Thursday, April 12, 2012

Period, Prick, Pissing on the Playground and Mommy Meltdowns. Calling all Mommy Mantras.

I would be lying something awful if I said that I was a getting an A+ in Mommyhood this week.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm getting a major FAIL of an F.  I can't tell you how many meltdowns and Mommy Tantrums I've thrown in reaction to my kids and their meltdowns and tantrums.  I may or may not have even thrown a few things across the room in the midst of my "Do as I say, Not as I do" moments. This morning's tantrum-toss happened to be a bottle of kid vitamins that didn't have the lid all the way on.  So then I was a mess of mommy sobs as I crawled across the floor with a runny nose and blurry eyes, picking up colorful gummy bears as my kids watched and learned how to throw a fit like a master.  

Why am I such a mess?  Honestly, it really doesn't have as much to do with the fact that the Boston Marathon is in four days, we leave in the wee hours on Saturday morning/Friday night, I have to pack for myself and three kids (who are going to the Grandparents') and myself, and still get kids to appointments and school activities.  This is nothing.  The thing that really has me in a mess is the fact that my almost three year old son has been nothing but AWFUL this week.  Granted, he has been sick, but OH MY GOODNESS!!!!  Maybe he has something going on that I can't a little bug up his butt that keeps biting him? He is argumentative about 

If I give him a bowl, he demands a plate (for soup).
If I give him a small spoon, he wants the biggest dang spoon I own.  
He finds a toy that requires teeny tiny batteries that we don't own and he WILL NOT believe that we DON'T HAVE BATTERIES.  So, he throws his little 2 year old weight around and lets out his 2 year old wail of a yell.  
I sat next to him for dinner last night and told him I loved him.  HOLY CRAP, you would have thought I told him he was getting a shot.  He screamed and screamed and screamed.  Then (yes, I know better people...really, I know the parenting tricks...I just don't always use them) I screamed and screamed and screamed.  We had a scream party.  

Okay, so here's the thing.  I know my child is 2/3.  He is a bit under the weather.  He is probably picking up on my stress or distance that comes from getting ready for a big trip and the race of my life.  Perhaps he even has an ear infection that I don't know of.  Poor little guy.  I love my son.  Dearly.  But it doesn't mean that it is easy to be around him this week.  Or really for the past, um, 6 months.  He's 2.  He's a boy.  He's redefined parenting for me.  

This week, the best thing that came to my mind when a preschool parent asked me how I was feeling today so close to the marathon was.  "Ah, I'm okay.  My chest is a little tight with stress because my son is being a little PRICK."  

Oh, the look on her face.  Her thoughts (most likely):  "Did this woman just call her son a prick?!!"  What she said with a small forced smile:  "Oh, you mean a little turd?"  
Me:  "Um, no, pretty sure I mean Prick"  

Okay, now where did the word prick come from anyway?  I rarely use it.  However, in looking at the definition of the word itself, I would surely say that my son's behavior has felt like a million little "pricks" with him being one. BIG. PRICK.  Good thing Pricks don't hurt for too long.  


Make a small hole in (something) with a sharp point; pierce slightly.
An act of piercing something with a fine, sharp point.

Other Preschool Parenting Moments

That Period of a Storm...makes sense to me. 
Now, I'm pretty sure that most of the preschool parents like me.  However, I'm not quite sure that some of them know how to take my lack of verbal filter or weird thoughts that I find the overwhelming need to share with them.  Like the condom I found in my purse yesterday.  I could have just noticed it, wondered how it got there, laughed to myself and drove off.  But instead, I felt the need to yell across the parking lot at a fellow mom and share with her my funny find: "I always knew my purse was full of random junk.  Look what I found?  I mean maybe my husband put it there since we are taking off to Boston for a weekend away!"  She laughed and seemed to be fine with me.  

