Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Taste of Asheville, North Carolina in Pictures

Sushi on the last night.  This sealed the deal.  

A city of ART and artists!  Even art under the bridges.  

First night in Asheville.  Enjoying one of Asheville's many local beers at the Sky Bar.  What a unique place with a fantastic view!

Of course I had my Nuun bottle.  I take hydration seriously (and spreading the loyal Nuun love).

This town definitely feels Nest-Like.  Perhaps we will nest here soon.  And this sign speaks for much of the city.  

A small part of a piece of art that I fell in love with.  Artist:  Kelly Rae Roberts

Loving Wall Street

Mellow Mushroom Pizza.  I think the beer might have had something to do with the fact that tofu and broccoli on a pizza was acceptable.  However, the anchovies would have been acceptable any day of the year! Amazing Pizza!

We ate here twice.  So healthy.  And really yummy!

This picture doesn't do the Blue Ridge Parkway justice.

Meeting up with Lindsay from www.chasingthekenyans.comat the Lexington Art Festival in Asheville, NC. After this experience, I can officially say that Asheville matches or beats Portland, Oregon in their boasts of being "WEIRD". Not quit
e sure what was going on behind us (or in general)...pretty sure it was some interpretive acting/ rolling around on the ground/ weirdness....perhaps acting out a scene of oppression? Hmmm. Lindsay and I had some ideas of what the message might have been. Pretty sure we should have thrown a dollar in their buggy since we got a pic of them....But by that time, we were blocked by some people on stilts wearing wigs and pink skirts. Good day to have blue tape on my flare of "weird".

Too warm during the day to wear my boots with my sundress so I rocked the blue KT TAPE to support my feet/help my Plantar Faciitis while exploring Asheville, NC. I was pretty sure I'd get a few looks or be mostly alone in my blue feet acce
ssory...hey, at least it matched my blue sports bra. But what do you know? On my way into a grocery store comes another runner who was sportin' her purple KT taped up achilles. #KTTapeKindredSpirits.  I found her just minutes after typing a message to a friend about feeling funny with blue tape on my legs.  But I said that even then I somehow felt like I fit well in Asheville.  

A hike in Dupont State Forest

I saw this sign everywhere.  


  1. So glad you love Asheville! We are about 2.5 hours away, and we visit pretty often. Love the Laughing Seed, Wall Street, and definitely the weirdness. Enjoy, and if you mpve to Aville, let's run!

  2. Looks great! So when do you move there?!

  3. i knew you would love it!!!
    now visit the small town of brevard and go to the restaurant called serendipity!!!

  4. Ah! Looks awesome! Love all the pics. I love Mellow Mushroom! Joe and I always go there when we're in Charleston. Awesome pizza!

    Yes, I absolutely LOVE that piece of art. LOVE it!

    Excited to hear more about your trip!

  5. Looks like it could be a fit! Praying for you!!

  6. I love Asheville! It is definitely one of my favorite places on earth and I think living there would be amazing! So glad you are are loving it!!

  7. How very exciting! Go Amanda! Live your dreams!

  8. i just love how ... free spirited (? is that the word i'm looking for) you guys are to consider up and moving even if just for a 'short' period of time. i love that! i'd like to think i'm that way too... maybe. haha. maybe in a milder version. but, i think it's totally cool and i am glad things are falling into place. looks like you were able to get out for somewhat of a drive so i am glad for that! i am disappointed that no one above has commented on the oppressed women though (or whatever they were)... haha. if/when you guys move you will have to come down and visit greenville for a day/weekend since you now have 3 friends here :)

  9. You're really making me want to visit this city!

  10. Love it all! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I think I would like that town. It reminds me of Santa Cruz, CA!

  12. so glad you are loving it!! i’m guessing you don’t have mellow mushroom in portland. it’s seriously one of my fav’s and we eat it wayyyy to often. :) hope to be “neighbors” soon :)

  13. I've always wanted to go there. I have friends that moved there and love it.

  14. It looks so beautiful! I was once in NC and loved it, so much more relaxed than NoVA. Enjoy your stay!

  15. Asheville looks awesome! I am happy for you and excited to hear about your new adventures in life. :-)

  16. Yep, Asheville is on my list of places to go. Looks beautiful!

  17. Wow! You are the second blog I read where the person went to Ashville, NC. Actually, the other lady moved there. Now, I want to go. It looks great. And I had Mellow Mushroom Pizza in Denver. It was sooo yummy.

    Also, you should check out Austin, TX. They have signs all over "Keep Austin Weird." Ashville kinda reminds me of it.

  18. One day I'll check Asheville out, too! I'm jealous of both you and Lindsay that you got to hang out with each other, lol.
    We're actually getting a mellow mushroom in NOLA if they can coerce The Oak Street Commission to let them open a chain on Oak, haha.
    Nice tape :)

  19. I LOVE the Laughing Seed...definitely one of my favorite restaurants in Greenville. I also LOVE that you met up with Lindsay! We are bloggy friends and live in the same town, but have never actually met!!! Great pics of the trip! :)
