Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Operation WHOLE

I'm so ready to get back into tip-top running shape.  I'm HUNGRIER than ever for a personal best in the marathon.  I'm ready for the next race.  The next long run where I return feeling high on life and have endorphins rushing through my every limb.  I'm ready to have that post run smile that just takes over my entire self.


But I'm practicing patience here.
I'm doing the things that are necessary for rebuilding and making sure my body is WHOLE so that I can be my best self.  The best athlete that I can be.  Body, Mind, Spirit.

As much as I know that I need to move slowly with my running in order to heal this hamstring and get my body strong again, it is HARD to be...


It really is a one day at a time thing right now. I'm remembering to practice patience, love, and willingness to listen.

A few steps in my plan to get this body WHOLE so that I can start discovering some new levels as an athlete:

For the first time since college, I have a coach to help me make decisions about my running.  And for the first time EVER, I'm at a place in life where I think this coaching relationship will really work well for me.  I'm mentally and emotionally strong and ready to push myself and do the things necessary to get to new levels.  It helps having someone to tell me to take time off, be smart, and keep things slow. If it were just me, I'd probably end up pushing myself too soon and not truly give myself the time that I need to heal.

The Boring Stuff
I've always been the athlete to take the shortcuts.  The icing, rolling, heat, rest, massage.  These things are just annoyingly time consuming.  Can't be bothered.  Until now.  I'm doing these things.  Again, having someone else tell me to do them helps.  :)

Positive Thinking
I'm trying to focus on all the positives in my life.  Instead of griping and moaning about how it sucks to not be able to get out there and do some speed work or go on a long 20 mile run, I'm choosing to celebrate what I CAN do.  So much to be thankful for.  I'm running.  That's celebration enough.  And my body is healing nicely.  So much power in focusing on what we HAVE and what we can do today rather than what we can't do or be right now.  With every negative thought I have like "Gosh, this hamstring is so annoying" or "I'm losing so much fitness!", I replace it with something positive like
"I'm  so glad I got 6 easy miles today!"
"Today I will do more push ups and crunchies than yesterday."
"So great to have more time to just sit in my jammies and drink coffee while I read to my kids.

Putting Things in Perspective
Being in a rush to get somewhere quicker than we are meant to be there isn't going to do us any good.  If things work out like I hope, I'll be able to run a marathon in July or September off of the base I built for Boston along with some added training. This is in hopes that it will allow me to get a BQ without stressing my body too much.  This will give me the option of being in Boston next year if I want to.  If this doesn't happen then that is just how the cards play out.  My body very well might just not be ready for this.  I might need to take more time to heal and get whole.  This is very likely.  I'm hoping that things play out the way I WANT them to.  Ha!  But I'm open to possibilities.  With every door that closes, there are many more to be opened.  This is part of what makes life exciting.

Strength and Conditioning
I am only running every other day this week.  My total weekly running mileage this week will be 18-24 easy miles with strength and conditioning on my off days.  My strength training will only be on my upper body since I'm still trying to heal up this leg.  Lots of tricep, bicep, shoulder, ab, and back work.  It has been awhile since I've done too much more than push ups and abdominal work.  Maybe I'll even start doing some pull-ups again.  Would be fun to get to 10!

Blocking out the Negative
There are always people out there that are unhappy with themselves or with life situations. Or people that just like to be ugly and rude. Not sure why. But they are out there.  Sometimes people find joy in dragging others along with them on their unhappy train.  This makes me sad.  Especially when really nice and wonderful people get targeted in this "mean" stuff.  Being a person that "hates" is only only destroying the hater.  If we don't like something or we find something to be annoying, we don't have to read about it, listen to it, or be a part of it.  And if we do want to change it or voice our opinions, there are always ways to do that in a loving, constructive, kind, and "full of character" way.  We can be irritated and "vent" appropriately to others (our "safe" people.  I have several of these friends.) but when it comes to be unnecessary gossip, slander, and bashing just to be mean or stir up trouble, this is where I draw the line.  I have NO RESPECT for people like this and it makes me sad to see others get hurt from it.  The best way to deal with it is to rise above it, turn the other cheek, and not give power to things that just drag us down.  Part of keeping ourselves WHOLE and healthy is to keep these people, this energy, and these situations far away from us. At as far of a distance as we can.  Life is too short to let negative energy and people color our world.

