Monday, September 26, 2011

Best Dam Run Recap, First Published Review for, and a New Running Journal

I started a new running journal today!  See below.  So excited for the fresh start.  Just another way that life is continuing to unfold.  And it was nice to get creative! 

Energy seems to be flowing, doors opening, and life unfolding so wonderfully lately.  I have always been a big believer in putting your dreams out there for the world to see, believing that they are possible and doing what you are most passionate about.  Living with intention, purpose and passion!  If we do the believing and check our doubts and insecurities at the door, things will happen.  Things will come to us.  

When I started Runninghood last October, I had no idea that in only a year, my life would be so much fuller.  I knew that I wanted to write, connect with the running/motherhood community and plug into new opportunities where I could use my passion for teaching and inspiring others.  Within only a matter of weeks, I started to see things happen.  I made sincere friendships, received e-mails telling me that my words touched them in a positive way, and began to make connections in the local running community.  

The best thing that has come from this blog are the wonderful friendships I have made.  So many of you have come into my life and made it better.  I am blessed.  You know who you are.  This weekend I had the privilege of racing with two of my favorite blogger girlfriends, Raina, from Small Town Runner and Nicole, from I Dream of Running.  If you don't read their blog, you might want to check them out.  They are both super talented runners.  Raina always has something to teach me whether she realizes it or not.  Her running experience, race recaps and personal life stories leave me richer in knowledge and things to think about.  Nicole, so full of passion and big dreams!  She wears her heart on her sleeve, says what she believes without reservation, and makes you want to just get out there and DREAM Big!  

This weekend Raina drove up from Elkton, Oregon to spend the night with me and race The ORRC Best Dam 10k Run in Estacada, Oregon.  She had just raced another 10k last week where she won first place in her age group and this was another chance for her to break that 40 minute 10k, which is fully capable of!  We met up with Nicole and made it a girlfriends' getaway to beautiful Estacada!  We spent our time together talking, laughing, sharing marathon training plans, and of course, Running.  Thank you girls!  It was such a special memory for me.  Congrats to Raina for 2nd woman overall with a time of 40:14!  And to Nicole for her 2nd place age group win and a time of 42:54.  This was after only doing base runs for the past 8 weeks after her stress fracture injury!

Raina made me peach cobbler after the race!  What a gem!  It was/is SO good!

I'll include my stats but I hope you also check out the review I wrote for the local Run Oregon blog.  I was really excited to have this opportunity to write this review (thanks Nicole!) and I hope to do more in the future.  I know it is small to some but it is the first published review I've done for an online news source.  It is one more step in the right direction for me.  See, things are unfolding nicely.   

My race goals:  To have FUN! To run this race as a good tempo workout.  Since I have not been training seriously for a 10k and I've only had 2 weeks of solid half marathon training, I wasn't sure what I was capable of.  

Garmin Stats/Same time as official time.
6.26 miles
6:53 average

6:19 pace for last .26

*  Consistency!  Very even splits
*  Felt strong the entire race
*  I know I can keep this pace for longer distances
*  The writing opportunity that came from how life is unfolding
*  Time with girlfriends

In my recap on the site, you'll be able to read about my crazy start to this race.  Seriously almost missed the start...but who was running out of the port-o-potty and up the hill towards the start just as the announcer was counting down?  That would be me.  I had to be going at a good 5:30 pace.  Talk about being winded.  

The review I wrote was fun to write but what made it so worth it for me was when I got the following e-mail from one of the race directors after he read my recap:

After a very exhausting weekend where all you hear are the could haves and should haves, it seemed to make it all worth it to read your blog this afternoon.  I hope to see you next year.  THANK YOU!!"  

and then I received the following e-mail from the race director:

"Hi Amanda.  I just read your blog article on OregonLive.  Thank you so much for the kind things you had to say about our race.  You were even very nice to us when pointing out our deficiencies!  I'm glad that you had such a good time.  With the weather so nice and that naturally beautiful course, it is hard to do many things wrong.  After having late race starts for the last two years, I was determined to get this race started on time.  I hope to see you again next year.  I also hope that you have a more restful start next year!"  

