Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kara Goucher's Book Giveaway! Kara Signed It Just For YOU!

When my friend first told me that Kara Goucher would be at Powell's Bookstore doing a book signing, I couldn't think of a reason NOT to go!  I mean, I wasn't going to be running (still resting), it was in the evening so no excuse for not being able to get away without kids, and HELLO, Kara Goucher!  Enough said.  To be honest with you, I've never really been one to keep up with the pros or follow the sport of running until I started reading so many running blogs and books about running.  I've always just run because I love running but now I've found that I'm also in love with the "sport of running".  As we all know, if you follow the sport of running, you know who Kara Goucher is.  Especially if you live in Oregon.  

I walked in to Powell's to see a large group of people waiting for Kara to arrive. There was a shelf of Kara's books at the front and they were GOING FAST! I grabbed a couple and so glad I did this before she started talking because they were gone within minutes after I arrived.  By the time Kara arrived with her sweet baby boy and husband, all her books were sold-out.  

Kara, dressed in jeans and a sporty shirt and jacket, was as personable and "Real" as she looked.  She opened the room up to a Q&A session before she signed books and I was so impressed with how funny, smart, open and candid she was!  This girl is the REAL DEAL. The whole package!  She answered so many great questions with honestly and sincerity.  I almost forgot that I was in a room full of people because it felt like I was just sitting down and having a one-on-one chat with Kara.  Ha!  Just a few of the things she touched on:

  • The 120 miles she runs a week
  • How she trains
  • When she sleeps
  • Where she runs
  • How much she respects her body, especially seeing the miracle of growing a child.  She got a little emotional here.
  • What she eats (she admitted to having a sweet tooth)
  • How she got started running
  • Women issues and running
  • Learning experiences
  • Stress fractures
  • Over-training
  • How she views her competition
  • Her schedule as a professional runner
Kara answered each and every question without reservation.  She certainly has a light within her that makes one want to be near her.  She seemed to have a sparkle in her eyes to go with her smile and happy demeanor!  

I'll only post this picture a few dozen more times.  Promise!

Even though there were a lot of people to get books signed, Kara took her time with each of us.  She answered more questions and asked us about our lives.  She even did some photo shoots to humor all of her fans!  When it was my turn, she chatted with me briefly about how much of a break I can take from my training before I start to lose fitness.  The neatest thing about her was that she didn't talk to you like you were beneath her in any way!  She just had a normal conversation and treated us all as if we were just fellow runners.  She even mentioned something about this when she said something to the point of not having to be fast to be a "runner" but doing it because you love it.  

Her Book
I have only just begun Kara's book RUNNING FOR WOMEN--From First Steps to Marathons.  I've also spent a good amount of time flipping through it.  I don't think I'm alone in saying that this is a book that all of us can get something from!  Beginning runners and more experienced runners alike will be able to take inspiration, wisdom, motivation, etc. from it.  I love how she sprinkles in "favorite quotes" throughout the book with her "I LOVE THiS QUOTE!"  She includes:
  • tips/tricks
  • how she got started running
  • finding the right gear
  • balancing family and work
  • staying injury-free
  • food, nutrition, and weight control
  • racing
  • running a marathon
  • pregnancy and new motherhood
  • running for life
I think you will find that her writing voice is as personable, warm and as genuine as her presence in real life!  Just reading her first chapter about how she got started running, makes me feel connected to her.  Just a few things we have in common (not that I'm comparing myself to Kara.  Especially with RUNNING!  Ha!):  She is the middle child of three, her dad died when she was four, her grandfather was a runner and he encouraged her to run at a young age.  My grandfather and my father were runners and when my dad died, my grandfather was a great support to us.  He is the reason I went to college and he always entered us in races when we would come for visits.  Unfortunately, unlike Kara, my grandfather lived far away and his influence was from a distance.  I often wonder how my running life would be different if I would have had someone to push me and get me involved from a  young age. But this isn't about me!  Let's stick to Kara and her book!

Here's Kara signing YOUR book! 