The parent from yesterday? Hmm, she surely didn't "get" me.  We had both just arrived late to preschool (typical for me).  I was actually all prepared to arrive ON TIME.  It wasn't raining, I was ahead of the morning routines, and I was so happy to be heading to the car. Just as I was stepping outside....the sky opened up...and it began to POUR like I have never seen.  A gush of water just flying out of the sky.  There was no way I was making my way to the car with two pokey kids in that storm.  I'd wait and be late, thank you.  The first metaphor that came to my mind was to see this rain storm as Portland getting her Period.  And since I'd just got mine (another reason for my meltdowns), it just made sense to think of this nasty downpour in the same way.  When I saw this parent at school, I half joked that I would have been on time if Portland hadn't decided to get her Period all at once.  Okay, yes, this doesn't make much sense and is really random.  Odd even.  However, this parent was NOT enjoying my metaphor AT ALL.  When I explained (which I always feel the need to do), she just smiled politely and told me to have a great day.  Oh, and I think she was one of the parents that heard me call my kid a prick today.  

Playground Pissing
I think I surely needed something at preschool to just top this week off.  And my son was there to represent!  Thanks Son.  We played on the playground for a bit after preschool today. At one point we all moved out of the fence to the grass to pick flowers and run around in the sunshine.  Just as I heard my friend Annie laughing so hard, there he was.  My little guy.  On the playground...just peeing as if it were an every day affair.  Lucky for me, there weren't a lot of people around.  Yep, there's that MOM again.  

Mommy Mantras
We have mantras for running.  You know, a phrase that gets us through the race and keeps us focused.  Well, I need some better mantras for motherhood.  Something to remind me to act like the adult and not the tantrum of a two year old.  So, please share your motherhood mantras.  Make one up.  Let's do this together and I'll post a Motherhood Mantra post. Let's see:

  • Breathe Deep.  You're the Mother, not the kid.  
  • Model, Model, Model
  • What you do, they do. 
  • Your tone will come back to you
  • Act the way you want to be treated
  • Eat some bread, not your kid
  • Thank you for your comments on my last post about Boston.  I'm super excited and feeling pretty good.  I went to see my chiropractor for some work on my hammy today.  It is really tight but he will work on it again tomorrow and I should be all set! I had a MP run yesterday and felt so strong.  My legs are back after my peak weeks!  Wahoo!  
  • My Boston # is 10681 for those that asked.
  • Super excited to be written about on the next Follow That Mother post at Another Mother Runner.  My twitter following just skyrocketed so now I need some lessons in twitter so I don't look like a big boob on there.  Really, I just don't get twitter yet..still prefer facebook. I'll get the hang of it.    

1.  Okay, tell me I'm not the only one that screams at my kids and has pathetically irrational tantrums.  Please.  Lie.  
2.  Tell me a Mommy Mantra for me to share on my next Mommy post!  Funny, serious, one that works, or one that will just make me think twice.  Make some up people.  We need some Mommy Mantras to get us through the tough days.  Just like with racing.  


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! More posts like this, please! Not that I don't appreciate your mindful ones, but I love non-filtered/tantruming Amanda. I can totally relate.

    My motherhood mantra: "This too shall pass."

    A couple of months ago my husband said our 3 year-old was "a bit of a bastard," so I don't judge you at all for the "prick" remark.

    It's partly a third kid thing too. Mine is EXTRA spirited as well. Wow. Having 2 big brothers, he is extremely scrappy. And destructive. Walked into his room a few weeks ago to discover the walls, furniture and bed covered with acrylic paint. Also found him sleeping with my make-up once. His mouth was covered with my mascara (wtf?). The stories go on and on... You already heard my bathtub peeing one on FB.

    Hang in there!!

    Excited for Boston for you! ENJOY the mommy break. Sounds like you need it! Savor it and return, recharged and ready to continue the battle in the trenches!

  2. I laughed out loud reading this. You are certainly not the only mom who screams at, and with, her kids. No lie.

  3. Oh man,my 4 year old has been in a peeing in the bushes phase. He has also hit the "fart jokes are hilarious" phase.Lovely

  4. I feel your pain! My son is almost three and my daughter is 18 months. We have someone remodeling our garage and I know they hear me scream at these kids all day long. I think maybe it's a boy thing? Maybe just a terrible toddler thing. I can tell you it gets better. My older kids are 13,14, and almost 15, and I hardly ever have to yell at them! Good luck at Boston!!

