Friday, July 15, 2011

Local Oregon/Washington Photography Session Giveaway! A Serious Value and Treasure!

I've never done a "locals only" giveaway on here.  Until now.  And I'm excited to do this because it is seriously a FANTASTIC giveaway!  At least a $165 value and one that I wouldn't want to miss out on if I lived anywhere near the general Portland Metro area (that would be Portland, Oregon).  If you win, it will be VERY worth your time to make the drive to Hillsboro, OR to claim your prize!  

I was lucky enough to meet photographer Jennifer Gomez from All That Jazz Photography in 2009, right before I was about to go to to another local photography business to get my first ever professional maternity shots.  I was still teaching, pregnant with my third child, and wanting to finally get some professional "belly shots" to capture pregnancy.  I figured that this would mostly likely be the last time I would ever experience the miracle of pregnancy and I wanted to capture it perfectly.  

It was an afternoon after school and I as waddling around my classroom, trying to prepare for the next day and get out of there.  I had just made my appointment for the following week with this photography business when a spunky and vibrant Jennifer shouted hello to me from across the hall, where she was setting up to take photographs of some of the fifth grade students for a project they were doing.  Usually I would have just waved, said hello and then continued on my mad frenzy to get everything finished so that I could go pick up my kids from child care and head home but something about Jennifer made me linger a little longer, smile big, and strike up a conversation.  Then Jennifer said something flattering (but sincere) about my pregnant self and suggested that I let her photograph me.  What?  How did she know that I was considering pregnancy photographs.  Once again, usually I would have said a polite but dismissive "No Thank You!"  and continued to my way but something about her drew me in!  Her energy, passion for what she does, friendly and GENUINE personality...whatever it was, I found myself wandering over to the classroom she was in.  Within minutes after seeing what she was doing and looking at her other work, I was SOLD!  I didn't let her know yet but said I'd call or e-mail after I had time to think about it.  I e-mailed as soon as I got home, canceled my appointment with the other place, and started a new relationship with a photographer that would soon become a friend and someone that captured so many BIG moments of our lives! 
A Photographer,
Our Photographer, 
All That Jazz Photography!  
     Passionate about what she does,
Equally as good with animals.  
Will work until she has exactly what you're looking for!
Making her dreams come true and doing what she loves and has been given a gift for....even when it means starting from the bottom and working her way to the top. 

I think the thing I love the most about All That Jazz Photography, besides the photography is that Jennifer is so passionate about what she does.  Her energy is contagious and when I see her shooting, it makes me happy and reminds me just how important it is to be following our dreams and doing what we love when we can.  It is obvious that she loves her job and her work reveals that.  She always gets the the most sincere smiles from our family..not some "CHEESY" grins that look forced and go along with stiff energy.  But she really connects with us and gets my kids playing and doing what they do best, exploring and enjoying life!  She makes us all feel comfortable and makes sure we feel HEARD and not rushed.  

I can honestly say that Jennifer has become a friend.  I consider that day that I met her to be just another hand of fate and I am so thankful for having met her.  

She did get those maternity shots:

And since this is a giveaway for a free photo session then I might as well share with you some of my personal photos and moments that All That Jazz Photography has so beautifully captured.  I know this is a lot of pictures but I figure that this is one way to give you a good "picture" of Jennifer's work.

 That same day as the maternity photos, Jennifer captured some 2 and 4 year old photos of our girls....

Then we went back to her to capture newborn moments with our sweet son....

Christmas time came and she captured our first Christmas as a family of five....

She even gave us some funny ones....

Our little guy's first birthday....

MIght as well get some Father's Day shots while we were at it....

And so much more....We've been back again and again.  Most of you have already seen the photos from our last family shoot....

They even do Pets!  

So Now Here is Your Chance to Win!  A Free Photography Session with our favorite Photographer at All That Jazz Photography!  

