Saturday, December 29, 2012

Slowing Down and Enjoying the Process

Just a couple (of my MANY) random reflections from tonight that really should be posts in themselves but I'm tired, ready for a 20 miler tomorrow and just needing to process a bit before I head to bed:
  • Slowing Down.  I'm convinced that this year has opened my eyes to so so much.  One of the things it has made me so aware of is the power of slowing down before we can MOVE ahead.  I think this is true for running in the sense that I've finally learned the VALUE in the slow running so that I CAN get faster.  But more importantly, I see this being true with life.  Setbacks and slowing down in life can be frustrating and even painful but they bring with them life lessons, tools, reflection, etc.  that we need in order to be our best selves and forge on ahead to becoming who we are meant to be.  I've struggled a lot this year with some things I haven't talked a lot about with too many people.  Some situations that have really given me an emotional shake.  There were times this year I thought that maybe I was broken in my ability to reflect and come back to myself like I've always done quite quickly.  Things just seemed to drag on.  But lessons were being learned, wisdom gained, and my heart and soul getting stronger.  Now that I look back, I wouldn't trade anything for the world.  I've changed.  But for the better.  And I'm so glad I didn't try to plow through it all without taking the time to SLOW down and really BE WITH ME and process.  I'm thankful for the courage to be still this year.  The courage to cry and be weak. To wrap myself up in love. To admit that my heart hurt. The courage to ask for help. And the courage to finally cut some toxic friendships out of my life in order to keep my circle small but safe.  I'm thankful for  just knowing when I needed to slow down and BE.  I've learned so much. 

  • Enjoying the process.  Marathon training is going really well.  It is simple and I'm feeling fulfilled.  And each day that goes by leaves me feeling more and more driven and happy to be running again.  As the miles increase gradually and the workouts get a bit harder, I find myself just so happy to have something to work  helps me have a richer life. I'm finding myself quietly confident and trusting in myself and the plans that my coach gives me.  But when I think about WHY I train, I really don't think it is all about the end goal for me right now.  It isn't all about what happens on race day.  Yes, a Personal Best would be awesome.  Yes, getting faster is a plus.  However, that day doesn't take away from all that I am gaining right now. That day won't define me as a marathon runner, an athlete or a person.  Training is a process.  A journey.  Again, much like life when we hear the "Life is a Journey"'s not what happens at the end  but what happens along the way.  I feel like so much of training is about what we learn about ourselves and gain from the process of training.  Training just to train?  Maybe.  Do I think I have the potential to run a much faster marathon than I've run before?  ABSOLUTELY!  Do I feel the drive to do that right now?  Not so sure.  I'm really just happy with where I'm at.  I don't feel a huge hunger for chasing a BIG DREAM or GOAL other than to just continue to stay fit, be healthy, and ENJOY RUNNING while being the best mother, wife and friend that I can be to those MOST IMPORTANT to me.  Gosh, it is such a gift!  The freedom to just be content and, of course, the gift to just RUN!  



  1. Finding contentment without settling into complacency...sitting in stillness, making core-driven are pretty super amazing :)

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  4. Great point - running is a gift!! Being injured makes me appreciate it even more!

  5. @ Marjorie, thanks so much.

    @ Jenn Thanks. ha! I disagree about the well written part but thanks. I woke up this morning to such bad writing in my first paragraph (written late last night) that I deleted the whole paragraph. That was the part about the bulldozing right through it so sorry if your comment refers to something that is no longer there. ha! :) So glad you had some of this time with Joe and with yourself. Here goes this 20 miles in a couple hours. Going to eat some quinoa. xo

  6. Slow down and enjoy the process...perfect sentiments for all aspects of life!!

  7. If I never ran another race I would still run because I love it that much. It's not all about getting faster or achieving, sometimes it's just about feeling the wind on your face and the sweat down your back. Feeling strong. Struggling up hills and the achievement of making it to the top. Checking out the neighbourhood and how that new house is progressing. Every day the reason I run and the gift it gives me is different.

  8. If I never ran another race I would still run because I love it that much. It's not all about getting faster or achieving, sometimes it's just about feeling the wind on your face and the sweat down your back. Feeling strong. Struggling up hills and the achievement of making it to the top. Checking out the neighbourhood and how that new house is progressing. Every day the reason I run and the gift it gives me is different.

  9. I've been thinking about that lately, too- training to train. It's nice sometimes to put in work just to feel strong and know you are in great shape without having an arbitrary result hanging over your head (racing goal/time).