  5. Amanda, boys are hard! I can't tell you how many times I looked at Chris and said "howe did we get this kid?" He surely pushed the boundaries, is demanding, and his innapropriates are so funny that we often bite our lips to stop the laughter.

    I think I raised my voice to Petru once or twice only, but Chris has done it much more; he believes kids learn by seeing their parents lose it once in a while. I take deep breaths with him and sometimes tell him I need a time away. But, I am not a FT stay at home mom. I am sure I would have multiple tantrums if I were. HARD work, Amanda. Very hard!

    Oh, and this is the first year that Petru decided that he will no longer pee outside. Last summer in the middle of our block party he pulled his pants down and peed in front of everyone...

  6. TOTALLY scream at my kids! :) I have two boys and the 3's were the worst! Hang in'll be running Boston soon.
    See you SOON!

  7. I totally love your lack of verbal filter seeing as I lack my own. I get that things both personal and inappropriate might just come slipping and tumbling out of your mouth by accident. Of course finding a condom in your purse is the perfect occasion for show and tell. And calling your son a little prick ... well a spade is a spade. You're open and honest and one day I'd just like to sit down and have a coffee with you and say totally inappropriate things :)

  8. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love it. BEST POST EVER!
    That's why I have dogs and leave parenting to you ladies- my filter is so poor (I can't imagine it would go well...)

  9. I just started following you today. This post was right up my alley. I think every mom has days/weeks/months like this...I know I have.

    Sometimes you have to have a Mommy Time-out. Even if you just go to the bathroom, lock the door, and sit on the floor and breathe. Not everyday is going to be perfect.

    My mommy mantra is "My grandma did this with 7 kids, I can do this with 2."

    Thank you for your truthfulness....

  10. OMG.....

    That's all, I can't type anymore cuz I'm laughing so hard.

    I do hope the remainder of your week improves.

  11. First off, I wish I had had more moms like you when my boys were in preschool - conversations would have been much more fun at pick up/drop offs :)

    You are not alone in the tantrums - I had one just the other day as my 6 yr son is a master button-pusher. I love him dearly but I did look at my husband last night and wondered aloud if he's going to make it to 7!

    My mommy mantra: There is more than this moment!

  12. Thank you for making me feel like I'm still a good mom. Because there have been occasions I have thought my 2/3 year old was acting like a bitch and I feel really bad about it.

  13. You are in SUCH a taper, girl! I am thinking this bodes AWESOME for Boston :)

  14. oh amanda! first, my google account got hacked so I wasn't able to comment on your last post---but I'm so excited for you. Enjoy every second with your friends and husband. You are going to rock it. second, i wish our kids went to preschool together so we could both get the dirty looks! I got a call from the school last year when my oldest was in first grade, they left a message saying "there had been an incident on the playground" I thought he had gotten in a fight or something...Oh no, he was just caught peeing in the corner of the playground!!! AHHHHH geez. The kid had to go, I guess. :) My middle son brought the 'fart book' to the gym yesterday. (Describes and gives audio of different kinds of farts) I thought it was hilarious...they did not. boys are definitely a different breed---however, kate was caught climbing our fireplace naked last week... I just breed crazy kids. My mommy mantras.... "my mom survived, I will to", "2 hours till bedtime", "Breathe", "I will miss this someday...I will miss this someday..."

  15. Been there, done that, will do it again, I'm sure. :) But thanks so much for writing this and making me see that I'M not alone!

    Good luck in Boston!!!

  16. "Eat some bread, not your kid"...genius!

  17. dear...
    I have 2 sons
    They are 6 and 7
    I have done the screaming thing
    more than once.
    I am not proud of it, but you know what they survived and so did I.
    Now I do the silent treatment. They HATE it. Or I laugh when they have a moment when they act like a 2 yrs old...they HATE that more...!!!

    you are so not alone.

    mantras hmmm "It will pass" and "Pick your battles"

  18. Ah yes. I think it's just "National Mommy Tantrum Week".

    I'm so there, and I think "Prick" is a GREAT word to describe all three boys lately.

