Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've Been Quiet but Happy

The past week or so has been kind of quiet.  Hard to believe that the Boston Marathon was just nine days ago.  Hard to believe that we ran it in almost 90 degree weather.  And hard to believe that I haven't run even a mile since then.  But certainly not hard for me to believe why.  Boston took more out of me than anything I've ever done before. Unlike many of you that ran it, I did not just bounce back right away and start running ten mile runs and training for the next marathon.  My body has taken a hit and I'm trying to be patient as it heals.  Lots of rest, love, and caution here.  I'm desperately hoping that my body is just tired and there isn't anything serious going on.  However, the aching pain in the front of my pelvic bone (off and on since January) is telling me that I need to be extra cautious. I was pretty sore after Boston but the one thing I ended up icing was my pelvis due to the pain. My new coach encouraged me to get an MRI.  In fact, he insisted.  And he has strongly suggested that I rest as much as possible until the results come in to rule out any sort of stress fracture or stress reaction.  I did try to run just a bit yesterday (nice and easy) but stopped as soon as I felt the pain in my pelvic area again. After just a walk to the school today, I'm feeling it again.  Praying that this is nothing and that I can start training again in just a couple weeks.  

Despite, my body being so run down, there are so many positive things going on in life and I'm thankful for this break from running so that I can soak it all up.  I'm thankful for the time I have to just BE.  I have been enjoying the extra moments with my kids and honestly, I've loved not having something on my training schedule.  Having these down times in life are so necessary for me to feel a balance between the intensity of training for a race and the lull that comes with just waking up and planning my day as it comes.  With this comes lots of extra time to be present with my kiddos.  Now, if I'm injured and don't have a choice as to whether I workout or laze around....then there might be some issues!  Ha!  For now, I'm focusing on the positives and "choosing" to be quiet and still.  Being optimistic seems like the best approach.  

Some things that make me smile lately:

Team Nuun
I'm happy to announce (and most of you already know) that I was chosen to be part of the Nuun Hood to Coast team for 2012!  I'm certain that this experience will prove to be a wonderful lifetime memory where I will be able to run my heart out while representing a great company and making some awesome new friendships.  For more information about this you can read here. 

New Coach
Starting Runninghood was a decision that has led to so many wonderful opportunities, friendships and connections.  With each new friendship I make, my life gets richer.  So many doors have been opened. And as time goes by, new opportunities to grow, get involved, and gain strength as an athlete have occurred. Right before Boston, a friend of mine passed on a name of a coach to me that she thought I'd work well with.  One e-mail led to another and now I can officially say that I have a coach.  We'll see how things unfold once I can start training again but just from the phone calls and e-mails we've already exchanged, I'm really excited about things.  We seem to click quite well and he has already given me SO MUCH advice, direction, and encouragement. I'm ready to trust, listen, and work hard to reach some new levels with my training.  For now, we are in rest and recovery mode but I am eager to test "our wheels" together.  Soon enough.  I'm so thankful that he has come into my life. He really seems too good to be true. 

I love how things unfold.  Even during the times where we feel our lowest and things seem a bit dreary, there is hope that good things are yet to come.  



  1. I am so glad you are resting up and using the time to reconnect with other parts of your life...because big things are in store for you, lady! You are so smart and so earnest. And so loved and loving.

    Congrats on getting chosen to run Hood to Coast with Nuun :)

    1. Congrats to you too! And thank you for these words. ;) I am hoping the "big things are in store" part is so so true. I'm excited to see how things unfold.

  2. I really hope that your MRI comes back clear. Honestly, something like that is my biggest fear. Other than "mom," "runner" is my biggest identity.

    I think you deserve this time to rest, reflect and recover. When you are so connected to the running community like you are, it is hard not to see what others do and compare yourself.

    1. Thanks Lisa. Eh, not too hard. I know that I'll be up and running again in no time. I like hearing about others running. Actually, instead of being hard not to compare it is just hard to relate when I'm not in the thick of things. I find myself reading much more about other things NOT running related when I'm not running.

  3. I really hope that your MRI comes back clear. Honestly, something like that is my biggest fear. Other than "mom," "runner" is my biggest identity.

    I think you deserve this time to rest, reflect and recover. When you are so connected to the running community like you are, it is hard not to see what others do and compare yourself.

  4. ouchie! Pelvic pain is no fun. I really hope you heal up quickly and with little complications. Boston sounded brutal.

    Congrats on being selected for Hood to Coast! I hope you have an amazing time!

    1. Pelvic pain stinks. But it is more of an ache than a pain right now. just enough to warn me. :)

  5. I hope everything goes well!

    and congrats on making the nuun team!!

