Monday, May 16, 2011

Now Eat This! Diet Cookbook Giveaway!

First off, I will thank you again but I just have to say how blown away I was by your supportive and loving words in my last post about something so personal.  I wasn't expecting more than a few comments.  Instead, I felt like my evening was filled with words of love, support, and understanding.  Thank you!  
And Now For Why you really clicked on my post.....
Okay, so I'm not really very good at keeping up with the big Hollywood stars, the latest trends in fashion or food, or the big reality shows that are all the talk in gossip magazines (except for Survivor).  In fact, it took me until just last year to finally know who the heck The Kardashians were!  I kind of liked it better when I didn't know.  

But when I was contacted about doing a giveaway for Rocco DiSpirito's newest Now Eat This! Diet! cookbook, I was wondering who this Rocco guy was. As with most things, a few minutes of googling usually gives me enough information to be well educated on anything.  I checked out this Rocco guy and his culinary skills, recipes, and diet and I thought this sounded like a pretty cool giveaway indeed! He's actually an award winning celebrity chef! And he's not bad looking so a cookbook with his face on the cover might just be a lovely addition to my kitchen shelves and a motivation for me in "researching recipes" for my family.  Ha!  Seriously, Check out the cover:

Here's another picture of Mr. DiSpirito 

So What Exactly Is This Giveaway All About?  Two of you will win one of these Healthy- Diet Exclusive Cookbooks. Signed by Rocco DiSpirito! (I'm a big fan of signed copies of books!)   And Yes, more than one winner!  This cookbook is the Now Eat This! Diet by Rocco Dispirito.  Here's the picture again (just imagine his signature inside):  

My first question for myself in deciding whether or not run a giveaway for something I know little about is:

Will my readers like this giveaway?  Yes!  There are a lot of moms, athletes, single dads, etc. who like to cook, and are trying to live a healthier life who could really benefit from this book and diet! Lots of people out there like me too.  People who are unmotivated to cook and need some major direction! I know I am always eager to be motivated in the kitchen!  In fact, I only have one cook book and could REALLY use some inspiration!

Here is a bit more information I was given for you to read to see what you're playing for:

This cookbook embraces the belief that going on a diet doesn't mean that you have to necessarily give up all your favorite foods!  Who wants a diet/life style like that?  Not me!  Award-winning celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito changed his life and his health without giving up the foods he loves and he wants to share his success with us!  (How nice of him huh?) He lost more than 20lbs, participated in dozens of triathlons, and after an inspirational role as a guest chef on The Biggest Loser, he changed his own diet and the caloric content of classic dishes that so many love.  In this book he offers readers a 2-week program for dropping 10 pounds quickly, with little effort, no deprivation, and while still eating 6 meals a day and the dishes they crave!  

Here's how you can win your own signed copy of Now Eat This! Diet, signed by the cute guy on the cover, Rocco DiSpirito. You only have to give me one comment for all of these if you don't want to leave multiple ones.  

  1. Comment on this post and tell me:  What's motivating you to eat right this summer? (an upcoming vacation, to look cute in your bikini, to have more energy, etc.)
  2. Go to the Now Eat This! Diet Recipe App by clicking HERE or if that doesn't work enter: and tell me what recipe you think would help you the most.  (Example:  The Chicken and Cheese Poppers might help because it calls for whole wheat flour instead of regular flour and still tastes yummy.)  
  3. Follow my blog if you enjoy what you read.  
Extra Credit:  
  • Share this giveaway on FB, twitter, Your blog, etc. and let me know you did

I'll run this giveaway for one week and announce TWO winners on May 23. 2011!  

This isn't for the giveaway but just because you might love Runninghood and because I need your vote every day even if you've already voted:  
Please Vote for me for the Top 25 Health and Fitness Mom Blogs list!  I know, I'm still plugging away.  But seriously, when you're up against so many of those bigger blogs, a girl can use all the help she can get!  And you can vote every day until June 1st!  Thank you Thank you!  Virtual HUGS to you!

Happy Monday!


  1. I follow you ... and I so want this book! I absolutely LOVE Rocco!! He's on my "top ten list" if you know what I mean... :)

  2. Motivating this summer... eat right to lose weight to make marathon training easier on my body. I'm focused on this goal, and every component is so important to making it the journey of a lifetime!

