Friday, September 30, 2011

A Vlog: Positive Affirmations For and With Your Children; A Powerful Tool for Promoting Positive, Intentional, and Passionate Living!


1. The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; assertion.
2. Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.

Why a vlog?  It's fun to change things up on here!  And it saves time!  

Why Positive Affirmations?  All my life, for as long as I can remember, positive affirmations have been a powerful part of helping me BE who I want to be.  They've helped me define myself and live an athlete, daughter, wife, friend, teacher, and so much more.  This week I realized:  "Why am I not helping my children make positive affirmations part of their daily life?"

Here a few snapshots of what it takes to get started and where we put our first few "kid positive affirmations".  The video explains it all!

I'll be posting an update on this soon!  Thanks for letting me share this idea with you.  My kids were super excited and responsive. I'm excited to see this impact their life!

What are some positive affirmations that you use in your life?



  1. This idea is beautiful! And so are you!

    Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing how it goes with your little ones! :)

  2. I don't have any children yet, but I love this idea!

  3. Love this idea! You are such a good parent. You are soooo beautiful too. Love the vlog idea. Was fun to "see" you.

  4. I LOVE this idea!!!!! I am going to do it on Sunday with the girls!! I totally believe that what you tell the mind it believes and that positive thinking really can change our lives and our outlook. What a great thing to teach our children at such a young age. Ilearn so much from you! so glad you're in my life! you are a wonderful friend and mother! love you! xx

  5. That reminds me of the affirmation that one of the women in the movie 'The Help' taught her charge.

    I am kind. I am smart. I am important.

    It really resonated with me.

  6. Very cool! While I don't have my own kids, this is a great idea to do with the ones I work with and my nephew.

    Also I love the quote in the corner of your blog-I just noticed it this morning:)

  7. OMG!! I love this!! I am going to do this with my children. With my daughter being almost 10, I am trying to continue to help her towards her journey of becoming a confident young lady. This is great.

  8. I love this! I think I'm a pretty good mom but I need reminded to give my kids positive affirmations sometimes. Life gets busy and I get tired. I also teach adults and some of them are trying to turn their life around after years of abuse, wrong doing or other negative life experiences. And I am always looking for ways to be positive with them. I also need to be positive with myself. Thanks for posting!!!! For my kids the best positive note I believe is I love you. The second is I had fun with you today.

  9. you are a rock star mama! Let's go on tour, speaking across the nation!! So inspiring! I NEED to work on this one! Love sharing it with kiddos! Countdown to see you!!

  10. Thanks for some really great ideas. Even though the kids can't read yet. I can post these around the house and read them and then remember to say them out loud. :)

  11. What a thoughtful idea. I love how u include insightful Motherhood ideas along with running. Thank-you for your inspiration.

  12. I love this. My daughter is only 4 and unable to read, but I love the idea of putting these affirming statements around the house and having my husband and I say them to ourselves and to her.

    One of my favorite quotes: There is nothing more rewarding in life than an attitude of gratitude and praise. :)
