Sunday, November 11, 2012

Simple Happy Sunday and Beach Run

Just a few bullets:

  • Enjoying sunny California.
  • Running along the coast with sunshine, a light breeze, and blue skies = HAPPY
  • A weekend with my brother, sister-in-law and sweet nephew also = HAPPY
  • Building up mileage slowly.  
  • Feet feeling a little off the past few days. Pelvic bone starting to hurt again too...must be that rotating hip/pelvis or whatever it is that my sports chiro helps me fix when I see him.  Makes me a little bummed out to feel so "off" and in a bit of pain all over when I sleep.  Something just isn't right but I'm trying to stay on top of it.  
  • 10 beautiful beach miles this morning.  Easy 8:17 average...first mile 8:33 and last mile 7:58.  Focused on my Chi Running points:  Body sensing, Relaxation, Meditation, and Breathing.  
  • Taking the kids to Disneyland soon.  Excited to see their JOY.  
  • About 4 months until my next marathon (Napa Valley).  Also about 4 months until we go on a new adventure to Asheville, NC.  Excited for both of them.
  • Running again makes me feel a CALM I haven't felt much the past few months.  
  • Running more often also is helping my clothes fit correctly again.  I'm currently about 8 lbs heavier than I was 6 months ago.  I know this isn't much but I feel it and it just isn't entirely comfortable.  I love my body and have good body image at this stage in my life but I also know when I need to lose a few pounds and start watching what I eat again.  
  • I'm thinking I need to stock up on my Brooks Launches since they won't be around much longer.  I ran in the Pure Flows almost exclusively around April and I ran my July marathon in them.  However, now that I'm back in my Launches, I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss them.  Must start experimenting with some other Brooks shoes.  
1.  Are you a fan of Brooks Launches?  If so, what will you be running in once they aren't around anymore?  Flows?  
2.  What's your favorite environment to run in?  I like the beach, forest trails, mountains...they all beat running through suburban neighborhoods.  



  1. Beach running is great! I did it regularly a few years ago and just loved it. But it's hard to get out of bed at 5:15 to drive an hour just to run an hour and then drive another hour home.
    I can't wait to see the pics from Disneyland. Such a fun thing to do with your kids!

  2. Beautiful, happy photos :)

    I like hilly forest trails...with ocean views :)

  3. I love running on the beach. It is one of the things I look forward to when I go and visit my parents. I have a route that takes me along the beach in Manzanita and then through the state park. I used to run that route everyday when I was in high school. Always brings back good memories.

    Enjoy the rest of your Cali trip. It looks like you are having fun.

  4. Love your pics today!! SO sunny and happy. Big Amanda smiles there :)

    Your kids are going to have such a great time at Disneyland. There is a small chance we might get there this spring. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  5. It's the worst when your shoe is changed or discontinued :(
    Those are such pretty, peaceful pictures. Enjoy the time! And the lovely running scenery!

  6. Loved my Brooks Launches as well. But, I now love my hot pink Pure Cadence? (i do not quite remember, but they are the hot pink ones on the brooks website. I LOVE them! I am also interested to try the new brooks adreneline 13s. I also loved the 11s, but hated the 12s. So, I am hoping the 13s are a better shoe than the 12s. I like to vary my shoes a bit, but I have not really found another I like as much as my pures. (I also have the pure flows and pure____something else!)

    Love your photos, looks much more relaxing than my 36 hours of night shifts at work this weekend!


  7. What lovely photos! You will have such a great time with your kids at Disney this week - they're going to LOVE it! You'll be exhausted though! Keep checking in on those niggles - get them sorted now before you start training.. And as for those 8lbs - you look gorgeous but I hear you - I need to do the same!

  8. Was wearing Brooks for awhile, but started having issues. Went to my favorite little running store, and they suggested Saucony - the toe box is more narrow, which is apparently what I needed. Great pics - can't wait to run at the Jersey Shore again - doesn't look like it will ever be the same ;(

  9. Remember the yellow Launches? Can you believe I have had a pair all this time and still run in the occasionally? Well, they are finally dead. I wore them for the marathon yesterday and my feet were killing me from the padding being shot. Sad day :( I am going to go with the Flows, but waiting until the new model comes out in a few weeks. I did, however, purchase a final pair of Launches the other day. Luckily, they had a few boat sizes left.

    I'm with you on the weight loss. I'm not obsessive about it, but need to drop a few and get back into racing shape. I'm looking foward to reading about your future adventures- so many happy things coming up! :)

  10. Love my Brooks Pure Flows and Launches!!! I didn't know they weren't going to be around anymore!!
    I love to run on forested trails and through prairie marshes!
    I feel the same about extra pounds - I just feel better when they are not there. But those five are always the hardes for me!

  11. Beautiful pictures. Always something about a beach that provides some happiness, clarity and beauty.

  12. Beautiful pictures. I love the first one.
    My favorite is to run on the beach and in the sand. It's hard; it's messy; it's glorious. And it gives me a sense of accomplishment since it's tougher to run in sand. When I survive, I feel stronger.

    plus, the beach is great scenery.

  13. I love running along water, ocean/river/bay, any of it. My fave. Love the photos!

  14. Never could run in the Launches. I tried several different times knowing it is a great shoe that losts of people LOVE. I have been putting in most miles in the PureConnects and really happy with how my feet & calves feel. Love that you are enjoying your trip!

    Looking forward to maybe meeting up in Asheville - Maybe for this

    I love running on roads in the country where there no cars and no dogs.
