Monday, May 9, 2011

Kara Goucher Book Signing!

Serious Inspiration Tonight!

I got a signed one of these to give to one of you soon:

And I met fellow blogger Juanita from It's a Dog's Life

To Be Continued....



  1. I'm so jealous!!!! WHY didn't I go!!???? hoo:( I should win that book;)
    you'll have to tell me what she talked about:)

  2. I love her! Lucky! I wonder if her cheeks started to hurt from smiling for so many pics!

  3. You and Kara could be sisters :).

    Love Juanita...we ran together as a team from RW Loop a couple years ago, she is awesome!!!

  4. That'd have been Portland Marathon we ran as a team. Sorry...up at 3a.m. and pretty lifeless today.

  5. Wow o wow!!!!!!!!

  6. Holy smokes that is so awesome!!

  7. So awesome, I'm so jealous you met Kara!!!

  8. I agree with Jill. You two look remarkably alike. If you're hair was longer.... Both beautiful:)

  9. Amanda, that rocks!!!! How cool!! Um, I never realized it before but you and Kara look an awful lot alike! Glad you had a good time!

  10. Is this Kara Gouchers post? or Amanda's? Is that Amanda's book signing or Kara? You do look quite a bit a like? The again you also look a lot like Juanita as well. Was it the lighting at Powells? I am just jealous you were at Powels - my favortie bookstore. I would move to Portland just to live, eat and work there.

  11. Ha! We bot have big noses...that is what it is! :)

  12. Awesome time! Can't wait to hear more about it :)

  13. I literally just died a little bit. AHHHH I AM SO SO JEALOUS!! Forget the giveaway I will pay you big bucks for that book!

  14. Awesome!! I remember how excited I was (I cried!) when I met Steve Prefontaine's sister. I can only imagine how exciting it was to meet Kara face to face!

  15. Very cool :) Can't wait for the contest! And yes we both have Colton's. I had the name picked out before she had hers and just about died when she used it. I seriously have never met another Colton or even known a Colton ever. I didn't want anyone to think I was copying her so I debating not using the name. In the end I'm glad I went with it and think it's fun that we both have Colton's. It was pretty cool at Boston when people compared me to her - not that I am anywhere near her level - haha - but it's nice when someone compliments you like that anyways!!

  16. Very cool.

    And thanks for looking out for me. haha Hmmm...This could be a lucrative sideline...posting pictures to make people feel sorry for me and give me things. :)

  17. That is AMAZING!! How cool you got to meet her. Can't wait to read more about the experience!

  18. That is so cool! I love Kara and I just finished reading her book, I think it is going to be a big help for me as I start to train for my first marathon. She seems so genuine and her advice is simple but substantial.

  19. I am surprised that you and kara didn't go out for a little run! Or maybe that's in the next post ...

    Juanita is a sweetheart. I met her in Eugene before the marathon last year. :)

  20. Very cool
    you guys could pass for sisters!

    you know Chris K will be very jealous
    He has a crush on her...a manly crush

  21. That Kara lady is everywhere...I'll bet she's pooped. :) Glad I came across your blog today. Love the header pic!! Very creative. I love photography. :) I look forward to reading your blog!

  22. I was going to say the same thing, you and Kara look like sisters! Darn, I really wanted to be original here!

  23. This is awesome!! I just bought her book the other day and I have been highlighting and making notes all over it :) She rocks!