I couldn't pass up the Composition Notebook sale at Target today.  I figure that a new notebook was a great excuse to start a new running journal for this new season of training.  A fresh start.  Starting a new running journal is also one way to get my creative energy flowing.  And this always helps me in other areas of my life.  

All I needed to get started

The back of my running journal

The cover.  I covered it in clear tape to keep it strong and make it last.

Speaking of Creativity...
Tomorrow is the last day to send me something for my art (term used lightly since art is all relative) contest.  Remember it can be a drawing, cartoon, photograph, poem...whatever.  Just keep it simple.  I will include your pictures and blog link on my blog sometime this week and then people can vote for the one that "speaks" to them the most (makes them laugh, strikes their eye, reminds them of something important, etc). 

Here are two three most recent ones that were sent to me:

Sent to me today from Alicia.  She wrote: "Here's my creation from Beth's blog. It is in regards to when she ran Boston and read her daughter's homework after the race.  As a mother who drags her kids to races and the gym all the time, I sure hope they feel the same way her daughter felt about her. Seeing her run the race and thinking "go, mom, go!" That post brought tears to my eyes!

This was from Kathy at Just Keep Running.  She wrote: "Better late than never--you said simple and I think this qualifies! :) Fun to just sit down and doodle!"

This creation is from Julie at Tri-ing to be Athletic.  This was inspired by her first impression of SUAR when she saw Beth in a swimsuit with her underwear hanging out.  Sexy!!  

Happy Monday!  I hope to find time tonight to respond to all of your comments on my last post about my Running Story.  Thank you for your words! Sorry I've been so bad at responding lately.  Life has been busy.  



  1. Amanda - I love the idea of the running journel... I am definitely going to use this idea - thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Very cool, Amanda! I haven't checked out your review yet, but I will. Can I just email you my picture(s)? I just posted the adventure race report and don't want to post over it.

  3. Awesome. Sounds like a peaceful few days! Glad you got some time with friends. The running journal is a great idea!!

  4. julie gave suar a boob job! ;)

    love the additional entries. and you are dedicated to make and keep written journals... i'm better with an electronic version.

  5. I love your running journal-what a great idea to decorate it! You are creative and a talented runner. :-)

  6. go lady Oregon Bloggers!!! You guys all had great races!! so proud! ;) bummed for raina on the sub 40...14 seconds? shoot. Still amazing second woman!! You guys are rockstars. Great review for oregon live. Very exciting. Congrats. I'll have to join you next year at that race!

  7. New reader the blog! Sounds like a fun race! Great Job!

  8. 3 things-

    1. Congrats on your published review! That is very exciting. You're the perfect person to write a race review.

    2. You did awesome!! Those splits are something to be proud of. You are such an amazing athlete. I wish you were my running coach :)

    3. I started reading Cutting for Stone this weekend. I am only about 60 pages through, but it sucked me in. I know I will love this book.

  9. Love the journal. I STILL need to do this! You just need to come visit me and you can put on a clinic!! I was stressing thinking the art contest ended today. Just sent my "piece" to your FB page. Hope that works. HUGS and AWESOME job on the race and writing piece!!

  10. So, I've yapped with you about your race so I'll keep from commenting on that but SUPER congrats on the Review!!! I had a huge smile on my face when I saw that at work today. You did such a great job with it!! So so happy to see these well-deserved doors opening for you! Ok-off to bed at 10 pm. Controlling what I can control here:)

  11. Wow - way to run super-speedy! And your running journal is highly awesome. Love it!

  12. Holy cow, speedy woman! I never responded to your Running Story post. I'm so glad to have read it, and it helps me understand posts like this even more. I don't know if that makes sense, but I'm glad you posted your running story. I can't imagine putting yourself out there like that, but I admire your truthfulness with everything. I just started my blog, and you were part of my motivation. The blogging community is a great one. Congrats on the kudos for your race review1

  13. Wow speedy lady! That race is (kind of) in my neck of the woods - next year maybe I'll check it out and look at your back as you speed off! :) Congrats on the OregonLive publication - that's so exciting!

