Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Birthing Necklaces, The Run Home, and Broken

Anyone that knows me well knows that I almost always wear a small silver necklace.  I hardly ever go without one of my necklaces unless I'm putting another one on. I usually have one on when I shower, sleep and and race. Always. It is just part of my style. I have four favorites that I switch out and they all hold a great deal of meaning. The first three (pictured above) are what I call my birthing necklaces.  My husband started the tradition of giving me a necklace when we found out I was pregnant and I wore each necklace during my entire pregnancy, the birth of each child, and most of the following year after.  These necklaces represent so much more to me than just a piece of jewelry.  They are symbols of love, the miracle and joy of life and pregnancy, and the gift of motherhood.  These necklaces are even special to my children.  The each know what necklace is "theirs" and they notice when I switch them out.  I know that someday I will probably pass these necklaces on to them.  Perhaps when they have their first child.  

Right around the time I started this blog, my husband gave me another special necklace to celebrate my 32nd birthday.  This one is by far the necklace I wear the most often.  And it is the one that my kids probably love the most because it represents all three of them at once.  I love it. So dear to dear as material possessions can be.  

Well, today the chain on this necklace broke.  And really, it is my own fault. I'll explain in a minute.  

You see, I was so excited to get a package in the mail from The Run Home, my new favorite place to order running jewelry for my friends (and hopefully myself sometime soon).

I ordered a special necklace for my sister-in-law because she is running her very first half marathon this Sunday. I bought her something that I would love to receive myself knowing that she usually likes my taste in things.  

When this package arrived, I did what most jewelry loving people might do.  I tried the necklace on just to make sure it worked okay...ha!  But when I did that, I didn't want to take it off.  And it was even harder putting it back in the package and boxing it up.  It is the perfect length (16"), the perfect weight, and the perfect size.  I hope she thinks it is perfect too.  Honey, if you're reading, this would be the PERFECT gift for me!  So bummed my birthday isn't until November. 

LOVE LOVE LOVE this!  I'd order one just like it for myself but instead of the 13.1 charm, I'd get the one that just says "Run".  Maybe I'll just have to send a few hints to my husband.  Instead of a "birthing" necklace, he could get me one in celebration of finally agreeing that I'm done "birthing".  

So back to my necklace breaking....  

When I went to try the necklace on, I took my other one off.  My favorite necklace.  I set it on the counter and immediately my almost three-year-old son wanted to try it on.  Rather than battling it out and explaining to him why I didn't want him to wear it, I just put it on him and figured he'd wear it for a bit and then give it back.  But before I could even get my sister-in-law's necklace back in the box, my necklace was broken.  My son had tried to tell me he wanted it off and I was too lost in my own thoughts that it took me a minute to answer him.  Rather than wait for me, he tried pulling it off and the chain broke.  

I'm embarrassed to say that I actually cried a little over this broken chain.  I know, just a silly necklace.  

So sad.  :( Must get another chain.  
I felt awful with the way I reacted.  My little guy didn't mean it.  In fact, he pulled on it because I WASN'T LISTENING to him.  I was too busy lost in some stupid NOT IMPORTANT thought that I didn't respond to him right away.  So when I was so sad (almost mad) about it breaking, his little eyes filled with tears and he was devastated.  It didn't take more than 30 seconds for me to snap out of it and realize that my necklace didn't matter at all.  What mattered was how my son felt.  And that he knew above and beyond anything that I LOVE him more than ANY material item.  I hope I reassured him.  When he gets up from his nap, I'll make sure to tell him again.  

Truth is, I am sad about my necklace.  But the good news is that it was just the chain and I still have it so all I have to do is replace the chain.  Or buy a necklace from The Run Home (this one) and just share the chain with my E, N, and S charms. Maybe it will be my treat to myself after my next marathon.  

In the meantime, I'm excited to give my sister her necklace and see her finish her first 13.1 at the Portland Rock n' Roll Half.  

Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry that you wear all the time?  Does it hold sentimental meaning?   



  1. Ug. Sorry the necklace broke :(. It seems a lot of issues I have with my kids are from the exact same problem. are a good mom!

    I wore "birthing necklaces" sort of...My wedding ring didn't fit, so I wore it on a chain. Until i realized that if it broke I'd lose my ring too! Then it just went into a jewelry keeper.

    Hope your sister in law has a GREAT time with her first half! :)

    1. Thanks Raina. Funny about your "birthing necklaces". :)

  2. Get yourself a new chain and wear that necklace again. I understand getting emotional over sentimental possessions. I am very attached to my coffee mugs (don't laugh) because many of them were gifts or come from different places or times in my life. When one breaks, I almost cry. And those are just MUGS.

    I love the 13.1 necklace!! I'd love to get one that says RUN also! :)

    1. I will for sure Kate! And I totally get the coffee mug thing. I'm not a really big material item kind of girl. Things don't really do it for me BUT my journals, these necklaces and a few items from my childhood are really dear to me. They hold meaning.

  3. Hi Amanda! Thanks for the shout out! Love it! So sorry to hear about your broken chain! I have your address and I am sending you a new chain for your baby initials in the morning! Gotta keep those babies close!