    1. Thanks girl. And again, so impressed with your positive attitude about HTC. You rock!

  6. Glad to hear from you and that you are enjoying the down time, A. I took a full week off after Boston last year and I think it's healthy to take time off after such a huge running day and training cycle.

    What a fantastic thing to find a coach you mesh with well. You will do VERY well to have this person in your running life. All other areas of life will no doubt benefit too :) . Not too good to be true- just a blessing for you that you had coming.

    Get that pelvis better!!

    BIG congrats on H2C. Your team will never be the same as before the Amanda experience.
    See you in a few days :)

    1. I feel healthy taking time off. I also feel about 10 lbs heavier but that's okay. I'm enjoying my lazy stuffing of my face. ha! Can't wait to see you this weekend. Wish you were doing HTC too.

  7. Congrats on the NUUN HTC team! How exciting! And so happy that you have a coach. I'll live vicariously through you. Good luck with the MRI. Enjoy your family right now.

  8. Congrats on making the Nuun team! I'm curious about your MRI. I think I am going to vicariously have an MRI, too...basically my pain is just like your pain (I think it's actually my hip, but while I run I have sharp pain in the front of my pelvic bone) so whatever your diagnosis is, I'll just adopt it too. I'm still ignoring it and hoping it goes away, but that probably won't work (it's been bothering me a little for months).
    I hope you enjoy your rest and can use this time to think of even bigger and better plans when you're healthy! Maybe a fall marathon or half. There's this fun one called Baton Rouge beach in early December in my neck of the woods ;-)

    1. Gracie!!! Go get that checked!! Hip/pelvic pain is not good!! Take care of yourself chica. You are way too gifted of an athlete to let something like a stress fracture mess you up.

  9. Congrats!

    You are always so positive -- love it

    1. YOU are always so positive with your comments!! I'm not always positive. I have little hissy fits on my own and then I usually snap out of it. ha!

  10. Sometimes quiet is good! Restorative. Healing. Wishing you well in this new chapter!!!

    1. Yes, quiet is good. And excited for the new chapter. Thanks Jen.

  11. I've been having pelvic pain, too. So awkward. I love how you're just out with it in your blog. Let us know what the MRI says! Enjoy time with those kiddos. :)

  12. I'm so happy that you found a coach you really click with! That is wonderful. Keep resting that body of yours and let us know what the MRI says. Sending healing vibes...

  13. It's Kate by the way -- not sure why it says Unknown. Hmmm.

  14. First of all CONGRATS on getting selected for HTC!!! You so deserve it! Secondly I am so happy that you have a coach. You have so much potential and I know that your next marathon will be awesome. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything comes out clear in your MRI.

    1. Thanks Tasha. I'm excited to have a coach and see how it ends up. See you this weekend hopefully.

  15. Glad you're enjoying some much needed down time with your family. Hopefully the MRI will reveal nothing serious and the rest will give your body time to heal.

    Congrats on Nuun HTC!

  16. I am wishing you quick and healthy healing.

  17. It always takes me eternity to recovery from a hard marathon. They say it takes a good month to fully recovery so don't stress about what others are doing and what you aren't. You body wants the rest, it deserves it. Hope the pelvic pain goes away with rest. Never ever fun!

    I saw on FB you made the HTC team - congratulations. You will have a fantastic time, yay!

    That's great about your new coach :). I always thought you had your head in the right place and didn't really need one, but if you're a needy sole, like me, then it might be very helpful for you. Is this the same coach Erin is using, by chance?


    1. Thanks Jill. Oh, I'm not stressed about what others are doing. That doesn't bother me at all. :) I was just saying how I'm not one of those Boston runners that has bounced back right away. It is taking me waaaay longer. But that's okay. Just giving my body what it needs.

      No, not the same coach as Erin. Im excited to have someone who knows more than me help me get further with running. I know how to run but the whole training thing can be overwhelming sometimes. Excited to just do the running and have a coach to do the planning. :)


  18. yay! congrats on h2c! so exciting -you will have a blast. Maybe I'll see you on the course as you're blazing past me! :)

    Hope the MRI shows nothing serious. Enjoy your down time! you deserve it!

  19. This is all so awesome, Amanda...well, except your pelvis issues. Praying that it is just a quick blip in the grand scheme of things. Love that you have a new coach that you love...can't wait to see where the two of you go together... ;) Congrats on h2c!!, so fun. What great women to get to know and run with.

  20. This pelvis injury for me has been tough. I feel for you. Hope your MRI comes back with answers. It is really difficult to rest. But especially now that you have a coach, I'm glad you are embracing the rest.
    You are a wise lady and I am so glad that I came across your blog.
    You sound very peaceful and content right now! Love that.
    I think I tried to bounce back a little bit too quick. I realize that I am still "tired" and that my body is yearning for easy workouts. I keep telling myself it is ok and to enjoy the after glow of completing a marathon!