A Signed Copy of Kara's Book for You!
When I found out that Kara was signing books, the first thing that came to mind was how awesome this book would be to giveaway to one of you.  I don't do a ton of giveaways on here but this book just seems PERFECT for my readers/followers.  Most of you are mothers or runners and the majority of you are Women!  Even if you are one of my readers reading for the motherhood side of Runninghood and you've never run but kind of want to try it out, this book is perfect for you!  As many of you know, Kara just had a baby not too long ago.  
She not only makes this book easy to read for the beginning runner (unlike so many running books written by pros), but she specifically gears it to women and touches on pregnancy and new motherhood!  I think this just might be my new favorite book!  And not just because Kara wrote my name in it with a little heart next to her name telling me to "Always believe in your dreams"!  It really is a good book for all levels of runners!

I asked Kara to sign a book for one of you.  Of course, I couldn't have her personalize it since I don't know who will get it but she wrote a little message to you and signed her name with the same little heart that she wrote in mine.  

So, here is how this giveaway works.  I want to keep it easy but I also like to read about you and not have a lot of hoops to jump through.  Goodness knows, we are all busy!

1.  This is a time that I will ask you to be a "follower/reader" of my blog.  Please let me know that you are in your comment.
2.  Tell me why you want to win this book and why you think you deserve to win

Extra credit:
*  Share this giveaway on facebook, your blog, or twitter (however that works.  I still don't know). Please let me know you did.  

I will keep this giveaway open for much longer than usual.  Since I have 3 weeks until my marathon, I will keep this open for 3 weeks!  Yes, I know, that's a long time for a giveaway but it is going to help me with my motivation and countdown as I near the end to this long training.  I will announce a winner on June 2, 2011!  I'll choose the answers I like best (I love to read your thoughtful words!) and then my final decision will be a random drawing from the answers I narrow down.  Since this isn't completely random, give me something good!  I want to know you better!  

Good Luck!


  1. I follow you..of course I do
    hope it is not bad luck to be first comment

  2. I wanna win. pick me ! pick me!
    well because I want another kido and I want to know how she got back in shape so freaking fast!

  3. Whoa, you two look like you could be related! I hope I get to meet this sweet gal someday! I follow and would love to win her book really for no reason other then I think that she is adorable!

  4. I would like to win this book because well I LOVE books and I do neel all the halp I can get to improve. I am signed up for 2 more half marathons this year and I want to do well. I still have to learn pretty much everything about running, I did master the left-right-left-right part but the rest no so much.

    I had left MANY hints for my husband for this for a mother's day gift. I gues was not obvious enough!!!!

    thank you for this chance and for thinking of your followers

  5. I am sharing on Facebook now.

  6. I am actually reading her book on Kindle right now, but I would love to have a hard copy and especially with her signature. When I watched her finish the Boston Marathon and grab and hug Colt and smile I just melted and started crying. Plus I love that she talks about gaining 30 pounds during injury and how she lost it!

  7. I am a running book junkie, I love to read and always find new tips and inspiration that I like to share as well

  8. Disclaimer: This is not an entry into the giveaway... But I am going to tweet it, too! Want you to get lots of entries.

    She was awesome! So personable. I guess I expected a bit of pretention, but there was nothing but openness. Such a great evening!

  9. I would love, love, love this book! I am a huge Kara fan! I haven't bought it yet, although is it on my kindle wishlist. But a signed copy... how cool!

  10. I'm a follower!

    I want the book because it means so more to me than running.

    I'm raising men. 3 of them to be exact. I need to be a role model to them because it's going to shape the future that they have. If they see their mother as a physically/mentally strong, capable and caring woman, they're likely to choose the same type of companion for their future. And if they choose someone like that, they're likely be HAPPY. I want them to be HAPPY.

    So among the litany of self-help books that I've read, I would love to have one by Kara Goucher. It sounds like her book is more than just a guide to running. I have a running coach for *that.* Kara is an amazing athlete that embodies so many of the qualities that I want to improve in myself. She seems like a humble, graceful and incredibly positive human being. To that end, she seems to have found a balance between elite athletic competition and motherhood. As so much in life is about "balance," I'd love to learn how she's managed to find a way to make it work.

    (PS-Please pick me!)

