Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Inspiring Woman Inspiring Women #1

Recently I was asked to tell about women that inspire me.  The first person that I thought of was my mom.  This was for so many reasons.  Her strength, resilience and beautifully creative spirit.  Her courage to dream big and use her gifts.  So much.  After writing a bit about my mom, my mind went to so many of the women I've come to know through the blog world.  Women runners, writers, artists and mothers.  So many of you have inspired me in some way and I feel like my life is richer since I've "known" you.  I'm inspired by the stories you share, the windows into your life that you tell with your words and photographs, and the big and small accomplishments I read about.  I'm inspired by those of you that come back from injury and hold true to your passion for running.  I'm inspired by the many mothers that train, set goals and work hard to be their best self so that they can not only fulfill their dreams and be true to themselves but so that they can be a model of strength for their children. So much inspiration from you!  Women bloggers who are sharing their life, reflections, thoughts, and lessons with other women (and men).

When I was teaching, one of the things I used to do at least once a week was to take time to write a few sentences or a short paragraph about my students. I wouldn't get to the whole class at once.  In fact, it was usually five or six students at a time. I'd write to them on a sticky note and put it in their writer's notebook or desk.  It didn't take long but it went a LONG way.  And it was so easy because they were words from my heart.  I wrote things that I noticed about them or things I was proud of them for.  Sometimes I told them how much I liked their work or that I noticed something they did that they thought went unnoticed.  I knew that these notes were of value because when I would read their notebooks, I could see that they saved their notes in little collections.  Sometimes they would save them in the back of their desks or pencil cases but I rarely saw one thrown away.

This got me thinking of how nice it is to hear from those that value you.  It is nice to hear how you've inspired or influenced someone.  Or even just to know that someone appreciates you for something you do.  This gave me the idea to devote a few posts to some of YOU...The Women Bloggers that inspire me or touch my life in some way. It might be that I simply love seeing your photographs or that your blog is a good place to go if I need a laugh or a smile.

The purpose of this is to KEEP IT SIMPLE but MEANINGFUL.  Just a short "NOTE" to let people know that they are making an impact...that they are inspiring others.  I'd love it if you'd join me in this...feel free to grab the picture above and list a few women that INSPIRE YOU!

There are too many inspirational women bloggers out there for me to possibly be able to decide who to start with so...
1.   I started by making a list.  
2.  Then I cut the names up and put them in a hat.  
3.  I will randomly be drawing 4-6 women at a time so that it is SIMPLE.  Just as I did when I wrote notes to my students.  
4.  Please know that if you don't see yourself on this first list that it means nothing more than your name wasn't one of the first to be drawn.  
5.  This is a great way to share inspiration with you and hope that some of you decide to grab the picture at the top or bottom and play along so you can share your inspirational women with us!  Even if it is just their name and link.  

Meg is the one on the right. And I'm sure she would hate that I'm drawing attention to her.  Sorry Meg, you're just that special!  Your fault for inspiring me.  
Meg is one of the first women runners that I came to know when I started my running blog.  She inspires me on so many levels.  Her spirit shines through in all she does and What a BEAUTIFUL spirit it is!  She inspires me with the way she is as a kindergarten teacher, a grandma, a wife, and a runner.  I always come away from her posts feeling a sense of peace and more love for myself, the world, and those around me.  She also inspires me to see the JOY in running, the words of a child, and the relationships in my life.  Thank you for inspiring me Meg!

I'm actually fairly new to Shannon's blog but just from what I have seen so far, Shannon is a kindred spirit.  Every one of her posts inspire me to live deeply, freely, and creatively.  Her most recent post was a reminder to slow down and really savor this wonderful and amazing life.  I'm so thankful that I found Shannon's blog.  I am looking forward to getting to know her on a more personal level as I continue to read her posts.  Thank you for inspiring me to get in touch with my creative spirit Shannon!

When I first found Briana's blog, I was instantly hooked.  I felt like I had discovered such a precious and amazing person to read about.  Over the past year, I have come to look forward to reading about Briana's life but also getting a window into her world and way of seeing her life through her BEAUTIFUL and inspiring photography.  Her life is full of color, a style unique to her (and that I love), and a passion for living.  Briana is a talented runner but isn't currently training for anything because she is expecting her first child!  I am so very happy for her!!  She will make an extraordinary mother!  Thank you for sharing your life with me Briana!

