Monday, July 18, 2011

BIG Fairy Saggers! Definitely NOT the Stand Alone Early 20's Variety!

This morning, as I was cleaning up my house, doing laundry, and preparing for a friend to come over, my four year old daughter asked me to draw a fairy costume.  I quickly drew the dress and handed it to her as I made my way up and towards the dishes.  "No Mommy, you need to put the fairy in there!" Per her request, I quickly sketched some almost finished arms and the basic body parts that would extend out of a dress.  

At a second glance, I realized that I had given this fairy some major saggin', tittie slingin', over the shoulder tyin' SAGGERS!  I mean, good grief, this was a picture for a FOUR year old and in my mad sketch, I came up with a fairy that looked like she had 
A. Been well endowed to begin with and 
B. Had nursed at least three kids in her fairy nursing days. 
 She surely wasn't in her perky "stand alone" 20's!  I thought it was facebook worthy.  

Have not done a ton of running but I'm starting to get back into it.  My husband and I hired a sitter so we could run together yesterday.  Just a fun 6.5 miles but mile two was a 6:35 for him and a 6:40ish for me and this was with the last .25 of it uphill (a good size hill too).  I felt awesome about this and so we kept doing short fartleks at about 6 minute mile pace. We then finished our run slow and easy.  Felt awesome to have my running legs on! It is still nice not having anything to train for though.  

Finding Art in Every Day
I was so sick of the name Runninghood yesterday as I was trying to work on the new site I'm doing with my mom.  The Art of Runninghood name just never felt right to me anyway so we changed our site name to Finding Art in Every Day.  I like it much better!  And speaking of that site, we need some new facebook followers over there! Check our our new post:

The Art of Changing Our Space! And the First Few Motherhood Stickletes!

Hope to catch up with so many of you soon!  And be on the lookout for any of those fairies with the large knockers!



  1. The fairy rocks! So funny. I like the new name--fitting for what I've seen.

    Great work on the run. So nice you got to do it with your hubs.

  2. love those knockers! glad you got a good run in! you are sooo fast!!

  3. Ha ha..I never even would have thought to notice the fairy's boobs!

    Woohoo for getting a sitter and being able to run with your husband! That's so awesome!

  4. Those boobs are NOT that big :P I thought she just had a poofy blouse on.

    Nice run, girl!

  5. The fairy looks good, even though her tats are a bit saggy!

    You and hubs are wicked fast. Send some of that my way!

  6. hahaha. whatever, she's an older lady, no shame in that :). Love the drawing.

  7. Do fairies ever line up for plastic surgery?

  8. I agree with XL.. i was looking for the boobs..just saggy shirt :)

  9. "major saggin', tittie slingin', over the shoulder tyin' SAGGERS" I laughed out loud reading this! :)

    How fun you get to run with your husband!

  10. Haha that was funny!! You are a talented artist! I can't even explain how lame my drawing would have been. She would definitely have been a stick figure! Lol

  11. LOVE the new name and GREAT run!!!!! I ran 2 consecutive miles at 7:09 pace yesterday and was elated....took all my effort though:(:(

  12. As always you keep me motivated to keep on trying to get a bit faster in my running. Thanks!

    And the fairy doesn't look too bad. She probably worked those ta tas when they looked good!

  13. you are cracking me up! Love your new header : )

  14. Okay, people, you have to remember the chest size of the one who drew this...Me! So to me, these are some big Knockers!!!

  15. Love the picture! Great job on the run. You and your hubby amaze me with your speed.

  16. Ha ha! I saw this on FB yesterday and it made me laugh! At least you didn't give her thunder thighs and cankles:).

    Love to hear about your running. Great pace uphill and 6 min fartleks are awesome! Nice work! Your mom has been busy!! So many great new stickletes!!! Like the name change too!

  17. I love the fairy - she has some wicked hands!!! ;)

  18. glad your fairy has knockers haha. well endowed. And what a fun date, thats a stud of a husband.

  19. My... what a wide ribcage you have there little fairy. (At least that's what you can tell you daughter if she ever questions it. Fairies need more oxygen than humans, right?)

  20. And here I thought that magically fairies would remain perky forever. Sigh.
