Friday, August 31, 2012

In Love With a City. And Feeling Like Myself Again.

Going to make this a quickie since I'm on a getaway with my hubby this weekend and I'd really like to squeeze in a nap (while he works out) before hitting up the city life.  So, you know what that is...right? A BULLET Post.  I know you love the bullets!

  • We are in LOVE.  With a city.  Called Asheville, NC.  Was this place made just for us?  I think so.  So far from the 3 hours we've spent driving around with a realtor, this place fits everything we've ever described for our perfect place to live ever since we became us.  
  • How did this random trip to Asheville, NC come to be?  Well, it is a long story really (for another day) but the best I can describe it would be : SERENDIPITY.  
  • I haven't felt this way about a life moment since I drove to Oregon in 2000 on a whim (for an adventure) and ended up meeting the Love of my best friend.  Much of this love story...a story of serendipity...can be found in this post:  The Minute I Heard My First Love Story, I Started Looking for You.    It is my favorite of all my life stories so far.  
  • For the first time in weeks, I feel like Amanda again.  I've had an emotional last couple of days.  Weeks really.  During this time, I've done a lot of reflection and "work" with myself where I've been processing things that have come up....old things that I'd forgotten and new experiences that have be unexpectedly hard for me.  But it feels good to be back on course and have this weekend with my husband to explore this fantastic city.  
  • This place is dangerous in that we love it so much.  If we move, it would only be a temporary thing...a year or so.  All of our family is in Oregon.  Family is the most important part of life and wouldn't be worth staying away from them.  Maybe we can get them to move too?  :)  
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your private e-mails, texts, and comments in response to my last post regarding my "off" feelings after Hood to Coast.  Your words means so much and  made me feel loved and heard.  And a freedom to be REAL on this blog, which as come to be a public but personal journal of sorts.
  • To clarify, I didn't mean to bring so much negative focus to the social media usage on the trip but that topic seemed to strike a chord with many of you.   I surely wasn't judging even though this is a sensitive topic for me.   As I said, I was one of those people on my phone at many times.   A tricky situation since we were all Bloggers chosen to be on this team...we were doing the social networking and communicating that helps spread the word about our of the reasons we were chosen.  Easy to get out of balance.  And we all found that it was acceptable to be absorbed in our social medias while with each other even though it would be terribly rude in real life.  Maybe it was terribly rude in blogger gathering world too?...definitely something to be more aware of...did our social media usage get in the way of forming friendships that might have been if only we'd saved our tweeting, facebooking, etc. for a specific chunk of (or less) time rather than a constant/unless phone dies or coverage is lost?  Quite possibly.  I think so.  But overall, I was just sharing my reflections and FEELINGS/REACTIONS to the situation.  Not saying that it was right or wrong.  I hope this is clear.  
  • I may have come home from HTC feeling a bit of a disconnect with myself and not feeling like I was my best me (injury, feeling introverted, overwhelmed with not having enough time to dig deeper with people, etc.) but I had a great time and I am honored to have been chosen!  I hope I get a chance to do it again sometime when I am not injured!!  And when I know what to expect with such a large group of women bloggers.  
  • In the meantime, I'm excited to spend a weekend exploring this beautiful city!

Happy Friday!

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  1. Yay! So glad you are feeling more like yourself. And, if you are in Asheville tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday Sept. 1 and 2 you should check out our Lexington Avenue Arts Festival (aka LAAF, like laugh). You'll see Asheville at its finest and weirdest! And as an aside, you are an inspiration and I love your blog!

    1. Thanks Katie! We LOVE it here! such a special place!

  2. Not at all surprised to hear you love Asheville! I love the entire state of North Carolina and would move there in a heartbeat if I didn't have all my family here in Oregon.

    And so happy to hear you are back to your old self. I find all your comments about the social networking stuff so interesting. I could go on about it but have to get the kiddos to bed so my thoughts will have to wait for now.

    Enjoy your weekend alone with your husband!

    1. Oh, it is amazing here. I really need to figure out a way to get our family to move too. :) Social Networking/Media can be a tricky thing for me to find balance with.

  3. so happy for you that you are feeling better. I missed that blog post and will go back and read it. Looking forward to hearing more about that city - it looks beautiful! AWESOME video and enjoy the weekend with the hubs.

