Friday, April 8, 2011

Lululemon, Lessons and Half Marathon

My friend Jen was talking with me the other day about the fact that many times, as writers, we end up writing what we need to know.  In other words, we are inspired to write about the things that we most want to know for ourselves.  I find this especially true with myself lately.  As I've been coming closer to being confident enough to realize my dreams and make things happen for my life that I might have been too scared or insecure to try before.  I think my post last night, Growing Ideas, is filled with lessons and tips that I'm teaching myself so that I can move closer and closer to reaching my goals.  It was kind of like a personal journal entry or self pep talk and I'm glad that some of you found inspiration and motivation from it as well.  Thank you for your comments.  By the way, the art and the collages are all done by my Mom.  For those of you who asked, she uses Real Simple and Yoga magazines and she uses clear-like glue that is photo safe.

I finally did it.  Thanks to all of you bloggers out there that are always raving about your Lululemon gear, I took advantage of this sunny day to head downtown Portland to hit up the Lululemon store.  I have a few races coming up so I decided that it was time to get some shorts that look good, feel good, and that will LAST a long time!  I kidnapped my mom and took her along with me so I wouldn't be alone with 3 kids in a tiny store.  Thank you MOM!  She is a bad influence on me and tried to convince me to get a top and shorts in each color and style but at $54 for one pair of shorts, I had to tell her to keep her opinions to herself.  Ha!  Okay, so she really didn't suggest that but she does convince me that buying quality products is very well worth it!

Here is what I got:

The Groovy Run Short

The Speed Short

The Cool Racerback in black.  I would get off my butt and take a picture but this woman does just fine.  I like this top because it doesn't have a built in bra so I can wear my Handful bra that I love so much!

Tune-Up Race 
I have a half marathon on Sunday.  It was a scheduled tune-up race in my training program but it was only supposed to be a 10k.  When I originally planned out my schedule, there was not a 10k this weekend so my husband and I are running the Half Marathon together.  I'm actually really excited!!  I'm not sure how I'll run it.  Maybe I'll use it as a progression run or maybe just run part of it hard and the other part at base pace.  Or perhaps I'll race the whole thing and just see what happens.  This last options seems more likely if I know myself at all.  Whatever I do, I am excited to be with my husband, drop the kids off with Grammy and Papa, wear my new Lululemon gear (or some of it) and HAVE FUN!!

Now for some decisions.  Arm warmers will be included and I might wuss out and wear my tights.  I like to run warm.

Off for my tempo run!  And it isn't raining!  Good luck to those of you are racing!!  I'm excited to read race reports!

1. Any fun plans this weekend?
2.  Do you have a pair of favorite running shorts or a favorite top?



  1. I have the Alpine tights from Luluelemon, I live in Chicagoland and they were super warm and the best tights EVAH!

    I have the groove pants too. Super comfy, I wear them all the time!

  2. You'll look amazing in it all! I get more excited about running outfits now than any other piece of clothing!

  3. Good luck!!
    I have a new Brooks running skirt taht I just love. It has that zipper pocket, plus another one on the shorts under the skirt.
    I love running outfits!!

  4. Just got caught up, I have been working like crazy over here. So, I own 2 pairs of speed shorts (one black, just like yours) and a pair of groove shorts. I never get tops from there, as TJMax has steals on brand tops:) Love these shorts! Glad you got some. Have a great HM on Sunday! New gear, confidence, you are going to rock it! I like to race cold, because it motivates me to run faster (to warm up). Good luck, Amanda and don't let us hanging with the results. Not much racing over here so I am living vicariously:)

  5. Oh I like those The Groovy Run Short
    someone pass the message to my husband..mother's day is coming up.!!!

    I love the nike racer tank top, they are light, not built in bra, just perfect. actually looks like the white and pink on your last picture, the one on the left.

    I also love Nike compression shorts. I wear shorts over them because well..I am over 40 and I had 2 kids...and that's enough reasons!

    good luck for your half!!! fun to do it with your husband!!!

  6. I love lululemon, their clothes are steep but if you wash them correctly they last forever. I bought my first pair of yoga pants there almost four years ago and they still look brand new. Good luck at your half, you're gonna rock it lady!

  7. Those groovy shorts look really... well... GROOVY! :) I've never even tried on any Lulu gear. I just can't get past the price tag. My favorite gear I own is a pair of black Under Armour shorts. They are SO comfortable. I've worn them in two HMs and one full, and I'm wearing them again for my half tomorrow. I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of them already, and they are still in great shape.