  11. ok, I just figured out how to follow your blog through my twitter account and tweeted about your giveaway!! I am reading Kristen Armstrong's book and I am loving reading about all the tips and words of wisdom from these wise running women! I would love to have this book to be inspired and learn more from the pros!

  12. I'm a run-nerd and would love to learn more about Kara and all of her tips!

  13. I would love to read this book! I really enjoy reading insipring stories and learning how top athletes train and live!

  14. Awww. I would love to have this! Two reasons:
    1- I'm a missionary and I don't have extra money to spend on books, so winning it is the next best option!
    2- I'm in a lull in my running right now, and Kara's an inspiring woman. I need to be inspired!

  15. I posted about this on my blog as well :)

  16. I want to win this book because, as you read in my post this week, I'm kind of ... not struggling. I'm in limbo? I'm doing better than I ever imagined I could at running, but I feel like I need to step up my game. I just need to figure out how to do it. I need the inspiration and the tools to help me figure out how to be even better! And why not learn all of this from an awesome fellow Oregonian runner?

  17. I'm a follower, of course. This sounds like a great book. I'll try and pick it up from the library. I have no Kara-like ambitions, and I don't want any more babies, so I'll leave it for someone who might be a better fit. :)

  18. I love how you introduced this post Amanda and gave a recap of Kara's appearance and talk at te bookstore. Portland is a fabulous running community!!

    I FOLLOW YOU! ;)

  19. I bet when you asked Kara how much time you can take off before you lose fitness, she didn't say a year, right? Hum, THAT'S my problem!!! :p

    I am a follower.

  20. I will post on my blog about your giveaway! Thanks for doing this.

  21. I have been hearing so many positive reviews on Kara's book that I really want to sink my teeth into it!

    Like you, I didn't really "know" pro runners until being introduced to the blog world and Kara is one of the first I learned about after her appearance on the RW's cover last year.

  22. I'd love to read her book just to find out how she balances it all.

  23. i would LOVE to read this book! kara is such an inspiration to me!

  24. oh forgot to say my twitter name is @movesnmunchies

  25. I think kara is such an amazing inspiration. Running the Boston marathon after having a baby only 7 months ago! I can only hope to be as good as her someday!

  26. I would love love love this book, because I really want to improve in my running, and I'd like any help I can get (especially from Kara G!). Plus, as a missionary, I never get any new books, so this would be such a HUGE treat!

  27. I'm a follower, but only for your motherhood writing

  28. Since you don't know how it works, I FBed, tweeted, shared on my blog, flyered a mall parking lot and a bunch of other ways that get me bonus entries.

  29. I will win because you won my wife's giveaway, rejected her prize, and you should send this to me so that I can appear to be a loving husband as I console her

  30. I posted the giveaway on my blog's facebook!

  31. Just found your blog and I am now a follower! :)

  32. Why I think I should win:
    I entered a giveaway at theAlmostRunner's blog for a signed copy of Kara's book, and didn't win. But then, the person who did win didn't claim it in time, so she redid the giveaway... and I still didn't win. I thought, "Okay, no biggie, I'll just pre-order a signed copy from Powell's." Except it was too late for that. I was DYING to go to the actual signing at Powell's, but my hubby and I are currently in South Korea (he is in the Army), and won't be in the states to visit until June. AKA, a month too late for the book signing.
    Plus, I don't have access to any stores that sell the book, so I'd have to get it via mail anyway... and if I could get a *signed* copy, that would be so amazing.
    Running has really helped me to deal with the stress of living overseas away from friends and family for nearly a year (and we'll be tackling another year after our trip home to visit this summer), and to own something that not only is amazingly informative and helpful to my running, but is also incredibly motivating and inspiring because it is signed by Kara herself would just be... incredible.

  33. Ok - I'm following - should have done that ANYWAY. So happy to hear you so perky and excited and inspired - wonderful that Kara spent time with you.

    I would love to win this book because it's not available here (yet), because I am looking to rededicate and reinspire myself after reaching my recent goals and I think Kara will help me do that. I am looking for new goals and a new horizon and her books sounds so very inspiring.

