for me (and I get my own office like a grown up!). I needed to tell you, like you're a good friend. I hope that makes you feel special -- because you ARE!

  11. I have almost the same blue running jacket! Love mine!

  12. looks like some great stuff, good luck on your race!!!

  13. Love, love your goodies!!!! YUM for chocolate recovery drink!!

  14. Great haul! Love the color of that hat. I have socks from PRC that are awesome!
    Have fun and stay sane with the kitchen redo!

  15. Love the running hat!!


  16. Hey there!
    You loaded up girrrl. And I got that same shirt (i think) from the Dear Hubby this week. I *heart* it.

    but I'm mostly jealous that you're redoing your kitchen. too coo for school;-)

    oh! And ebbs and flows in life go hand in hand with in and out of bloggy land is what I've found;-)

  17. We did the kitchen thing last year so I can totally empathise. It's challenging creating meals when you have no kitchen. And the mess ... I hope they finish quickly so you can get back to normality.

  18. We did the kitchen thing last year so I can totally empathise. It's challenging creating meals when you have no kitchen. And the mess ... I hope they finish quickly so you can get back to normality.

  19. WOW you did get some goods! you'll love the glutamine. I use it daily.

    Kitchens are one thing I hate having dismantled... it's such a pain... but glorious when its done!

  20. OK-I love the running purchases!! Always fun to spend money when you know it's going to good use:) I have those armwarmers but they say BOSTON down them (got them at the expo) and I haven't worn them yet. If it would just ever stop snowing......I love Sugoi stuff too! The tights I usually wear are Sugoi. I have like $4 compression socks and think I should probably invest in those at some point. I love ALL the stuff you got!!!! Oh-and I've never tried the recovery glutamine but I love the "Heed" sportsdrink by Hammer nutrition. Not so sweet-I hate Gatorade!

    Totally understanding the blog break and I felt so good taking one this week too. Pretty sure my good blog friends understand!! How fun on the Kitchen remodel!

    So, I hope your mile repeats went well! I'm excited for you for your race! I bet it will feel SO good to race again after the whole hammy thing! Tune up race or not, this will just be the start of a HUGE year for you!!!! Sunday morning, I will totally be thinking of you and cheering FOR you!! Good luck girl-have a blast! Rock it out YO!!!

  21. I got a top like that blue one..mine is light orange. I LOVE LOVE it!
    hope all goes well for your race!

  22. Love all the new stuff you got. whoa, this makes me want to go shopping!

  23. Wow, what a shopping trip! A tad jealous of all the new stuff but I did just get some new shorts in the mail so I guess I need to be content ;-)

  24. It looks like you had a lot of fun shopping for all those running goodies! It makes me want to go out and touch running stuff at the stores :P

  25. looks like you got lots of great stuff. good for you! it is so wonderful to spoil ourselves with running gear. completely understand the blog break. have a good race this weekend.

  26. Have a great race!!!!!! I'll be thinking of you!

    Love the Launch shoes, too! So glad you're happy with them.

    I love the color of your kitchen and it's looking so great, what a fun time of the year to be making changes!

  27. wow, love all the stuff you got! Good luck at your 5k, I'm doing one on sunday too! You are going to rock it :)

  28. Look at all that stuff? I just bought myself the SAME armwarmers but my runnign store only had medium - and I'm thinking my arms are plumper anyway...

    Can't wait to see photos of your new kitchen! We're doing ours at the moment as well - shoudl be done by the end of next week. Post more photos!

  29. I definitely want to go shopping with you, that is quite the load of great stuff you got.

  30. I have a couple packets of that recoverite from a race last year... May have to give it a try!

  31. So, um, what's the problem? Think about how much money you SAVED :-)

  32. I love your hat! I'm going to ask for a new one for my birthday.

  33. I fail to see the problem here... hahaha

    You scored some awesome stuff!

  34. wooohooo - great scores at the store i love everything you bought! i understand the computer break - sometimes it is just so necessary! good luck this weekend and have fun!!

  35. I love all your new gear! It rocks!! Good luck on your 5k. I'm sure it will be a blast!!

  36. Missing you! Glad you got to go shopping... and with HELP! Awesome! Lucky you!

    Love your purchases! You must be so excited!

  37. Sweet buys, Amanda! LOVE the jacket and hat! And arm warmers. I am just a sucker for deals at the running store too! I know exactly what you mean! I hardly buy anything for myself but once I want into the running store... GAME OVER! Haha :)
