Sunday, February 26, 2012

Running in Narnia

  • Off on a women's retreat this weekend with my church.  
  • Ran both days in a winter wonderland.  Softly falling snow, solitude, rushing rivers, heavy trees.  Felt like Narnia this morning.  Almost expected a wicked queen to come around on her sleigh and offer me some Turkish Delight before turning me into stone.
  • I ran VERY slow and easy.  Just gave myself a break.  Didn't run my 17 mile long run today.  Instead I ran 7. I'm okay with this.  
  • My head and heart are full.  Heavy might not be the right word but I certainly have much to process.
  • It is somewhat easy for me to be open and vulnerable in most areas of my life.  Except when it comes to my relationship with God. This is so very personal.  This weekend stretched me in a lot of ways and I'm emotionally EXHAUSTED.
  • My Mom cup was FULL when I got home and it was so nice to be with my kids.  I missed them.  And my husband.  
  • So thankful for my family.  
  • Glad to have made new friendships and spent time in prayer and worship.  But not so sure I'm comfortable with the walls coming down.  I'm kind of private when it comes to my spiritual beliefs.  This is a HARD thing for me.  I'm feeling just a tad vulnerable and not so sure I like the feeling right now.  
  • Thankful for comforts and familiarity.  Good friends, family, routine, my home, TIME alone, My walls/boundaries.  I am beginning to think I have more introvert in me than I ever thought.  I think we all have a little of both but after this weekend, I'm realizing that I like being alone way more than I was aware.  This weekend was fun and relaxing but it was also a lot of work on a mental and emotional level.  
  • Running for two days through winding mountain roads was absolutely beautiful.  Boston training was far far away from my mind and my running was just about being in nature and doing something I love.  This was a good break and was perfect timing for a cutback week in my plan.  I cut back a bit more in mileage than my plan called for.  I think this was good for me.  
Afterthoughts from this morning:

  • A weekend of retreat food  totally gives me gas. My appetite was HUGE this weekend.  Partly to do with the fact that I'm marathon training and partly to do with the fact that I'm a nervous eater.  Stuffing food in my mouth is surely a habit I have when I'm not totally in my comfort zone.  A church retreat would be one of these places.  
  • I really would have enjoyed a glass of wine this weekend.  Or a cold beer.  I was convicted of several things this weekend but one of them was that the occasional glass of wine or beer is really nice.  
  • Church retreats and church events can sometimes feel suffocating for me. Only because it seems like too many people have their HOLY masks on and it keeps them from being REAL. I have had some really awful church experiences so it has taken years to let my guard down and be open to new beginnings.  It is easy to fall into a trap of having a church face and a real-life face because we think in order to have faith and have a personal relationship with God where we feel loved, we have to fit a certain mold.  Overall, this retreat wasn't  like that at all (it was refreshing)...people were real and down to earth from what I could tell from not really knowing anyone.  But there were a few times that I just wanted to stand up and say:  "Hi, my name is Amanda.  I believe in God and want to grow in my faith.  I also enjoy saying the F words sometimes, I lose my shit often, I like beer, and I'm really excited to watch The Bachelor tomorrow night."  Actually, maybe I did say this at one point. The big thing for me is that I just crave REAL.  I want to know people...the REAL them...not the "holy mask" them.    
  • So nice waking up in my own bed this morning and getting up early to run faster than the slug pace I was going this weekend. 
  • Oh, is it really only 7 weeks to Boston?!  



  1. Sounds like such an amazing break from the daily grind. How awesome to have them fill that Mom Cup upon your return! It looks like it was gorgeous!

  2. Sounds like a good and necessary weekend. I'm always strong and calm but often feel vulnerable and weak when it is about faith issues. I suppose I just need more faith. (much more!)

  3. What a beautiful place to run! It sounds like you had an amazing and needed weekend away. Sometimes we need that push to get where we are meant to be. It is uncomfortable, I am the same way, but just like running it is those uncomfortable places that get us to the next level!