  34. This book is on my "summer reading list". So i'd love to start it NOW! So cool you got to meet her

  35. I am a follower. I would love this book because I love reading all the different aspects to how people train. I feel like even if it doesnt work for you it is worth having a broad depth of knowledge and whop knows if it doesnt work for you it may work for someone else. I love talking to others about running and sharing the knowledge that I have to help others!

  36. new follower! and excited to keep following in the future :)

  37. i would love to win this book! I have a love for reading and when I was injured I started reading running book after running book...I figured if I could not strengthen my physical running game I could strengthen my mental running game :) I started reading this book on my ipad but have loved it so much that I would be PUMPED to have a hard copy of the book...especially signed. I think Kara is an inspiration for all women and she writes in a way that is just so personal yet easy to relate that!

  38. just posted to my blog and will mention in my post tonight!!

  39. I would love this book b/c she is an amazing women athlete and I would just love to read about her perspective on things!

  40. Don't know about deserve it, but would like to win it to read more about taking the next step to really be a runner. There is so much yet I want to learn and having a book from Kara would be a super start. THX!

  41. I am a new follower! I am not a mommy yet, but when I am, I definitely want to keep running!

  42. I am a following (and fan) ... I am so happy to hear Kara is so down to earth!!!

  43. Um, why are there only 2 of us commenting??? ha

    I twittered about it too! @pammykro

  44. aw. I lost my post from yesterday where I wrote about giveaways!! :(

  45. Okay, so there are two reasons I want this book:
    1) I'm a missionary with no extra money to spend, so this could be the way I could read the book.
    2) My running life is dull and uninspired, and I need some inspiration. I KNOW Kara Goucher is that inspiration, so I'd love to read the book!

  46. I am a follower, I am still totally jealous of you meeting Kara!

  47. I don't know that I am more deserving then the next person, but I know I want this book signed by Kara.

    Why? First, I am pregnant, basically bedridden and only viewing the running world from a distance. This whole time, even though I am a new runner, I have never lost my motivation or zest to run! Each time our new Runner's World arrives, I pour through it, saving anything that might be useful to me when I come back. I have even started reading back issues, and always gravitate to the ones with Kara on them first. Second, now that she is a mother too, I can't wait to hear what she has to say on balancing both worlds. Plus any advice from her would be great to start me off on the right foot once I can hit the pavement again!

  48. Why do I want the book? Because I am a new found lover of Kara and of running and would love to hear what she has to say.

    Why do I deserve to win? Because my name is Kara too.. And because I've been busting my butt for the last 5 years to get healthy. Over the last year and a half running has helped me lose a good 50 pounds and helped my tone and sculpt my body. It's also taught me self respect and self discipline. Running my first 26.2 this weekend!

  49. I would absolutely LOVE to have this book. I don't think i'm more deserving than the next person but I running is my passion and I would love the chance to read this book! Getting a glimpse of her life- being a mom and wife and runner! Just finished Boston and now I'm needing some motivation to carry on to the next season!

  50. Hey there! I am a Follower- but I think we'd tie in a race :) ...haha (J/k) PUT ME IN THE GIVEAWAY, PLEASE!!

  51. I would like to win this book because
    1, books are my favcorite thing
    2. I have a lot to learn still, I want to know more and do better and I am looking for any advices I can get training for 2 more half marathons and other races in between!

