Monday, February 13, 2012

Things I'm Loving Lately

I love Valentine's Day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it is a holiday that can surely be overdone and used as an excuse for card companies and stores everywhere to make an extra buck. Just walking into most stores around this time of year can be an overwhelming overdose of pink, red and white.  Chocolates, cards, stuffed animals, flowers...we can't help but feel the pressure to buy something.  Can we say consumerism?  But Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about spending money.  It doesn't have to be yet another holiday about "stuff".  Not if we don't "buy" into that side of things. It can simply be fun to have a special time of the year to create some special memories with our kids, slow down a bit to reflect on those we love, have an excuse for a little romance and embracing all things love. After all, there isn't much in life that is greater than LOVE, right?  So, it makes sense to have a special holiday just to wrap ourselves up in it even though we should certainly still celebrate it year-round.  I like having Valentine's Day as a reminder that EVERY day can be romantic and worthy of celebrating such a powerful part of living...LOVE!  

In honor of it being almost Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share some of the things I've been loving in my life lately.  

  • My Valentine  This is a constant love for me.  Not just "lately" but "always".  As many of you know, we have a marriage journal that we write to each other in from time to time.  It was fun taking a few minutes to write to him this morning while my daughter finished her preschool valentines.  Gosh, this man is special to me!  

  • New Brooks Launches  There are very few things in my running world as sweet as putting on a new pair of Launch shoes. Oh baby, I love these shoes.  I really hope that Brooks never ever ever stops making them because they really are a great shoe for me.  Right out of the box, they feel like a small slice of running heaven.  And I LOVE the new colors!!  

  • Early Reading It wasn't too long ago that my oldest daughter (now almost 7) was learning to read and now my almost 5 year old is too.  It has been so fun to watch her pick up these little B.O.B books and sound out the words to simple stories like Dot and Dot and Mit.  I'm so proud of her and my teacher heart is especially happy.  I've also been loving this time in my daughters' life where we can all enjoy a good read aloud from a longer book at night instead of just picture books.  This week been living in the book Matilda, written by one of my all-time favorite authors, Roald Dahl.  I used to love reading this book to my students and now I'm having a great time reading it to my girls.  We've flown through it and will be done in less than a week's time.  It is really neat to see them both excited about it and have them beg for just one more chapter!  

  • Story Time/Early Literacy I may not be teaching in the classroom right now but I'm still finding ways to fill my teacher heart. One of the things I've been doing that has made me feel connected with the world of early literacy and children is the leading of story-time once a month to a group of preschool kids. I always leave feeling happy and energized. How can one NOT be energized after being part of a Bear Hunt and the Bean Bag Dance?!  I'm also excited to read some Valentine's books to each of my daughters' classes this week as well. So far, my passion for early literacy instruction, teaching kids, and helping kids love reading and writing is still a pretty HUGE part of my heart.  This is a good sign that I'm not done with this field yet and I will most likely return to my graduate studies and teaching in the classroom someday after my kids are older.  

  • Sports Beans  I tried these sports beans for the first time on my 20 mile run yesterday.  Although I wasn't running fast enough to "need" a lot of fuel, I do think that these little guys will be something I use in the future for racing.  I used one bag gradually over the course of my run, taking a few at a time with sips of water. I'm pretty sure I will like this method of fueling better than gels.  We shall see. I do think that I will want to wear my water belt in Boston or at least have a hand held water bottle that I can throw away if I need to.  It is nice for me to be able to take sips of water when I WANT and not just at the water stations.  Especially if I will be fueling gradually over the course of the marathon instead of taking my fuel in full doses at set times.  Even with gels, I like to take a little bit at a time over a few miles as opposed to just taking the whole gel at once.  
  • Training  My training has been going really well these past couple of weeks.  I've felt strong and my body is responding well to the mileage and workouts.  Knocking on wood here as I hope it continues to go smoothly.  Last week I finished the week with a 20 miler (yesterday) that brought me to 68 miles.  68 miles WITH some speed and tempo and an easy 20 miler @ 8:13 average pace ending with 3 miles close to marathon pace.  This makes me happy!  I felt strong the entire 20 miles and never felt like I was dying or too tired.  For most of the run, I was pretty consistent with low 8's or 7's for my miles.  And my average is with an almost 9 minute mile warm-up to start.
  • Sushi Dates  Last night my daughter and I tried a new restaurant for our sushi date.  I LOVE that my six year old loves sushi and that we can share it on our special dates.  Last night she tried some salmon rolls and even gobbled up the fish eggs on top.  So cool! Next time she said she'd try some octopus.  

  • Movies I don't watch much television or movies but the other night I found this movie Morning Glory on netflix and really enjoyed it.  I know it isn't new but it was new to me and I didn't want to turn it off even to go to bed at a decent time before my 20 mile run the next day.  Made me smile and definitely entertaining.  

  • Recovery Food  Okay, really bad picture here.  Gross even.  But I had to take a picture of this dish as I stuffed my face on the way to church after my 20 mile run.  This was the food my husband made for me for post run recovery.  So Yummy!  It consisted of quinoa and red/brown rice blend, chicken sausage, broccoli, spinach, Udo's oil, chia seeds and a bit of hot sauce. 
I'd love to hear what you are loving lately!  

