Friday, December 21, 2012

PMS in My 30's, Training With Kids, and Never Trust a Quiet House

I'm convinced that I shouldn't be allowed to make big decisions on at least 3 or 4 days of every month.  Women in their 30's with PMS are a dangerous and unpredictable phenomenon that should NOT be taken lightly!  I already feel sorry for my husband once our daughters approach the teenage years. And can someone please tell me why it is that women who spend a lot of time together end up having darn near the same cycle?  What is that? And why does this woman hormone thing seem to just get worse with age?  I woke up this morning thinking that I was going to delete my blog.  Not just a post or two but the whole thing.  No more Runninghood.  Yup.  Why?  Hmmm, good question.  Irrational hormonal behavior during this time cannot be explained.  There is no rhyme or reason.  It just is.  And it usually takes me at least 2 or 3 days of swinging around on my hormones, seeing my emotions spill all over the floor and changing my moods as quickly as I change outfits before a party before I realize that I'm wrapped up in PMS.  Gosh, being a woman is so awesome.  So, I'm not going to delete my blog today.  Maybe tomorrow.  We'll see how irrational I get.  Ha!  Instead, I'm going to write a list of random things that come flowing out of my head.  I think that this type of writing helps myself and my family.  It helps me because I process well with writing and connecting with people and I usually feel better afterwards.  And it helps my family because...well, when I feel better, everyone feels better.  Win win.

  • Just finished 10 miles in 1:19.  Had no choice but to do it on the treadmill today and honestly, it worked better for this workout than it would have if I were outside in my hilly neighborhood.  Went something like this:  2 miles @8:20; 2 miles 8:06; 2 miles 7:54; 2 miles 7:42; 2 miles 7:30 at a 1% incline.  
  • Happy to be done with my run today.  It was hard work for me and I realize how far I am from marathon shape.  However, I am going to try to snap out of the negative thinking of how much harder my paces feel now compared to last spring, etc. and focus on celebrating that I am nailing the workouts my coach is giving me.  I need to trust the plan.  
  • Someone asked me the other day if I thought the treadmill was easier than the road.  It depends what day you ask me.  Today the treadmill felt way harder for me.  
  • What did my kids do while I ran? They played with shovels, dug holes in the front yard, and buried grass seed with the neighbors (my treadmill looks out to the front yard from my garage).  They were dreams all day!  LOVED it.  My oldest played teacher with the two younger ones and I actually got a lot of quiet time. This was much better than yesterday when I found myself with a peaceful house.  My daughters were quietly reading on the floor next to me and my son was using the bathroom.  I found myself so relaxed that I was dosing off into a little power nap.  I should know by now...NEVER TRUST QUIET if my son is awake.   Love him.  I do, I do.  He will be successful someday, I'm certain of this.  For now, he is a beautiful boy of a handful.  

And now, this is where I pretend that I've been back here in my room/bathroom showering the whole time instead of leaving my husband with the kids as soon as he walked in the door. Yup, I'm supposed to be be back here getting ready to head out for some family memory making instead of wasting my time  writing a blog post that didn't need to be written and that nobody will read anyway since it is Friday evening during the holidays when everyone is getting ready for fancy parties and last minute shopping...yaddi yaddi ya.  But I feel better to have let my fingers move across my keyboard a little so that counts for something, right?  As for the PMS?  Well, it's still here.  

Happy Friday! 



  1. I read it! Maybe because I have no life..haha just kidding..PLEASE don't delete your blog. I love to know that there is someone out there going through what I go through with a boy.

  2. Love to you Melissa. Thank you. We have no life either...oh yes we's called having kids! :) Love it...wouldn't change it. I actually like our cozy Fridays at home. Thanks for your words. I probably won't delete it...Just been feeling wildly vulnerable lately and actually out of sorts when it comes to being used to come naturally and now I find myself so guarded. Hard to find my writing voice lately. :)

  3. I read it too!

    The absolute best thing I've ever done is go on continuous birth control. No PMS, no cramps, no periods...PERIOD!

  4. No-life-Lisa here, reading away :) Please don't delete...ever!

  5. I always read your blog - just don't comment often. I had horrible PMS in my 30s. I took many years to figure out why I was so cranky and depressed. Once I figured out what it was that helped. But some days I wish I could just hide myself away from everyone! (they probably wish it too) Just tell yourself at least you're not going through menopause yet! (That's what I'm dealing with now) Hang in there! :)

  6. It's a yoga pants, glass of wine, homemade pizza, watching tv, cuddling on the couch night here. and I snuck away while he plays a game on the iphone to check my messages.

  7. Thanks girls. Oh, Linda, it will be SCARY to see me and menopause when we meet. I already warn my husband about this!! Christa, sounds just like our night. One kid is caroling with a friend and the rest of us are eating pizza and spending time on the couch.

  8. I love the toilet picture. It happened at my house too - quite a few times. Stupid perforations that won't tear for small little hands. And it's so much worse when they try to flush the 'evidence'. Hello blocked toilet!

  9. Ha ha! This is so true. PMS is knocking me out in my 30's......Like OUT. Hmmmm-I have actually deleted my blog....and my facebook.....and I've nearly quit my job on the spot. No more decision making during PMS for me-ha!

    This is a good run my friend! Some days are just hard and I'm pretty sure PMS also affects running too:) Yes, don't focus on the hard. You've had several workouts already that you've felt GREAT. Your pace has felt easy!

    Yay on the cooperative happy kids! Hope your family memory making went well. XOXO

  10. I read it too! And I can relate. I NEVER got pms like this in my 20's. Steve said to me during my last period "wow, you had like THREE pms moments this period" lol which was true. I broke down and spazzed out on 3 diff occasions about stupid stuff.
    And like you, I already feel bad for Steve when the time comes that we all have Pms. Poor guy doesn't stand a chance! Lol
    As for marathon training, you will improve quickly and you will be back in shape like last spring in no time!!
    Love you!!

  11. I'm glad you didn't delete your blog today! I love reading it especially when you have your little boy - he truly reminds me of my youngest at 3 - it was rough!! You will make it through and then just have some great stories as a result!!

  12. That's pretty funny that you woke up thinking that you were goin to delete your blog! I'm glad you didn't! I love that you can sneak away and write a post so quickly. My blog posts take a much longer time. I wish writing came naturally to me like it does to you. I like your attitude about training. Like you said, you are hitting your paces so that should be the focus. Did you run this morning? It was quite beautiful out.

  13. Love that you posted this. So relateable.

  14. I've learned so much over the years about hormones and PMS and there are things you might try to even things out. If I'd known all along what I know now...

    Wishing you the best :)

  15. Glad you decided not to delete your blog and I hope that you decide not to delete it in a couple of days too. Love your blog and your posts. :-)

  16. deleting might feel freeing, but only for a moment. You'd probably immediately miss this outlet you've created. You have a lot of beautiful words left to share and a lot of loyal readers.
    Can't imagine a better combo.

  17. Read it! Haven't even touched a computer in weeks (other than to check orders!!) but Runninghood was the first place I went to catch up with the world! I love your inspiration! I love reliving the crazy days of trying to fit it all in when my little ones were little! Hang in there!!!!! And Merry Christmas!!!

  18. Oh yes, 3 years olds and quiet time. I'm looking forward to the day that changes!
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Amanda!

  19. I have major PMS issues! I believe everyone hates me and I start to hate my life. A few days later, I feel loved and happy and life is great. It's so funny.

    Your kiddos are so funny. Always keeping you on your toes. :)

    Merry Christmas, Amanda!

  20. well i'm glad to see the blog is still here! :) lol. stupid women hormones!! hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, and happy new year!
