Tuesday, February 12, 2013

StrideBox Review and Giveaway

There are so many things out there in our world today that make things easier on people.  Online shopping, drive thru coffee shops, getting your groceries delivered, etc.  One of the things I've been especially interested in is getting organic produce delivered to my house once a month.  I've heard of friends who have this service where they get a box delivered every month with an assortment of organic vegetables and some fruits.  They don't know what they are getting so they are sure to try out a variety of things they might not otherwise have bought from the store.

But what about Running Specific Deliveries??!  

When I was contacted by a company called StrideBox about doing a review of their service, I was excited to hear what they had to offer.  Instead of getting organic produce delivered to your door every month, how fun and useful would it be to get a box full of RUNNING related (and other endurance-related sports) goodies to try out?!

Here's some quick facts about StrideBox that they sent on a Quick Fact Sheet in my February Box:

Who's It For?
StrideBox is specifically curated for runners, but could be used for other endurance athletes and active people as well.

What's In It?  
The contents are different each month.  Subscribers can expect nutrition products, running accessories and other cool stuff.

How Much Is It?
StrideBox is $15/month (includes shipping)

It was fun getting my February StrideBox in the mail.  I know it might seem silly to some but even the way it was wrapped up so nicely in tissue paper made it feel special.  It was like getting a present!  Again, each month your StrideBox will be filled with different products to try out.  Every month has a card telling you what is included and offering you discount codes some of those products if you decided you liked them enough to buy more.

Here's what StrideBox had to say about February's box on their StrideBox Blog:

We stuffed this box full of cool running nutrition and accessories… here’s what was in the February 2013 StrideBox:

  • Gu Chomps Energy Chews, Lemon Flavor
  • Hammer Bar Ultimate Energy Bar, Cranberry Flavor
  • Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes Fizz, Peach Flavor
  • Honey Stinger Organic Energy Gel, Acai Pomegranate Flavor
  • Mazama Bar High Performance Energy Bar, Various Flavors
  • Skratch Labs Exercise Hydration Mix (2), Lemons And Limes, Oranges
  • Dr. Hoy’s Natural Pain Relief Gel
  • Lock Laces – Shoe Lace System
  • On The Go Towels (3), Unscented, Am Rush, and After Hours Scents
  • StrideBox Bend-A-Bottle Soft Water Bottle

One of my favorite things to try out in this box is certainly my new favorite gel:  Honey Stinger Organic Energy Gel and the Lock Laces for my shoes!  I'm sure I'll try out all the other products very shortly too...they are things that I will use...or at least try.  Some of the contents are new brands that I've never heard of and some are my favorite things.  I can add them all to my Running Fuel "STASH".

StrideBox would like to give one of YOU an opportunity to try out their March Box.   I'm changing things up a bit here with how I do this giveaway thing since I want to give you an opportunity to comment on here AND on Facebook...whatever works for you.  I know some of you don't like to use Facebook but some of you don't like to or can't leave comments on the blog post for some reason.  So, follow me here...Trust me..I'm all about making these things EASY.  Good grief, how many hoops does one want to jump through just to enter a giveaway, right?  :)  All this requires is thinking of a number from 1 to 1000 before your comment or comments (depending on how many you leave..only one required).

So...for every comment (here or on the link to this giveaway on Runninghood's facebook page) just preface it with a number from 1 to 1000.  I'm going to use a random generator to choose a number and the person closest in number to my number I choose will WIN!  If you choose the same number as another person then I'll draw from a hat old school style.  Sounds good to me.


  • Follow StrideBox on Facebook or Twitter.  Then let me know you did (on here or on Runninghood's facebook link to this giveaway)!  Just give me that number between 1 and 1000 first.  Example:  "356.  I followed StrideBox on Facebook."

Extra Entry: 

  • Tell me (on here or Runninghood's FB wall) WHY you think you'd love STRIDEBOX!  Again, remember to preface it with another number.  Example: "432.  I'd love StrideBox because I'm new to running and racing and this gives me a chance to be introduced to some great running-related products!"  
  • Share this review and giveaway about StrideBox on Facebook or Twitter and let me know you did in a comment (either here or on Runninghood's FB link to this post).  Again, remember to preface your comment with a number from 1 to 1000 (different from before).  Example:  "999.  I shared on Facebook."  
Easy Peezy.  Good Luck to you!  I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think about this service.  I haven't seen anything like it.  

