Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's Up Runninghood?

Looking back a few months, I can hardly believe that I was inspired to blog so much.  Sometimes I had like 2 or 10 blogs in me a day and it took everything in me to just wait a day to post another one.  And my posts never took long either.  Everything just flowed...unblocked, inspired, goal driven...alive!  Not the story with me lately.  I've been on major BLOG BURNOUT.  Or maybe it has to do with the end of summer as a busy mom of three young kids that has zapped all the creative writing mojo out of me.  Good thing I'm not a paid blogger or even someone that writes that big of a blog.  Whatever it is, I've kind of enjoyed the break but thought that perhaps I should post a quick update of random bullets.  

  • I'm sure nobody in blog land knows much about the Hood To Coast Relay this weekend.  No?  That's funny because I can't log on to facebook, my blog roll, or twitter without seeing one or all of the following words:  Nuun, Team, Hood, Coast, Relay, Nuun.  Ha!  Good luck to you ladies.  I can tell you are very excited!  As you should be!  I hope I get to see you at the beach and at least have a beer with you and see your lovely faces!  I will be running on a team with my husband and some people we have never met before.  No Team Nuun but perhaps I'll take some Nuun along to keep me feeling perky!  Can you mix Nuun with Beer?  Yes husband put Beer on the list for what to pack for the vans.  Apparently Beer was/is part of the overall HTC experience.  We are not a team running for time/competition.  I'm shooting for a base pace of 7:45/8:00 and if I'm feeling frisky I might try to do some 7:20's for a marathon pace "feel".  I'm leg 10 but I didn't look at my leg or confirm that for sure until last night.  We leave tomorrow.  I'll be plenty prepared.  I meet my team members tonight and then  GO time!  My goals: 1.  Have fun! 2.  Don't talk and laugh the entire time (I've heard this can be rather annoying when you're in a situation like this...Ha! Go figure). 3.  Enjoy getting to know new people 4.  Soak up the time/experience I have with my husband...great memories!  Oh, and pretty cool shirt this year compared to the last couple times I did it.  
Good Luck to all of you that are doing it!  Nuun Team or Not!  :)  Would you have a beer between legs?  I will!  
  • Colorado was great!  I miss it.  
Lucky me!  I got to meet Jill!  Thanks for lunch Jill!  After lunch we did a little walk through of REI.  So fun and Jill is such a sweet, funny, and genuine person!  So great to see you Jill.  

Red Rocks Concert!  So Awesome!  

  • Runninghood Sticker.  Never something I was seriously going to do but since my mom was playing around with her Sticklete runner art, I thought it would be fun to try out a sticker.  Clearly for fun.  Megan, from Build-a-Sign had offered to send me some to try it out so I finally took her up on the offer and made a sticker.  Megan was so helpful and made the process quick and easy.  Thanks Megan!  I love my little sticker and I'll be sending people your way in the future!  I have 30 of you that said you wanted one for your treadmill, journal, and various places around your house.  My lack of blog mojo has affected everything blog related so I have not sent those out yet.  I'm still waiting on a few addresses for people that said they wanted one.  

  • Reading.  I'm finding myself in need of a deep read.  Something to make me think, touch me to the core, and awe me with the beauty of how it is written.  I'm hoping that this next book I'm reading will do the trick.  So far so good.  

My allotted blog time is up!  I'm really making a point to be more alive with my kiddos when they are awake and the first one has just now started stirring...I know, I'm so lucky is past 8 and they are still sleeping!  Lots of my mind lately!  LOTS!  Motherhood reflections, spirituality, life goals, family, reevaluating where I'm at with many things, future plans with my tickets to the Dave Matthews Concert in George, Washington (will be epic!)...lots of thinking and adjusting to some new shifts my life is taking.  

Hope to catch up in Blog land some day.  For now, I'm giving myself the okay to take a break.  We all need that sometimes.  Permission to just "lay low", "fall behind", and "view from a distance".  Hope that you understand.  I promise I'll respond, comment, and be more active again soon!  Thanks for sticking around.