  52. I posted a link to this on my blog's facebook!

  53. I posted a link on my personal facebook!

  54. I think I should win this giveaway because running is still fairly new to me, so a book like this could be extremely helpful. Plus, even though I am a newbie, running has already become a very big part of my life, so I'm definitely aware of how major Kara is!
    I had entered another giveaway (at theAlmostRunner's blog) to win a signed copy of Kara's book, but I didn't win. Then, the person who did win didn't claim it in time, so she redid the giveaway... and I still didn't win. I thought, "No biggie, I'll just pre-order a copy from Powell's." Except that it was too late for that.
    So I was left with no way to get a signed copy of Kara's book. Plus, I'm overseas, so I don't have any access to stores that sell the book, so I'd have to get it through the mail anyway, signed or unsigned.
    Then I saw your blog!
    I would love to win this because I have been in South Korea for nearly a year now (my husband is in the Army) and for the first several months I was pulling my hair out from the stress of being in a foreign country away from my friends and family, plus I hardly got any time with my husband because by the time he would get home from his screwy hours at work, he'd be exhausted.
    Enter running.
    I started running a little after the beginning of this year (about 7 months into our time here) and suddenly, I finally had a way to get out all of my stress and worries. Not only that, but I also found this amazing blogging community where I could rant about my running issues, but also rant about anything else, and people would listen, offer help and advice, or just make me smile. It was wonderful and exactly what I needed.
    So for me, winning this would mean more than just owning a cool book signed by the kick-ass author, it would also be a reminder of how much running has come to mean to me, how it has helped me through a tough situation, and how it will continue to help me as we face another year here after our brief trip home this summer, and even after that as we face who-knows-what that life will throw at us.

  55. I'm a new follower! I recently found your blog and am really enjoying it. I'm a triathlete, but unlike most triathletes, running is my weakest discipline. I love hearing how others master the sport without getting injured, and how other female athletes eat, train, and live life as athletes.

  56. I love how I comment even in restaurant bathrooms.....Great review of the whole Kara Experience! Certainly made her book appear to be well worth reading!

    I'm not going to enter the giveaway because I already ordered the book and I'll let someone else get it! I will just send you my book and have you sign it since you're practically sisters and all-ha!

  57. I want this book because I NEED SOME NEW INSPIRATION PLUS - I recently discovered both your blog and Kara's!

  58. I am a follower and I would love this book because I am training for my first Half Marathon and I love inspiration from other Runners! Plus Kara is just Awesome! I will give you a shout out on my blog tomorrow when I'm not so tired!

  59. I posted a link on my blog!

  60. I just started running so I would love to win this book to keep me motivated! I am looking for any motivation that I can get as I see where my running adventures will take me!

  61. I follow and I would SO love to have this book because a) I love Kara Goucher and b) it's not available here yet and c) I feel I need some inspiration and motivation with my running after my recent race and I think this book would do that for me.. PLEASE?

  62. I would absolutely love to get this book because I really want to improve my running, and I'd like any advice I can get (esp. from Kara G!!) Plus, since I'm a missionary, I can't get new books, so this would be a HUGE treat!!!!

  63. Follower! Hm... you have some great comments here. I'm not sure I'm more 'deserving' than any of them, but I would LOVE to have this book. I love powerful, motivated women. I'm not an all out feminist, but I do love a woman who sets her sights on her goals and then blows them out of the water - especially if she beats a few men while she's at it. I would love this book because you love this book, and I find you so relatable. As a wife, mommy, and stellar runner (I'm still working on this part, but I do love it!), I relate to so much of what you write about in any of the above three categories, and since you have found this book applicable, I think I would too. Thanks!!

  64. I would love this book cuz I'm a new runner and a mommy of 2 little ones. I think I could learn a thing or two from Kara's book!

  65. I would love this book because I am really looking to improve my running--run more miles each month, run faster. I am always inspired by these kinds of books.

  66. I posted a link on my blog!

  67. I really want this book! I'm training for my first marathon & need all the help I can get!!

  68. I posted this on my blog -

  69. although I want to win the book, after reading "track coach and adorable wife's" comment- I think she is way more deserving

  70. I am posting this giveaway to my blog!

  71. Omg I would love this book! I have been running for about 2 years now and love it! But I still need to know tips and tricks! I run with team will power! My cousin is will and he is special needs! The reason I run is to see how far love can reach, and spread the word. I have 2 special needs brothers and my son is also special needs! So as you can see I need this book because I have a lot of running to do in my future! Also shared you on fb

  72. I am a follower of your blog! I love to read about running! I loved reading about running before I even loved running! I am glad that I now not only love to read about others running, but actually quite enjoy it myself!

  73. Just added you to my google reader! Would LOVE this signed copy, as my friend (who just had a baby) two weeks a HUGE Kara fan..and I cannot think of a better present for her!