    I've also got a pair of ALO pants from Running Chics that I won in a blog giveaway. They are pretty awesome too, but they're super long for my leg. I wouldn't be able to wear them to run in. They make them in capri tights too though and I'd love to get a pair of them!

    Good luck Sunday!

  8. Oooh, I love the new gear! Good luck in the half, however you decide to run it :)

  9. Oh! I love lululemon! I have the cool racing tank and it is perfect for yoga and running. If only I could afford more lululemon gear on my budget! But my favorite shorts to run in are the Nike tempos! Good luck with your half marathon. I am running a 5k tommorow but after racing it last Saturday and after a week of resting my shins, I tell myself I may just run for fun but always end up in competitive mode when I go out for a race!

  10. Very nice stuff! The speed shorts are rad! You can pull off that look ;)

    So... half marathon! So excited for you!!! I can't wait to see your BLAZING time.

    What a great mom that she came with you to shop. I love it when my mom can help too.

    Have a great weekend. SUnny down here!!

  11. should have told them you were running a race this weekend. you would have received a 15% discount on the running shorts. i have a couple of lulu shorts and some tops. i love for my race clothes.
    Good luck this weekend! i think that you will race it and do awesome!

  12. Oooooh, I love those shorts! Good luck on your race! You are going to rock it!!

  13. cute stuff! I don't have a favorite top but I really like nike tempo shorts.

    Good luck on your race, I can't wait to hear about it!

  14. Oh God. Your legs look BETTER than that girls!!!!

    Hope you love the Lulu stuff! I truly swear by my stuff! It's awesome and WELL worth the hefty price tag! I bet I've washed my shorts 100 times and they are still just like new! Oh, Lululemon has cute armwarmers too. I think they are only like $98 or something.....

    Good luck on Sunday! I have a feeling you're racing:) I'm sending you a virtual cheer via email!

  15. love all the new gear! and i totally need to check out that lulu gear...everyone just loves it so much....

  16. Really like those shorts with the blue trim. I love shorts with a decent pocket because I usually have to run with my car key. And one with a zip stops any backtracking and key-hunting.

  17. Good luck this weekend and LOVE your new clothes. I might be an Athleta girl, but I really like Lulu's stuff. I have one their yoga tops and I have to say it's my fave.

    This weekend is Emma's 10th birthday so we've got all stuff going on with that as well as basebal and soccer. No running for me. No time.

  18. wow I love all your new gear! i'm running my first post-baby race tomorrow and have NO idea what to wear! i still have 10 pounds to lose and my top half is VERY different than pre-pregnancy so my clothes are limited, but i will get there! i hope you have a great race tomorrow and can't wait to hear all about it!

  19. Yay for new running gear! I love Lulemon stuff, but have yet to dish out the money for it though. Maybe this summer! :)

  20. Cool new gear! I've heard such great things about Lululemon. That top looks really nice.

    Good luck with the half this weekend!

  21. Groovy you have to be a hippie?
    Speed shorts....will they make me faster? Like a cheetah? I only wear it when I race?
    Sorry I couldn't help myself.

  22. Dear Amanda,
    I truly hope you have a lovely tune up race tomorrow.

    The Manly Runner

  23. LOVE the Lulu shorts, I have those too!!! So comfortable, today I didn't take them off all day. Ooos, TMI.
    I like the pink/white top with the black shorts. I'm into pink tops right now.

    Finally, marathon party is tonight and Chris K. is coming. I'm going to try to take many UNMANLY shots of him, okay?!
    He certainly was polite with you today with his comment. What's up?
    Finally, GOOD LUCK!!!

  24. AHHH CUTEST clothes ever...I am SO SO JEALOUS!! I want them:) You are going to look HOT in those!!! How was your tempo run? SO glad it wasn't raining!! Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!

  25. love it! i think the groovy run and blue tank would be a great race choice...and of course, that pink long sleeve shirt for after the race!! ;) You have to try on their capris someday. Seriously. :) Good luck tomorrow! I don't know how anyone runs a race and doesn't 'race' it...i have a feeling you should race it!!

  26. I went to the last hockey game of the season last night. That was fun, for the most part.

    Good luck with your half! I really don't run in shorts, but I admire people who feel comfortable in them!

  27. Love my lulu shorts (run fast)... and now that it is warmer
    I can actually wear them more!!!