  14. Amanda- you couldn't leave target without buying something? haha! Perfect purchase for you, though!! I love how you keep your journal on the creative side (since Waylon has the analytical side covered so well!!)

    You really DID write a fantastic review and I agree with the RD there. It is a race I hope to do again with you and Nicole and ANYONE ELSE who can make it next year. (Even 36 minute 10Kers like Wendy, who know how to smoke a course).

    I was beaming to see that you had a published RR. You have the gift for it!!

  15. That's so cool that you got your article published, And what a great run you had. Well done!

  16. Great news about getting your article out there and even better that it was so well received.

    You're right - the karmic flow is moving for you I believe.

    And girlfriend - your abs! Your ABS! You look phenomenal!


  17. Hi Amanda! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your comment.

    Congratulations on your smokin' BQ time. I look forward to following along on your training and seeing you crush a major goal at the big race.

    Definitely a bummer for the hubbies. It's hard to celebrate when I know how much this must sting for him, even though he is putting on a brave face.

    Hope to meet you there!

  18. I love me a good running journal! My littlest drew a pic on every single page of mine...gosh how I treasure that!
    Glad to hear things are unfolding nicely for you. The universe has a way of doing that!
    Fun, fun fun girls' race weekend. OK I'm off to read your review!

  19. Great stuff going on in the runninghood! So glad you had a fun weekend and a stellar race.

    I love your journal. When I get back to running I think I'll have to start one so that I can appreciate even more the gift that running is.

  20. Amanda I just love you!! Every post is so well written and so relatable!

    Major congrats to you and your friends on a great race. Wow you girls are speedy and you are all gorgeous. I love the journal idea and must start one.

    As always thanks for inspiring! Can we please meet up at Boston?

  21. found your article on oregon live- well written, honest, and informative!

    every time you talk about your running journal it makes me want to start one. i have so many 'projects' i need to start up, that i end up procrastinating on them all :(

  22. Love the idea of a running journal. I definitely need to get on mine, especially with all of the kiddos back to school.
    I just got my sticker today. i will send you a picture of where I am going to put it:) I have a little area on my fridge where I keep all of my running related stickers...
    Happy Tuesday!

  23. You inspire me in so many ways! I hope you realize just how very special you are!!!! <3

  24. Congrats on a well ran race and the published article! That is really exciting!

  25. Darn....I've been up in the mountains for a few days and forgot about the contest, so sorry I didn't submit my masterpiece. Nothing would compare with Jenn's playdough SUAR anyway!

    Congratulations on a great race and what a fun day with the blogger meet up! I'm gonna invite Raina over to CO to race so she'll make me cobbler, too :). You raced well, girl, nice job!!

    And congrats on the writing gig, that is so cool! You will do well for them!!

    Miss ya!

  26. Okay, finally getting on here to post.
    first off, I made the cover of your running journal?;) woot woot!! I went out today with the intention of making a running journal! I actually LOVE doing this kind of stuff just so busy I dont' make time for it..but TONIGHT I am going to print off pictures i want to post. what I like MOST about this idea is it is a place to record my thoughts but ALSO my bibs! right now they are just in a drawer, sigh. and I would really like a way to record on PAPER (not just a blog) my feelings after a race.
    Your RR was awesome and I'm just so glad Kelly asked Me so I could pass that onto you. I know you will make your writing and running dreams a reality b/c you have the optimism of a.....hmm...what is really optimisitc? lol...I was on a really good roll are like a RAY OF SUNSHINE Amanda and people like you just attract good things and good people into your life! it's true! I can't wait to run this race with you girls EVERY Year! It is definitely on my list from now on! it was a wonderful day and it was so much better b/c I was there with YOU!. love you mucho. xx

  27. Congrats on being published and a great race! Happy to hear things are unfolding nicely for you:)

  28. Love the new running journal! You're so creative. I love it!!
