Friday, May 11, 2012

Motherhood Worry

Worry is almost as worthless of a feeling as guilt.  Worry and Guilt.  Two things that are the parts of my life that have been most suffocating for me.  Especially as a mother. Actually, I've kept these two old friends at bay quite well this year.  They've been quiet lately.  But for some reason, they've decided to rear their ugly heads at almost 2 o'clock in the morning.

Things were fine before I went to sleep.  Perfect really.  Thursday was one of the best days I've had in a long time.  I was ON all day in my motherhood duties.  I took my son to sports class, put my phone away in my purse so t hat I was fully present and available for my kids, spent lots of time outside, cooked a really great meal, had alone time with each of my kids, made french toast for breakfast, and ended the day with some rather JOYFUL jumping on the trampoline with my family.  In my opinion, the day couldn't have gone much better.

So, why is it that I am up at this time of the morning with a list of things running through my head? Why did I get up to use the bathroom and then return to bed thinking of things I can't control???  Not sure but here I am.  A mother, up at 2 a.m eating cheese and crackers and stressing over all the things I AM and AM NOT doing for my kids.  Yes, cheese and crackers.  Isn't that what most people eat when they wake up a 2 in the morning worrying??

Okay, a few things:
1.  I do not make a regular habit of this.  You know, losing sleep because I am worrying and feeling guilty over not doing enough.  So don't you worry.  I sleep well.  And think I'm doing a fine job.  
2.  I think what this worry really comes down to is the fact that I'm a competitive person.  I expect the best from myself and this carries over to my kids and how I am as a mother.
3.  My neighborhood can be kind of annoying.  Only annoying because I make it that way.  Because the 25 parents who are in the classroom volunteering for their kids' party make me think A. Gee, there are a lot of parents who volunteer.  Yikes!  I need to step it up a notch.  and B. This would annoy the heck out of me to be the teacher here.  I liked my school that I taught at.  It was the perfect mix of parent support/involvement and "Gee, give the teacher some space and get a life moms!".
4.  Back to annoying.  I'm pretty sure that the main reason these hovering moms are annoying to me is because I see them and put pressure on myself and tell myself that I'm not doing enough.  This is ridiculous.  I know.  And I know that nobody can MAKE us feeling anything.  We have control over our feelings.
5.  I'm pretty sure that I'm one of those annoying parents to some out there.  There are different levels.  Just as I see some of those "Always at school and in the teachers' space kissing ass" parents as perhaps one of the most annoying things on the planet, I'm sure some moms see me and think:  "How annoying!  Does she have to workout every single day?  And I can't believe she is wearing those tight black pants to school again.  She's so selfish to spend so much time running and traveling for running."  Ha! I might even be seen to some as that mom that is annoying for the same reasons that I'm annoyed.  The things I do might remind them of all the things they aren't getting to.  This is the nature of motherhood.  We compare.  We judge ourselves. We feel guilt.  At least many of us do.  Such worthless feelings.  They do no good!
6.   I think kids need to be kids.  I also think they  need to be challenged and given structure.  They will rise to the expectations we have for them.  Most of the time.  As long as our expectations are within reason.

Somewhere between the time I started this post and right now, I think my brain has returned to sleep mode.  Now my mind is a bucket of mush and I forgot where I was going with this post.  Perhaps I just needed to let my ramble of worry out so that I could sleep with a clear head.  So, rather than end this with some pretty little bow of a wrap-up paragraph, I'll close with the list of CRAP that I was worrying about.  In RANDOM order.  And then I'll go to sleep and wake up fresh and ready to rock my A-GAME as a mom.

Worry that WOKE me up:

  • Oh my, I could die any time.  I really need to make the most of my time with my kids.  (Why would I be thinking of how I could die at this time of the morning/night???! What??!)
  • If I died, would they know how much I love them??
  • Did I not start early enough with E when it came to reading?? Would that have made the difference between the high reading group and the middle one?  
  • Does it really start as young as first grade??  The super competitiveness with academics?  Or is it more the parents than the kids?
  • I wonder what teacher my kids will get next year. Sucks that I don't have any control over that.  Maybe that's why there are so many parents volunteering all freaking they can have more control over where their kid gets placed every year and what they do.   
  • I don't even know the teachers in second grade.  
  • There are some crappy teachers out there.  I know this.  I saw a few in my time as a teacher.  Gosh, I hope we don't get one.  
  • Do I do enough for my kids?  
  • Am I too focused on running?  And what's the point?  What are we chasing anyway??
Okay, that was the gist of my worry.  Feeling like I'm slipping.  Wanting to be better. Wanting to be the best I can be.  As always, being competitive with myself (and admittedly others).  Pride.  Need to truly trust in a plan other than my own.  

