Monday, April 16, 2012

Post Race Thoughts Boston Marathon 2012

More later....

Thank you SO much for making me feel so loved today!!  At one point in the race when I was having to dig the deepest just to move my legs, there was a girl Caroline who was running next to me.  She slowed down for me to tell me that she loved Runninghood and she shared several other encouraging words.  This meant so much to me.  And then finishing to all of your comments, texts, and posts made me feel SO INCREDIBLY LOVED.  Thank you.  It was one of the hardest, scariest, and emotional moments of my life.  Thankful to finish.  I didn't think I could.  



  1. We all love you, Amanda! Well done, girl - you ROCK!!!! As I said in text :), enjoy your victory, you so deserve to celebrate! Can't wait to hear about your adventure!


  2. OO the tears just turned to complete laughter seeing your husband crawling on the floor! So proud of you Amanda and your strength! You are truly an inspiration and take my breath away! Thank you again for sharing this and yourself so honestly and purely. You are one special lady!!!

  3. So so proud of you girl for prevailing on what was a BRUTAL day. It is amazing what days like this bring out of us though. Go cool off, bask in the glory of having this experience under your belt and enjoy the rest of your time in Boston. You are amazing!
    Your husband crawling back there was nothing short of hilarious! :D

  4. Oh Amanda I know that I have said this a million times, but I am so proud of you! You did awesome today despite the circumstances. You are so strong!!!! XXXX

  5. I have some tears right now. You are an incredible lady, Amanda! So is your escort. Thank you for the video and I can see that you are OK. I was worried for a bit. Love you amazing lady!!

  6. Congrats Amanda!!! You are truly amazing!!! Such an inspiration.

  7. CONGRATULATIONS, AMANDA! You ran a great race under EXTREME circumstances. You should be very proud!

  8. Like a rock you are; like I mentioned earlier -- on a severe day to boot! Again -- CONGRATS!

  9. And that is awesome that your husband was crawling on the floor in the video - too funny! Hope you have a great well-deserved celebration tonight!!!

  10. Your amazing Amanda. Congrats on finishing Boston 2012.
    Amanda you inspire us all.

  11. Ahhhh, I have a good friend who just ran it (in around the same finishing time as you too) and said that she could have done no more mentally and physically. You guys ROCK! So proud of you!!!!

  12. Congrats on an awesome finish, Amanda! This is what it's about. Finding strength when there is none left...friendship...and memories. Love this sport. Boston 2012 is in the books and you DID IT!! Congrats, again. (hugs)

  13. I'm so glad that you are proud of your accomplishment, you very well should be... you are truly inspiring and I love your attitude. Congratulations!!

    Also, your husband cracks me up... definitely changed the teary eyes to laughs. :)

  14. you did it!! you never quit, you fought hard and you dug DEEP!!!! Love you girl!! xxxx

  15. WAHOOOOOOOO!!!! I think we are all just in awe of you. Such STRENGTH. You totally ROCK! Total BAMR!

  16. have me bawling :-) I am so proud of you. You are such an amazing women that inspires so many. Much love to you.

  17. A. You finished! B. You posted a video afterwards! Amazing! I'll definitely think about you when I'm stuck in a rough spot in a race.

  18. A, I was tearing up and then I saw Waylon crawling and I started laughing. Only you can get so much emotions out of 2 min video! Such an emotional day for both today. So, so, so HOT out there and I was so worried about you at times with the chills and the hamstring and limping at the end, but you held it together and fought hard. I remember somewhere at mile 24 we were surrounded by people with red bibs and they were all walking, and you were pushing it and pushing it. Such a great experience today, A. And yes, you are stronger than you think, and you will be able to draw from this experience. Like we said, next marathon will be a piece of cake. Love you and SO PROUD of you!!!

  19. Congratulations!!! You did it and like you said, discovered just how strong you are!! Your raw honesty made me cry - you are so amazing, Amanda!!!

  20. INCREDIBLE. BRAVE. HONEST. Waylon you rock too!

  21. I was soooo bummed when they cut off coverage of the rest of the race after the elites finished! I was hoping they'd do as they've done with NYC and the Houston Marathon time trials - cover the rest of the field for a while. I thought maybe I'd be able to catch sight of you and send you good vibes. The heat was something else today!
    Again, you are awesome.

  22. You rock! I just ran my 2nd half marathon yesterday and really had to push through this one so I understood your video so much. I really fond that I am much stronger than I even knew! Love your blog. Erica

  23. SO proud of you! Way to finish!

  24. What an amzing accomplishment! You should be so PROUD! Congratulations! (and your hubs is awesome too) :)

  25. I had to work today but I was constantly sneaking around to look up runners at Boston today. I was rooting for you the whole way and knew the heat must be getting to you as I saw your split times slow. Congrats to you on an amazing hard won accomplishment!