Here's what this giveaway is for:
  1. There will be 3 winners! Each winner will receive a complimentary photos session: sleepy newborn, baby, kids, family senior portrait or PET (yes for friends without kids too!!)
  2. Three Free Prints of your choice:  1 (8x10), 1 (5x7), 1 (4x6)
The Photographer Rules:
  1. Photo Session to be done in a local Hillsboro Park or All That Jazz Studio only.
  2. Limit 2 dogs for Pet Session and up to 5 family members for Family Portraits
  3. Must Book Before August 30th
Here is how to play!  Since it is a local giveaway, I am opening this up to non-blog readers/users so I want to make it as user friendly as possible.  I will allow entries to be sent to me via e-mail (, personal facebook comments or e-mail, and comments on our Runninghood facebook page.  You will just have to include all the things you did to enter so I know how many entries to give you.  I will then enter all entries into a spread sheet and choose a winner using  

So play along...You have a great chance of winning!  Here's your chance at those pictures you've been meaning to schedule. 

1 entry for each of the following:
  • "Like" All That Jazz Photography on facebook and leave a comment telling them what kind of photos you'd love to get when you win! 
  • Share this giveaway on facebook and let me know you did.
Optional and Extra Entries:
  • Share this giveaway with local friends through twitter, blog (if you have one), etc.  Share share share. 
  • Visit The All That Jazz Website and tell me one of your favorite photos you see.  
This giveaway will be open for 12 days! I will announce a winner on July 27th!  

Good Luck and happy Sharing!  Remember, this is a nontraditional blog giveaway,  If you can't figure out how to comment on this blog post, you can e-mail me or comment on the link when I post on Facebook (I'd prefer the comments to be on here but I understand if that doesn't work).



  1. Thanks for this AWESOME giveaway, Amanda! I love your pics - especially the hair pulling one - CLASSIC!

    I liked on FB!

  2. On the website, I love your family's perfect!

  3. My favorite of your family on Jen's All That Jazz photography site is of the three kids with the rag doll. SO CUTE! I love me some smiling happy kiddos! But of her site in general my favorite is the one of the curly haired blond little guy resting his face on his arm. He is precious! He will likely be a lady killer.

  4. Also, I reposted the link to the giveaway on my Facebook page.

  5. umm.maybe, how do I contact you??

    Julie, my daughter saw your picture and asked if it was Rapunzel. :)

  6. I'm not entering since I'm not local , but I had to tell you how gorgeous your shots are! Beautiful family!!!!

  7. I'm not entering since I'm not local , but I had to tell you how gorgeous your shots are! Beautiful family!!!!

  8. Hmmm, I love the little girs in the orange fairy wings. But the pet photos are all adorable. However, my favorite is the one of your family walking into "happily ever after"!

  9. She's such a talented photographer. I love so many of these shots - Sam's feet with your rings and that gorgeous one on her ad of the baby between it's daddy's feet.

    And I love the story of how you met.

  10. This is an awesome giveaway. It's a shame I'm WAY too far away to enter.

    But I'm not here about the giveaway. I'm here to tell you that I MUST... SIMPLY MUST... see a video of your belly skin.


  11. Man, can that lady can shoot some pics or what?! She is very talented.

    Those are awesome ones of you family. I hope Julie wins.

  12. Love, love, love these pics. Choosing a favorite is truly impossible and really unfair for an auntie, but if I must, I must. I think my favorite is the newest family photo with the rag doll. I love the lighting. It is so summery and you all look so happy and, of course, gorgeous! (Good genes in those kids, I must say).

    I liked it on FB, shared it on FB, and sent out emails to my friends with your blog link. (Also told everyone at my Mary Kay get-together).

    Very cool!

  13. Love all those pics! Too bad I live too far away!! :(

  14. Hi, I am one of Kandi's BFF's and I liked it and shared with friends on Face Book. Choosing a favorite is hard, because there are so many great shots, and I love and adore seeing photo of Kandi's nieces and nephew! If I really had to choose a favorite I would pick the one of Waylon with Samuel on his shoulders!

  15. I like All That Jazz Photography on Facebook and let them know you sent me and what I'd like to have if I won.

  16. I posted the giveaway on Facebook.

  17. I posted the giveaway on my blog.

  18. I love the pic of the baby with the angel wings and of course all of your family pics. They are beautiful. We need new family pics so badly.