  4. It's good to hear that you're feeling more 'you'. It's awful when you're not feeling balanced or a bit out of whack. The relay sounded like such a great, fun thing to do. But it's a pretty artificial environment - long hours spent with total strangers. I'm not surprised you went onto your phone to escape it for just a little while.

    1. HI Char! Thanks. The relay really was awesome. And yes, being with strangers can be hard...I don't blame anyone for the phone thing at all. Nor myself. It was nice to have so many hours on the road without phone service though. It was just my observations...I don't think everyone felt the same way. But overall, what a great group of women!

  5. Read the beautiful post about you moving to Oregon and meeting Waylon. Very touching and beautiful. So cool you kept a journal through it all that you can go back and read. Amazing you received that money expectedly and did something so cool. God had a plan for you for sure!

    1. Thanks Mike! Yes, that money was such a gift in so many ways...not the money because it was money but because of what it led to. Life unfolded perfectly. :)

  6. I missed your last post and just went back and read it, too. I'm really happy that your other half decided to join you again. :) I COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from and what you mean when you say that. I often feel the same way.

    And that thing you said about surface vs. deep relationships really hit home with me, too. I'm the exact same way. Sure, I enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances, but it is so not the same as a true friendship. I have exactly one of those, and she lives about 600 miles away. I miss having FRIENDS, but it's hard for me to make new ones because of that whole "half-assed Pam" thing we've already touched on. It's super hard for me to open up past that superficial level. Gah, I can be such a guy when it comes to feelings! LOL

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  7. Asheville looks beautiful! Good luck with your new choices and opportunities!

  8. i'm glad you are enjoying it! there are some good hills to train on... ;)

  9. Where can I find part 2 of your love story???

    1. HI JOcelyn. It was this one:

  10. I'm not sure which post to write my comment on so thought here. I just read through your post about the HTC "uber-blogging/social-networking" capabilities of some of the runners and your thoughts on it.

    I think *most* of us have similar thoughts. I enjoyed reading all of my favorite bloggers discussing their HTC experience, but while reading through it all, I realized, I could never do such an event. Not that I couldn't handle the physical part, but more so the mental. I too am usually fairly social, I enjoy good talk with people, I have a "high on life" attitude right now. But I also understand that I am probably not an extrovert by nature. I appreciate my "me time" and my quiet times.

    Similarly to the HTC event, travel bloggers go through this as well. There you are, enjoying the vacation, trying to soak up all of the goodness of a trip ... yet have this "duty" now to blog about it so it weighs on your mind during the whole trip. Everything you do - oooh! Can I use that picture for a story? I need to write about this funny weird person! Look at this food we're eating, we must blog it! And then all of a sudden the experience goes from enjoyable to overwhelmingly "busy".

    I think some of us are able to be constantly "on" which is what social blogging and networking requires. I see people all day Tweeting, shout outs, etc. I just don't have the mental energy myself, ha ha

    Well, I guess what I'm trying to say, your feelings I believe are shared by many of us. It is very hard to constantly be "on" socially. Before the internet and the rise of social networking, we all wrote notes and letters. It wasn't so immediately fast and your brain had more time to process things. We now live in an era of constant chatter and sometimes it is hard to find a comfort level with it. :-)

  11. I am so happy to hear that you are feeling like yourself again! I am also ecstatic that you had such an amazing trip to Asheville. Isn't it funny how some places just "grab" you and feel like home? I am looking forward to hearing about the next step in your journey. Also, I just want you to know that I didn't read your post about HTC as a negative at all. It was very clear that you appreciated the experience, but just needed to get your feelings out about how it made you FEEL. Also, I hope you didn't get alot of negative feedback about your comments on the phone thing. I have seen several people comment on that and I think it is absolutely a valid and reasonable point!

  12. Thanks for sharing, nice post!

    ATS - địa chỉ bán noi vong tu dong tại TP.HCM. Máy đưa võng hay võng tự động là sản phẩm tinh túy. Với sp may dua vong ts trở thành 1 phần của các gia đình với máy đưa võng nhưng ban may dua vong hoặc siêu mắc. Bạn cần tham khảo gia may dua vong trước khi mua hay những meo giup be ngu ngon hq hay những điều cấm kỵ khi đi chùa kéo dài.

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    Những thực phẩm giúp đẹp da tại
    Thực phẩm giúp bạn trẻ đẹp tại
    Thực phẩm làm tăng tại
    Những thực phẩm giúp làm giảm tại
    Những thực phẩm tốt cho tại
