Saturday, June 20, 2015

Strong Women and What Your Feet Look Like as a Bend Trail Runner in Summer

Happy Saturday!  Third post in three days's that for exercising my writing muscles?  Thank you for your comments and emails about jumping in a triathlon.  It's been so helpful to read your tips and advice.  Kristen's comment made me realize more than ever how thankful I am for having strong and supportive women in my life.  Not just women but friends and mentors that are there to inspire, guide, advise, and be there to help you along your way.  I feel so fortunate to have had so many people like this in my life.  Recently, I've seen this to be especially true.  I think a big reason for this comes from being in a place where I have rooted and am reaching out to my community more... making friends, connecting, and being open to building new relationships (work and personal).

This morning was another reminder to me of how thankful I am for strong women in my life.  My friend Carissa is here on vacation with her family and she reached out to myself and friend Shelley to see if we wanted to run a long run with her.  I'm so glad she did!  And I'm so glad I got out of bed early to start my day with a trail run with these two women!  Our 13 mile trail run felt like only 3 miles with the good company and beautiful forests.  And I drove away feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically charged.

One of the things I loved the most about my run with Shelley and Carissa is how refreshing it was to be out there with women that inspire me.  Capable women.  Intelligent women.  Women that read and have ideas. Women that challenge themselves and seek new opportunities.  Mothers.  Athletes.  Professionals.  Women that make me think.  Women that uplift and support.

I found my sixth person for the book club I'm starting!  Shelley.  And if Carissa lived here, I'd ask her to join too.  We aren't going to have a book club where we read only books but it will be a group of these women who want to learn and be inspired.  We will read articles, listen to podcasts and enjoy books of all kinds (entertainment and educational).  And I'm 100% certain that these 6 women will inspire, support, uplift, and encourage each other to find greatness and be our best selves! We will learn together and challenge each other.  I'm excited!!

And below is a picture of what your feet look like when you come home from a long trail run here in Bend in the summer!  Gotta love the dry, hot, mountain dirt!  Looks like I'll be hosing down with the dog this summer before I'm allowed in the house!

I know, nasty dirty legs!  

Thanks also for those of you that asked about my trail 50k.  I just might be back soon to write a bit more about that!  Lots to say.

Oh, yeah, and before I forget something so exciting to me.... CONGRATS to my good friend Marci on her marathon PR today at Grandma's Marathon!!  2:33:33!!  4th woman overall!  Love this girl to pieces.  I'm so so thankful for her, another very strong, supportive and wise woman in my life! Can't wait to take her out for a congratulatory beer when she comes home to Bend.

Mostly on Instagram with my blog these days with pictures and long captions.  :) 


  1. So nice to see these kinds of healthy, supportive relationships. Glad your long trail run went well! :)

  2. I love your vision for your "book club" which is going to be about more than books. A few months ago, when so many people where listening to the Serial podcast, I hosted a "Serial and Syrah" discussion night.... It was so interesting and fun... and listening to that podcast made some of my long runs go by much faster... looking forward to the next season of that podcast.

  3. Girlfriends are the best. Sometimes you have to support them, sometimes they have to support you. And, there are different ways we need and find support in others. Because I cannot do triathlon this year, I have found joy in supporting others and being a part of their journeys. It means just as much, if not more. :) I am hoping to be there cheering at the Deschutes Dash. I am sure we will cross paths one of these days!
