Saturday, April 9, 2011

Last Chance Giveaway and Run Like a Mother

Run Like a Mother
This morning I made my way to downtown Portland to attend a Run LIke A Mother Event , put on by Sarah Bowen Shea, the co-author of the ever so popular Run Like a Mother book that I hear so many of you rave about.  I am so glad that my blog friend Julie, from The Finish LIne Diaries  told me about this event because it was Fabulous!  It was great to meet Julie and a couple other running bloggers that I've become familiar with over the last few months.  It was also wonderful to see such a big group of running mothers come together to celebrate motherhood, running, and a great book! I have to say, as much as I loved the mingling, eating yummy snacks, and the light run through Portland, one the highlights was the incredible SWAG BAG that Sarah had for everyone!  Seriously awesome!  Socks, a hat, arm warmers, a race bag, tons of fuel and electrolyte products including GU, GU chomps, Nuun, etc.  There were many wide-eyed and slack jawed mamas checking out their loot as they stretched their muscles and munched on snacks before the drawing Sarah did to give away more fabulous prizes!

Thank you to Sarah Bowen Shea for organizing such an energizing event and for helping to create a supportive community of Mamma Runners!  If you have not already, check out Another Mother Runner, the blog that Sarah and Dimity share.  I have not been a follower for long but I'm excited to catch up on there!  

Nathan Hydration Belt Giveaway
Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to enter my giveaway for the Nathan Hydration Belt!  I've loved reading your comments and connecting with new readers!  Thanks for sharing parts of your life with me.  Many of you have some really great stories of weight loss, fitness goals, family life, etc.  

Half Marathon Tomorrow
Super excited about my half-marathon tomorrow!  It feels good to be at a point in my life where racing is fun!  I'm especially excited to run with my husband.  Our last half marathon together was in 2004 so this will be a treat for us to run together again.  Here's hoping for NO RAIN!  I'm might even wear my short speed shorts from Lululemon that Jenn convinced me to get.  I kind of thought I'd be a blogger that avoids taking pictures of myself in my pre-race outfit but I gave in and took one anyway.  This is what I think I will be wearing if I don't end up wearing my tights.

I know, boring old black but at least I'll be spicing things up with my new RED hat from the Run Like a Mother event today.  I love how ridiculous people look taking pictures of themselves in mirrors.  But I also love seeing the pictures people post even if they are funny sometimes.  The funniest part about this picture besides me taking myself seriously enough to take a picture of my pre race outfit is the lovely mirror.  No folks, that is not your computer screen that is dirty...that is the result of 3 kids squirting, licking, touching, and smearing things on my mirror, walls, and various other things around my house.  

Some of you have asked me if I have a time goal for this one.  Not really.  I'd just like to run a few sub 7's, remind myself to have good form, get in a groove, and just find a pace that makes me feel STRONG!  The end is a gradual elevation gain so hopefully we can save some of ourselves so we can finish with a kick!  
 The saying on the shirt in the top picture really resonates with me.  It reminds me just how much running is my calm.  Running is something I do for myself to stay healthy, centered, and challenged.  It is so much, really.  Without it, I'm certain I wouldn't handle the stress of motherhood and life nearly as well and I very well might find myself going crazy (thank I already am) or wanting to "run away" at times.   

What does running do for you?  Do you think that running helps to make you a better YOU? Why do you Run? (Chris K, dudes can answer this question too!)  



  1. Sounds like a fun event! I used to row with Sarah when I was rowing masters in Marin County. How super cool what she is doing :)

    I run to alleviate stress and help keep my headaches at bay. It usually makes me a better me... except when the stress of getting out the door makes me cranky.

  2. Good luck with your race! And I love those shorts!

    Oh man. Running absolutely keeps me sane. When I miss a few days of running due to weather or travel or injury I get absolutely bat-sh*t crazy! But as soon as I lace up my shoes and head out the door... I come home an entirely new person. And I love that.

    Running absolutely makes me a better person (both inside... and out = in my clothes ;-)

  3. Good luck tomorrow! Cool event! I like the outfit, too. Funny...I meant to take a picture of my outfit today bc I'm pretty sure it's what I'm going to wear in the marathon. And yeah...mine is all black and white. :)

    Running gives me a means to challenge myself and a space that's mine. Plus, I'm pretty excited about what it's doing for my legs and butt.