  3. Ummmm, I'm a Wisconsin girl, so Fried Cheese Balls immediately caught my attention!! LOL!

  4. i follow you and is it terrible if i'm NOT motivated to eat right? Hmm..maybe that's why i need this book! ha! I am motivated to work out often, if that helps. But, no, this girl likes her french fries and donuts too much. (i am trying for moderation...on the donuts at least!)

  5. I love your blog...of course I'm a follower!

  6. I think my motivation to eat right always comes from how good it makes me feel. It allows me to run, bike, live and enjoy life. So great!

  7. What is motivating me to eat better (even though I am still struggling) is my running. I want to fuel my body right so that I can kick butt at my race debut next month!

  8. I also posted a link to this post on the sidebar of my blog!

  9. What is motivating me......getting whole again to heal. GREAT giveaway and woman I LOVED your last post. Once again, I fall even more in love with you and your blog!

  10. Of course I follow you.....remember we are best friends!

  11. I follow you and I am DYING to get my hands on this book!! I NEED it :) I am trying to get into first bathing suit post baby, that is my motivation!!! 10 pounds to go!

  12. I don't typically need additional motivation to eat healthy in the summer, the heat always has me craving fresh, crisp fruits and veggies. I'd love a cook-book for how to prepare some new healthy meals!

  13. I try to eat right for overall health, and not being scary in a bikini is a welcome side effect. :)

  14. Posting the giveaway on my blog's sidebar.

  15. I also shared this on my blog's giveaways tab!

  16. Since I'm a foodie, I definitely know who Rocco is! :) I'm motivated to eat right this summer so I can rock a bikini on our 10th anniversary trip to Kauai!! 10 years and 3 kids later, I'm determined!!! :)

  17. Recipe that would help the most? Healthy fried cheese balls?! YES! ;)

  18. Great giveaway!!!

    I want to eat right this summer because I'll be training for my first marathon and I want to fuel properly!!

    I want to try the PB cookies. I am a cookie fanatic and I think they look yummy!!!

    And of course I follow you!!!

  19. My motivation= several.
    I'm a huge advocate of practice what you preach, and since I'm a nutritionist I feel that I have extra eyes on me to see what I'm eating.
    My real passion is to get back into better shape. Its frustrating for me right now to run and see my times when I know what I used to be capable of when I was 20lbs lighter. I don't think now I have 20lbs to lose, but a good solid 10 would put a lot less pressure on my hips and joints and just have less weight to lug around.

  20. umm the PBJ cookies look absolutely amazing- would have never thought to put beans in them!

  21. posting this in my giveaway section.... also I voted for you! I noticed you had 2 on there, so I accidently voted for the one w/o the photo first, let me vote for the real one a bit later :)

  22. Oooh Rocco is yummy! Did you know that he was a bit plumper until he became a triathlete??

    Follower of course!

  23. I am motivated to eat healthy by a genetic deck stacked with heart disease, Type II diabetes, obesity and more.

  24. I follow you, of course.

    What's motivating me to eat right(er) is knowing that all of the running I do doesn't show up on my body due to the amount that I eat. And I don't want to have to post a disclaimer on facebook before my 20 year reunion this summer that objects in my mirror are larger than one would expect with all the exercise posting I do.

  25. I am motivated to eat well this summer to fit in to a bikini! YAY! Love this giveaway. :)

  26. Great giveaway! I try to cook, but need all the help I can get- I would love this cookbook. We spend all summer at my in-laws lake and I need to feel comfortable in my bikini!

  27. I'm motivated to eat right this summer because I signed up for my first marathon in November and I'll be training over the summer. Need to fuel with healthy foods!!

  28. Um, yeah, I could use his smiling face (abs) looking at me daily to inspire me!!

  29. I don't have time right now at work to look through the menus, but I'd do anything to eat one of those brownies on the cover right now!! :)

    Will look tonight more closely!!

  30. I follow you : )

    I never microwave sweet potatos like Rocco does in the sweet pot casserole recipe, but it looks like a good idea!

    I'm trying to get to my goal weight, so that I have a happy racing season!

