Thursday, March 15, 2012

Vlog from the Eye-Poking Machine

Just because everyone wants to watch 4 minutes of me running on my treadmill in the garage while talking to myself, I thought I'd post a VLOG today.  What a silly word. But if I'm going to post anything at all on this thing this week then it is going to be in video form because my writing brain just doesn't work so well these days.  Here is a summary for those of you (most of you) that really have no interest in watching ME for that much of your day.  Ha!  

The Vlog gist:
  • Me running a recovery run while talking to myself...or you. 
  • I talk about my sexy yellow Brooks top and why I'm wearing it today...needing some mojo.  It makes me feel fast.  Faster than I really am.  
  • My trick of having the garage door open in hopes of it feeling like I'm running outside instead of on my treadmill.
  • I talk with my hands a lot because...well, I always talk with my hands. 
  • I talk about how I don't have much inspiration or energy for writing or reflecting lately.  I miss that part of my blog.  I miss writing in general.  But I'm also happy with the NOW and I'm having fun with this training.  I'll have a lot of time this summer to just run for fun and get some of my mental energy back.   
  • My self-pep talk about TRUSTING MY PLAN and believing in myself.  I'm officially throwing that old HEAD CASE Amanda to the curb.  Enough is enough.  I'm good enough just as I am and all I need to ask of myself is my best.
  • 10k this Saturday.  Just going to use it as a great workout and run the best I can.  And I might wear my yellow/fast Brooks top if it is warm enough..enough feeling like I'm too slow to wear it.  :)    
  • I talk a bit about my son.  And show you the humble pie on my face from all the times I never believed my friends when they said that boys would be different.  I've been in tears at least 10 times this week with parenting issues.  Mostly dealing with my bundle of BOY.  Gosh I love him though.  He crawled into bed with me last night and fell asleep for a bit before I carried him back to his bed.  So much love. 
  • And then some more mindful/mindless chatter. 
Now off to plan some birthday parties, take my kids to this really fun place called Out of this World Pizza where they will get a lot of germs and work off a bunch of energy, and then get all dolled up for my husband's birthday dinner tonight.  

Happy Thursday!  



  1. The treadmill gets you where you're going? Going nowhere fast?

  2. I love how you are working in all these races into your training! That is my favorite thing to do!

    And yes, trust your plan. Trust your training. Put your old running times from previous marathons out of your head. You are capable of more now. You've got this!

  3. Ok, sorry but I have to comment again. Forgot to say that I LOVED the Vlog!! My son wanted to enlarge the screen so we could watch your run better! And yes, you need to wear that fast top because you ARE fast! I would definitely be intimidated by you at a 5 or 10K!

    1. Tia, you are so sweet to me. Ha ha, you would kick my butt whether i had the shirt on or not! :)

  4. Hi there, I love seeing you on the treadmill. The vlog is a great idea! And given that this is your recovery run, you are so damn fast!!! But I have known that for quite some time, I am working towards being faster :) And I love the Brooks top, I just ordered my first pair of Brooks (the Greens) based on your recommendation and have put in a running skirt to match with them. I dream of maybe becoming Brooks ID one day, but there is still long way to go. I love you and totally get that you don't have extra time for more blogging. You are awesome for what you manage with your family, creative time and such high intensity training! You will ROCK at Boston! :)

  5. AMANDA!!!
    TOTALLY FREAKING LOVED YOUR VLOG- GA!!! I love the random brain stuff you just spewed and your thoughts about stuff- I was thinking even on my run today- "Believe in Yourself" We take our runs for granted and we let those doubts spill in even though they so small- but when we catch them and we can squash them then it's Like a LIght bulb moment! Squash those doubting little bugs Amanda- You are going To Run the Strongest You can for that 10k and You Deserve that Shirt - You Earned that Shirt- Bottom line ♥

  6. love it! love the name...eye poking machine! you're also a sing-talker, where you say phrases song-ish. I DO THAT TOO!

  7. Loved this! You are so darn cute!
    I talk with my hands, too! All. The. Time. I always thought it was a romanian thing as noone around here does it except Petru, ha! And I had similar thoughts about the yellow Brooks top. It's like you can't hide when you wear it, LOL. Good for you for wearing it though. Looks great on you!

  8. Well, this little Vlog sure put a smile on MY face. It's good to see my hand-talking friend :)
    Yes...wear the top. Put the silly thoughts of past races OUT of your head. It's you. NOW. In TOP shape.
    Thanks for the special little comment at the end of your video.
    I like your singing talking voice. Very special. :)

    Also, S will get easier! He is the baby AND a boy. That's quite a combination. I love that little guy, so full of words- kind of like his mom.
    Give him a big squeeze for me.
    Hoping it's not pouring rain for your race!

  9. Ha ha! Can't wait to see this on the computer! You're more than good enough Amanda!!!! Really excited for you. WEAR that top. You look HOT in it and Brooks is only too lucky to have someone like you in it!!! Furthermore, I do believe in the power of the bright yellow-ha!

    I understand about the little guy. You are handling so much right now and you're doing a great job. I love those sweet sleep moments-even my 8 yr. old climbs in for those. Pure treasures.

    Have a great night all filled up with your hubby!

    I will email before your race and I hope to catch you quick after to congratulate you on an awesome job!!! I feel it girl!!! Ok-love you!

