Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wee Words Wednesday!

Tired but content little boy chilling at a coffee shop on Hawthorne after a morning of swimming. Summer is HERE! Movies, sprinklers, water balloon fights, fountains, kisses of sun that feel so good on our skin...SO LOVIN' Summer in Portland!!

Thanks for the advice you have given on my last post!  Please keep it coming!  I know that my friend isn't alone in her concerns as a person trying to get into running shape and start a running lifestyle.  

Also, here is a link about the race I ran this weekend written by a local running blogger for  Makes me want to run it again.  I think it will fill up much faster next year.  The Half Marathon for sure!  Lots of people from all around coming to run this half!  



  1. OK-really I'm going to bed but how am I supposed to keep up here-ha!!! Samuel-adorable:)

  2. I LOVE SUMMER!! especially now that we have sun!! swim lessons start tomorrow! :)

  3. Oh man... I SO wish I could say that I love summer in Yuma.

    But it is complete HELL. It literally feels like HELL.

    I will live vicariously through you until the fall. ;-)

  4. Man he is SO cute!!
    We are totally wiped out here from the weekend too-- and no ambition to drive to swim lessons this year for sure!

  5. What a cutie! How appropriate that he is in front of a coffee shop...he looks like he needs a cup!

  6. Soo ADORABLE! I love, love summer!!!!

  7. What a great picture of the little guy! I do not love summer, too hot for me. Fall and spring are my favorites.

  8. Little peanut! Thanks for sharing your life with us. :)

  9. ok, so i'm totally jealous of your description of summer. mine only includes: heat, humidity, and sweat. maybe i should take a lesson from you and focus on the positives....

    love the pic!!

  10. Your little boy is adorable and I agree that Summer is the best. Love it!

  11. Summer IS the best, hands down! He's too cute.

  12. Such a cute photo. He's got the sleep-stare thing happening.