Giveaway ends on February 18th.  



  1. 567 - I followed StrideBox on facebook!

  2. 731 - I'd love a Stridebox because my husband is training for the Hamilton (Ontario) Around the Bay 32k and a marathon in May! These will be his first two big races and I'd love to surprise him with a stride box!

  3. 883 I follow Stridebox on Facebook.

  4. 812 I follow Stridebox on Facebook

  5. 301. I went to like it and it turns out I already do!

  6. 425. I would love this because as a nursing mother runner, I burn through the calories on runs and am always looking for new ways to get the calories!

  7. 91 I follow them on facebook

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  8. 747 I followed Stridebox on FB. I would love a Stridebox because living in a small town I would have to go to 5 different stores plus drive over 1 1/2 hours to the nearest bigger town to get all those items in one box:)!

  9. 529 I would love to try this because I am stillll trying to figure out what works for me in the fuel department.

  10. 978...I just bought my sister two subscription boxes for her birthday and she loves them! Birchbox and Klutchbox (though she prefers Klutchbox to the Birchox.) I don't have a subscription box but would LOVE a running one!

  11. 461 I follow StrideBox on Twitter. It sounds like a fun product!

  12. 4. I'm following them on facebook!

  13. 26. I would love to get a Stridebox, because I've fallen so far off the running wagon. I'm slowly getting back to running, but could use a little reward. This box would be a great for that! (and the above post should say twitter, not facebook, oops)

  14. 1000. I shared on twitter! Fingers crossed!

  15. I just...don't really get the Stride box. Maybe it's because so much of it is energy products, and I think many runners are picky about their fuel and don't want a box of new things every month. I'd prefer to spend the $15 on 15 gels I trust, lol! But the lock laces would be nice to try.

    1. Honestly Gracie, I don't think this would be a product that I would necessarily get because I know what I like and I stick to it. However, I disagree that most runners are picky. So many runners are new to racing and running and this is a great way for them to get to know new types of nutrition and products. So, I may not want this every month but so many runners would. And yes, you aren't a new runner so you know what you like ...$15 on that is better money spent.

  16. #410 I liked Stridebox on Facebook :-)

  17. #715 I think this is a cool idea, how fun to try out new products on a monthly basis!

  18. 19 - This is an interesting concept, Like Gracie said, we are picky about our fuel, but I LOVE Lock Laces and use a version of On the Go Towels.

    In my own personal opinion, if the company listed all the nutrition companies they have to offer, and we could pick at the least the brand we prefer to use, that way they get samples of a brand they actual use and the running gifts will be a surprise. Just my opinion.

  19. #516 I followed on facebook (and twitter). Most of that stuff is new to me but I need to figure out what is going to work for my 50-miler in October.

  20. 23. The bars alone make me want to try this box. HOwever, I have never tried GU yet and would like to at some point. I love lemon flavor stuff, too.

  21. #45 Followed on Facebook and twitter. There are so many of these monthly "box" deliveries from food to clothing now. It's a cool concept. Like getting a present each month in the mail. :)

  22. 824. I followed them on twitter! I'd love getting a running inspired gift each month :)

  23. 16. I follow Stridebox on Twitter!

  24. 723 - I follow Stridebox on Twitter and love the idea of getting a box of running goodies each month. I'm sure I'd find things I wouldn't notice otherwise!

  25. 225 - I followed them on Twitter. What a cool idea!

  26. 525 - What a great way to introduce yourself to new products!

  27. 333 - I like them on Facebook :)

  28. 777 - Stride Box would be really great for me because I have not yet found the right fuel or me, and it would give me a chance to try out different brands and types.

  29. 768 - and I'd pay the overseas postage! What a great idea this is. I'm going to see if they do something similar here.

  30. 303 - I like them on Facebook (Danielle Knapp)

    danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

  31. 606 - I'd love to win because I'm new to running and would love to try some of these cool products :)

    danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

  32. 511. I'd love to win to try some new products!

  33. 388, shared on twitter @runjillybean

  34. 193 - I follow StrideBox on Twitter as @ilovepool.

  35. 902 - I'd like to try Stridebox because I am new to distance running and I want to try a variety of nutrition products without buying each kind in quantity.
