Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shameless Plug. Vote For ME! PLEASE!

Happy Saturday!  So, my lovely sports sunburn is feeling better today.  Just in time for me to head out for my 20 miles of slow and steady!  No jogger stroller.  No screaming kids.  Nobody to take care of except myself.  And that I will.  I will be keeping myself at a slow pace while I listen to a variety of podcasts ranging from topics of spirituality to motherhood/parenting to politics.  Just one foot in front of the other and hoping that my groin strain stays on the path of healing.  

I'm officially registered for The Girlfriend's Half Marathon in October!  I decided to register because of all the great things I hear about it.  It will also be a great opportunity to meet so many of you that live in the Pacific Northwest!  

Okay, so here is my shameless self-supporting plug.  I'm not usually one to do this type of thing but I'm asking all you mothers, runners, dudes, friends, fellow-teachers, etc that read my blog to go and vote for me at the Circle of Moms Top 25 Health and Fitness Mom Blogs.   Just click on the thumbs up in the top right hand corner and voting is that simple!  Hopefully someone other than my mom and husband will vote for me.  If not, oh well, I tried.  Gotta start somewhere right?!  I know so much of my blog is just life ramblings on motherhood, running and life and really it turns into one big journal of sorts but I do plan on writing for other purposes someday and this is just one more path to take me further in the direction I want to go.  Thanks for supporting me!  I consider myself so blessed to have some of the best readers/followers/friends a blogging girl can ask for!  This blog has turned into so much more than I ever imagined!  

Can't wait to hear about all your race reports today!  Congrats to Nicole on her first marathon and BQ qualifying time!  This was after a very rough season of being sick, injured, and lots of time off!  You're amazing Nicole!  



  1. Amanda, the link takes me to your page on that site, but I don't see a "vote" button. What am I missing?

  2. Great question Chris! Click on the thumbs up link in the top right hand corner when you go to this link listed. Thanks! :)

  3. You got my vote! Hope your long run goes smooth and easy today! Oh and do I know about groin injuies. Blech. Hope it feels good today. Cheers!

  4. Just voted for you! Good luck with that and your 20-mile run today :) I just did a 10k race today and did it in great time, for me!

  5. Voted. Can't wait to hear how the 20 miler went.

  6. I voted. I'm a Democrat by the way.

  7. I tried to vote a whole bunch of times and it only lets you vote once in each 24 hours from the same computer. Well, you got one vote.

  8. Why would anyone NOT vote for you? You're awesome :)

  9. Just voted for you. My race report is a half marathong today. The course turned out to be 14.72 miles. Argh!! That was tough.

  10. awww thanks sweet girl!I just posted my race report:) it was tough and I PRAY your marathon goes a lot better in a few weeks!!! thanks for being such a NICE NEW friend:) I'll go vote now! xx

  11. You got my vote. Us bloggers always like a little self promotion.

  12. Ouch! Your sunburn looks pretty painful! Hope you had a great run. I voted for you!

  13. Yay for running in peace. Hey plug away, going to vote for you now. I think blonde ponytail was in her 20s. Turns out i was 5th woman overall so gave away 3rd with the puke episode, oh well.

  14. Yay, cant wait to hear how the race goes.
    Also everyone should go vote. :)

  15. VOting.. LOVE you!! Greatest blog!(PS did I fix the link?)

  16. One, thank you for your encouragement throughout my training! Two, I am SO STOKED you are running GF's!!!! CAN'T wait to meet you!!

    Of course, I will vote for you!

  17. I voted! Good luck!

    Now I have to go back and re-enter my thoughts on Kara Goucher. Eeek! I have to remember what I wrote!

  18. I volunteered at the Girlfriends Half last year. It was a great time!!
    I've also toyed with trying to get an internship at the gym that puts on that race - they have a great philosophy.

    I think you would do so great at a triathlon. I don't know any training plans besides what I've been given by my TNT coaches for the 1/2IM. I know there are probably dozens out there on the web, though, for free that will do the trick. Also...Dawn at Puzzle Pieces is doing an oly distance this summer, so you might see where she got her plan.

  19. VOTED! I love your blog Amanda. It's awesome. Congrats on signing up for the half. It will be fun!

  20. I saw you listed on there yesterday and you got my vote! I'll be sure to click you next time I go in to cast my votes!

    I really want to do that half. I'm thinking maybe I'll hit it next year when my calendar isn't already so full.
