Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Random Bulleted Thursday Post. And Winner of Dog Leash Giveaway!

My head is full of many random thoughts but nothing that would warrant one fluid blog post.  So, a bulleted post it is!
  • I ran six slippery snow miles with my friend Marci today. Up until now, I haven't minded the snow running but today was just downright slippery and hard to move in. But as always, it was nice passing the time with a running partner.  I've come to greatly enjoy this girl! It wasn't too long ago when Marci (elite runner) invited me on our first run.  At first, I felt intimidated by her invitation and figured she must have not really meant it.  Um, her marathon time of 2:35 is run at a pace that I can't even imagine running ONE mile at these days!  But I finally took her up on her invitation and now I always look forward to our trail runs together! They are easy paced (really really easy for her!) and full of good conversation topics ranging from competition, goals, writing, travel and more.  Marci has become a friend that I never would have expected to have and I'm so glad to know her.   She's wise beyond her twenty something years, humble as ever, and so kind hearted!  I came home today just so thankful for how running brings people together. Thank you for inspiring me Marci! Check out her blog: Runner Marci.  
  • Apparently, it's only a little over 20 weeks until the Boston Marathon!  I guess it's time to figure out my plan of action.  Will I train for a marathon and then try to tack my first 50k on weeks after Boston as an after thought.  OR train for the 50k and use Boston as a training run and save my punches for the trail run? Decisions Decisions.  It's time to make a plan and STICK WITH IT! I will have that figured out by Monday.  
  • I've never seen so many Patagonia coats in my LIFE!  Seriously, Bend, OR is a bubble of sorts.  One big Patagonia wearing bubble.  At least this time of year.  And not just adults wearing Patagonia.  Babies, toddlers, grade school kids and probably even dogs.  Hmmm, I'm resisting this trend for as long as I can!  For one, my kids are perfectly happy with their Costco knock-offs. As for me?  I'd rather spend my money on running clothes, race fees or plane tickets! 
  • I read through some of my stacks of running journals today. It got me excited to keep a running journal again!  I've journaled off and on over the last few months but now that training starts up again, I'm excited to grow through my reflections and thoughts on my daily runs!  I'm such a believer in the power behind journaling like this!! Nothing new for me but a rekindled passion of sorts.  

    • We took the kids to see Big Hero 6 last weekend.  It had been forever since we took the kids to a movie in the theaters.  And what a good flick!  We all left wanting to use our brains!!  My electrical engineer husband spent the next day building robots with our kids and the neighbor kids.  It was fun to see.  The picture below is of my middle daughter working her robot creation.  Pretty cool! 
    • Building a snow fort with this little guy in the picture below?  A highlight of my week. 

    • I was pulling books from my shelf yesterday and found Scott Jurek's Eat and Run.  I looked at his signing for my husband and it caught me for a minute.  You know, made me think.  "Do THINGS Always."  Hmm, what exactly did he mean by that?  As I started reading the book, I gained a deeper understanding into his mind an ultra runner and his message became clearer to me.  Do THINGS Always.  What does this mean to you?  Positive resonation?  Negative resonation?  Or nada.  You've got no resonation at all?  

    • Just a random black and white snap shot of my "right this second" last night when I was invited to post a black and white picture.  This is where I write, read, make messes with paper, pen and words.  I love this space!  I'm actually writing here now....candles lit, Nora Jones playing, a beer on the side.  I think creative and inspiration space is so important for some of us.  
    • And a snow picture and caption from earlier this week.  For those of you sick of my snowy trail pictures?  Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm sick of the snow now too.  I'm especially sick of driving (or floating, sliding, slipping all over the place) in it.  Ready for my DIRT to run on again!  Oh, it's going to be a loooong winter in the Central Oregon Mountains if I feel this way already!  Here's the caption: "My run today was one where I cleared my mind and ran with the intention of being present with my moment...with the life and beauty surrounding me.  Present in my steps.  Not one step ahead and not resisting where I am...simply and powerfully present with now.  With life as it is.  A good feeling.  I can't adequately describe the beauty out there...with each mile, I wanted to take ever bit of beauty in...the steam rising over the Deschutes, rocks capped with snow, heavy trees, white branches, packed snow trails stretching out for miles.  All of it, lit up with sunshine and deep blue skies."  