  1. Amanda! How did I not know you were running HTC?! I hope I get to see you!

  2. So fun!! I really hope to run HTC someday! I grew up in the Portland area, so it's always been a dream of mine. Someday!
    Have so much fun- love the shirt this year!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Seriously, have a FUN time! Both of you! I haven't done H2C but I bet it's an experience filled with memories. Actually, haven't ever done a relay or team competition. It sounds SO fun. Still looking for a race we can do together sometime :)

    Blog burnout...there is just too dang much to do besides blogging in the summer.

    Have fun running!!!! I'll be thinking of you :)

  5. Still laughing Raina! You are awesome! ha ha! Beer between legs. Nah. My husband is on my team. Who needs the beer?

  6. Yippeee for HTC!!!!! So EXCITING!

  7. Enjoy the break, hope the blogging inspiration cycles around again.

  8. We have been wondering where you were! It's ok to take a break now and then. And so cool you are doing HTC (and NOT on the Nuun team? Didn't know there were others out there! ; )

    Finally, I read Cutting for Stone last summer...great read, although a bit slow going at times. Worth making it through!

  9. Nice seeing you on again. :) I hope you and your husband have a blast! What a cool thing to do together.

  10. Good luck and have fun with HTC! I hope to get to do it someday! I am in need of a good read I will chack that book out.

  11. Have fun this weekend! I look forward to your beer drinking adventures!

  12. I missed you! Glad you had a good time in Colorado. I want to hear more about it... if you wish to share :) We all go through periods lacking in inspiration. I took a few months off and now I am back with more gusto than before. My posts have been lacking depth but I'm enjoying blogging again and that's what is important. Take a break if you need to -- but know that we'll miss you.

    Have fun with those kiddos!

  13. Yeah Amanda! Sounds like you have a lot going on right now, so it's okay to not blog. We will patiently wait for you to come back. Have fun at your race--and your hubby is right--beer is a requirement.

  14. Good luck at HTC. It sounds so fun! I can't wait to have enough running friends to form a relay team. & that book is pretty good. Odd but good.

  15. I have totally been in a blog rut, too. I'm about ONE week away from revealing my 'big secret' so maybe that will re-inspire me to blog more deeply (I know it will, actually).

    You are the cutest mom!

  16. Hey girlie... glad Colorado treated you well. What time does your team start? Hopefully I'll catch up with you on the beach.

  17. Have fun running HTC! I'm sure you will. And seriously I've checked the mail everyday for my sticker and had to walk away like a fat boy deprived of cake. :(

  18. Many prayers - best wishes - have fun - write when you can! ;o)

  19. Have a great time on the relay and don't forget to pack your camera. And if you spend the whole weekend laughing and smiling the worst that will happen is that you might end up with DOMS in your cheeks.

  20. Hey girl!! Just sitting down to email you so I will keep my comment short! Hmmm-totally understand this whole blogging thing. I really think it's somehow all related to sunshine. BE with your kiddos. Enjoy your beautiful life! You can pick up blogging ANY old time!!

    What is Hood to Coast? Is it a relay? Are there other bloggers doing it? You will have to fill me in:):):)

    DO talk the entire time!! And DO keep that beer between your legs. Your teammates will be OH so thankful they have FUN Amanda on their team!

    Yes, I want my damn sticker. And now to the email....

  21. I'm reading that book now too. Having a hard time getting into it, but I'm told it's very good once I do. Good luck with the relay!

  22. WHAT??? Did I miss the sticker post? Whhaaaa! I want a sticker, and I'm going to pout until I get one!!!!

    Well, by now you're totally tanked from beer and getting ready to start your 2nd leg - awesome! Trust me, a wee-bit of beer definitely helps .. at least the smell of the van by hour 15 is a lot more tolerable when your body is full of alcohol!

    Have a blast!!!!


  23. I got to meet Jill before you did. I win. I beat Amanda. Yeah for me. And, I even met her a SECOND time before you met her the first time. I win again.

    Have you missed me teasing you?

    I haven't posted in 3 weeks, so you are not alone. Looks like Meg hasn't either. It is what it is. Hey, I just made up that term.

    Peace, out.

  24. me too!!! laying low on the blog front. I just can't do it like so many can. I love that you KILLED your 'goal pace' for h2c by the way!!! Way to rock it, girl.