When Nicole called me on the phone not too many months ago and explained that she had heard about my blog and thought we'd be good running partners, I didn't know what to think. I am Amanda and I run alone, right?  Ha!  I was hesitant to let my guard down and I didn't know what to think.  I had no idea that she would come to be such a dear friend to me.  Nicole is a beautiful soul.  Resilient, strong, sensitive, and DRIVEN.  She is loyal and real.  And she wears her  heart on her sleeve.  It didn't take long for me to let my guard down with Nicole and realize what a positive influence she would have on me.  She inspires me to believe in myself, not be afraid to put myself in pain, and embrace the beautiful woman that I am.  Thank you Nicole.  You are so gifted and I know you will go far!  You inspire many.

Char has come to be a blog friend that I have learned from and been inspired by in several ways.  Char shares her life as a runner, a mother, and a wife and her stories teach me about dedication, love for family, being true to your passions, and being a loyal mother and friend.  Char has followed a path of doing what she loves and using her gifts to create some amazing uniforms and outfits for all kinds of sports teams, dancers, etc.  She also has some crazy awesome baking skills...at least form the look and sound of her cupcakes.  My mouth is watering just thinking of them.  Her love for her sons inspires me on such a deep level.  She is obviously there for them always...through the good and bad.  Thank you for being a blog friend Char.  I learn from and am inspired by you!

This is only the beginning of these Inspiring Woman Inspiring Women posts.  This was fun for me to do and by drawing random people out of my "Inspiring Women Hat", it made it so easy.  Otherwise, I would have way too hard of a time deciding on who to write a little paragraph about first.

So, here's my invitation to you to join me!  Grab this picture and link up (until I figure out how to create a button...anybody??)  and choose a few women bloggers that have inspired you and that you are willing to share with US!  Even posting a picture, or just a sentence about these inspiring women in your life...easy, meaningful, AND the rest of us get to meet new and inspiring women in the blog world. Let me know if you do it so that I can link you on my next IWIW post!



  1. Amanda--This idea rocks! And I got to "meet" some bloggers I didn't know--Briana, Nicole, Shannon. I already "know" and admire Char and Meg; they were perfect choices.

    And you would be right there on my list! Going to make one!!

  2. What a great idea! Thanks for the intro to some new awesome ladies out there!

  3. I agree...what an amazing idea! Thanks for showing me some more amazing bloggers!!

  4. Gosh, I read this right away this morning!!

    So much to say here and I will for sure be back tonight! I only know Meg and Nicole here! Great idea!

  5. I loved reading this and I need to check out all of these blogs! I have been inspired by so many blogs as well. I don't have a running husband or a lot of running friends (although I am slowly recruiting them to running) so reading running blogs keeps me going. I just did a blog list on my last post and you were of course on it!

  6. love this idea! you are so creative, supportive, and loving.

  7. So many women inspire me, but *your* inspiring me becasue you put your ideas and thoughts (scattered as they may be - mine too!) into concret plans of action. I like that.

    Meg is a major inpsiration to me as well! Such a positive good hearted woman.

  8. What an awesome tribute to your blog followers! Such a cool idea. I definitely might steal it!! :)

  9. Now, if you were going to Carlsbad with me, you'd get to meet Meg in reals. She's so cool in person (she was my Boston roomie and I stayed at her house this summer when we climbed Whitney) and you wouldn't believe how beautiful her house is, just like her soul.

    I know some of the others, great choices. I will have to check out some I don't know.

  10. This is a great idea Amanda! Thanks for sharing your words about these bloggers - I can't wait to go check them out. Your posts are always so uplifting and I appreciate it.

  11. Love this!! Thank you so much for sharing. I absolutely love this idea.

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE this .. and you! I feel like a broken record but you touch and amaze me Miss Amanda. I hope you know what an inspiration YOU are to so many!

  13. You are so sweet Amanda. I was thinking about you in the shower...that sounds weird..but I miss talking to you the last few days...lol....I am still behind on blogs but found this from FB. I will catch up soon. YOU are a special special woman in my life and I hope to always be able to show you how much you have meant to me the last few months. Love you dearly! xx

  14. You are blessed with such an amazing talent of writing. You have a way with words I wish I had. YOU are inspiring!!

  15. this, my friend, is THE best idea ever.

    I love it!!

  16. Love, love, love this!

  17. Ok, back:)

    First, this really is a beautiful post.

    I love this with your students. I'm so sure it did go a LONG way. I can imagine how many little, now big lives you've impacted. Man, I would have loved my Reese to have you for a teacher....A little note like this would go MILES with her...

