Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ready to Put a Bow on it! Eight Years Newer and Brighter.

Boston, Boston, Boston.  Yeah, I'm sure some of you want to poke a sharp stick in your eye if you hear anything else about the Boston Marathon.  Ha!  I promise I'll return to talking about candid motherhood moments and quiet reflective journal time where I bare my soul and talk about all my fails and goals as a mother.  Soon.  I just have to make it 6 more days.  Six!
Count Them.  1...2...3...4...5...6!  

So, How am I feeling?

I'm a bit more guarded with my marathon goals this time around.  I might not be setting my time goals as high as I did last year but my main goals are not time related. I feel like I'm at a good place with myself as a runner and my confidence doesn't depend on a time on the clock.  I want a strong race...mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I think if all these things come together then the time will match.  And don't get me wrong, I have a very specific time goal in my mind that I want to meet. But I think that no matter what happens with this race, I will learn from it.  

There is surely some emotion in this race for me. Going back to Boston post-kids and stronger mentally and physically than when I ran it in 2004 feels pretty awesome!  I think back to when I was training for the Portland Marathon in 2010 when I tripped in the forest and tore my hamstring completely. I had hoped of running a 3:15 and qualifying for Boston 2011. When I found myself on the couch and unable to run, I felt lost. Here I was new to this whole stay-at-home-mom gig and not only did I not have my teaching job that I was so passionate about, but I couldn't run.  Running was my outlet.  It was the part of my life that was just for me. I was devastated. Frustrated.  Emotional. Stubborn.  Stupid.  And hating every second of not being able to get off my couch. 

the best thing 
that ever happened to me as a runner.  

With my injury came a HUNGER like never before.  I started dreaming BIG and realizing just how much is possible if I set my mind to it. And It led to me starting this blog Runninghood in October 2010. 

So, I may not have made it to Boston 2011 but I'm so glad I didn't. If I never would have tripped in the forest and hit that low in my life, I never would be where I'm at today. I wouldn't have the friendships I have now.  I never would have started to truly tap into my potential as a runner.  I probably wouldn't have ever even considered a blog since I didn't even know what a blog was. Life just wouldn't be what it is now. And chances are, I wouldn't be nearly the same runner, person, mom, or friend as I am now.  My blog has changed me.  It has helped me grow.  There is something about sharing myself in such a personal and real way that has made life so rewarding and rich. 

Now here I am.  In 6 days I will return to Boston for the first time since 2004.  And I can honestly say that after having three kids, experiencing my first major injury and being 8 years older, I feel SO MUCH Happier than ever before.  I feel prettier, wiser, stronger, more fulfilled and confident, and so much richer in the relationships I have formed. I've grown into ME! I'm so thankful for the turns that life brings, even if they seem like the end-of-the-world at the time.

I know that no matter what happens on April 16th, this trip to Boston will be extraordinary. Unlike my first time in Boston, this race will be more than just for fun.  However, I'm almost positive that there will be plenty of fun involved in racing my heart out.  And I'm almost positive that my dad will join me for the last stretch and carry me home down Boylston street.  After all, so much of this race will be for him.  Thirty-three years may have been when his life came to an end, but it is certainly the age I feel my life just taking off. 

I hope to feel this same JOY after finishing Boston again!  

A few things I'm thankful for right now as I approach this very exciting race:

  • Recently I've come in contact with a coach that has so wonderfully taken me under his wing and shared with me some very helpful information on fueling, pacing and other things related to this marathon.  Not sure how things aligned so well that he came into my life at such the perfect time but I'm very grateful for the role he has played in such a short amount of time.  
  • Following a training plan and sticking to it!
  • Although I've had a few minor setbacks, I'm pretty healthy right now.  
  • More mileage than EVER before with my peak weeks being at 70 and 75 miles.  
  • My Brooks Sponsorship that came sometime after training started.  This is just one of many things that have come from starting this blog. Grateful and honored. 
  • Friendships.  I know I've said it before but I've made some REAL friends through this blogging process.  Friends that I consider some of my nearest and dearest.  The kind of friends that you find yourself talking about and then realizing that you've never actually met them before.  Hard to explain to people that haven't experienced it too.  I used to make fun of my husband for this when  he'd go on trips with his friends he had met in the virtual world. But now, I get it.  



  1. So excited for you!!! Really looking at enjoyment as the A+ goal :) You are going to rock it!

  2. Awesome! It's gonna be great!!! Enjoy every minute.

  3. You are going to kick some Boston butt! (and nobody is sick of hearing about it- Boston is a BIG DEAL!!)
    Counting down the days, all the way from Maine :-)

  4. Good luck Amanda! You are going to be awesome. I am so excited and happy for you. Boston better watch out! I hope someday I get to meet some of my virtual friends!

  5. You got this! GoOOO Boston!

    I'll be watching on TV, I'll wave if I see you.

  6. Amanda, you are in such a great place both physically and emotionally. Your outlook on this race is perfect! You've found your wise mind here, that overlap between the rational and emotional minds that is so tough to channel. I am so happy to meet you and watch you 'live' as you run the best race of your 33 years. Gosh, you are so young:).

