Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rockin' Out in Footsie Pajamas

A little semi-wordless Wednesday.  This video makes me happy.  Reminds me what life is really all about...finding joy in the moment!  I love my footsie pajama days with my kids!  Savoring it for all it is worth.

Happy Wednesday!

P.S.  The poem to Nome in my post from this morning...Nome is a nickname for Naomi for those of you that might have wondered why I can't spell gnome, why I'd name my daughter Nome, or why the heck I'd call my daughter a gnome even if I didn't know how to spell it!


  1. Haha too cute!! I figured it was a nickname!

  2. LOL! Where did you find that video? Hilarious kids!! Love it! I love that song actually. I'm such a sucker for pop music :)

  3. This is too funny! I laughed hard! Little man is talking so good!!! :)

  4. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
    my kids do the same thing!!!!
    cherish these times,for one day they wont think its cool to rock out with mamma!!

  5. "turn it up mommy!" he is so stinkin' cute and your daughter is a "rocker!" I miss those days, Enjoy every minute!

  6. BEST VIDEO EVER!!!! I miss my kids so much. It was great to live vicariously through that snapshot of happiness. Your kids can JAM!!! LOVE it!

  7. This is WAY too cute! Your little guy talks so well! My son didn't say a SINGLE word at that age. He spent 2 years in speech therapy. I really loved the video! Joe and I were just going through home videos on the computer last night and laughing so hard. My kids had an obsession with secretly videotaping themselves and it is quite the entertainment! Man, the years go way too fast. Treasure them!!!

    I figured Nome was a nickname:) My girls Ryan and Reese are actually Rerun and Diesel:)

    OK-back to hit up your last post!

  8. you know I love this.
    I get this in the car ONLY if Keith is on!!!
    did not get cute video today but I did get cute pics that made me happy!

  9. Tell the truth - you were wearing footsie jammies too weren't you?

  10. So Sweet. I love Jammie day too..

  11. They are definitely rockin' out!! love this video! I imagine you'll be watching this a bunch of times. I love to see my kids in their footie pjs.

  12. LOL I love the disclaimer at the end. I didn't think that much into it, assumed it was a nickname, but I'm
    Sure there were some "special" bloggers ;)

  13. I needed to see that today. They are the cutest!

  14. So cute. I love it when she whispers, "Go ahead, say it Samuel". Turn it up Mommy!

  15. hahahahaha!! Turn it up Mommy! SO FREAKING CUTE! And, they can jam!
