Thursday, May 5, 2011

Groin Strain and The Skinny on the Skinny!

Just sitting here with frozen corn on my crotch about to google a bit about "groin strain" and what it means for my training and outlook for racing this marathon in 4 weeks.  But first, wanted to say thank you so very very much for your loving and kind words of support and encouragement in my last post.  Wow, what a great community!

After an entire day of pampering and self-reflection, I realize just how little time I have been giving to caring for myself. Thank you to my husband for such a great day!  Here's a few highlights and reflections:
*  1 hour sports massage.  She spent most of her time in my back and shoulders and was shocked at the stress I was carrying there.  It is called 3 kids and not getting out enough.  Except for running.
*  1 hour facial.  That lady really loved clearing pores!  I like popping zits too.  Maybe I should go back to school to do what she does.  Yes?
*  Adjustment from my sports chiropractor.  Wow, I was SO out of whack! No wonder I've been feeling torn down.   It was just supposed to be an adjustment but he checked out my groin muscle, affirmed it was a strain and did some work on it.  He said I shouldn't race this weekend but gave me the go ahead to run slow.  Told me I could start with the friggin jogger strollers so that I wouldn't be tempted to try to take off with the leading pack. Booo!  I wanted to win the race.  Yep, the entire thing.  That was my goal. I should say that that was my secret (even secret to me really) goal deep in my mind but wouldn't really admit to myself or anyone else.   The winner last year ran a 1:31 something.  But that's not going to happen for me anymore.  Seriously, I'm taking it all in stride though. Initially, I wanted to cry and cry but I've got a pretty positive outlook on it and now just hoping that it heals so I can run my marathon.  He also said that groin strains can be hard to heal.  I'm not sure where I should go from here because he ran out of time.  I didn't run slow today because it hurt too much so I did the stair master and stretched.  OH My this is what my body is supposed to feel like when I stretch.  I could touch the floor!!  I felt so limber and balanced.  No wonder my body feels like it was falling apart.  I was a hot mess of stress and imbalance. Thank God for massages and good chiropractors to get this nut head all straightened out!

*  Pizza and Salad all by myself.
*  Cut and subtle highlights with my favorite hair stylist.
*  Gym to do stair master.  I also weighed myself just to make sure that I was still on track with my weight since I obviously looked scary thin and ragged in my last pictures.  Again, I am insisting that the pictures/angle made me look way thinner  and I really don't look that skinny.  I'm thin, yes and this is just coming with the territory of marathon training for me and not having a ton of time for weights.  I'm still the same 120 lbs that I usually am (125 is a better weight for my 5'4 frame) but hope to gain some more weight once marathon training is done!   Ragged and tired, yes, this part of the picture was pretty spot on!  But I feel RECHARGED after today!  :)  The reason I'm mentioning the weight issue is because I've had more than one friend mention this to me lately and I just want to put it out there that I am not losing weight on purpose.  I stuff my face like no other and I can put down more food than most of my friends.  I do admit that during the day with kids, I end up running around like crazy and don't eat as much as I should.  This will have to change.  But I usually make up for it from the hours of 7 to 10 at night when I'm stuffing my face!  I'm just burning an incredible amount of calories with running, running after kids, and really not sitting down for most of the day!  This is just part of where I'm at right now.  Thank you for those of you in the virtual world and my personal life who have expressed concern.  Much love to you!

Anyone know anything about Groin Strains?  Yikes, I'm a little worried but also taking life as it comes.  Just want to be smart, not do too much, and do what I can to heal quickly.



  1. People think we are lucky for being skinny... but frankly, no one really wants to look like a strung-out junkie chick, do they? I get that way, too, so I hear you.

    How awesome that you had a sort of spa day! Wowza! I can only imagine how amazing you feel... except for the groin strain. Yes, I have had that. Ice and gentle stretching. Be good to it because it'll be slow to heal if you aren't. And if it starts hurting a lot, you may start doing some weird compensations (I did) and really screw yourself up. Or you might worsen it. Careful, cautious... Once it is better, then you can throw the caution to the wind and WIN that race :)

    There are other races to be run... and you want to be running in them! Missing one or two to keep yourself healthy and feeling good is hard, but in the long run... ha ha... will make life better :)

  2. What a day for you. Pizza and salad by yourself...I am jealous. I get so used to everybody eating off of my plate especially if there is a salad.
    I am glad that you took the day to pamper yourself. you needed it. Now take your time healing and don't do anything crazy!

  3. I don't know anything about groin strains, so no help there. Your day of pampering sounds wonderful!

  4. So glad you took the day to really pamper yourself and relax! Much needed every once in a while.

  5. My friend at work who runs very fast and works out every week had a groin strain last year after running a half marathon. It took him a long time to heal--weeks. He actually stopped running for a few weeks.

    All I can say is take it easy. There will always be races to run, and I would rather miss out on one than run it when I'm injured. Focus all your energy on getting well so you can run your marathon feeling your best.

  6. wow! it sounds like you had a GREAT GREAT day!! why didn't you invite me?!!;) ha ha..just kidding! but I, like you, never get out just for's either running (which I guess is me but not usually all that relaxing) or WORK...which is why I am up right now with the flu at 5:19am writing on your blog waiting for my oatmeal to cook. So I can go beautify some bride and then come home and crawl back into my bed and continue to sweat this fever out. blah! anyway...i'm glad you're feeling more balanced and back on track! some day we'll look back on this time in our lives and wonder how we did it all:) and I bet we'll miss it a whole lot too! xoxo

  7. I see positive vibes. Well done.

  8. Don't know about groin strains, but do know about the skinny thing!! It runs in my family, my mom has always struggled to keep weight on and she's not even that active. I don't talk about it much, I think people get annoyed when you say you can't gain weight. But, I get it. And add in training and sometimes it's tough to stay ahead of the calories. For me, I find out when I work out more I am WAY more hungrier and my weight is better. Also muscle mass has helped with this. I usually track calories to make sure I'm not in a deficit for the day given the workouts. Good luck, sorry about the damn sprain. Ugh!

