Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shout Out (Follow This Runner) and Giveaway!

Yep, this post is as simple as the title says.  

Just read a fabulous post called What Works For Me by Chicago Runner Girl.  Her blog is relatively new to me but I seem to get something valuable from every post  she writes.  She's a great writer, talented runner, and wise young woman (yes, she seems way too wise for her 20 something self).  I've thought about mentioning her on my blog several times now but after reading her most recent post I figured that I'd make a shout out post just for her.  So, if you have not already, I encourage you to go check out Britt's blog and follow her if you like what you see.  I think you will!  


Since this is my second post for the day, I wouldn't want you to miss my Tri It Wear Giveaway!  Love their product even though I'm not a triathlete.  But I just might be soon! After some e-mails today I'm getting inspired!



  1. Thanks for the head-up on Britt's blog. The post was what I needed today.

  2. I think you follow my book blog, not the running one. :) It's all good.

    I'll have to check out this blog...another Illinois blogger! :)

    I haven't entered your giveaway bc I'm too lazy for all the details, but the shirts look GREAT. I especially like that whole extra length thing.

    And's a great feeling to have done it, but now I feel a little lose. What next? My brother sent me a msg saying "I want to do another one"...and I was already online looking for our next marathon! :) Hooked.

  3. Weird, I somehow stumbled upon her blog today and was reading the post you reference above thinking "wow, this is a great post" haha

  4. I like her blog! Thanks for the tip!! Hope you're doing well!

  5. I really like the 26.2 top but we're metric over here and it just wouldn't work.

  6. i feel like i'm the only fat, non-super-model running blogger right now...

    seriously. i cannot be friends with you / jenn / this new chicago chick. you are all too hot/fast/beautiful/skinny!

  7. You go tri girl! ;) I will check Britt out!

  8. don't forget to post your time guesses on my blog for a chance for a prize!

  9. This was sweet. You are too amazingly wonderful!

  10. Thanks for sharing..I love finding new awesome blogs to read!

  11. Heading over to her blog right now. Thanks and keep it going!

  12. yeah, I'm with Lindsay, but I do appreciate the blog referral. Great thoughts!

  13. You should definitely do a tri!

    I've been reading I'm just a bad commenter...sounds like your injury has healed nicely and you're off and running big miles again! Great to hear.

  14. Indeed, she is interesting! Thanks!
    Now I gotta go enter your giveaway...