  74. kara is so amazing! I really want to be a mom and hoping that will happen within the next year. I would love this book to b inspired and to see how another woman balances it all

  75. IM BACK!! I so want that book! After screwing up my blog.. I want the book! LOL!!(Nora) PS come back and follow me. I lost all my friends :(

  76. I am a follower on Google Reader. I want to win this book because I somehow managed to run a marathon with water intoxication and I want to learn how to not do that again. Also, I need some inspiration to keep running and I think Kara is AMAZING.

  77. I want to/deserve to win this book because I am a fairly new distance runner and made some mistakes when I first started running that resulted in some injuries! I could use a new source of tips and information to make *smart* running choices in the future!

    Also I could use some inspiration from someone as fabulously inspirational as Kara!

  78. I posted your giveaway over on my blog!

  79. I dont think i DESERVE to win...

    but i would LOVE to win the book because im a "newer" runner and about to train for my first full marathon and think it would be a great inspiration :)

  80. I have been following you for a while and love reading your blog posts:)

    There are plenty of woman who deserve the book more than me... but I love to read and I love to run and I am always looking for something new and inspirational to read:)

  81. I've totally had my eye on this book! in fact, I listed in my "Shopping for Mom" mother's day gift list a couple weeks ago. I love Kara - she's so darn cute!! Congrats to you for getting to meet her! I would totally frame that photo!

  82. I posted a link on the sidebar of my blog!

  83. I absolutely love your blog, your personality is totally similar to mine and I find myself pushing myself as hard as you do. I am just starting my own blog and you and your semi-new blog are an inspiration to me. Follow me if you get a chance.

  84. I would love to have Kara's book, because she is such an inspiration for hard work and healthy living. I love to learn about things I love from other people.
    I don't have fb or twitter so I am going to share your giveaway on my blog -

  85. Ahhh! I am new to running and a first year teacher! I literally just started running three weeks ago and my first step is to get through the couch to 5k program! I am scheduled and registered to run my first 5k at the end of July! I am so excited and in the last three weeks have grown to love running! It is such a stress reliever for me but I am having some shin splint issues and I love the idea of finding a good running book (unlike some written by pros that are hard to read like you said!). I am loving my first year teaching and trying to get into a love for running as well! I was a swimmer for 15 years so running is definitely new to me but I am so excited to really get into to! I was so happy to find your blog and so many other women runner blogs and then to run into this post and giveaway YAAAAY! I really hope I win!

    And PS---Any tips for the shin splints for a beginning runner?!? Id love any advice!!!

  86. ok, so I wrote a great explanation as to why I want this book but I guess the original comments got lost and I lost my wording! But, I did follow you on facebook and tweet about your giveaway. Right now I am reading Kristin Armstrong's Mile Markers and I guess I would love to have this book because I love reading and learning from these wise women of running. Plus, I love books and to read!!

  87. I am a new follower! Just discovered your blog and I really enjoy it!

  88. I would love to have this book, one because I'm just getting back into running after several years of not running and two I'm training for H2C. I just had a baby and need help getting back into a running regimine.

  89. I just blogged about your giveaway!!

  90. Ok, I am going to try this again. :)

    I'm a follower too. But I think you knew that already.

    Running means so much to me as both a woman and a mom. I'm raising 3 men. I want them to see a healthy, strong female role model because that will likely (hopefully) lead to them selecting the same type of women for their companions. And that will more than likely make them happy. I want more than anything for my boys to grow up and be happy. I want them to have a happy childhood and become happy, well-adjusted men. Kara's book seems like it's more than about running. It's about balance. It's about grace, and it's about being the best women that we can be... all through the vehicle of running. So in addition to my other "self-help" books, I really want this one. I think it would help me to become a better "me."

  91. I'm now a follower. Found your link through a friend.

    I need some motivation for running...I seem to have lost mine!...and I LOVE to read :)

  92. I really want to run a marathon but am not sure that I'm cut out for it, maybe this will give me some well-needed advice?

  93. I am a follower of your blog. :)

  94. I posted about your giveaway on my blog.

  95. I would really like to win this book because running and reading are my two most favorite things, and because I think reading about the experiences and advice from other women runners is very inspiring and encouraging.