Happy Wednesday,


  1. great posting, Amanda......and I look forward to reading about your continued journey to wherever it is that you're going! Keep up the good work! And life is definitely too short to let negativity take hold.....gotta rise above it and move past it!

    All the best!

    1. Thanks Bill. I'm not sure where I'm going but I hope it is somewhere good. :)

  2. Amen on that last point! Life is too short for the haters.

    Great attitude about it al. Think about what a strong, well-rounded athlete you're going to be in the end.

    1. Hope so Amanda. I've never been this patient so hopefully it pays off.

  3. Great post! It's hard for me to be patient sometimes and yes no time for negativity!

  4. Relinquishing control can be scary, but it is usually the healthiest and most rewarding path.

    Loved chatting last night. And boo on the haters :)

  5. I can really slack on all the rolling, icing, massage as well... I can see how having a coach would help you follow through! And holy smokes girl, 10 pull ups? I think I can do two. :)

    1. Can't do 10 now. Used to. Now I'm lucky to get 3. If that. :) But would be fun to get back to 10.

  6. I love your last point on negativity--you are SO right! Talking about your "safe" people made me smile--I'm fortunate to have running partners that are my safe people.

    We say that we run in Las Vegas. We live in Ohio. But, what we talk about on our run stays there no matter what the topic is. Running with my female friends is a great opportunity to gossip, complain and get all the gunk in our brains out there---and then leave it on the road. It's amazing therapy.

    Not everyone lives by the same rules, but as you said those who are unhappy with themselves or their lives wish to bring others down with them. I say: no one can steal my joy. It's mine and you can try all you want, but you cannot have it.

    Keep up the great work, lady. I just finished my 5th half marathon and am working up to training for my first full in October in Columbus. You are a great inspiration and reminder that being a good runner is really about listening to your body, not pushing through the pain. :)

    1. Congrats on your 5th half Emily! So great to hear from you. Good luck on your summer marathon training. So excited for you.

  7. I am thrilled for your new direction and the help you are getting from this GEM of a coach. He is fortunate as well to have such a thought-filled and hard-working runner. Really, I am looking forward to seeing you RISE to your best marathon ever. Healing takes time, but you are WELL-focused right now! All the little things we neglect are important ingredients to staying healthy and meeting our running, racing and life goals.

    Run happy, friend :)

    1. Thanks Raina. xo This coach really is a gem. Not sure how things came to be this way but I'm thankful!!

  8. Great post. And what a great attitude you have! Yes, I know it's hard to wait out an injury, but be patient and you will reap the rewards. You'll come back stronger and better than ever! And I can't wait to hear all about it.

  9. Hey there! Good post! Yes, I think having a coach particularly in recovery right now is super for you!! Smart coach he is and he believes in YOU and that he can take you to the next level. Heeding his advice and being patient=WISE:)

    Ah-the boring stuff. Yes, so obviously important but annoyingly time consuming and SO hard to keep up with... I can see where someone telling you to do them is so beneficial here. Good for you! Inspire me:)

    Putting things in Perspective-I've gotten better with this especially as I get older. Sometimes we just have to listen and take things in stride.

    Positive thinking-KEY! You're doing so well with this:)

    Strength and Conditioning-perfect timing to work on this!!

    Blocking out the Negative-well put!

    Back to work but great to read a post from you today!

  10. GREAT post! I'm a big shortcut taker too so can totally relate to that one...
    I really respect your attitude towards fitness, running, positive thinking.. :-)

  11. I love the post! And yes, I'm a recovering shortcut taker. It's so hard, but really taking the long, slow road pays off in the long road. Happy healing!!

  12. Woo hoo!! You sound so highly motivated!! Well, you always do, but even more so! You work harder than anyone I know. That new PR is ahead. I can see it. :)

    1. Ah, thanks Kate. Not so sure about hardest worker but nice to hear that someone sees me this way. :)

  13. I like how you called them "crunchies". Hehe, I did a bunch of crunchies this morning too.

    1. Ha! I've always called them crunchies. I think my H.S. coach called them crunchies and I've done it ever since. :)

  14. Great post Amanda and I agree that a coach makes all the difference - HAVING to listen makes all the difference and the RIGHT coach does as well.