    Also, I lack a lot of verbal filter as well. Those that like/don't mind it have stuck with me. Those that do, weren't really meant to be my friend.

  19. Here's a mantra for you..."It could be worse...he could be a teenager and then I'll be wishing for the tantrumming toddler".

    Seriously. You are not alone. I just posted my own mommy fail post today and (not to be competitive or anything, but oh joy of all the things I could "win" at against you of COURSE it would be sucking as a parent) truly I'd love to be back with a screaming little boy.

    I can remember when the boys would go through the most hateful awful stages EVER and I was wondering what the HELL happened to my sweet child...and then all of the sudden, they'd be over it and I'd was just a phase...thank GOD.

    And whatever, if those ladies can't get you, it's their loss. Who wants to hang out with somebody all proper anyway?

  20. Thanks for the laughs! I was having a Mommy Tantrum kind of day, too. :)

    Prick is really a good descriptive word in my opinion.

    Mommy Mantra - "It'll be better soon!"

  21. Oh, Amanda, if you lived near me, we'd so be friends. You crack me up!

    And today was a major scream fest as we tried to get out the door to school. I felt particularly guilty about it when I ended up having to pick up the surly kid from school because of a stomach ache. After he puked all over his room, I remembered that he usually only has fits like this morning when he's not feeling well.

  22. *hug* Who HASN'T crawled around on the floor, crying, and picking up the wreckage of a fit! You're SOOO not alone - as you can see from previous posters! When I stress I focus on a recent run that felt really good and try to step outside of the current situation. It's hard. I have 4 kids at home and 3 daycare kids - sometimes it's really loud. But my mind is always full of running memories. :)

  23. Love it! I've called my kids some inappropriate things myself :-). When I throw tantrums, I kick things, and sometimes hurt my foot :-).

    Hey, good luck this weekend! Try to relax and have fun. There are many people (like me) that will never get the chance to run Boston. I can't wait to live vicariously through you and read about it.

  24. 2 year-old boys are a mess. In my opinion it is the hardest age. After 2 it does start to get easier. My oldest son is about to turn 6 now but I remember the 2's and 3's. Hard. My youngest son is 15 months so I know what is in store... Lord, give me strength!

    An older mom once told me in regards to mothering, "The days are long but the years are short." It's not the best mantra but I think of it sometimes on long, hard days when I am just holding out until bedtime. I just have to remind myself that this is just a phase of life I am in right now. They will not be 1,3,5 & 7 forever. Could it be any worse? Maybe. I just realized that someday I will have a 19,17,15 & 13 year-old all at once. Yikes!

    1. Tia I am stealing this phrase! "The days are long but the years are short."

  25. I can so relate. Sometimes things come out of my mouth and I wonder- why did I say that? But like you said- people either get you and love you for the weirdness, or they don't. And that's ok. I have finally gotten to a place in my life where I really don't worry about it anymore. My true friends get my sense of humor. And know when to ask... WTF?

    As for the mommy stuff. I hate the FAIL days. When you try to make up for the terrible mommy monster that came out that you regret and hope that if you hug them and kiss them enough they will not be scarred for life. My older daughter knows how to push my buttons something fierce and she is super strong willed (as am I). I try to do the love and logic, but some days I revert back to the authoritarian, which just makes her dig her heals in and we are in for a battle of the wills. It's not pretty. I sit and rehash it after bedtime and I just pray. I ask God for a better day tomorrow. For patience. For wisdom. For him to help make me be the parent I so desperately want to be. She is the child, but somehow I just loose my shit sometimes and I hate it. I don't want to be that "yelling" parent.. but somedays I hear my voice continuing to raise to higher octave levels as my child willfully disobeys and we get stuck in the crazy cycle. I started reading parenting books when Rowan turned 2 and am still trying to learn how to be a parent and what works. I try and give myself grace and hope that the good things I do will outweigh the mistakes. Sometimes I have to say I am sorry to her when I know I talked to her in a way I shouldn't, so she learns that it does go both ways.