    I finished my first half in 80 degree heat and thought I was going to die and never run another again, luckily the rest have all been in better weather and I can see how the first one in that heat made me so much stronger.

  26. BE PROUD!!! we are all so proud of you.
    So that has to be Nicole...what a great friend. That is worth everything...
    I like that you know that today for you breaking 4 hrs is something to celebrate..I like that you did not say I did not PR and this was not a good race. It was a GREAT race. I bet you will remember this one FOREVER.

  27. When times are at the worst, we find out what we are made of. Obviously you found that you are a fighter and you have an immense amount of strength and courage. Congratulations!

    BTW-love the hubs in the background! Too funny!!

  28. so so happy for you!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I can't wait to read all about it!! :) I'm sure you'll never forget BOSTON 2012!! :)
    haha... and your husband made me laugh lol... I was like, what is that crawling on the floor?! lol...

  29. You're awesome! Congratulations!

    btw, you look pretty darn great for having run that far in that heat.

  30. I was wondering what was going on with someone crawling across the floor until you explained it was your husband. SO funny!!

    You did an amazing job today. Way to fight through not only 26.2 miles which is hard in and of itself but you did it in extreme heat. I knew it had to be tough since EVERYONE I was tracking was off their normal race times. I'm so glad (Nicole?) could be there with you at the end. Celebrate your victory today- you EARNED it!!

    1. haha, he's so funny. Thanks Tia. No, it was my friend Ana Maria.

  31. You are so very loved!!! So proud of you for pushing through!!! You did amazing!!! I was tracking you the whole time and was so excited to see you finish!!!

  32. oh my gosh congratulations Amanda - so amazing! I'm so proud of you! Your quick recap had me tearing up, and then your hubby was some great comic relief. Congrats again - relax and enjoy - you are a warrior!

  33. You are awesome girl. I respect you for the fact that you can respect your body and can deal with the fact that no every race is a PR. You have true talent and today was no different from your other races! Great job on finishing through the battle.

  34. Amanda--I totally cried just now watching your video. Amazing job, girl. You are seriously SO inspirational. Amazing, amazing job.

  35. Dammit, just left you a tear jerked of a comment and it didn't go through. To sum it up..... I love you and I'm proud of you.

  36. I ran a marathon last year that was black-flagged from heat. Like you, I realized early on(for me it was mile 7) that it was going to be far more physically demanding than planned. And like you, I had a friend crazy enough to carry a gallon of water from a water stop for me, stuff ice down my back and keep me moving. I feel your race today and with tears in my eyes I say congratulations! Congratulations on finishing and on digging deep!

  37. Awesome job Amanda! I actually saw you just after mile 20 and yelled like crazy when I saw you - my boys thought I was nuts :) It was brutal out there and the fact that you pushed through is just amazing! Be proud!!

  38. Congrats! You ARE SO AWESOME and AMAZING!! Such an inspiration:)

  39. I can't imagine how miserable it must have been... congrats on pushing through and finishing! I can't wait to hear all the details!

  40. So just AMAZING is what YOU ARE!!!! you are one tenacious, tough, strong fighter...and we all DO love you :) Well done, DID IT!!!!

  41. I'm sooo proud, happy, and proud of you Amanda you are truly an inspiration to me and so many other people!! Your kids are gonna watch that someday, and say wow mom you are a rock star!!! Hey by the way, thanks for making me cry punk!!! ;) I love you and you will be my best friend for life!!!


  42. I'm sooo proud, happy, and proud of you Amanda you are truly an inspiration to me and so many other people!! Your kids are gonna watch that someday, and say wow mom you are a rock star!!! Hey by the way, thanks for making me cry punk!!! ;) I love you and you will be my best friend for life!!!


  43. What a huge achievement for you. It sounds like the conditions were horrendous but I'm so glad you did it and you finished. We never know what we're made of until we're tested and I think today proves that you're made of steel. Rest up. Eat up. And enjoy your achievement.

  44. Awesome job! This is truly a huge accomplishment. No one can predict weather on race day. You handled it well and fought on! Again, congratulations!

  45. Congrats girl! You made it! Persevered and crossed that finish line with some pretty cool memories to boot. Fun to live the race through you this morning. Super job!

  46. You need to change your name to Kick Ass Amanda. Your horizon is unlimited, my dear.

  47. Excellent job toughing it out till the end! I don't know if I could've done it. Savor your victory.

  48. Congrats! That's so cool that someone that follows you crossed your path. I'm sure it made you feel great.

  49. Congratulations on finishing such a hard race. So awesome that you finished with such warm weather. Congrats all the way from the (cold) Netherlands

  50. You.rock. Being from the south and shuddering a bit at the conditions, you definitely accomplished something impressive out there.