    • Last but not least...the winner of the dog leash giveaway from a few days ago:

    Happy Thursday Night or Friday morning!  What are some of your Random Bullets from your life? 



    1. I love your b&w photo! I'm inspired to create a space now! Love the training journals too... The front covers that are like a collage. So fun.

      1. Thanks Kathryn. This space started on the other side of the room but I found a better little nook for really does help me focus and feel good about my space.

    2. I like "do something ALWAYS"-I find it inspirational.
      No snow here yet...I am looking forward to it!

      1. It definitely made me think. :) I like snow as long as I can still run and drive in it.

    3. What a great space to create!!
      I would be over the snow, too - I'm over the cold since we have been under freezing for over a week already!!
      I don't even know what a Patagonia coat is:)

      1. Ha ha! Keep it that way...Patagonia is just a expensive popular brand that everyone in Bend, OR wears as if it a uniform! Ha! That and North Face. And Prana and Columbia. It's nuts here!

    4. I LOVE your space. My space isn't really gelling for me at the moment. It's been awhile since I've loved it. I'm always telling myself that "one day" I will have a home office .. as of right now it's more of a nook. That is overcome with papers and crap that need filing. Here in Utah it's similar .. especially if you go up to the Park City area .. everyone is in name brand puffy coats. I'll admit I finally broke down and bought a North Face puffy a few years ago. I don't regret it. One of the warmest jackets I've ever owned and it doesn't feel overly bulky. However, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on my kids coats. Mainly because they will grow out of them next year!! Mine will last a lifetime. Maybe when they're a bit older and coats last more than one season.

      1. Hi! I love your comment. My "office" is a nook in the bonus room! Once my husband stops working from home, I'll take over the real office. I completely agree with you about the coats...for us and kids. These brands do make good stuff! My Prana coat that I bought several years ago? Love it! Wear it all the time! Basically, my nice things...they get used OFTEN! And I don't grow out of them...well, most of the time! ha! My kids though? No thanks! They can wear the super expensive trendy stuff when A. They can help pay for it (I think this teaches responsibility and ownership) and B.When they stop growing! I do make exceptions of course and they do look cute in their clothes but honestly, the puffy coats at Costco and say Old Navy? These work fine for a seven year old and they don't know the difference yet. It's just me that sees Patagonia written all over the hallways, streets, coffee shops, and trails!

    5. I love your work station. It says so much about you as a person - not just you as someone's wife or mother. I have a very similar set-up and, surprisingly or not, it has a lot of similar elements.

      1. Thanks Char. The stacks of books and sticky notes and papers are a good reflection of my brain! :) scattered. I'd love to see your creative work area!

    6. 'Manda! Thanks for the kind words! So sweet. I love running/chatting/chugging coffee with you! Hopefully if we just keep this little routine going it will become habit before too long and I then I can just plan on seeing you weekly! We'll have to catch back up after the holiday this week (Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!)

      Also, I may need to borrow from your library there... would love to see the full selection of running related titles you have.

      Hoping that you will post what you decide on for your Boston/McDonald Forrest training plan next week, I don't know if I can wait until I see you the following week to find out! (See what I did there... better plan on saving one morning next week!)

      1. Hey girl! I hope we get a routine going too! I've really enjoyed our runs and glad I got over my reservations of running with someone with a marathon pace the speed of what I'd be happy to hit a mile race in these days!

        You should come over someday and you're welcome to any of my books! Maybe you'll write a running book someday and I'll have it on my shelf next to these. :)

        And oh, I decided on a different 50k...The trail factor 50k in Portland on May 25th. I'll write about it soon. Hope to run soon too!

    7. I love your desk set up!

      Last post:

    8. First of all, your husband is amazing... so cool! And I get so giddy and excited reading back through old running journals, too. I'm also still trying to decide for sure about Boston and a lot of it depends on whether or not I try to run Houston in January, but it's looking like I won't. I think I'll throw another half in there somewhere and then focus on Boston. Curious to hear how your plan comes together!

    9. Too funny about the Patagonia Bubble! Bend does have an image to keep up..
      :) Isn't it more a Mountain Hardware town nowadays though?

      I see you chose trail factor for your first. Probably a good choice! Keep us posted. Also, will you do the smith rock races?

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