Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Crack

I think I've found my Christmas card picture.  The stress of having my husband gone all of this week led me to bake so that I could enjoy some stress eating.  So I got to work on making a cranberry cake with butter and sugar drizzled all over the top.  I know, so healthy right?  Anyway, I left the house for one minute to deliver a warm piece to my neighbor.  When I got back in the house, I came home to this:

See, that blue pile on the floor?  Those would be his pants.  Apparently, he decided to go pee and then mix up some apple cider cocktails.  

Thank you for those of you that left such nice comments about my article in Sparrow Magazine.  For those of you that missed it, it is an article on keeping a running journal.  So many of you have shared with me that you'd like to start your own running journal so this article might give you some ideas to get going with that.  Please let me know if you do. I'd love to see pictures!  

5k and Music
Also, a fun 5k in my near future. I might even dress up in something Christmas related. It is really just a way to for me to face my fears and see what I can do with very little speed work and 5k specific training.  I've only raced one 5k since college and that was with my husband last March during marathon training.  I've never liked the 5k.  In fact, it is a race I dread something fierce but perhaps this will change for me.  I'm a different person, a different runner and I'm all about doing things that scare me because it makes me stronger.  I have no time expectations for this 5k so that takes the pressure off. I just want to run strong and enjoy feeling fast.  I will probably try listening to music for the first time EVER in a 5k and only third time ever for a race.  I asked some of you on facebook for 5k music ideas and have received some great suggestions!  Surprisingly, I think the harder songs that I usually hate, will be perfect for getting me going.  Please share your music suggestions if you have some that you love!

Happy Friday!  Good luck to all those racing this weekend. Vegas, California International Marathon, and what else?  Who is racing??


  1. SO cute! Is it the holiday half 5k by some miracle???? Im almost squeeeling with the thought of finally meeting you!

  2. Vegas baby this weekend thnx! Putting the pants on is such a waste of time when apple cider cocktails need to be made! :)

    sigue sigue sputnik always has me up and going. same with The Jesus and Mary Chain, Foo Fighters, The Mavericks and Findlay Brown.

  3. Oh, your son would fit right into my family! My son loves to be naked, in fact he sleeps only naked. He takes his clothes off any chance he gets and one time I found him and his best friend dancing naked on his bed. Honestly, I love being naked and so I completely get the attraction. Probably comes from all the nudist beaches back home, ha!

    I'll be back to get music suggestions:)

  4. Oh that is CLASSIC! You must save that photo and use it as blackmail when he is a teenager. :)

  5. I'm a blog fail here. I've read your last 2 posts a few times but haven't sat down to comment! So happy for you with Sparrow!!!

    Geez, I forgot I was going to send you music too. I think I killed some brain cells last night:) I will get on that!! I laughed SO hard at that picture of Sam. WAY too cute. Very impressed that you were making cranberry cake too! Would have liked some of that with my coffee this morning.

    So excited for you with this 5K!! Yes, you enjoy feeling strong and fast which you ARE!!! Text me a picture of you with bells on:)

  6. oh my gosh - I love this picture - so funny! Oh, and cranberry cake - yum!

    Which 5k are you running? Can't wait to see the pix.

  7. That is awesome. I'm sure he'll really love it in about 10 years. :)

    I read your Sparrow article yesterday but didn't get a chance to comment... I thought it was great and of course very well written.

    The 5K sucks because it hurts sooooo much! I'm sure you'll be awesome!

  8. OMGG. For oh my goodness golly. Priceless! 5k songs. Desperate girls and stupid boys. And I run for life Melissa ethridge. I put that on a playlist so I would end a sprint tri with it (which is a 5k.).

  9. So cute!!!!!
    I agree it is a classic!!!!

    no racing this weekend, next weekend Holiday half marathon for me!!

  10. lol...that is absolutely priceless!

  11. Love the pic! The 5k sounds fun, I've always wanted to dress up as something fun for a race. The first 5k I did was the Ghosts and Goblins on many cute costumes, tights tutu's etc. LOVED it! Jessica

  12. Coming back for another comment, but first a deletable one:
    "Is this the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?" :)

    I have one of those too. He is seriously in need of a little Samuel time. So am I.

    Miss you guys!

  13. You already know what I think about this little 5k!! You are going to BLAST it. I am so excited for you to do it--I can hardly wait!

  14. this pic is a great way to start the weekend! ha, kids are too funny. wish i still had the guts to walk naked through my kitchen!

    running a 5k tomorrow and decided earlier today that i needed some tunes. i hate the distance as well because it's an uncomfortable challenge that makes me feel completely out of my element. i think the music will help because i can't hear myself weezing for air!

  15. I love the picture!

    I wish I had some good music suggestions but I am so blank right now, maybe I should have ate a salad instead of a cookie while waiting for supper to finish cooking.

  16. aaahhh so funny! love that you were able to capture that moment on camera. so hilarious.
    5k many good songs out there! one of my favorite is "seven nation army" by the white stripes.
    hope you have a great weekend!

  17. Better a pair of shorts than something else, right?

  18. If only Sam had worn a Christmas hat for that pic. It's so cute. What is it about boys and the need to go pant-less at every opportunity. My sons will still drop theirs and do the round-the-house streak (internally, thankd God) when they feel the urge. Be warned.

  19. That picture is freaking HYSTERICAL!

  20. That picture is freaking HYSTERICAL!

  21. Oh that is sooo funny! Don't you just love kids!

    I keep reading about everyone hating 5k's. I don't mind them. But I am pretty slow so I think that makes a difference. A 5k doesn't scare me, a marathon does. It is funny to see all the different running perspectives.

  22. That picture is quite simply the best! I love it.

    Yeah, 5ks...such a different animal once you move to marathons. Not a fun animal either. But you'll rock it, I'm sure!

  23. omgoodness!!!!!!!that picture is PRICELESS!!!!!!!

    good luck on the upcoming 5k!!!

  24. Haha! Christmas crack! Congrats on the Sparrow article. Going to read it right now.

  25. Hahahaha when I clicked the link I had no idea what I was getting myself into...hilarious!

  26. I hope your 5K was great. But I'm pretty sure it was. :^)

    That picture was my chuckle for the day.

  27. That picture absolutely cracked me up! Too funny!

  28. WAIT! you mean he peed in a bowl???? LOL
    you will do GREAT tomorrow girl! believe in yourself!! XXX

  29. hee hee! I just love the pic.

    Also, I'm totally excited that your running a 5k. Sweet!

  30. Love, love that picture! I hate the 5k too, but weirdly enough after running them I feel so energized. They are great way to get in some speed-work training. Cheers!

  31. Oh, my gosh that picture is hilarious! Too funny. :)

    Good luck on your 5K, which I imagine is long over by now.'s been a crazy couple of days. I'm working through my blog backlog now.

    I did the Castlewood 8-Hour adventure race yesterday. Oh, my gosh...what a blast!

  32. That is the cutest thing ever! Never in a million years could you ever pose a little one to do that! :)