I feel better now.  Kind of how I felt when I was in college and I'd start feeling out of control but then I'd go to the library and study for hours on end and come home feeling like my ducks were a row, my 4.0 was in the bag, and I was ROCKIN' this thing called LIFE.  

And since I always seem to blog the messages that I MOST need to HEAR:  

Rock on Moms.  Cut yourself some slack today.  Bag up your guilt.  Kick the worry to the curb.  And write a list of all of all the things YOU ARE DOING RIGHT as a MOTHER.  There's more than you think. 

Sweet Dreams,


  1. Amanda: Don't worry about running. It sounds like you have a good balance between running and your family life. Screw those who think you spend too much at it--you know best, and it makes you a better parent when you're happy. And running makes you happy.

    The teacher thing....well, it's a big crap shoot! I say if you feel next year's teacher isn't cutting the mustard, put the pressure on them until they get their crap together!
    Have a great weekend and stop worrying!

  2. Just by the fact that you are torturing youself so much means you are an amazing mom. Out of touch, self centered moms probably don't spend a lot of time waking in the night wondering if they are good enough parents. Even though we've never met in person I am confident in saying that your kids are incredibly lucky to have you.

    And I always think I'm going to die young and it's always at 2:35 am. Never at 10 am or 4 pm.

    1. Thanks Beth. So funny about the worrying about dying thing at 2:35. I actually started to worry that maybe I would get in a crash on the way home from the Nuun HTC thing...I know, really specific thoughts of dying. But part of me thinks that if I worry about it that specifically then it can't happen because what are the chances right??! So twisted. :)

  3. I think that your kids have the best and coolest mom out there! They are so lucky that you are their mom.

    I wouldn't worry about the teacher thing yet. I am sure that it will all workout in the end and that you kids will have wonderful teachers. I had a crappy 3rd grade teacher who taught my class nothing except for his penguin expeditions. It was awful! My mom always said she wished she could have put me into another class, but couldn't in our small community where he was the only 3rd grade teacher. It made 4th grade super hard! It also took me a long time to learn how to read when I was in the 1st grade and I turned out all right. :-)

    1. Thanks Tasha. But you sure do know a lot about Penguins right?? ha ha. yeah this worry was ridiculous. Didn't fall back asleep for a long time. Bool Coffee please!!

  4. I kind of stopped when I saw the word pressure. I COMPARE myself and my kids to everyone. I ALWAYS feel like a failure. I think wow those kids are amazing look how smart they are or how talented. It is a terrible cycle to be in. I have done this my whole life and frankly it's very hard to stop. Try, try to see all the good you do. What I see is an amazing mother there!!!!!! Eat your cheese btw it will help you sleep :)

    1. Ha! Moms are so hard on ourselves. Why do we do this??! I ate the cheese and never fell back least not for a long time. Soooo tired. But I'm going to cheer my heart out for my daughter at the jogathon. :) Thanks Nora.

  5. Amanda, I am no mom, but number 5 really resonated with me, especially when you say: "The things I do might remind them of all the things they aren't getting to. This is the nature of motherhood. We compare. We judge ourselves. We feel guilt."

    This happens everywhere. I am not a mother, but I compare myself to people with kids, bigger houses, better jobs, nicer cars...people who seem like they have it all together, and have the perfect life. Unfortunately, we as people do this to ourselves. WHY!? They are probably over there, wishing they had as much free time as me, could travel (I travel a lot for work) and have fun, whereas I want what they have...right? It doesn't make sense. I hate it. It's only our own feeling of inadequacy that makes what we have not good enough.

    That's why we run. To feel in control. To have something that we KNOW we are good at, and can get better at. So don't let your idea that people are looking down on you, or that you are not doing enough for your kids (wrong!) change that.

