Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zensah Compression Tights! Great No Matter What Direction You Wear Them!

By now, most of you have heard me talk about my new Zensah 3/4 length compression tights that I've been loving!  I talked about and showed you them in my video of my secret hidden talent, I've mentioned them on facebook and I've been telling you that the review of them is coming soon.  So here it is...the review...with a HSB twist.  For those of you that don't remember my Hot Sexy Bitch post from awhile back, today was another Hot Sexy Bitch moment, only with my Zensah Compression Tights instead of the Nike ones.  As you may remember, I went to the gym feeling like a hot and sexy (and probably pretty bitchy since that is the norm with me these days) only to find out after my hot sweaty run that I really just looked like a hot sweaty ass with my tights on backwards. 

This morning I got dressed quite quickly as I was doing my usual scramble to get myself and my kids out the door and on our way to dance, gymnastics and a long morning of errands and seeing lots of people.  After a run this morning and Jillian yesterday, I was thinking that my Zensah Compression tights were the perfect thing for my recovering legs.  I knew they would feel great as always and help my sore muscles feel better so I put them on in a hurry. Too bad I wasn't paying much attention.  I was more concerned with finding a shirt that was long enough so I didn't look silly in such tight tights.  After a long morning and afternoon, I was finally home.  I peeled my tights down so I could use the rest room and found myself wondering why there was a pocket in the inside of the front of the tights.  Just like the pocket in the back.  Hmm, interesting.  then I realized that the crotch of the pants was on the outside too.  I'd been walking around all morning, meeting other moms, a hot dad, talking to a librarian, sitting in the library reading books...all with my already noticeably tight pants on inside out and backwards.  Good thing they don't have that white cotton crotch part that I was wishing for this morning...you know the part of the tights that makes it so you don't have to wear undies since they are so tight?  Thank Goodness!  That would have been quite the HSB show.  

This mishap really wasn't too big of a deal.  In fact, I still have not changed them around and they are still comfortable!  I'm sure nobody noticed, right?  And if they did notice the butt bulge on my front side then they shouldn't have been looking that closely at my crotch anyway.  

Besides being the perfect tagless, white cotton crotchless pair of tights for accidentally wearing inside out and backwards, these Zensah 3/4 tights are awesome in many other ways:

  • They look good.  
  • They feel good.
  • Despite the fact that they look like toddler tights when you first take them out of the package, they do go on quite easily.  
  • They have a perfect sized pocket in the back that would fit keys, gels, ID cards, a tampon and other things. 
  • They seem to make me run faster.  Seriously, I feel great running fast in them.  
  • They feel good on my legs when my muscles are sore and I believe they help with recovery. 

Things I don't like:
  • I kind of wish they had a cotton crotch part...maybe not a white one (just in case I pull this inside out thing again, I'd like the crotch to blend in) but something in the crotch area so that I can have the option of going commando and feeling comfortable.  I mean, they are quite tight and I don't really like undie lines and I don't like always wearing the "thong" variety of undies (can you tell I don't like the word panties? ) too much these days.  
Ha!  Here's what they looked like before I put them on for the first time.  I definitely found it funny to think that they would fit but they did!

What Zensah has to say about these compression tights:

"Zensah 3/4 Compression Capris feature our patented Zensah fabric – thermal regulating, ultra-breathable, and moisture wicking. The compression capris make use of graduated compression to help improve blood and oxygen circulation. Support is given to the legs where it is need most. The compression capris leave the lower leg free, while supporting the upper legs.

The compression capris may be used during activity or for recovery. The high level of compression insures you will recover faster and be back to your activity sooner."

I'd recommend giving these babies a try if you are in the market for a pair of compression tights.  After trying out a Zensah tank and now the tights, I'm thinking Zensah makes some pretty rad stuff!  Definitely some top notch gear! 