    Enjoy Boston... It's all mental work now. You are going to do awesome. You have done the work. You put in the miles. (GREAT JOB!!) You have trained HARD. You are strong. Run with your heart and just enjoy it. You are SUCH an inspiration. A truly amazing woman - we are blessed by you living so transparently and sharing your struggles with us that help us see that these mommyhood struggles are all normal.

  26. I have an almost three year old also. I think I say "are you serious?" twenty times a day and sometimes not that quietly. I count to three (as a threat) all day long and she still does not listen. My Mommy mantra is "If I let them live, some day I'll get to have fun with grandkids." Have fun and good luck in Boston.

    1. Ha, ha! This one hit home for me. I can remember saying that exact thing when my kids were young. Now I have 2 (and one on the way) grandkids who love to give their mama a hard time some days. KARMA! Grandkids are way more fun than kids (because they go home eventually), so hang in there. :)

  27. Yeah, my kids have all heard names yelled at them should not have heard. They're turning out okay, best I can tell. At least they're not on drugs. I think.

    You're a great mom, just a wee-bit stressed. After you run your heart out in Boston, you'll come home and have a whole different perspective.

    I'd like to write a novel to you to tell you how excited I am for Boston for you....but I'll leave it at this. You're awesome and I admire you so much! Have a blast! I'll be stalking you...and probably texting you, just to add more stress to you. ha.


  28. Levi peed at the cottage grove park playground two days ago. And all i could thing was, thank goodness he did this before we got in the car and headed back home for the 45 min drive. Things aren't always easy. I find myself wishing I could redo some moments. But truly, God knows our defects and put us in these kids lives for a reason. Maybe your imperfections are just what your kids need to grow into who He wants them to be. :)
    Love you...

  29. oh, thanks for posting this! I feel like I am about to lose my mind at times with my 2/3 yr old as well. She is sweet but can be SO stubborn and strong willed! Plus, it does not help that I am 24+ weeks prego, my husband is working 7days/week, and I am trying to squeeze in some sort of running for my sanity, which leaves me one tired, prone to meltdown mama.

    Ok, enough venting. Best of luck to you in Boston!! Have a fabulous experience and can't wait to hear about your experience/race!

  30. Loved your post. We call our daughter our little terrorist! Good luck in Boston. I'm from the Netherlands and I am following your blog for a while now. Normally I don't comment (too difficult in another language) but your story made me laugh and made me realize that it happens to all mothers.

    1. So glad you commented Renate! And so cool that someone in the Netherlands reads my blog. Can't wait to catch up and reply to all of these awesome comments I woke up to. Good to hear from you. :)

  31. #1 - Thank you for setting me up to spit my coffee all over my desk.

    #2 - I LOVED the 'prick' segment. Phenomenal!!!

    #3 - Life is not easy and I (IMHO) have read your posts and can say--- you are a top-notch mom. As you know, you are just stressing.

    Peace and Godspeed; I will be following #10681

  32. Love this post!! I don't have kids of my own, but I am a counselor in a residential home with 6 teenagers that fight like siblings and often act like 2 year olds!!
    My nephew is 3 and he'll run outside to pee. That's what living in Vermont does for you!
    Good luck in Boston

  33. Mantra..."I'm not scarring her for life" I love your stories of your kids because it reminds me that I'm normal!!! I would totally get your humor!!! I mean really we have to laugh or otherwise I would cry that much more!!

    I'm so excited for you and Boston!!! Go ROCK it Amanda!!

  34. OK-so first of all this is one of my favorite posts that you've written!! I loved it. Random but organized and real. I would have loved to read this when Reese was younger. She HATED my mom's house when we would go a visit.... I would lock her in a room and sit on the floor outside of the door with my hands over my face while she took things in "said" room and smashed them against the door and screamed....I could not win with her sometimes....Sweetest kid now, but definitely some trying days...Also, I have definitely screamed at my kids. I'm SO not proud of it but as with anything motherhood has been a growing learning experience for me...They are still alive and they still love me and they are remarkably well adjusted kind loving kids now so I'm going to cut myself some slack:)

    You know your lack of verbal filter is the thing I love the most about you. I think many people do. You make me laugh-the condom in the purse-bahaha!