    It IS nice to hear from those who value you. SO nice. I've been uplifted SO many times by just a few simple words....

    You have a huge heart. You are such a special woman...To me, to many. I can see NO ONE who knows you in blogworld forgetting to put you on their list. Love you.

  18. I love love love this idea!
    I am in!

  19. I agree with Jen
    you will be on everyone's list!!

    this idea was very thoughfull.
    I really like this.

    you know what Chris K would have said about this right?
    I can hear him complain from here! ha ha! dont you miss him a little? I do!

  20. You know, I still remember some of the notes that my teachers wrote on my papers. And even in grad school, I strived on a positive note from my advisor.

    As an adult, these things mean a bit less for me mostly because I feel pretty solid right now, but still appreciate the honest, heart felt once:)

    Yes, many inspiring women in my life, from childhood to adulthood. I always have one or more role models that I look up to.

    And I agree with Jenn, you would be on most people's inspirational list.

  21. this has got to be the best idea!!!! we are a community of runners/bloggers supporting each other... what better idea than to tell people that they inspire you!! that's one of my goals on "30 before 30" list i made.. to write a personal, handwritten note to all my close friends and mail by snail mail. whether i talk to them every day or haven't talked in 5 years. :) i think i'm going to take you up on the suggestion and make list to post! :)

  22. Damn Amanda you made me a little teary. I'm humbled to be on your list. And funnily enough you'd be on my list too. There are so many of your qualities that I admire and I just feel like I get you and you get me.

    How's that for a bit of a love-in?!

  23. Oh Amanda. It's 6:15AM and I am on the bus on my way to work. THANK YOU for your kind words and for highlighting me. Wow, I am so honored.

    You are such an inspiration to me in how I want to be as mother. Your love for your children, your husband, and your life are so obvious in your beautiful writing. I'm glad to call you my friend.

    Thank you, again. Wow. I am speechless. And you have made my day.


  24. What a fabulous idea!! Now I have new ladies to learn about : )

  25. i love briana's blog too!!!! i've been reading it for awhile now. great idea.

  26. Such a wonderful idea! Thanks for the new blogs to check out! I didn't forget about the writing email...sorry its been a busy week!

  27. love this idea Amanda! I LOVE that you did this when you were a teacher - my kids would so adore something like that...

  28. This is such a great idea! Thank you - so much inspiration in these links!
    You have so many creative thoughts!

  29. SO beautiful. Thank you for this! Also, every time I click over to your page I'm in awe of your amazing photo header. You are gorgeous and STRONG!

  30. fantastic post!!! I did something like this awhile back because you are right it's nice to recognize others who have helped you...especially when they may not even realize it!

  31. I recently though I'd exhausted the blog world of real, genuine, entertaining blogs. . .but I found yours. And I have faith again! (; what a great entry. I know have some other awesome chicks to check out too!!

  32. what a GREAT idea! And you are sharing more running blogs with all of us, so that we're able to find inspiration from them as well! :)

    And the part about your mom...incredible and what an inspirational woman that seemed to impact your life in such an amazing way!

  33. Sweet Lady, you brought tears to my eyes. There are just so many things that I want to say...and NO, I"M NEVER at a loss for words, but, I just can't say it all in a blog post.
    JUST KNOW, deep down, that you TOUCH lives in big and little ways. YOU are first on all of our lists of the MOST INSPIRING WOMEN. We all agree on that one.
    Keep mothering, loving, being so fair, honest, true and real with us all.
    Lots of love,

  34. oh my gosh! you're incredible. all these women look like rockstars (as do you). all my bloggy friends are hot and fit and fast :)

  35. This is a beautiful blog Amanda. You clearly have the gift of encouragement...and I love that you use your gift! Be blessed.

  36. Thank you so much, dear kindred spirit friend, for including me in your beautiful list of women. I feel honored and very blessed that our lives have crossed paths over this past year. Your space here is a shining light. And I so love your story about your students. What a gift you gave them... Thanks for the inspiration! xo

  37. Just found your blog and love this post. Wonderful way to spread the love around!

  38. This really is a cool idea. Plus now I get to check out some new blogs :D

  39. love this, amanda!! can't wait to join in when things slow down for me a little to where I can think straight. this moving business has my brain stuck. You are inspiring to me!! There are so many amazing women out there...the running community has got to be one of the most encouraging, inspiring group out there. SO awesome!!!