  4. How beautiful!!!!!!! I can imagine running and just getting lost in the moment!

  5. This sounds like a fantastic weekend for you! Nothing better than getting out in a beautiful spot for a run. And I've said it before, but--i really admire your constant, and I mean constant--efforts at self-improvement. Not an easy road to choose!

  6. What a great weekend for you! You deserved a little time away and I am glad that you had so much fun. I did a double take on the photo because I thought you were in Spokane! :-)

  7. I am so happy you had the opportunity for a weekend of peace and reflection. What a beautiful place to be with your own thoughts. I think it's wonderful when we find a new part of ourselves. A little introverted is a good thing:)

  8. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. I am going to a women's retreat this weekend and cannot wait. Seems you are in a peaceful state of mind.

  9. Only 7 weeks until Boston?! Sounds like this came at a good time.

  10. I just had to comment on the snow photo. It's just so beautiful! With probability I would never venture out running in such conditions (I just can't handle that cold weather) but it sure makes for an amazing scenery.

  11. Glad you had a great faith experience!

    I went to confession a couple of weeks ago and came out of it feeling like CRAP! The priest was totally on a power trip in there. I kept thinking to myself, " I'm not even hearing this guilt trip you go going on, Father." I was seriously looking for the trap door to escape the confessional. HA!

    Whatever to all of it though. Our God is a loving, forgiving Father. I am certain he will forgive me for not doing a Rosary 2 Xs daily.

  12. Wow it really is gorgeous there and it sounds like a nice little break. The good thing about little vacations and breaks is that they help us to realize how much we actually do love our reality. Sounds like you had a great run this morning to remind you. :)

  13. " seems like too many people have their HOLY masks on and it keeps them from being REAL"

    That is EXACTLY why I haven't found a church "home" yet. I can't handle phoniness. At all.

    Those pictures are breathtaking!

  14. I really get where you come from at times. I've had a similar experience with people from my church when I was growing up. They hid behind religion like a cloak of invisiblity until you couldn't see exactly they were. And they judged. Some of the most scarring moments for me as a young person came from a good Christian woman. And here I was learning that it was all about love and acceptance. I don't attend church now. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe in God or Jesus. I just don't believe that there's only one way to worship.

  15. Sounds like a refreshing weekend! I love your craving to be real-- I think that's something the church so often misses, and am glad you had a positive experience. Scripture certainly shows us that God was drawn to the "real" folks, not the "holy" ones. :) But I hear you, that's one area I like to be private too.

  16. I so agree!! For years I found myself in churches where I felt like such a christian misfit. i couldn't see other believers that seemed to be "like me" It seemed like if I didn't only listen to christian music, read christian books, live in the christian bubble - I wasn't living the way God intended. It hasn't been until the last few years and finding more authentic churches and meeting some amazing women that were believers- but so real and honest about their walk that I finally see what it is like to have close friendship with a fellow believer and it is so powerful to have a friend that you can talk to God about, and be praying for one another, but also drink wine, and talk about silly TV shows... It doesn't have to be one or the other. Thank you for sharing your "faith" stuff - I know how hard it is.. I remember when I first started blogging about Finley after we first got diagnosed with her birth defect. At first I struggled over each post and whether or not to include scripture, prayer requests... I felt so naked doing those things. Worried about how people would react, what they would think.... after a while God just kept working in me and eventually I was praying on my blog for the whole "world" to see... I think God wants us to live authentic lives for all to see his love in us as we love others - not perfect lives that others can't relate too. But authentic lives of people who love Jesus.

    Wow - sorry for the long comment! Your post really touched me.

  17. Such a beautiful picture. I love snow and I love trees and winter. We don't have much beautiful scenery for running like that and I can understand wanting to soak it all in:)

    I'm a nervous eater too. I don't eat a ton of food necessarily but I do weird things like take a bite out of a chip or something and put it back in the bag. Joe says he can tell if I'm nervous or stressed because all the pretzels in the bag are half eaten....

    I think I will remember to pack a flask if I go on a women's retreat:)

    Hope your run went well this morning and yes, only 7 weeks.