Follow up from this morning:
Congrats again to the winners of the Run Like a Mother Giveaway!  And thanks for your comments on my Convenient Communication post from this morning.  It really is a complicated subject and such a personal thing.  I am not a phone person either, as many of you stated.  I'd much rather talk in person and I text and e-mail a TON!  My biggest point was that I think there are just times where we need to call a person back...especially if the person has called us, left several messages and asked us to call.  This is out of courtesy.  Sending a text in response to a phone call where they asked you to call back, seems rude...in most cases.  At the same time, I've done it, probably will do it again, and am an expert at shooting someone the voicemail when I don't have time or want to talk.  And when I do call someone back, just to say hello or share something funny, it doesn't have to be long.  I'm all about keeping conversations short and saving the long stuff for when we can have coffee, a girl night, or meet in person if this is possible!  



  1. Ha ha...that is hilarious that you had them on backwards and inside out!! I can totally see myself doing the same thing!

  2. I haven't tried Zensah yet, but have used Nike Dri fit, and I totally get the whole running faster concept. It just so happens that I PRed in my half mary wearing them... and I generally ALWAYS wears skirts. Scientific proof to back up your speed theory haha.

  3. Ha, this is too funny. But don't worry we all have worn our clothes inside out and backwards on multiple occasions. I just always hope that someone doesn't think it's because I tried to slip in a quickie with the hubby or something. But nonetheless, you look like one hot momma in them right-side-in-or-inside-out.

    I also detest the word panties, it just feels vulgar for some odd reason.

  4. Girl, I LOVE you.
    This had me rolling...
    "And if they did notice the butt bulge on my front side then they shouldn't have been looking that closely at my crotch anyway. "

    I need a pair! Or 6!!

  5. I think they make the cotton gusset white so you can tell which side is inside and which is out.

    But honestly, who hasn't worn their tights inside out?

  6. Being able to wear clothes backwards and/or inside out can save laundry too. Dirty on one side, just turn them around :-).

  7. I have never worn my tights inside out. Then again; I never embarrass myself :P. I'm tellin' ya…putting bitch or boob in your title draws 'em in like something draws flies ;-)

  8. Multiple times I have gone to work with clothes inside out or backwards trying to get ready too fast in the morning:) I think I want to try these out. Do they run big/small??

  9. I totally do things like that. I'd like to try those however right side out:)

  10. you're so funny!!! BTW I hate, hate panty lines.. yup I've have thongs for just that reason. Which sounds worse, thongs or panties?

  11. Hahaha. I'm just glad there wasn't a grody white triangle showing :)

  12. I think if they can be comfortable while on backwards, that's a big plus! Too funny.

  13. Oh my gosh - too funny! And so something that I would do! I love my Zensah Compression calf sleeves. The tights sound great...have to start saving up for a pair!

  14. I love all my compression gear, but I don't have the tights, that's going on my wish list : )

  15. Too funny! I wish I had a pair of those tights right now because my quads are killing me.

    Thanks for the review!

  16. This whole post made me laugh!! The front butt! Oh my, I would have chunked out a lung if those would have had a white cotton crotch. My favorite part is you just left them that way:) A true HSB- comfortable with herself even inside out and backwards:)

    I am quite interested in these tights! They seem pretty lightweight and I love compression but almost never wear it in the summer here.

  17. I did inside out tights once...but caught it just before I went out for a run.
    I did do an entire run at the gym with my shirt on backwards...and it was pretty noticeable as well.
    I'm a big dork...

  18. Super funny. I don't think I'll be getting the tights for running here in Hawaii, but still enjoyed the post! :)
    Finally posted my first "running post" at my blog…will keep up with you here fosho!

  19. I've been so impressed with all the Zensah items I've tried! Hilarious you wore them backward!

  20. I love my ASICS compression tights. It's almost nice to have cold weather to wear them in. Almost.

  21. You look great, backwards and forwards! I often find I have t-shirts on inside out and sometimes leave them that way. I think it's funny!

  22. You certainly make them look great A!! I think I like the waistband most AND the compression effects!

    And, I am in love with your header! Fabulous!!!

  23. Love it that you had them on backwards - made me smile!! Hope all is well.

  24. Always wondered about them...now hate to pry but did you have to wear undies with it because I hate that and the thong thing doesn't fly with long mileage.

  25. I've only ever tried one type of compression product before (compression sleeves that I got literally 20 minutes after my first race... bought them at the expo! lol)

    I really liked them, though... so I think I'll give these a try too!

  26. That's the thing with the compression equipment, it is very flexible and helpful throughout!