    1. Ah, thaks Kyria. Such great words here. You know, that is why we run. IN so many ways, running gives us control over our world. I like this. Your comment is so full of things to think about. You should write a post of your own here. xo

  6. Great post. Sorry you are worrying! I hear all of those worries loud and clear, but as a great mom you need to remind yourself that you are doing your best. Kids need to learn how to cope with not the best teachers and that year may be the year the parent game steps up a notch to ensure what they need to learn is being learnt and your kids need to see their parents have goals in life whatever those goals may be. No doubt those moms that volunteer everyday most likely feel what you feel if not more. The mom that worries and corrects behaviors that REALLY need to be corrected are the best moms. Life is a constant adjustment of ourselves and our actions and our focus and it sounds like you know that. It sounds like you had a great day yesterday and everyone got some of you. Hopefully you got some of you. Happy mothers day weekend beautiful momma

    1. Such wonderful and wise words Jill. Thank you! So so so true that if they did get a bad teacher then they would learn from that. It is all part of a big plan and I know they will get nothing short of exactly what is meant for them. Thank you beautiful you! xo

  7. I don't usually go for crackers and cheese during my 2am worry fests.... I'm more of a cereal girl. :)

    You're doing a great job, maybe you have us all fooled, but you seem to be an amazingly attentive and wonderful mom! Thanks for sharing your worries though, it helps me realize I'm not alone in mine. Happy Mother's Day weekend, hope you enjoy some beautiful sunshiny days. :)

    1. Thanks Laurie. You seem to be doing a great job too! Happy mother's day to you this weekend. You deserve it. How are you feeling??? I will e-mail soon. Cereal would have been better I think.

  8. You seem like one of the most fun, creative and supportive mothers I've ever "known." Cut yourself slack.

    1. Thanks Mallory. I usually do cut myself some slack. I guess last night was just one of those freak out moments to make up for all the slack I've been cutting. Ha! :)

  9. I don't have kids, so I don't wake up in the middle of the night worrying about them, but I find plenty of other things to keep my mind racing at 3:30am (career, friendships, family, being in my 40's, will I find a mate, will my injuries heal so I can run like I used to, blah blah blah blah BLAH) I can get pretty worked up. I wish it didn't happen, but I take comfort that I'm not alone. You seem like an awesome Mom, by the way. I wish we would lift ourselves up a bit more rather than worry so much about our misconceptions of inadequacy.

    1. Thanks. Such a nice comment. Thanks for sharing yourself. Yes, we really need to celebrate the good things more. I agree.

  10. It is just what we do as moms, isn't it? I can tell you, as a teacher, that sometimes the parents that hover and volunteer most are not doing their children any favors. It is all about balance. I know that I am a horrible mom sometimes. I yell occassionally. I let them watch things they probably shouldn't. They eat crap on more than one occassion. But at the end of the day, my kids love me. They know I love them. And their behavior in public (and usually at home) is top notch. They are going to be productive adults....maybe a little rough around the edges at times, but spectacular people, nonetheless. Thanks for the great post! We need to remind ourselves of all the good we DO! (Running is one of those!)

  11. I literally wake up sick with guilt/worry on a regular basis. Or, more accurately, I'm woken up for something or other and then can't fall asleep because of those things. So much I could have/should have done differently.

  12. As a non-mom, I lie awake in the middle of the night thinking about "what if my mom/dad dies", and it totally panics me. I have a, um, very delicate relationship with my dad, and I worry a lot that he will pass away when we are in a bad phase. I also lay awake thinking about past deaths--my grandparents, pets, or just people from movies/books. What is it about nighttime and death?

  13. Isn't crazy how we can get ourselves all worked up over things that are out of our control? The comparisons and "what if's" are hard to avoid, but I try to "take every thought captive" and those are the ones that I really try to push away. And you're so right that the same moms that annoy you are probably jealous of you for the things you are accomplishing. We're all doing what we can, and I wish we (women especially) were better at having grace for one another!

  14. Love your raw and honest writing. I am not a mother yet but I can totally relate to all of your thoughts. Everything you are thinking and feeling is completely normal and I know that you know that. Just keep on keeping on. You are a great mother, runner, and person. I really admire you in many ways!