    The paragraph about talking about blog friends...so true. I think there is something about blogging/writing that allows for a quicker connection than it would happen in 'real life'. And yes, I've made such great friends through the virtual world and so happy to meet one of them on Sunday!

  7. aww..so excited for you! what an amazing journey you have had over the past couple of years! Best of luck to you in Boston. I hope you have an amazing race and a wonderful time on your trip!

  8. You have certainly had a very strong training cycle. Can't wait to see you rock Boston! And of course, to meet you. :)

  9. Serious goosebumps!!! I am so excited for you and where you are in your journey! You are ready....and Boylston street will be a sweet street for you!!!

  10. Really, I should have read this before I put on mascara...tons of emotion here reading this and admiring where you are right now! It's been such a joy for me to tag along on some of your journey from afar....such a joy. So proud of you and so thankful for you.

    Eloquently written Amanda. 5 sleeps:)

  11. You are going to rock Boston! Good luck and we wish you the all the success in this amazing race!

  12. What a great post! I just had a conversation last night with someone about age and running marathons. I feel like this is my PRIME! Although at 40, I may not be the fastest, I am content, patient, strong....all the things that I didn't understand at 20.
    Here's to only 5 more days!

  13. I love how you put were you are at right now in life "taking off". What a way to express it! I defn feel we are in the one of the BEST parts of life right now!
    Kick some BOOTAY out there - smile TONS and embrace the experience!

  14. Grounded. That's how you sound to me. This Boston thing is your for the taking!

  15. Bad to the bone -- that is what I am hearing. You are going to own this run.

  16. You go girl! You're gonna kill this race.

  17. This is great Amanda! you are such an inspiring woman with a strong spirit. can't wait to see how well you do!!

  18. ah, I've been a blog slacker lately, but wanted to wish my fellow P-town runner some good running vibes for this weekend! I know you are going to do so well, and am glad that you are going into Boston so healthy and happy....will make the run that much sweeter!

  19. Very excited for you. :) You should talk about Boston allll you want...I'm sure people were sick of hearing me talk about LBL, but it was a huge thing for me and I know I'll be happy to have those posts to look back at in future years. Heck, I am now! This is huge for you...savor every second. And great perspective on your injury.

  20. Awesome post! I am so so glad you decided to start your blog because I absolutely love reading your posts and you always inspire me to self reflect. Thank you for being such a fabulous example.

    Best of luck! You will do great things and I know for a fact you absolutely have the mental strength. You are such a strong women. Embrace that strength.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. It has been wonderful to follow your training journey to Boston. You are prepared, strong and confident... nothing else you can ask for. You will rock Boston.

  23. I continue to be inspired by your balance, your perspective, and your drive. I hadn't followed you long enough to have read about your dad, so found that very touching; honored that you shared that with us.

    I wish you the best on April 16!!!

  24. This is such a great summary... I love learning more about where you've come from, and seeing where you are going. Can't wait to see what Boston has in store for you!

  25. Good luck on your return to that old, old course. Hope Patriot's Day this year is more spring than winter or summer.

  26. Woo Hoo! Drop the hammer on Monday! I'll be virtually cheering you on. Did you mention your number at all? I'd love to follow you. :)

  27. Good luck chica!!!!!! You will do absolutely amazing on Monday. I can't wait to track you and then hear all of your wonderful stories. You have worked you tail off and you deserve this. :-)

  28. I will be sitting by my computer with a movie going on the TV for the kids while I hit refresh...over and over again. ha!

    I am SO very excited for your race - and for everything that has built up to it. You have really done well with training this time around. Your commitment to the 3rd version of the training plan was unwavering! And your legs will THANK you for it MONDAY.

    Do save a place for me at dinner with AM. And also at the post race get-together. I will be there in spirit. Get your wings ready!!

  29. I couldn't agree more with you- injuries can have an amazing affect on us, can't they? My stress fracture last year drove me to be so much more determined and focused. I honestly know I would not have accomplished what I have running -wise without my injury to motivate me when I "came back."

    You better believe I will be tracking you Monday. When you reach that last 10K and you're not sure if your body can hold the pace just think of all of us at home tracking you and rooting for you. You CAN do this!! We'll be right there with you! :-)

  30. Good luck! You're going to do amazing and you deserve the days with your friends to yourself!

    You're going to do a great job and make your family very proud!

  31. Running has taken you on the most wonderful journey in finding yourself. I love the positivity I'm hearing in this post - you're so ready for this and I'm going to be thinking of you late Monday as you're preparing to get going. All my love and best wishes for a wonderful race.

  32. Love this- cannot wait to cheer you on Monday!

  33. Go get 'em, girl! I have similar goals in terms of feeling mentally, emotionally, physically strong. This is a celebration of the road getting there!

  34. Oh my goodness Amanda! I'm so excited for you! It is going to be a beautiful race for you - yayyyy!!

  35. Good luck in Boston! I hope your running dreams come true!

  36. So excited for you lady! This will be the race of your life, and not letting it be defined by clock time is the best way to go into the race. It's hard to not let the number tell you what an awesome runner you are, but it doesn't reflect all of those miles you ran, the pain and discomfort that came along with them, and the burning passion and desire behind your motivation to toe that line again.

    May the wind be at your back and your legs feel as strong as ever. You've got a wonderful race ahead of you, best wishes!

  37. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