    I think I deserve to win because I have overcome a lot to be a runner. I have lost 70lbs and I find time to run 50-60 miles a week even though I have 12 kids. No excuses! I have worked so hard in the last two years since I started running and am constantly pushing myself to be a better, stronger, faster runner. I love it! I try hard to inspire those around me to be active and healthy, and to show other moms how important it is to care for ourselves as well as our families.

    I know reading Kara's book would be a great emotional boost. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!! :)

  96. I don't know that I deserve to win, but I want to win because I am still struggling with running and anything motivational or informational would help immensely!!

  97. I don't know if I "deserve" to win, but I'd like to. I'm going to start training for my first marathon in about a month and it would surely help with motivations and feelings of inadequacy!

  98. I'm a new follower - really enjoying your blog!

  99. Just posted about this giveaway on my blog.

  100. I've only been running just over a year but became an instant fan of Kara's! Love her spirit and her heart - she just seems like the kind of person you can connect with! So I have to imagine her book would be very inspiring, very real and very helpful as I move along in my running journey!

  101. I'm a follower.

    Sounds like a great motivational read!

  102. I very happily follow your sunny blog!

  103. I shared this on my blog sidebar in the giveaway section!

  104. I want to win because I am in need of help. Inspiration. Guidance. Something to boost my spirits and pull me out of a run. And Kara seems like one of us. A normal, cool Oregon girl that you could read and really trust!

  105. Lucky lady!! I want to meet her and read her book. I follow you! :)

  106. Follower. I deserve it for coming back and commenting AGAIN when you lost my first comment. That really hurt. Then I couldn't leave comments, which also hurt. But now it's all good as long as I win the book.

  107. I follow you. I thought when I first read your giveaway rules that I didn't have anything to say that would catch your attention. Then I ran a race this weekend. I deserve this book because I need all the positive-ness I can get. I am in desperate need of motivation (and your blog is giving me a lot of that.) I'm training for my first 70.3 Through my training program I've never felt worse, completely tired and defeated 60% of the time. Two weeks ago I ran a half marathon and the course turned out to be 14.8 miles. Not good for motivation. Yesterday I did an olympic distance tri and was near hypothermia with a 1st transition time of 21 minutes (outside temp was only 40 degrees and the 1 mile swim was freezing.) I did finish, but again, felt defeated. My 70.3 is in 2 weeks and self doubt abounds!

  108. Hi Amanda, you have a wonderful and motivational blog, thanks for all you do! I would of course love to have a copy of Kara's book. I have a bit of a unique story, which I will keep to a minimum. I am a wife and mother of 4, who just turned 40 and have really enjoyed running these past few years. We decided life was short, sold everything, bought an RV and now we travel the country and the world is our classroom. My husband and I run together regularly, and what is great is that we rarely run the same place twice (currently in OR and loving every run!). I find we are living a simple and peaceful life and living those "rave runs" we see in Runners World each month. So in a nutshell, you never know what life brings, so live it while you can...thanks for reading :)

  109. I am a new follower of your blog. I stumbled upon it when looking through the Top 25 Health & Fitness blogs.

    I'd love to win a copy of Kara's book for some new running inspiration. As a full-time, working mom, my runs need to be scheduled and I new inspiration (like finding your blog) is always helpful to keep me running.

  110. I almost forgot to enter this! I'm a follower. That pic of you two is pretty crazy. Same nose, same mouth, same chin (I'm not weird or a stalker, I just looked at it more closely after Britt's comment). Anyway, I would love to win because I'm currently on the waiting list at my local library and I'm sitting at about will be awhile before I get it. I would love to read all about Kara training.

  111. I follow you, and shared this on FB. I would love to win this. Not only do I love to read, but I am also a new overweight runner. I need all the help I can get!! Love your blog!

  112. I want to win this giveaway so bad. I deserve to win it because I'll be running 4 1/2 marathons in 21 days and I'll need something to keep me inspired/distract me in between. Plus, I LOVE KARA!!!

  113. I posted the giveaway on my blog.

  114. I posted the giveaway on Facebook.