  51. AMAZING! Thanks for speaking to the strength within - God put it there, and you are using it!!

  52. Great job! You are one tough cookie! Rest up!

  53. Way to finish. I'm glad you finished and you are healthy!

  54. Congratulations! What a strong woman you are! And to say that you did it despite the worst conditions!

  55. So proud and amazed by your strength! You are so much stronger then you know, and when the going got rough you pressed on like a champ not giving in. It is so much harder to continue on when the going gets rough then to just throw in the towel and surrender, and that my friend is what makes you a rockstar regardless of what the numbers on the clock told you.

    1 more marathon in the bank for you! And girl if you can push through that, you can do ANYTHING!

  56. You're a rockstar! I was so proud to see that you were going to go out there and give it your best, despite the weather. Way to go!

  57. Amanda, your video was avery moving and uplifting at the same time! Everyone is so proud of you and all who faced the heat and extreme weather in that race. you are strong...and you are REAL...and I can see in your eyes and hear in your voice that you feel the same!

    Way to go!

  58. You are one tough chica, Amanda! Way to push through and finish. It may not have given us the times we wanted, but let's talk about the boost in mental toughness we just received. Next one you'll kill!

  59. HAHA, Waylon's toweled booty in the last few seconds, cracking me up!
    Proud of you, of course, but even more so now than yesterday! I've had a chance to hear so many more "war stories" from other runners or those who deferred. A lot of people couldn't proudly say, "I gave it my best on that day on that course and finished" - you can say that. You chose to tough it out and showed a lot of heart and strength.

  60. I'm crying with you! It was a HARD day, but we earned that medal and gave it every ounce we had. There was no amount of training that could have prepared us for the heat. Just getting across the finish line was a feat. Congratulations my friend. I wish that our paths could have crossed, but it did make me feel good to know you were "there". Congratulations!

  61. As always you are an inspiration and a mentor!! Thanks for getting out there in the heat and running because yesterday you showed me what determination can do in the running world. As a mom who wants to run Boston someday you showed me that I can do it.:)

  62. Congratulations!! What an amazing accomplishment.

    (p.s. Loved your hubby crawling out of the bathroom. LOL Hilarious.)

  63. i love you! in a non-lessy way, of course. in case you weren't sure about that.

    congrats on finishing! hot marathons are tough (i did chicago 2007). rest up and take it easy - they take more out of you than you might think since you ran slower than expecting and all. bummer that it was so hot but i'm glad you were still able to run and finish! i admire you! and i want your arms. and abs. minus the skin stretching :)

  64. You are so inspiring!! Way to push yourself through on such a warm day, you were definitely lucky to have your friend there to help you finish strong.

  65. Amanda, congrats on finishing Monday! I was out there, too, and know exactly how you feel. It wasn't about was about survival. I was also very scared out there for myself and everybody running, and am so glad to have the day behind me! I was thinking of you and how hard you worked for this day. I'm sorry the weather was less than perfect (understatement of the century!). BUT, the race became something different..a much, much bigger challenge with the record high temps... this was unprecedented! We deserve badges that say "I survived Boston 2012!" Your perfect race will come, for sure. And this experience will go down in your history as something special, making all your hard work WORTH IT!! What you had to overcome out there says SO. Much. About you!!! Congratulations, and can't wait to read your race reflections. Mine are already up, check out my race report if you need to commiserate. I really, really enjoy your blog and the wonderful reflections you have on mothering and running. Thank you for putting yourself out there! I can totally relate. :) Peace out, sista! Best, Caryn

  66. Congrats on finishing Amanda! You look amazing in the video after running a marathon and your strength, courage, and perserverence radiates in your voice and your actions.

    You are a strong women and I admire you so much!

  67. YAY!!!! you look so hot in that vid! congrats :D

  68. Congrats Amanda! you did a great job and were super tough on a brutal day. That is so great that your friend was able to jump in and run with you. It was nice to see you at the start. you looked great! i hope the rest of your trip was great and that you got home safely! Recover well! :)

  69. great job! love the video. You just inspired me to push myself in hopes for boston next year! THank you!

  70. Congratulations!! It was brutal out there on Monday, but you persevered. I love that your friend jumped in with you and stuck with you in those last miles. I hope you are still feeling VERY proud of that finish. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts about the race.

  71. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this video! We said/feel a lot of the same things - it was not an easy race. Can't wait to read your race report. Congrats on finishing Boston 2012!