    Max only peed outside. He used to wake up in the morning and pee off the deck. Worse things in life than boys peeing outside. Almost a rite of passage I think to piss on a playground:)

    Thinking of you a ton here! Hoping today goes smoothly and you can leave your babies with a chest that is NOT tight tonight! SO excited for you! A nice POSH hotel, a trip with your hubby, time with great friends and the race of your life. Doesn't get much better than that!

  35. I am so glad it's not just me!! My kids (boys, 7 and 3) have been awful lately. I have been super stressed about a number of things. We feed bad behavior off each other and I have not been modeling good behavior. I have been grouchy and short, and how else are they going to respond.

    My 3 yr old is totally irrational like that too! "Sam, I love you, can I give you a kiss?" Major freak out. Nothing can ever be easy at this age, can it? He always wants the jammies that aren't washed, when I try to anticipate his wants, they are always the opposite of whatever they were last time...

    The days are long but the years are short. That is my mantra, and it works most of the time.

  36. Oh my goodness I feel loved here! Thank you all! I will comment back to you all soon! xoxo

  37. I'm on my way to being a mom and I loved your post! It makes me feel prepared and hopefully able to laugh at myself as I learn all of this. I love your writing style and I wish you the BEST in Boston!

  38. Oh my god! So funny. I am totally that same way!!! If you'd told me that Portland was getting its period, I would have laughed out loud with you (and blamed my omnipresent tardiness on it too!)
    My mantra: It won't always be this way.
    Whether things are good or bad, it's always true!

    My other one: More will be revealed later.
    It was said to me by my midwife while I was whining about the pain of labor with my second son. Turned out he was 9lbs, 12oz and his shoulder was getting dislocated because he was so big. It has always stuck with me that sometimes there are reasons (that will be revealed later) that explain why things are so sucky in the moment.
    And good luck in Boston!!! xo

  39. Great post. I think any "normal" mom can relate to absolutely every word of it. I've enjoyed reading all the comments too, definitely makes me feel like I'm not as bad of a mom as I feel most of the time. I don't really have a good mommy mantra, I'll try to come up with one but I do, almost every night, watch my kids sleep for a bit so that I can remind myself that they really aren't the complete hellions that they seem when they are awake. :)

    I can't wait to stalk you on Monday... you are going to be amazing! All your hard work and sacrifice will definitely pay off. Run happy & run strong.

  40. What a week for you! Good thing Boston is this weekend and you can run your little heart out (and all that parenting stress)! 2 is a challenge, for sure. My mantra lately "close your mouth and walk away" - doesn't always stop the meltdown, but helps me regroup before I melt down with her. Can't wait to follow you in Boston!!

  41. Good luck Amanda! Don't have any kiddos but I have been super busy at work and not home much, so my little and youngest dog has decided that this week she is going to chew up all my panties. Gross.

    Have a great race!

  42. Oh I am SO late to this but Amanda - you are NOT alone! But extremely funny - I wish my kids were at school with yours so I could shout across the playground at you and you could wave me a condom!

    My daughter and I just had a MASSIVE bust up about how long you are allowed to be angry with someone after they've apologised. I really had to pull myself back from the brink and remind myself that I am 28 years older and should be modelling good behavoiur...

  43. Thank you for this. I needed a laugh tonight!

    If it helps - I often tell my daughter that "in the wild, some animals eat their young." And she's only 8 months old, I suppose I'm in trouble later, huh?

    Have a great race tomorrow!

  44. Hilarious! I can SO relate to every bit of what you wrote. My kids are 3 and 1, and they push every button I have.

  45. I just found your blog, and I LOVED this post!! So funny, in a not funny way to you, I'm sure - but funny because it sounds exactly like my life! I have 3 little ones ages 2-5 and my 2 year old boy is very trying lately!! Made me smile, and made me feel good that I'm not the only mommy throwing tantrums;-)