  31. I'm motivated to eat healthy because it makes me feel so much better. Also I'm new to running and I have fallen in love and really want to learn how strong I can be.

  32. I would love to learn how to make anything in that book - I love to cook and wish I had more time for it. The one that jumped out at me was the tomato bread - oh that sounded so good!

  33. i'm not gay...but i'd eat what that guy is cookin'.

  34. I would definitely try the PBJ cookies because what's not to love? A way to have a healthy cookie AND it tastes like a PB&J??? I'm pretty sure I'm in heaven ;)

  35. I have a family vacation with 26 relatives from my mom's side of the family coming up in 6 weeks. I want to look hot in a bikini to prove to them that having a baby doesn't mean you have to become a frumpy old lady!

  36. First, just went back and read your other post (and commented). You're amazing! And how did you not know who he is? He has a new reality show coming out on Bravo soon, btw--catch him live and in action!

    I'm trying to eat really well 'cause I'm still not burning calories the way I'd like to be. Boo, but at the same time, it's good to be this good!

  37. I have a mud run in two weeks that I want to finish STRONG on, instead of the lollygagging I've been doing during recent races. This means I need to be at RACING weight.

  38. 1. Why do I want to eat healthier? To get back in shape for baby number two :)

    2. What recipe might help? The crunchy tomato bread I am a BIG bread eater and love tomatoes

  39. I already ordered this cookbook:)

    Motivating me to eat in general..speed with running...waterskiing in a swimsuit at the cabin all summer around my girlfriends (could care less about the men-ha!)

    Do I follow you??

  40. 1. To get in better shape for more energy, better health, and also to look better! :)

    2. Sweet potato casserole...I love sweet potatoes!

    3. I follow your blog.

  41. I want to eat better because I think it will make me run faster. I'm sure it's true, it's just so hard!

  42. My motivation to eat right is training. But it's not going very well.

  43. I'm already a follower of your log. :) Motivation? Getting my pre-baby body back. Almost there too!

  44. I follow. I'm motivated to eat right because it will make my long runs a lot more fun and a lot less like dragging my broken body down a trail.

  45. I am motivated to lose my last little bit of baby weight.....

  46. And "hello, crunchy tomato bread. where have you been all my life?" lol

  47. And this must not have posted, I'm a follower, and I want to lose weight to run faster and feel better, as well as get into a bikini for the family beach vacay!

  48. Okay, I may be a cookbook whore, I think I have 43...that being said, I don't have this one and it would be a great addition to my collection!
    I am going to try the PBJ cookies. Yum! I love sweets but they don't love my slow metabolism :)
    And, of course, I follow :)

  49. Summer motivation...well, my baby turned 2 in January, and I still have the muffin top and I really want to be confidant at the pool! I've been trying to lose the last few pounds for over a year time to get serious!

  50. Oooh, the loaded potato skins would be a huge favorite for my whole family I think!

  51. Summer motivation is my very 1st half marathon in August! Well that plus my determination to NOT gain weight post-wedding (I just got married last month)! :)

  52. I'm motivated by the desire to be in better health. If the body is a machine, I want mine tuned up and ready to go! The Crunchy Tomato Bread recipe is the most appealing (with vegan cheese). I voted for you at Circle of Moms...cheers!

  53. The thing motivating me to eat right now and this Summer is the fact that any extra weight is causing more issues with my knees. I also want to look and feel better about myself.

  54. I posted the giveaway on my blog.

  55. I posted the giveaway on Facebook.

  56. The Fried Cheese Balls look and sound great.

  57. Motivation - as always, I just want to look hot when I am forty. Plus we are going on a cruise...and I need to lose five pounds so I can whatever I want while on the boat!!
    Ok fine. I want to be a good example to my children.

  58. I am pretty sure my family would LOVE the loaded potato skins and maybe not even know they were good for them.

  59. Ironman Lake Placid is motivating me to eat well this summer.

    Fried Cheese Balls. Seriously? Had me at Fried. Cheese. How can that not be a fat pill?

    I follow you, have for a long time!

    Do I get Rocco too if I win?

  60. Motivation? Seeing my boyfriend in a few months and getting into a bikini!
