Friday, May 13, 2011

Last Two posts Gone

Where did my last two posts go???

My Kara Goucher book giveaway?  Gone!  What?!   Anyone know what is up and how I can get it back?



  1. Blogger JUST posted a post of their own saying Blogger had issues - they are fixing it, and our posts/comments will be back shortly.


  2. Check out the Google Blog for the notice on the outage and the restoring.

  3. Epic fail. I keep hoping the reposting promises come true. I'm so annoyed!

  4. I wondered what was going on. My sidebar was saying that people had new posts, but then they just weren't there!

  5. Thank you! Time, your comments was very helpful. And I'm so glad I got to visit some blogs I don't usually get to because of this...ImTheMarigold...and Tim, you are now on my blogroll...not sure how you got off of it but I've missed out on your posts. :)

  6. Hi!
    I know! I saw I couldn't access blogger this am and it was killin' me! blogger is down, and it seems to be coming back in piece meal style;-)

    and good lord your blog is growin girl!

    happy friday!

  7. Yep, mine too. Yesterday afternoon Blogger went down, couldn't leave comments or yesterday's post is missing. RRRGGGGH!

  8. Mine too! You won my prize for newbie's time. Send me your address!

  9. I heard that you can find old posts on google reader (no pics, just the text). I tried entering yesterday and was swearing at the computer because it wouldn't work and that was before I knew blogger was being craptastic. I hope you get that post back up because it was my FAVORITE!!!

  10. I saw your post on Google Reader too...if it doesn't show up I can copy and email it to you, and then you can put it back up so I can enter to win. ;o)

  11. Hey - I *think* they'll come back. Something to do with the popular posts feature. :)

  12. Oh no! I knew something was going on yesterday when I wasn't able to comment on the giveaway post. Very strange...

  13. It looks like Liz beat me to it, but your posts are back :)

    I for one hadn't posted in a couple days and then saw something about the outage this morning and checked my blog and all was well.... in the mobile client. I forgot to check after I got to work so I don't know if mine had any issues.

    I am SOOOOO glad I didn't know about this before then, if I would have known last night I wouldn't have gotten any sleep because I stress over things like that too much! It is a curse!

    Glad it is all coming back for you :)
