Monday, May 23, 2011

Breaking The Rules because I Need Your Advice

I'm breaking the rules big time today.  What rules? My rules.  I told myself that today I would leave the computer off all morning and not get on it until my son takes a nap around 2.  Yep.  I've already fallen off the computer-ban wagon like 10 times.  Kind of feel like I'm losing my mind today. disagreeing with each other over every. single. thing this morning. My son has been climbing the cupboards whenever I turn my back because he wants more like a HANDFUL of his gummy vitamins instead of the allotted dosage of only 2.  Oh, and as soon as I call the chiropractic clinic to ask them for some available times, my kids start screaming and get into an all-out brawl over my son running down the hall with my daughter's current portrait masterpiece that he is about to add the finishing touches to! Might I add that he is wearing his new size 2T boxer briefs and green rubber froggy boots so it makes the whole thing just that much more entertaining.  Oh, and he was carrying a purse and a play cell phone.  Here is kind of what he looked like:

Okay, here's the real reason I'm posting.  Any of you out there get sports massages before a race?  I've heard that you should schedule the sports massage 3 days to 1 week before the Big Race.  My race is next Saturday.  Do you think that a heavy hour long massage on Wednesday night is too close to race day?  I'm sure I've OVER thinking things but I just really want things to come together as perfectly as they can. Don't we all?  I want to make sure I'm ready to ROCK it on Saturday morning and that all the pieces just come together.  

1.  I'll be announcing the winners of the cookbook sometime soon!  
2.  Please share any info or advice you have on this massage thing.  Would it be better to schedule it one week before instead of 2.5 days before???  
3. Oh, and guess what?  I'm only about 1,000 (one THOUSAND) votes from being in first place in this Circle of Moms thing.  1,000.  Fun stuff here.  Thanks for your votes.  You can vote HERE.   PLEASE and THANK YOU!! It seriously only takes 2 seconds.  



  1. Schedule it after to help you recover faster. If you do it before the race and you're not used to it, it could make you feel really sore and affect your performance!

  2. Eeeekkk - I know that feeling with the screaming kid when you want to make a call!
    Massage pre race - Wednesday night is good (if your race is Sunday), BUT I wouldn't go DEEP on the massage. Ask for just a light rub down, as in, just one that feels good not pain, not deep. That would be my advice!

  3. Thanks. But the purpose of it would be as a tune-up and getting my muscles loose and ready for the race day. Not to recover from race day. ;) After would be nice too but before is what i'm interested in. I believe in the benefits. I just need to find the right day.

  4. Its a good idea to get a massage a week before a race if that is something that you do on a regular basis already. If not, skip the massage until after the race.

  5. Wednesday night is ok, IMO. Just be sure to drink lots and lots of water to flush out the muscles all day Thursday.

  6. I've only done it one time and he told me that it is important not to have one that is too hard.. and drink lots of water to help flush out the toxins that were just pushed out of your muscles.

  7. I love to get a massage about 10 days out from a big race. Loosens me up and yet I have time to "recover" from it. I do find that my legs are a bit tired after for a day or two.

  8. I had one on a Wednesday before a Saturday marathon. Seemed ok to me! Then I had a 90-minute one right AFTER the marathon. Now that one was money. I believe it really helped my recovery process, even though it hurt a little.

    You're brave for potty training your little man right now. :) Ain't no way mine is ready. His brothers didn't go for it until age 3, so I'm waiting...

  9. Just for the record. NO Official potty training going on here. Just letting the little guy run around without a diaper here and there. And sitting on the potty for fun. Thanks for the advice guys. I have one a week before.

  10. I've never had a sports massage before but there can be some residual soreness if built up lactic acid is released. That might be calling it close.

    I love that your son took a dump and you blogged about it :)

  11. I've heard about getting a massage days or a week prior to a race. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I guess it's just one of those trial and error things...

  12. I agree with just getting a light athletic massage not a deep one- and doing it a few days before....a hot bath the night before sounds nice too!

    we are about to embark on potty training too! So. much. fun. =D

  13. I got a fairly deep one because I was so sore on Tuesday and my race was Saturday. It did the trick for me, but if I could have scheduled it differently, I would have done it a week away.
    Good luck! Love the little one's outfit! The boots really make it!

  14. You might be cutting it close with a massage before the race... I often find I'm a little sore after a good rub-down. Maybe you could specify a 'light' massage so you don't feel the affects the next day?

    GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    (and your son's outfit is beyond adorable)

  15. Last fall I was pretty beat up before my marathon, so I got 2 massages before the race, one 3 weeks out, and one 1.5 weeks out. Both were only 30 min longs and only on my legs.

  16. I won't even comment on the massage since I've never even had a sports massage. You will have to let me know if this seems to help! I've also never been to a sports chiro-just a regular chiro once. So sheltered I am....

    Ok-the boy and the get-up!! Love it! This totally gave me a good laugh and also took me on a quick trip down memory lane. The life of a little boy with 2 older sisters. I can still see Max in his little boxers with his tiny little butt. So funny! He was obviously comfortable in his manhood from a young age since most of his pictures around age 2 included a purse, wand, or baton. He was like Reeses human doll! Anyway, this picture is purely adorable!!! Even hearing about the craziness involved with little kids, I still occasionally miss that stage of life! Ummmm-maybe not...

    12 days:)

  17. I myself would be nervous to do the massage too close to the race...I have had them done and can sometimes be sore in areas.

    Also...I double searched and CAN NOT find you address in my email to send you the gu...I could have misplaced it ...who knows. so here is my address can you send it again. Sorry for the confusion and delay!

  18. I know that one of our best runners gets a massage before each of her important races but I don't know if it's a deep tissue one.I'd be asking the advice of the massage therapist and if he/she's experienced with runners then they'll know.

  19. I've only had one deep tissue massage and it hurt worse than the knot I had worked out! I had to tell the massage therapist to lighten up a couple times (so I wouldn't cry :-)). I vote for a week out though I never tried one before a race.

  20. I've had days like that with my kids, too...where I seriously wanna stick my head in the oven!

    And I just voted for you!!!! Hope you win!

  21. took like 4 f'ing seconds.
    Anyway I voted...but now you owe me BIG TIME.
    Also, I would've voted for your little guys outfit...very suave and debonair. He's so ready. Time to teach him that "Eggzema" line.

  22. I JUST DID THIS and it helps SOOOOOOOO much!