    Love your insights - they always help me along.

  15. I need to copy all this info into my brain! You've got the right outlook and attitude. And I'm excited to see where coaching gets you! I'm sure you have a BQ in the bag, but after that I expect to see even faster times.

    1. Yes, I expect the same! :) Hope the BQ is in the bag. We shall see. :)

  16. Love this post- it seems to be completely parallel with what I am thinking/doing/training right now as well. Patience. Strength in everything. You are on the right track and it will pay off in the end! Excited to see where it leads you:)

    1. Yes, patience will pay off for you too Miss Speedy! You have a bit of patience and some more training under your belt and a sub 3 is all yours!

  17. I'm getting lots of happy vibes from all your posts lately and it really seems like you are in a good place. Glad you are back to running as well as having some extra time to spend with the kiddos drinking coffee. It's the best of both worlds!

    1. Glad you get happy vibes Tia. I'm all over the board. Happy mixed with annoyed. mixed with blah. mixed with pissed off at irritating people. Ha!

  18. Loving all the great slow-down advice here. It's hard to listen sometimes when you are too set on moving no matter what your body says. I'm really feeling that this week!

    1. I always write about what I MOST need to hear/learn so I'm learning all this slow-down stuff as I go through it. :)

  19. I know it's hard to come back slowly, but you will get there! Hang tough, girl.

  20. Blocking the negatives - well put. I really really needed to read your thoughts on this; for I am not in a real good place with my running right now. Posted something very basic yesterday with very similar unstated thoughts. Looking forward to reading about your progress. Have a great week and weekend.

  21. I feel only positive vibes coming from this post...It's nice to "hear" that, a good reminder of how "thinking" positive will only "lead" to better results...the negative can be so overwhelming and draining, and it is such a simple act of just changing our thinking that makes it so much clearer. why does it take some of us (myself) so long to figure that out at times? At 44, you would think it would just come naturally...which sometimes it does, but at other times...reminders are needed.
    Thanks for the reminder Amanda...and so glad you are taking your positive feelings in the right direction for you and your body as well ;)

  22. I am so excited and happy for you that you have a coach. You are going to thrive! I always have to tell myself that patience is a virtue because I am so freaking impatient. I have enjoyed these last 2 weeks off from my running (minus Bloomsday), but now I am bored! Still not sure how much mileage I will be running next week (probably only 20-25), but I will be listening to my body and easing it back into training. Will I see you this weekend or next weekend in Portland??? I hope so!

  23. What a positive and motivating post! I think it's great that you're enjoying working with your coach. You will be healed up in no time as long as you continue to take that advice. I can't wait to see how awesome you do in your marathon later this year!

  24. You sound at peace and in a very good place right now. That makes me smile :). I'm so glad you have the coach to help you listen to what is important right now....this is going to pay off so well for you down the road! Keep being the awesome Runninghood girl you are!! xo

  25. Oooh! Exciting! I think you are going to BQ again this year. :)

  26. I never used to foam roll or ice until this year. It definitely helps with recovery.

  27. Great post Amanda! I love your raw and honest perspective always so refreshing to read. You are on the mend and that is very very exciting. I focused on strength training a lot over the winter and I truly feel it has helped my running a lot. It may just be in my head but I feel so much stronger!

    Which marathon are you thinking about in the fall? So many great ones to chose from. :)

  28. Great post! I love your insights Amanda and the positive attitude you bring to all you do!

  29. Love this blog!! Running is where it's at :)

  30. They don't call it an endurance event for nothing. It teaches you endurance in so many facets of your life. I'm going to steal a little of your positivity for myself. Focus on what I can do - not what I can't.

  31. Hi Amanda,

    Yes..patience is key. Coaches often don't tell us anything that we actually didn't "Know" already. But doing is not the same as knowing, eh? Jill really helped me with that. Now I have the habit.

    Your attitude is great, I love motto: Any day you can run a marathon is a great day! Easy or tough, it's getting the best out of life (!)

    Not sure what was "up" with the napkin in the photo....8)

