Friday, August 24, 2012

The Beginnings of an Adventure in Photos and a Few Words

Hood to Coast weekend if finally here!  And it is off to a great start.  I'm here in Seattle with the Nuun staff and thirty running blogging women from all over the country.  I admit, I was a little anxious before getting here.  I found myself in a weird place the past couple of weeks...emotional, stressed, a little injured, and unsure of what to expect about this opportunity to be on a sponsored Hood to Coast team.  But here I am!  Here WE are!  And really, it will be hard to put this experience into words.  It really has been an incredible adventure so far and the relay part hasn't even started for those of us in van 2.  

The Nuun staff has been so very good to us.  Most of us flew into Seattle (where the Nuun headquarters are) on Wednesday, and since then, we've been taken care of in more ways than we expected. The best hosts a team could ask for!, hotel, drinks, entertainment, team bonding, swag, friendship...the list goes on. We've been treated like running royalty. What a great group of Nuun employees!   We want for nothing!  :)  They definitely went above and beyond and we are all finding ourselves feeling so very very thankful.  

Now here we go...ready to rock this relay and honored to represent Nuun!  My van leaves in 30 minutes so I'll leave you with some photos to tell a bit of the story so far.  

Off to Seattle for Nuun Hood to Coast.  A little anxious.  But mostly excited!  

Just returning from the Nuun Amazing Race...oh the things we had to do for points!

LOVE our jackets!

Jessica from Pace of Me showing us a new way to use compression shorts...a Nuun bottle holder.  Love having her as my roomie here in Seattle!
Nicole from Ricole Runs was so kind to share her KTape with me.  Thanks girl!  

So so lucky to have Molly as my roomie!  Love!

Tiffany from Heavy Medal/Running Hutch.  Pig Kissing in Seattle. What a beauty!

The first guy in Pike Place Market was all too happy to play along with our tattoo game!

Morning coffee with a great group of girls before heading out

And we're Off!!!

Oh, and I'm getting lots of Twitter lessons from these ladies.  I think I even know what a hash tag and a twitter handle are now!  Woot woot!

Follow Runninghood on Facebook or Twitter


  1. Wow looks like a great time so far...cant wait to read more!

  2. It looks amazing!!! What an awesome experience!!! Have a blast Amanda and I can't wait to follow along!!

  3. You're going to have a great time. Enjoy!

  4. Love all those pics- it's been fun following all the tweets and instagram photos from everyone. Enjoy it all!

  5. Love the pics. Have fun, run fast, live easy! Safe travels:)

  6. Awesome! Great pics!! Run Happy:)

  7. Yayyyyyyy!!! Too fun for words. xxxxoooo

  8. been following your fb updates, looks like you've had a blast! what a great experience with a great group of ladies!

  9. All I can say is that you're awesome in so many ways! You have the best personality and I loved every minute we got to spend together.

    Love these pics. I'll be reading everything. :)