    1. You are too sweet!! Thank you so much. Gosh, this is just one more reason why YOU Rock. Love your stuff! Thank you.

  4. I am sorry your necklace broke! I understand that you can get really sad over something like that if the pendant is so special to you. I actually wear my birthing necklace at all times too. Well, my mother's necklace. My grandmother gave her a piece of jewelry for each one of us and I am wearing the necklace that my grandma gave to my mother. A couple of months ago, I thought I had lost it and there were more than a few tears shed. I hope you can fix your necklace soon :-) and I would love so much such a present. I am sure your sister-in-law will love it! :-)

    1. It is easy to put great value in things like this. My mom passed down a ring to me in high was a very special piece of jewelry and it fell off my finger in cross country practice. I never found it. :(

  5. I really know how you feel. You can get so attached to something because it's a symbol of something so important. This morning I had a full blown panic attack in Walgreens. I was putting my basket back on the top of a stack by the door and my engagement ring flew off my finger! I couldn't find it anywhere and I was right by the door, a trash can, and a million people. Thankfully an employee stopped what she was doing and helped me tear the place had fallen in the basket and down through the whole stack to the very bottom basket! She took the whole stack apart for me!

    1. OH My Gracie. This is crazy! So glad you found it!!!

  6. I love that 13.1 necklace! If your SIL doesn't love it, I'll take it. :)

    And The Run Home won me over with their comment two posts up. ^^^ That's just AWESOME!!!!

  7. OK-first I LOVE this birthing necklace idea. How special for your kids to have a necklace that represents each of them!!! This is SUCH a cool idea. I want to share this....or adopt this with one of my sisters!

    I like nice things but I've never been one to spend much on jewelry. Joe rarely buys me expensive jewelry OR flowers mainly by my request....He did buy me a necklace similar to yours for my first Mother's Day. I LOVED it, not because of what it was worth but because of what it meant to me!!! I lost it in Vancouver somewhere.... We had our picture sketched by a street artist and I am wearing it in the picture but then somehow it fell off my neck as it was never to be seen again..... I cried big time over this one.....not silly. Love that I have the sketch to at least see it on my neck!!

    I wear only my wedding ring and a ring on my ring finger on my right hand. After my sister died, my mom found a paper in her purse from a jewelry store with a number on it. Curiosity prevailed and she looked into it. Traced it to a beautiful ring at Riddle's jewelry. We have no idea what this meant to Cathy but the first Christmas after she died, my parents bought each of us girls this ring (matching) and we all wear them to this day. I never take it off. I would be devastated if I lost this.....

    Since I'm on a major babble I'll continue! Your little buddy knows how much you love him!!! I've seen devastation in the eyes of my kids many times when I've had a temporary laps.... but I am SO content in the fact that they know how much I love them!!

    I've ordered from "The Run Home". Used their Etsy site and I love their products!

    OK-back to bedtime:)

    1. I sent you an e-mail too but just so happy to have your comments. Love you.

  8. Your birthing necklaces are so lovely! The only jewelry I used to wear all the time were my rings. But I get worried about wearing them now because the hold at the gym will scratch them up. I also used to wear this really pretty toe ring all the time. I wonder what happened to it? lol

    I hope you are able to find the perfect replacement chain without any trouble :)

  9. That with small star is the best for me... sooo cute :-)))

  10. I have two necklaces that I wear all the time. The first is an aquamarine pendant (my birth stone) that all my boys gave me. The other is a gold locket that I bought with the money left to me by my Grandmother. It's symbolic of who she was and how I always felt loved by her.

  11. I don't really have a special necklace. I love all of yours though! I think the diamond necklace I have is my fave. It was a Christmas gift.

  12. I'm so sorry the necklace broke! What a great tradition your husband started! So sweet!! I have a favorite necklace that I got from my daughter on my 30th when she was just 1 month old! It reminds me of how I entered a new decade in my life as her mom!!

  13. Too bad about your necklace! I love that all your necklaces have such a great meaning to you! I don't really wear jewelry; I only wear one ring my grandmother gave me and one I bought on one of my travels (but I can't even remember which one!)

  14. Totally understand the tears being shed over this. You will get another chain though and this one will go down in the history books. LOVE that your hubs got you those special necklaces for each child - sooooo sweat!
    The one you got for your sister in-law is SUPER cute too.

  15. Yep, I can understand the momentary sadness. I had my mom's diamond ring made into a necklace after she died many eons ago and wore it non-stop. Went running one day and my finger got caught in the chain (how, I have no clue) and the chain snapped and the diamond went flying into the grass, never to be found. It wasn't worth a lot, but it had a lot of sentimental value, as does yours. I'm happy the chain can be easily replaced and you still have the letters.

    Off to go see the necklace you want now :). I want a running necklace someday, too!

  16. What a great tradition- having a necklace that you wore throughout pregnancy, birth and your babies first year. I've been part of a few showers where everyone brings a bead to make a birthing necklace for the mom-to-be. So sorry it broke! Hope you can get a new chain quickly.

  17. Definitely replace the chain. AND get yourself a new necklace. Mark the good occasions and the things you are proud of! And your son KNOWS you love him - I am sure of it.

  18. What a bummer that the chain broke!

    I have a pair of earrings I bought for myself when I finished grad school (while also working full time). They're almost never out of my ears. I dropped one after a race, and also almost cried...

    But your perspective is right-on.

    PS - Most jewelery stores can fix a broken link on a chain. Good luck!