  9. I ice with frozen peas or green beans! Corn works too!

  10. Never strained my groin, but I can't imagine its pleasant. I love to run but I hate how it makes the body look twiggy and everyone feels that they have the right to make comments about it. Last summer during my marathon training I had the same issue, and lost more weight then I am willing to admit and everyone had something to say about it but they were right. It is hard to keep up with all those burned cals. Gosh when we're heavier we want to be skinnier, and when we're skinnier we feel sensitive and fragile and want to be heavier. Why does everything in life have to be a catch 22?

  11. Feel better soon, Amanda!!! I'm glad you got a day to relax a bit and recharge!

  12. Yay for pampering!!
    Poo for groin strains :-(

    Take it easy on yourself this weekend and enjoy Mother's Day!!!

  13. You did a month's worth of pampering in a day? Love it! I need to send this post to my husband so he understands what I need...

    Win the whole race? I'm so bummed you don't get to attempt it this year, I would've loved to see you pull it off. So impressed that you could even think about winning a half, ah, to be that talented.

    I hope you feel up to running this Sunday, but do what's best and take good care of yourself. You got off to a great start!

  14. So glad you had a day for yourself! All moms need that. Good luck with the strain - ice is always a good thing. I'm sure you know that :)

  15. When I die and go to Heaven, I hope it's JUST LIKE your day yesterday!

  16. LOVE your blog! What a great day - sounds as though you need a few more days of pampering yourself.

  17. I don't think I got to comment on your post yesterday because I read it in Reader at (gasp!) work because I had one 5-minute thing to write in an 8-hour workday. Ugh. That's a whole other story. But I soooooo know how you feel/felt. Hugs.

  18. GIRL!!! I am PRAYING for your groin strain to be BETTER long before your marathon that you are going to ROCK!!! Photo angles definitely make a difference in how skinny people look and as soon as you are done training for the marathon those 5 lbs will come back (all muscle of course) but personally I think you look BEAUTIFUL in EVERY picture I have ever seen you in!! I am SO happy you were able to be pampered, you deserve it!

  19. i got to read your post yesterday but was headed out the door and couldn't comment...I came back today to do just that, glad you had an update. I get you, Amanda...the kid stuff and being spread kids fight all the time too. I've been so strung out by the end of the day my husband is frustrated because he doesn't know what to do to help. No answers there...just know you are not alone. One day at a time. So glad you got yourself some needed YOU time and therapy of the physical and emotional kind!! So sorry you can't race on Sunday but I'm positive you will win many races in your lifetime!! I can't imagine how frustrated you are though!! Have a great workshop tomorrow. I'm sure it will rock!! Happy mother's day weekend! You are an amazing mom!

  20. PS. I forgot to say your vulnerability is refreshing. It's so much better to be our 'authentic selves' to even the virtual world. Thanks.

  21. One of my sons had a groin strain a week out from a really important athletic event. It was in his adductor muscle and we massaged it twice a day with Arnica ointment. By the day of the carnival it had healed and he was able to jump.
    I guess the length of healing depends on where your tear is and how bad it is but I'd definitely recommend Arnica and massage.

  22. who's gonna eat that corn now?

  23. What an awesome day! And I feel you sister, if I had a dollar for every person that was 'concerned' about me running for weight loss I would be Donald trumps boss. All you can do is be you, fuel your soul and bdy the best you can and move on. Try to do something for yourself each week. Check in with yourself during that time, reflect on your week and make little tweeks for the next one. Progress not perfection.

  24. Wow, can your husband call my husband and tell him how it is done? Man what a great day!!! My hubby wouldn't even know who to call for a massage let alone a hair cut for me! ha

    Sorry about the groin strain. I had one in high school (soccer injury) and yeah it just took a long time of rest and ice and some motrin to recover.

    Marathon is the goal. Focus on it and let the half go by the way side . . .

    Oh and I can't imagine having to chase after that many kids!!!

  25. lol at quinton!

    Just so happy that you are taking care of yourself. With 4 weeks to go, you are doing GREAT. The strain will heal up in time. Hope google helps there. Just take the taper seriously, which I am SURE you are planning to.

    Sorry about the HM. ..I totally understand how you feel about that. I heard that it sold out and it will be interesting to see what the winning time this year is. I bet you would have won it! FYI I had to miss a half last year that I wanted to do- went to cheer someone on and just tortured myself. I admire your attitude, Amanda. Keep the larger goal in mind!

  26. You're sure it's a groin strain and not a femoral neck stress fracture? I ask because I misdiagnosed myself with a groin pull when I'd actually fractured my hip and ran a marathon that way. No fun.

  27. Coming out of lurker status here. . . I ran a half-marathon back in January and had what I thought was a "groin strain". Turned out it was a pelvic stress fracture! After 13 weeks, I am only now beginning to run again. I hope for your sake it's not a sfx. Sending good vibes your way. . .

  28. OH Amanda I am SO sorry that you've got a groin strain. My osteopath has had one for three months and though he has slowed his running he still managed to complete his marathon - and fast! Just keep checking on it and make sure that you've got the correct diagnosis and treatment.

    AS for the pampering - girl, do pamper yourself. you do your family and your kids a great fvour by looking after yourself - everyone relies on you.

    As for your secret goal - put it out there! you will do it, one of these days!