  21. Ouch! I hope your pelvis is just sore post-race and will heal quickly!

    Congrats on the Nunn team and on finding a coach!

  22. Every time I read another Boston post, I'm brought back to *that* day. Such a hard, painful, rewarding day - I don't know how to describe it any other way! You pushed your body to limits it probably didn't know and your rocked it. Enjoy your recovery time - you deserve it!

    Congrats on making HTC - so happy and excited for you. You're going to LOVE it! xo

  23. Great job on getting into HTC! That's awesome! I have never run a relay (I have my first next weekend) but am sure that one will be a fun one!

    I hope your pelvis gets better soon. It's a good time to rest though!

  24. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. Take all the time off that you need and don't feel pressured to jump back in the saddle anytime soon. It is so important to take time to recovery physically and mentally. That is really cool that you have a coach. I am excited to see what your future holds.

  25. Pelvic favorite. I get that. I call it my "athritic v*gina" my doctors faces when I give them my professional term for it!

  26. Congratulations on the Hood to Coast!!! And on the coach thing! I have started working with my coach pretty early in my short running "career", but he is a huge asset. We click really great, so there is very strong bond that has been developed over the 9 or so months we have been working together. With the speedy bullet you already are, I am curious to what level you can bring it together!!!

    Crossing my fingers for the MRI!!!

    And BTW, I also got Brooks Pure Connect and I am in love with them as well :) :) :)

  27. CONGRATULATIONS on all ends! Excited to run with you!

  28. Congrats on HTC! I knew you'd get in.

    Ugh on the pelvis. I hope it is nothing and that you can move on again very soon. You're taking a good, patient approach, which I KNOW is hard! Fingers crossed for you.

  29. Congratulations on Boston! You're smart to give your body some TLC!

  30. A new coach is exciting. New possibilities. New techniques. Fresh ideas.

    He's right about getting the pelvis checked out. You don't want to be having any issues with that when you're doing your relay. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's something minor that will sort itself out with very little worry.

  31. I'm a terrible person!! I saw your message on FB and was in the middle of responding but my son was having a meltdown so I had to get off. And I still haven't replied! Sorry!! Anyway... I am VERY excited for you as you begin this next phase of your running "career." Your coach sounds great! I know you are anxious to get the MRI and the results and most importantly... Start running again. I'm sure this time off is helping your body tremendously. I need to just bite the bullet and take some time off myself. (my knee issue has been on again off again ever since the little rock marathon and I think it's because I haven't really taken a enough time off.). I am thinking about using a customized plan which is a big step for me. I'll let ya know! : )

  32. Hello Amanda,

    Just catching up on the Boston report, etc. First of all, I'm so sorry the weather was so horrible. I hope with each passing day, you feel better and better about the day. so tough, but you endured and finished sub 4 - be proud! I've had several marathons when I worked HARD & then the weather was not great. It's so hard, so emotional, so frustatrating. I totally, 100% understand the emotions of the day. We marathoners really understand each other, and that's part of what makes the blogging world special.

    as for the nagging injury - when I went to Boston in 2009, I had the nagging hip thing & couldn't train hard, but made it to the starting line at Boston, and had a good day. After Boston that year, I took 4 weeks off to make sure the injury could heal properly. It was the best thing I could have done. I haven't had any further issues with it, & the down time was a NICE mental break from the training. I would highly recommend some extended time off. I walked and biked during the off time. When I started running again, I came back quickly and was refreshed by the time off. Enjoy the kiddos - you deserve it.

  33. Congratulations on making the nuun team!! I can't wait to meet you in August!!

  34. Amanda, congrats on making the team, and I'd be right there with you recovering slowly had I been in that race. I'm really happy for you that you have a coach. I hear it makes a huge difference, and you're so fast already.....great things ahead!

  35. I'm glad to hear you're taking it easy and enjoying the extra family time. I hope the pelvis/hip is nothing to worry about... praying for good news for you!

  36. Sending healing thoughts your way. You're being smart and I hope that MRI comes back clean.

  37. you're smart for sitting things out a bit...pelvic pain? Not something to play with! As Annette arthritic Va Jay-Jay ain't too fun...ha ha!

    I hope the MRI comes back fine and you can start enjoying runs again just for fun :)

    good Luck...btw, i peed my pants when your husband was crawling on the floor on your video. made my husband watch...he thought it was so funny he wants to hang out with him ;)

  38. Glad you are enjoying your rest and I will be praying that whatever the issue is will be resolved quickly. I know running in the heat can take a lot out of you so it might just take some extra time to recoup than normal. Congratulations on HTC!! Yay!! Hope you feel better soon :)

  39. Sending you strong healing vibes! I have a feeling that some of the healing is already taking place w/ your attitude of "just being" :)

    Be well.
