Monday, May 9, 2011

Last Chance For a Cool T-Shirt Giveaway!

I'm doing a lot of this laying around stuff lately.  Okay, so not as much as I feel like doing but I did try to sit down today and do nothing of importance.  I tried running but A. Had no energy (got some blood tests today so hopefully I'll have some answers for this crazy fatigue) and B. My groin hurt with every step.  So now I'm back to lounging around like a slug or trying to be slug-like.  

My question is this:  How much downtime should I have before I start to lose all that I've worked for?  I mean, how much cross training should I be doing so that I stay in the level of running fitness that I am (or was)? My marathon is in 4 weeks!

I did have my daughter get out the camera so she could take a picture of me in my favorite t-shirt that I wear way too much.  And I pulled myself up so you could get a better picture of it. I even pointed at my boobs for you.  I was trying to point at the shirt but it really just looks like I'm telling you how cool my padded bra is and that it truly does miracles!  

So, if you missed it, you have a chance to win my giveaway for your own cool Tri- It Wear t-shirt.  You don't have to be a triathlete to win this triathlete wear.  I mean, if you win and feel funny wearing a Tri shirt even if you have never done a triathlon, give it for a gift to someone you know who does.  Or, be like me and be a poser and wear it anyway.  Hey, it is comfortable and fits perfectly.  And I want to do a triathlon someday.  Does that count? Really it isn't hard to win.  All you have to do is pick out a shirt you like and don't like, "like" Tri It Wear on facebook and then use your wit to make a good comment about what you like and don't like and how you'd make a shirt better.  Easy.  The details are HERE:  Tri-It Wear Giveaway!    

Oh, and if you missed my video for how I plan on getting my "GUNS" back so that my arms are not sticks, then check out my Pumping Iron Plan:



  1. haha i love the video. I do stuff with the twins I nanny, every single day. They love it and my arms get a workout!!

  2. When I can't run due to an injury, I find another x-training event that can get my HR up to replicate running. Elliptical comes to mind, but that my now work with your injury. Not sure if you below to a gym. If not, go join one right now, one that has babysitting. If Elliptical doesn't work, then maybe trainer or rowing machine for sure will. Sitting on the couch reading about which celebrity had the best hat The Royal Wedding for four weeks is not optimal for your upcoming race.

  3. I meant belong to a gym, not below to one.

  4. The video is awesome! I'm still impressed from the first time I saw those child push-ups. Wow! and 1 legged? Seriously? You are superwoman, but I've already told you that before.

    I love that your daughter is getting a workout too, doing the superman.

    Not sure what to tell you about the fitness, except, I would try to find something that doesn't damage you, but allows you to get some type of workout in. swimming, biking, rowing, something that doesn't cause any pain.

  5. Your children are very well trained! I love this, and your daughter is so cute hammin it up for the camera. Hopefully some rest time will get you back and ready to dominate your marathon.

  6. I loved your I need to start some of these workouts with my little one. It seems she likes to always climb on my back or stomach when I try to do any strength work so I may as well incorporate her extra weight into the workouts!

  7. I LOVE the video!!!! You are officially the cutest mom ever!! seriously that needs to win an oscar!!! Your daughter is such a cutie!! :)

  8. I was told you don't start losing cardiovascular fitness for 2 weeks and that would be if you stop exercising altogether presumably. I think you'll be fine for your marathon!

  9. Adorable video. What a fun mom you are! And I think you'll still be plenty fit in 4 weeks for your race... just keep up your 'weight workout' and you'll be fine! ;-)

  10. Take it from will still do amazing! Just keep cross training and it will be fine!
    And LoVe the video!

  11. Very cute video. I 'm praying to the giveaway gods that I can win the tshirt and wear it to my first Tri in July!!!

    *remember to send your address!

  12. I have heard that you really don't lose much if you sit out about 2 weeks. And the higher level you were at, the faster you can return to very close to it. You will be great!

  13. Oooo, I've missed out on so much in your life and it's taking me a while to read your old posts! I saw the words "hot sex" mentioned at least three times so I read those posts FOR sure... and carefully. It sounds like you are pooped out from training AND the extracurricular marital fun(and the kids, and the...)!
    I think two weeks off of intensity is okay, jogging will still keep your fitness up. Girl, it's good to chill and throw your little ones around in the air.! Smile...this is all going to work out.

  14. I love the video, what a brilliant solution! Hope you feel better!

  15. DO you have the Pfitz book? Go to table 7.2, page 148 in my edition.

    You are going to do great! Get what info you need, get healthy, and get back out there as soon as you have those two things.

    Hugs to you, tonight!!!
    BTW I think you'd have had somewhere between 2nd and 6th overall...but it was pretty close for those ladies. :)

  16. That video is so adorable!! I hope you find your energy soon, I have been having low energy issues but thus far no reason for it.. UGH!!

    I feel like I lose fitness so fast, good luck keeping up with it.. And wow you have nice guns!!

  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! You actually got to ask her a training question?!?!?! WTHeck? Too cool!

  18. aw, that video is so cute! And your guns have gone nowhere, check out those arms!!!

  19. You are too cute! I have no running advice. A week's worth of rest for me ; )! I just try to get through the damn thing and make it up and down the stairs the next week!

  20. Ha! You and your daughter are so flippin' cute!