  4. Good luck!!! You are going to do awesome! I love your mirror photo :D I don't even have kids yet and my mirror probably is worse!

  5. lookin' good! you are going to have a great race today, i just know it! and how cool about the rlam event - wow!!

  6. Good luck on your race!!! I love RLAM and the shirt is awesome! Running keeps me sane... and I've said that exact thing on the shirt so. many. times!

  7. Good luck in your race! I love your race outfit :)

    That event and swag sound awesome!

  8. Have a good run today. You look quite fast in that outfit.

  9. Good Luck today! I'm thinking of you and excited to hear about it! The dirty mirror-ha! I should have definitely thought of taking pre-race pictures. I don't like pictures anyway but ones AFTER a race, especially NOT! You should definitely wear those shorts!!!! They really look good!!! I hope you love them!

    What running does for me. I definitely have a competitive spirit. I've said it before but I think one big thing is it allows me to have a competitive passion for MYSELF that keeps me from unintentionally being hard on my kids. They all play sports and I don't ever want to be one of those parents who goes ballistic on their kids for striking out in a baseball game....

    Have fun today! I'm holding my sign and cheering for you:)

  10. The "Run Like a Mother" event sounded really cool! I have one of their t-shirts too, but I really want to get the "badass mother runner" one!
    I hope your race goes well this morning! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  11. Running keeps me sane. Not being able to run for almost a week made me realize how much I need it to feel grounded and be able to concentrate on work. Good luck today, no that you need it!

  12. Good luck and cant wait to hear how you do! The outfit is cute!

  13. Good Luck on your race. Love that red hat. I tend to wear a lot of black to. To be honest I run to keep from putting on weight. I have a love, hate relationship with running.

  14. Hope the race went amazing!! You may be finishing up right now!! You look awesome in those speed shorts...i'm jealous, I could never pull those off. Love the outfit. Again, great to meet you, Amanda. Hope we can hook up again.

  15. I hope you had an awesome race, speeding along in that red hat! The RLAM event sounds fantastic--kind of jealous of that goody bag!

    Running is my touchstone on so many things. As you saw when I was injured, I really don't function well without it. Sad, but true!

  16. YAY a half marathon, that sounds awesome, I hope you do great (and the hubby to)!!!

    Running is something I have just recently developed a passion for but I am astounded at how "into it" I am. I really want to do it, I do it because I am physically able and when I am finished the accomplishment of finishing far outweighs any strain I had. Also, with each run comes new lessons, and epiphanies (mostly small).

  17. I really like the t-shirt slogan too - so true! Good luck with your race. I'm expecting to be blown away by your time because you are so damned fast!

  18. Sounds like a great race!

    Hope you rocked your half marathon today!

    Running definetly helps me be a better person in all aspects of my life. I usually always run alone so it gives me time to reflect.

  19. I love the tshirt. I just know you rocked it!

  20. Hope all went well..looking forward to your next post!!!!

    RLAM! I LOVE THEM! Really they saved me! I got their book after my first race and then join their FB page, this was all before my blog and they gave me the best advices and I truly think that I would have never signed up for my 1st half if they did not say :you can do this.

    I run to keep my sanity. To have something just for me. To have goals that are just for Caro, not for the family. To take some of the stress off. I know I am a better person because I run.

  21. I hope your race went well, can't wait to hear about it!!

  22. Sounds like an amazing event. I love that shirt i am going to have to track me one down.

  23. Running helps me sort out problems. I rarely run with music, because I like my thoughts to be able to wander. I have solved Halloween costume problems, personal issues, organized to do lists, created weekly menus, all while running.

  24. Running totally helps me de-stress!! I love it! It's calming and soothing and tough all at the same time!!! I can't wait to read the post about your half!! I had a busy weekend so I am catching up on blogs now!!

  25. Running for me is definitely therapy and keeps me sane which keeps the fam happy!

  26. are those lulu shorts I see??? don't you love them !!!!!