So, What ARE you loving lately??  

Do you like Valentine's Day and what do you do to celebrate?  I already said that I love Valentine's Day but I don't make it about buying a bunch of stuff.  We make our own valentines with the kids and my husband and I just make an extra effort to write a love note to each other, light a candle or two and sometimes enjoy a special meal together.  Nothing fancy really. And he knows me enough by now to know that I would rather have a hand written note on scratch paper ANY DAY over a store bought card with a generic message in it.  If he does get a card he knows better than to just sign his name after some message that was written by Hallmark (one of my greatest pet peeves).  

Happy Monday!  Hope to get caught up with you tonight.  


  1. Oh, we are just moving away form the DOT books. So great for early reading. And I am working on getting Petru interested in reading Matilda (about a girl, that is the problem!).

    Sports Beans - I can't chew when I run, but I think they are great for breaking up a long run. glad they work for you.

    I love Valentine's day. We don't do gifts, just special notes and chocolates; Petru and I baked a heart shaped brownie for Chris today.

    Waylon - such a great man and such a good match for you!

    Training - yes, going super, you are in a groove. Nice mileage and nice long run.

    So happy things are going super for you.

  2. Oh, we are just moving away form the DOT books. So great for early reading. And I am working on getting Petru interested in reading Matilda (about a girl, that is the problem!).

    Sports Beans - I can't chew when I run, but I think they are great for breaking up a long run. glad they work for you.

    I love Valentine's day. We don't do gifts, just special notes and chocolates; Petru and I baked a heart shaped brownie for Chris today.

    Waylon - such a great man and such a good match for you!

    Training - yes, going super, you are in a groove. Nice mileage and nice long run.

    So happy things are going super for you.

  3. Bud and I are having dinner at home tomorrow night, and I'm making him a Rice Krispie heart to surprise him at work tomorrow. I've done this for the past few years and he always enjoys the pink heart!

    I'm so glad your running is going so well. I'm proud of you! Keep up the great running :)

  4. I love so much about this post!!
    - I am copying you and doing a marriage journal. It's like a continous scrap book. Love it.
    - Kid's books are my favorite. I have six little brothers and remember each of them in that stage. Roald Dahl was always a favorite; so were the Francis books and Sid Fleischman.
    - Feeling great for a twenty miler is the best thing ever. Sadly, I almost never have a good 20! My last one was, though; even though it was freakin' hot out. I finished with 3 miles at about 7:15 and that felt good.
    - I agree with you that it's good to have a holiday to celebrate love! I don't care that it's consumerized (I mean, what holiday isn't?). I like the whole idea!

  5. I am a HUGE fan of the DOT books. I believe in them. My son is now reading really well on his own and he is so proud.

    Sports Beans..I use them too..watermelon or fruit punch..they do give me heartburn at times...but better than gel for sure.

    I saw that movie and I did like it!

    I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. I am a fan of my husband every day.

  6. Just found my way to your blog, and wanted to say hello! I'm a fairly new runner, just did my first half, and love your writing and inspiration posts! And I LOVE Sport Beans. :)

    Megan @ ATC

  7. The journal that you and your spouse share is so sweet! What a great idea!

  8. I love the idea of a marriage journal! That is seriously so awesome. It's great to always have little reminders of why you love each other :)

  9. I've not seen that movie! Maybe I will grab it on Netflix tonight!

    Good stuff here-beautiful person, beautiful life, beautiful family!

    Valentine's day... Max and I just finished making his treats for his class. (In Northern MN, you can still bring food to share into the school-not sure about the rest of the nation) I am not working tomorrow and my kids are in school and Joe and I are home together ALL day. I've got someone to come and time my intervals on the track and then hopefully a lunch date and an afternoon of napping and watching movies on the couch-PERFECT Valentine's Day for me and much better than a gift:)

    Your training is going great! Great week-glad you're feeling strong!

  10. Every time I read one of your posts, I feel yet another connection! I, too, was a teacher in my previous SAHM life. 3rd grade, to be exact. My son is in 3rd grade this year, and it has been surreal! ;-) I am filling my "teacher void" by combining two of my passions: teaching and physical fitness... So excited for Girls on the Run to begin! I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to reach out to these girls, and dust off my teacher hat in the process. ;-) GIRL POWER! <3 I also love that my son is really really into reading, and it has been fun digging out all of my books from my storage bins in the garage, and seeing some of my favorite authors on the OBOB list! And my 5yo has started wanting us to read chapter books to her at night. <3 it! Thanks for sharing your loves. I'm gonna have to try that recovery meal one of these days... it looks and sounds deeelish! <3 Cyndie

  11. Love this post!!

    What I am loving lately is the 3 boys in the next room waiting for me to tuck them in...and the guy on the couch who is folding laundry...LOVE it!!

    I am a teacher too...and i love those books! Actually, I love all childrens' books!