  18. "holy masks" - great way to describe it. And it is because of those masks and past experiences that I don't belong to a church. I continue to seek spiritual growth just in different ways. I admire you for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

    What a beautiful spot to run! Sounds like a good weekend overall.

  19. I fully understand how you felt a bit out of place at the retreat at first...I would have said the exact same words as you did only added in.."occasionally my kids drive me insane and I have to go run for hours to get away...." :) Anyway, glad you got a nice little break and glad that your kiddos (and hubby) were so happy to see you upon your return!

  20. I do have to say out of total sincerity that the women I was with this weekend didn't seem to have these "masks"...they were genuine and real.....just strangers so I felt a bit out of place. I think they accepted me for who I am or what they know of me. I was just stretched and definitely out of my comfort zone. :) Thank you so much for all these great comments at the end here. Liz, you seem to really "Get" me here with your comment. . Thanks.

  21. What a beautiful place to run! I have a pretty good idea where that is, too.

    There's lots I could say on here about retreats and faith stuff, but I will try to put on my comment filter. Just really glad that you got to go, because in one way or another you had a meaningful experience.
    Love you :)

  22. Hi my name is Kelly, I'm a Christian, and I read my Bible almost daily, and love God...but I screw up all the time, swear when I'm made, lose my temper, and judge people. I also watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians- even though it is total crap, but I love the drama. I also love McDonalds french fries.

    There.....I feel so much better.
    I love your blog- I'm a new runner (9 months) LOVE IT!!!!
    Kelly in Michigan

  23. Beautiful place to run! Perfect for thinking and relaxing while you ran.

    Really like your open comments on being real. I don't go to small group anymore because of church masks (not that I went for very long). I also believe life should be balanced, not all church all the time.

  24. Gorgeous scenery. Running in snow is much harder on your body so it's probably good you cut it short.

  25. Amanda! Love this post. Your words on faith TOTALLY resonate with me! My husband works for a Christian organization and it is a constant tension of being real and but also keeping boundaries.

  26. Oooohh..THIS is the post you were talking about this morning? lol..I just now saw it...i was wondering what the narnia stuff was about! ha ha...
    great post anyway. I get the church stuff, the God Stuff. I am fairly open and verbal about my strong beliefs but my personal relationship with Christ and God is very personal. I don't like people to judge me....just b/c I might have a sin on the outside doesn't mean you can judge me. Those who appear to have none on the outside probably have many behind closed doors. The greatest principle when it comes to fellowship with our fellow men is Judge not lest ye be judged. As a mother, I have learned that I am so far from perfect. I hope my children will be gracious and merciful with me. I have learned to be more gracious and merciful with others. I am also drawn to those who are open, vulnerable, REAL...sound like anyone you know?;)
    Love you girly.

  27. Wow! You have such a way with words. And I'm impressed you can talk about your need for spirituality so openly. And then move right into a statement about gassy foods. Seriously, it's very few that have a talent like that. For me, religion, just gives me an upset stomach. But I have had a week where I've been looking at the spiritual side of things. Can we have the spirituality without the religion? I think I may be game for that. Beautiful place for a Narnia run. Enjoy the family this week!

  28. Narnia looks beautiful! What a lovely run. It's sometimes hard/necessary to get away, but coming home is always awesome.

  29. Hahaha Turkish delight. I wish my wardrobe had a secret door in the back!!
    Glad you had a good time at the conference!

  30. Hey, as I said before, training is going great and a little cut back does a body good. Glad you had the chance to take a step back and reconnect. All life experiences that make us take a step back and think are worthwhile, regardless of the feelings they bring. There is always growth coming out of these experiences.

  31. I must admit that this post title caught my eye because we've been reading a little bit of The Chronicles of Narnia at night to my oldest two. I LOVE that picture. It looks like one of those "Rave runs" that would be captured in Runner's World!!

  32. I'll be honest with you Amanda.. every time I come to your blog, I stare at your arms in your banner picture a bit longer than I'd like to admit. Smokin hot mama.

    That picture looks just like Narnia.... man, I love those books.
