Friday, May 13, 2011

Kara Goucher's New Book! A Signed Copy Just For YOU! You have to RE-Enter This Giveaway Because Blogger Lost All YOUR Comments!

Okay, since most of you missed commenting on this or missed being able to see it because of the Blogger mishap, here it is again.  I'm really excited about this giveaway because I know that so many of my readers/followers would love it!  My mommy and runner readers alike!  And even those few men that read this can enter to win too!  Afterall, winning this book could be a great way to surprise your wife, girlfriend, or if you are single and want to pick up a hot runner chick, you can use this book as a way to impress!  For those of you who are not runners and want to get started running, this is a great book to help you do just that without it seeming like an overwhelming undertaking!  

Even if you entered this giveaway last time, you have to do it again because Blogger lost all your comments!! Here it is:

Kara Goucher's New Book!  A Signed Copy Just For YOU!



  1. Okay I commented on the last one ... but will comment here too. :)
    I am a follower (and fan).

  2. I also twittered about it @pammykro

    How exciting, so glad to hear she's so down to earth.

    What is UP with Blogger lately? Jeez.

  3. I would love to have a copy of this book! My friend is having a baby and wants to get into running to get fit after birth, and think it would be a fantastic book to get her started on!

  4. I just started following!! Great giveaway!!

  5. Darn it! I am sure my comment on the previous post was the winner...Oh well, here it is again :)

  6. Just wondering what your feelings on overseas postage are. I'd love to enter but not if it's too expensive.

  7. Okay, I'll enter - but only because you nagged me ;) I'm a follower and I'd love to hear Kara's views on the following -
    * tips/tricks
    * how she got started running
    * finding the right gear
    * balancing family and work
    * staying injury-free
    * food, nutrition, and weight control
    * racing
    * running a marathon
    * running for life
    (Don't want to know about pregnancy cause I just don't want to go there AGAIN)

  8. ooo i can't wait to read this book and would love to enter the giveaway. you are an inspiring momma, amanda, and i'm so grateful to have found your blog. i hope you are having a great weekend!!

  9. I'm a follower - always enjoy reading what you are up to.

  10. I REALLY need this book. I have BIG plans for the summer and fall training, and I need someone like Kara to keep me on track. I train HARD, but seriously need all of the help that I can get. I love to pick up fresh ideas from any and all running books. Pick ME! PLEASSSSSEE!

  11. yes, I'm begging, does that count? I said please! HA!

  12. I tweeted! see I'm really trying to earn it!

  13. Ugh stupid blogger!! I can't remember what I commented but I know that I did!!! Obviously I'm a follower!!!

  14. I'm a follower! I've been eyeing this book for a while, but a signed copy would be icing on the cake! So very cool that you got to meet her!

  15. I'm a follower, and would love to have this book (and signed too? wow!!) Also, I'll be posting on my blog about the giveaway too!