    Happy Valentines Day and thnks for sharing:)

  12. Happy Valentines Day! I'm sure the love will be pouring out of your families hearts tomorrow! Glad to hear that you are feeling fairly positive about your training, I've been praying for your health as you've been going through the peaks and valleys of training. My hubby loves those sports beans and uses them as fuel for a lot of his longer runs.

  13. I don't like Valentin's day too much, since I feel people try to make money off of it. I rather get a gift during the year when I know my boyfriend gives it to me because he wants to do it and not because he has to. Nevertheless on Valentin's day we exchange letters or cards with each other. I like that :)

  14. I didn't know that you were an early literacy teacher! I am having so much fun reading the Little House books aloud to my five-year-olds. And I'm *very* excited to watch the world of reading open up to them.

    Right now I am loving: 1) winter (I hate running in heat and will take frigid any day) and 2) looking forward to a fun weekend with a 5-mile race on Saturday. Much less pressure than a marathon...and I get to hang out with Jill afterwards!

  15. Happy Valentines Day! I was just thinking of Friday how much I love the public library. My kids are 8, 10. It is fun when they start to move to the bigger books. And now I miss some of the little kid books. Little Critter books were a fav with my boy. My daughter was a big Berenstain Bears fan. Sushi date with your daughter sounds so special! I think I need to "borrow" that idea. A marriage journal? Wow, not only do you run faster than me, but you've got me beat on that one. That's awesome.

  16. Never even knew about the DOT books, but we are loving reading. I can't wait for Matthew to jump in the game too. You are doing a great job teaching them, mom!

    The journal you two share is so special- this is a really unique treasure I bet you will look back on in years to come, reading and re-reading. I love that your hubby wants to do this! I am not sure many guys would. :)

    Doing fantastic with your new plan, Amanda. Great long run!

    The boys and I celebrated valentines day by making some heart-shaped roses from felt and pipe-cleaners, then gave them out to the girls at church.

    Have a great week!

  17. I loved reading your list. Great to hear that you're training well and the body's holding up.

    Your kids' books reminded me of the joy of reading to my kids when they were younger. Sam loved Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree and Luke devoured the Judy Blume series. It's wonderfu when your kids can lose themselves in a book.

    We're not big Valentines Day celebrators here but they year Iven and I married he commemorated the day by putting a heart in his car window that said he loved his wife. Ah, young love!

  18. I love Valentine's Day! Not sure exactly why, maybe because it's a day to profess your love to your family over-abundently ... teenagers can be funny about how many times you are allowed to hug and kiss them. I take full advantage of this and tell them way too much today!

  19. You have some wonderful loves in your life, I especially love the love journal you and your hubby share (did I use the word love enough in that sentence?? :)). I'm equally impressed you only consumed one bag of sport beans in a 20 mile run...that's only like 100 calories. I can't take gels, they really upset my stomach, so I thought I would do the Sport Bean thingie too when I ran Portland Marathon...but I crashed hard at mile 23 when I had practically no calories in me for as hard as I was running. I just didn't practice this in training so it was my own doing.

    I haven't seen that movie but I remember when it came out it looked cute. I'm a sucker for cute movies so I will have to check it out! :)

    Love that things are going so positively for you, girl! You are so blessed!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Wonderful post Amanda. I agree that we should truly remember to incorporate love into our life all year round. Love is so powerful and should be constant.

    I love the sports beans and think you will really like them too. Wonderful job on your first 20-miler. I bet that feels so good to conquer and to know that you could have given more. What an amazing feeling!

  21. What a fun post! We have a journal we write it too... this was a good reminder to pull it out again, it's been awhile! So sweet that you can have sushi with your daughter and enjoy all the reading progress. And super impressive training, yay! That always makes me happy, too!

  22. How did I miss that you have Marriage journal?! That is fantastic...I can imagine the joy it brings looking at past entries.

    Happy <3 day! We are celebrating "in" as I have to teach class tonight!

  23. happy valentine's day! morning glory was a pretty good movie. the song at the end - natasha bedingfield i think - is a good motivating song to me. the "take what you want, steal my pride..." i can't remember the name of it.

  24. I am glad training is going well for you Amanda!! Happy Valentine's Day. I love the notes that you and your husband leave each other. Very cute.

    I love wearing my fuel belt during races because like you said I want to be able to drink when I want to drink. I have been happy with that choice.

  25. Oh I LOVE your posts. Love reading with my kids and they now both read independently. Another thing we love is audiobooks - they both will fiddle around for hours while listening to Harry Potter audiobooks (23 CDS!) or Matilda... Great for in the car too...

    I love Sports Beans. And I ran Boston with a small easily refillable hand-held and loved it. I could just sip a little when I wanted rather than take big gulps - my stomach is sensitive in races and this really worked.

    So glad things are going so well. XX

  26. I started watching Morning Glory this morning while I did the elliptical and thought of you! :-)

  27. I just watched Morning Glory for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Pretty cute movie.

    I love Valentine's for the same reason. I think it can be a perfectly acceptable holiday. We keep it really low key with no presents or super expectations... just a day to be a little bit more special.

    Sounds like things are going well for you, glad to hear it. I can't wait to see how Boston turns out... you're going to be awesome!

  28. Awe... I used to read Bobs books to my kids!!!!!!!!!!!