  10. Loved the vlog, fun seeing you in action, you talk a lot with your hands. and you are rocking the bright yellow shirt! I say just wear it already, you are one speedy and inspiring lady.

    I think my girl gives me more trouble than my boy does. Sigh kids.

    Have fun today!

  11. love this!!!
    course I watch the video who would skip that!!!
    I also talk with my hands (thank you dad) and so does my older son Will...(also thank you dad)!

  12. Ha ha! Dying laughing at my autocorrect. I meant DOLLED up not FILLED up. Either way....

    1. I am seriously laughing so hard here! I think Waylon might prefer the latter on his birthday. OMG I'm laughing. Don't blame that on the autocorrect Jenn!

  13. Love this, so fun to see you "for real" hand gestures and all!! You are so expressive and insightful, so thanks for sharing that with us. And, go wear the damn yellow tank. You've earned it.

  14. Thanks all! You make me smile! :) Yes, I guess I do sing when I talk. Siiiiing when I talk...did you hear that?

  15. You are hilarious! I LOVE it! a good ol Amanda VLOG! just what I needed! I love you. you are so cool, ha ha! no really, I MEAN that! you are just my free bird friend and I LOVE it!!!

    I think you should wear that yellow brooks tank! man if I looked that good in it, I would wear it, but I don't, so you BETTER cause you look HOT AND FAST!!!


  16. Nice! I think you are definitely awesome enough to always wear the yellow top! Yes, Boys are different. I cried when I found out I was having one (because boys scared me) and today I'm so glad I have him. He's a 3rd grader and so many issues with him. In kindergarten he wrote the word "damn" on a paper, they were supposed to draw their hero and that day it was indiana jones jumping off a cliff (and he yelled that in the movie.) Have you read the Little Critter books? They are good, and my wild crazy what am I gunna do with this boy loved every one of them. Check them out.

  17. OMG I am on the floor! That was so great! Love that you are wearing your pump up top! Love how you are so real! Best of luck in your 10K and be safe on that treadmill! Talking with your hands and running at that pace can be very dangerous! Just be careful!!!!

  18. I loved, loved, loved this! You are just so stinking adorable. :)

    And by the way, Jenn's autocorrect? BEST. ONE. EVER!

  19. let's have weekly vlogs from here on out, k? :) it was great, you are just as cool and inspiring on video as in writing on blog. :)

  20. Loved your vlog! I totally get the hand gestures, I use my hands when I talk too. I have the same top and I feel insecure in it also. Partially because it is bright and makes you stand out at races. I feel like people instantly stare me down when I am wearing it. Good luck this weekend on your 10K. I know that you will run a smart and well executed race because you always do. Don't let the self doubting Amanda visit you on race day!

  21. You are adorable! The top looks great - AND suits you!
    Kick some booty this weekend:)

  22. Just wanted to say I love your VLOG! I have a treadmill and do most of my runs on it too. Such a boring place to run but am so thankful that I have it so I can run when my daughter is sleeping and my husband is at work. Good luck with your 10k this weekend!!

  23. Amanda-you make me want to run again!!! I agree with everyone are Aaaaaay-dorable:) proud of your mom (in your previous post)...great that she's doing her stuff. xxx

  24. This is just hilarious! I love it! Maybe one day I will Vlog, just to use the word and say I did.

  25. Great idea to vlog on the TM! You ARE fast and wishing you the best of luck for your 10k! Wearing green??

  26. Love this! You are so much braver than me... and it turned out so great! Sorry about the parenting tears this week. It is such a tough job some days. Best wishes on the 10k!

  27. Your bundle of boy may bring you to tears at times now but I'm betting it's the girls who take you there once they get to puberty. I've found that boys are pretty uncomplicated beasts. You know exactly how they're feeling. We poor females are encumbered with ridiculous hormone swings which can take you from all-sweetness-and-light to superbitch in a nano second. Add in a more complicated psyche and girls end up leading you a merry dance through the teenage years.

    But in the meanwhile I'm wishing you enough energy to weather the Sam-storm.

  28. if video-logging is called a VLOG, how come writing-logging is called BLOG instead of WLOG? i am stumped.

    i obviously have no idea what it is like to raise either a boy or a girl, but i know i was a handful :)

  29. Oh crap I can't see your VLOG. It's not you it's probably my iPad and its lack of flash player or some jazz. Good luck and have fun at your race! Im sure you are divine in Brooks yellow!

  30. Oh shoot i cant see your VLOG. It's not you it's my iPad and it's lack of flash player or something else over my head. Good luck at your race! I'm sure you'll be divine in Brooks yellow!

  31. So fun to watch the vlog...reminds me of our visit last spring :)

    you are going to do great in Boston. You had a great 10K. And boys...yeah...super different!!!!!

    I am a hand-talker, too...Italian and all that :P

  32. loved it! you are so strong, we see it, I hope you let that sink in, deep inside you, SOON. maybe you realized it at the 10k. I hope so! You Rock! Can't wait for the 10k report. excited to hear you raced a 10k. Super training for Boston.

  33. That took me right back to college at your side talking, talking, talking as we ran. And? Actually made me quite nervous. Those racing nerves came right back and made me want to get on the starting line. Can you believe "I" miss those 5k's? Great that you did a running vlog.