  15. You are not alone, my friend:-) I worry about almost exactly the same things, especially now that my two girls are going to be gone from me in full day school next year- I'm freaking out a bit at how fast he time went by and how much I won't see them and did I do enough of this and that(including the reading!;-)) the fact that you are worrying makes you a phenomenal mother. Like anything, you are you and you only need to be the best mother that you can be. And those days are the BEST when you feel on top of the world as a parent:)
    Ps- the dream that woke me last night was that I just found out I had a fatal EYE condition. If that's not biizarre...!?!?
    Have a great night:)

  16. Funny, DH came home yesterday and I was still in my workout clothes (who has time to shower, right?) and said he sees moms that are "like me". Meaning, in spandex, running errands. Anyway...this is a great post. As mothers, we always want what is best and wonder if we are doing our best. Imagine the panic this past year when I realized that my oldest, could be going away to college in the fall! Did I teach her enough about life? Responsibility? Etc? It never ends for us moms, we always worry, no matter how old our kids are.

  17. If it's part of your nature to worry it's a hard thing to get a grip on. I worry over everything still. Even things that are history. Was I not enough for my kids? Did I do the wrong thing in raising them? Was I too hard? Too lenient?
    The fact is that worrying achieves nothing apart from making us lose sleep, weight and energy. You know that as well as me. Unfortunately I don't have any magic bullet to fix the problem. You know you're a great Mum. You're there and you're creating a magic childhood for those three kids of yours. And you're moulding them into future adults who will be valued members of society. They don't have to be the best and you don't have to be the best. You all just have to be happy. And one day I'll listen to my own advice.

  18. Kind of ironic that you write this after a complete and utter meltdown over my 'guilt' and feeling like a failure as a mother just yesterday. I've been guilting myself over not being the 'volunteer mom' AT ALL This year. The childcare for my youngest two while I helped out became too complicated and I said, "forget it"...I can help out when they are all in school. When I did volunteer I compared myself to the other moms, "Should I be volunteering every week, instead of once a month?" Am I not an 'involved' parent because of this? I've come to accept this season as it is and (TRY) to keep my meltdowns to a minimum. I've kind of wondered if the teachers are annoyed by 'over' involvement too?! You are an amazing mom. I'm annoyed by competitive, hovering mothers as well. I just don't get it and unfortunately, it does make me insecure. I was WAY over it in terms of the 'baby stage' and reading all the books and sleeping philosophies, organics, etc. and figured out throwing away all the books, not comparing myself to other moms, and doing it my way was exactly where I should be. I simply did not care about the 'right' way to do it...but now I have to work through it from the school age perspective. A new ball game. I'm just not sure I'll ever be the PTA mom, team mom, etc. It's just not me. Love to help and be involved...just not overly so. :) Just insecurities that I'm working on. Nice to know, I'm not alone. I don't know about you, but I think a lot of my issues right now, is I'm ready for summer. I want to have my kids home and not be on some chaotic daily schedule that leaves me feeling like I'm running on a hamster wheel most days. Give me two months of summer and I'll be ready for school again! :) Now that I've written a novel...I'll stop. Bottom line, I get it. :) happy mother's day, Amanda!!

  19. So sorry you are so worried that you woke up over it, Amanda. :( It's probably because you care so deeply that you are so concerned. We certainly don't want anything to happen to you in the middle of the night, but you need to know that even if you did die, your kids would still be OK. Deeply pained, but OK. God would take care of them. I was reminded of this once when I was about over the edge in a teaching job. A bad decision I had made as the newspaper adviser had me worried about losing my job. I also was constantly worried about making the deadlines for publishing. The superintendent was a great man and kindly reminded me that even if I didn't show up one day, the paper would either go out--or not go out. Life would go on. It took some stress off of me. Maybe this isn't going anywhere related to your motherhood worry..just thought I'd share. Ha.
    You are a great mom. You have made some smart choices and keep giving your kids what they need- love and a secure home, spiritual guidance. Rest easy friend.

  20. We wouldn't be mothers if we didn't worry about our kiddos. I have a feeling everything will turn out good, you will make sure of that, I have no doubt!

    Happy Wonderful Mother's Day to you, my friend!

  21. Oh girl, oh girl. I recognise all of it. ALL of it. You're not alone. And you're doing a great job - you know it. My hubby always says the best is the enemy of the good - you're doing great there..
