Sunday, September 14, 2014

As Seen on My Run #2: Trail Run Weekend and Other Random Tidbits on Running, Motherhood, Life

  1. You bet I grabbed the vaseline before we left for our trail run date today.  After a weekend of trail runs in this rugged mountain high dessert climate (dry and constant sunshine), this girl has some armpit chaffing going on! This is relatively new for me except for Boston 2014.  Ouch!  In addition to chaffing, I need LOTION for my thirsty skin.  Lots of it! 
  2. After my ten miler yesterday (with 4 in the morning to make 14), six on Friday and seven today, my body is SORE!  Sore but happy.  
  3. Running with a dog is hilarious!  It's completely different from running alone when you have a new dog.  Such a new experience for me.  Instead of having little kids and stopping to talk to random strangers about each other's kids, it is now stopping to talk to random people about their dogs.  It takes twice as long to run a trail when doing this.  Every stop is like an opportunity to socialize your dog.  "Say hi."  "He's nice."  "How old is he/she?"  "What kind of dog do you have?"  And it's even more hilarious to me at the ego stroking going on between dog owners.  So many people complementing other dogs and loving have others to talk to about their dog.  Oh, and people we would otherwise rarely stop to talk to...they are our new trail buddies...all because of our dogs....old ladies, other trail runners, families with kids, etc.  I got so many laughs out of our run today.  Note to self:  If we are going to get a steady workout without stopping, we must resist the temptation to stop to let Ashe talk to every dog we see.  
  4. Speaking of Bend and dogs, um, could you get any more dog friendly?  We went to a very popular brewery tonight called 10 Barrel and took Ashe with us.  Half the people there had a dog with long as they are leashed, dogs are allowed in so many restaurants.  And we forgot a dog bowl for water, but guess what?  They had one for him.  With dog bones painted on the side.  Really?  So, we enjoyed a cold IPA and french fries and he did some people and dog watching.  Score!  
  5. What a good good family weekend!  A weekend I most DEFINITELY needed!  Soccer games, sunshine, plenty of mileage, more settling into a routine, some journal time with my coffee that helped me be present and content, finding a new church that fits our family needs (haven't been to church of any kind in over a year...but this one seems like a good fit for our family on many counts), a trail run day with my husband, new babysitter and so much more.  
  6. This weekend was even a weekend that felt ON in the motherhood department (well, by the end of the weekend). Having a 4th grade girl (going on major teenager), 2nd grader and a five year old is new territory for us.  It always is...every year is something different when it comes to this parenthood gig, right?  And I don't think we are ever fully prepared.  We just need to do the best we can.  It helps to have some really good friends in our life to look up to and get advice from!   Funny how once we feel like we have some sort of grip or control over the stage our kids are at, things transition again. 

Okay, onto our trail runs.  I'll leave most of this part to the pictures.  These pictures include two pictures from the Shevlin Park trails (around Tumalo Creek) and Green Lakes Trail towards the end.  However, most of them are from today where we took Marci's advice and ran on the Deschutes River Trail near Meadow Camp going towards Mr. Bachelor.  Thanks Marci!! This section of trail is my favorite of all of them around here so far!  Gosh, it's hard to choose a favorite here but this one was incredible.  Besides the many dog owners with their dogs we saw off leash and the fly fisherman, it was pretty much just us and nature.  Glorious.  Oh, and my husband actually coached me a bit in regards to running fast downhill on the trails!  He just made some simple suggestion about making sure I took small steps and didn't let my toes go in front of my knees.  I'm not sure how he worded it but WOW! For the first time trail running, I felt like I learned a new trick that led to noticeable improvement in efficiency and speed!

Playing toss the pine cone into the river.  Ashe is strong swimmer!  

LOTS of this on our run today. Quite funny to me to see how things change when you have a new dog.  

This place rocks!  Dog friendly, good vibes, in a cool area, and good beer!  And darn right, I earned these fries after this weekend of running! YUM!

Who Knew?  I LOVE him!

Our family went to the Green Lakes Trail before soccer games on Saturday.  I went off for my mother/daughter run with my sweet girl and we brought Ashe along for fun.  He's so gentle with her on the leash! 

View of Tumalo Creek from the Shevlin Park Trail.  

So long to clean trail shoes!  These Brooks Cascadias are so DUSTY!! I love these shoes.  

Um, this has nothing to do with trail running.  But it is darn cute.  Our family surely has a  new completeness to it now that Ashe is here.  

  1. How was your weekend?  Long runs?  Exciting plans?  Did you have a much needed lazy weekend?  
  2. Do you run with your significant other on run dates?  


  1. What church? Good for you! Love all the pictures... and Maia totally wants a dog now. :)

    1. Church is tricky for me you know. I'll email you. I think this will be a good safe place for me for now. Not saying my views line up exactly with it but I think the kids will find a good place to grow here. I think faith in something can serve as a pretty big source of strength in life...I want them to have this in some way. I didn't want a dog but now I can't see my life without him.

  2. Those trails look amazing! Need to get out there and explore one of these days. And so happy you have a puppy running partner now! It totally changes things! I've noticed recently that Tori has a pavlovian response to my garmin--makes me laugh!

    1. Ha! this is funny. I'm glad for him too but he runs better with my husband. I think I still prefer running alone but maybe that will grow on me more he is. I think I'll always love running alone over anything though. But he can tag along here and there! And yes, it certainly changes things...running isn't the same with a dog. ha!

  3. Ok. Now I remember. I DO NOT miss all the dust there. At least I've remembered one thing I don't like... you know, to lessen the homesickness...

    1. There you go! Hey, I can write a post on all the things NOT to like about Bend if that helps. :) Or maybe I'll send that just to you. If I post that everyone thinks I"m being ungrateful and whining. But let me tell you, with all the things I love, I can list some things I don't love. DUST is one of them. Dust. It's cold. The sun and dry has turned my skin from supple and moisturized to something that looks wilted and thirsty. Ha! Let's see... Let me know if you need an email. ha!

  4. Bend looks like a great place to live! Lucky you!

    ~Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home

    1. Honestly, Bend is a good place for our family right now. I think it was a good choice if we had to come back to Oregon. However, I think there are so many places that are amazing...just as amazing as Bend. Lucky to live life. period. Bend, just like any other place, has beauty and WOW to be found when we look for it. Same with Iowa, Kansas City, Colorado, North Carolina, Boston...and all the many places I've lived and spent time. Bend isn't any better...just different in what it has to offer.

  5. I saw your picture of the dog on FB the other day - so exciting for all of y'all!!!
    Weird on the underarm chafing - in all my years of running I've never had any chafing until my race last week and then my armpit got all chafed - nice!!!

    1. Thanks Kim. Yes, Chaffing is no fun! I swear, I gave myself scars after Boston. Then at Grandma's Marathon, someone was handing out vaseline at the start and I was so thankful to lather up!

  6. Well, looks like Ashe is part of the family now!

  7. Am I the only one who got a little teary when I saw the last picture? That's exactly how I felt about the first dog we ever got as a child. There's such a wonderful relationship that exists between kids and dogs. Dogs just accept us regardless and we can tell them all our secrets. You've done a wonderful thing for your family by getting Ashe.

    1. Thanks Char...I think so too. Yes! OUr family truly does feel complete with Ashe. We love him.
