Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Replacing Negative Self Talk and Judgmental Thinking, Running Again, and Random

Learning is what we are meant to do.  It is our birthright as humans.  If we stop learning, we stop growing and our minds become stagnant.  If you don't use it, you'll lose it.  --Chi Running

Watch for phrases like "I should" or "I can't" or "I'm not" or "I have to."  Any negative or judgmental thinking creates static on the line.  And who needs that when you're trying to get clear reception?  --Chi Running

This could end up being the shortest or the longest post I've ever written....it all depends on how fast I type.  I haven't sat down all day and I finally have maybe fifteen minutes to steal to myself while my oldest is reading, my youngest is surprisingly self-content, and my middle daughter is at soccer smiling from ear to ear that her daddy is the assistant coach tonight.  So after having what seems like a pretty decent mom day mom day with attending a field trip to the pumpkin patch, painting pumpkins, waking my kids up cheerfully instead of with the grumpy grey cloud I've seemed to have over my head too much lately, I am allowing encouraging myself to take a little slice of me here before continuing the rest of the motherhood "to-dos" that I still have to cross of my list for the day.  So, how about some bullets:

  • What an awesome weekend for marathons.  I've read about several PRs and one of them was set by a very dear friend of mine.  She smashed her old marathon PR and reached her goal that she set out to do. Inspiring.  Exciting.  Highlight of my Sunday!  
  • Another highlight of this weekend was being in Leavenworth, WA with some of our best friends.  What a gorgeous place to spend a weekend!  
A picture I took on my trail run on Saturday morning along the Leavenworth Marathon course.  

This marathon or half marathon is surely on my list of marathons to do someday. It was fun to cheer.
  • I'm feeling more like myself the last week than I have in quite awhile.  Feels good.  And I know that a lot of it has to do with running again and being healthy.  Knocking on wood here but I feel darn near injury free.  Now, I know my feet are not 100% and I'm still getting treated for my left hammy that I hurt way back in January.  I also still have pelvic pain that comes from who knows what but always seems to feel better after getting adjusted.  Anyway, mostly just Thankful to be feeling strong again! 
  • Running makes me happy.  I'd rather run slow for the rest of my life and still be able to run injury free than chase down big goals and always be injured trying to do so.  Running gives me balance and JOY for everything else that is so much more important.  
  • I'm running but I'm being really smart as I start to build up my mileage.  Yesterday's 8 miles was the longest I've run since mid August maybe?  It felt glorious.  8 miles in 8:25 average = nice easy run on a sunny blue sky day.  And let me tell you, we are having an absolutely beautiful fall here in the Pacific Northwest.  
  • The lack of running has meant just a little bit of weight gain.  Ha!  I tried putting on my jeans today...the ones that are always the jeans that tell you where you're at.  They are the jeans that only fit when I'm in my tip top shape.  Ha!  And let me tell you (with a smile on my face) that I wast nowhere NEAR Close to getting those babies buttoned.  I did feel like it was funny enough to send one of my best friends a photo of this joke of a jean try on.  I'd post it for you too but I'm really much too vain.  
  • I'm really not too concerned with this weight gain.  It isn't like I'm crying myself to sleep over it.  In fact, pass the cookies...marathon training will come SOON ENOUGH.  I'm going to enjoy the extra junk in the trunk.  AND at least 2 of the 6 or 7 pounds (9 with my coat and boots today at the doc) has gone to my boobs.  I'll take it.  And so will my husband.  He's liking the extra cush for a change.  Goodness knows that in marathon training I get too skinny and I wish for more cushion.  And I did kind of ask for this with all the beer, late night snacks and going out with friends for dinners I did this summer.  It was worth it.  

  • I'm keeping my goal of reading more books again.  It has been hard to make myself sit down and focus but having a long car ride this weekend and a husband that likes me to read running books to him was nice.  I read several chapters from Chi Running and we had some great discussions.  Two lines that jumped out to me from my reading:  
Learning is what we are meant to do.  It is our birthright as humans.  If we stop learning, we stop growing and our minds become stagnant.  If you don't use it, you'll lose it.  --Chi Running

Watch for phrases like "I should" or "I can't" or "I'm not" or "I have to."  Any negative or judgmental thinking creates static on the line.  And who needs that when you're trying to get clear reception?  --Chi Running

  • The second quote above was in context with a section on Body Sensing and getting to the point where we can sense how our bodies are moving...without having to think too much.  Anyway, without having anything to do with body sensing, these words just about jumped off the page and slapped me around....like they were meant just for me at this time.  I've read these words again and again since then and they continue to run through my mind. And I will write them down and put them where I can see them.  I spend way too much of my life starting messages to myself with these phrases.  My self talk is constantly filled with "I should....."  "I'm not...."  I have to......"  I didn't realize just how much I fill my life expecting myself to be doing something more or different or better. Now a little bit of this is GREAT!  In fact, this type of thinking is what helps us continue to keep improving and being better and climbing higher...indeed!  But too much of this thinking can make us feel like we are doing NOTHING right when in reality we are doing lots right.   I'm really glad for this part of the book that made me more aware of this.  Changes and improvements all start with awareness.  Now that I'm aware that I do this, I can REphrase things so that I can spend more time telling myself things like "I am doing..."  " I might like to try..."  "I did...."  "I can..."  "I'm okay just as I am right now."  "I will...."  "I'd love to...."  

My time is so far from up!  Time to grill some Salmon and make it look like I've slaving away around here.  :)

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  1. Don't you wish you could be the same size all the time? My weight fluctuated enough through the gain and loss involved with having three kids. Right now between eating vegan and training fairly hard (relative term of course) I'm at my low weight but I'm sure the day will come when the clothes get tighter again. I wish I could just stay the same and then all the clothes in my closet could be a perfect fit!

    1. I don't mind the fluctuating weight. :) LIke I said, it is kind of nice to be softer for a change. ;)

  2. I've missed you. Fall is looking beautiful around here too, but I'm sure so much prettier there.

    1. Thanks T! I'm sure it is so pretty there too! I love the midwest!

  3. I've had to stop worrying about running faster and just accept that to run is one of the greatest gifts you can be given. Run slow, run fast, run short, run long - doesn't matter as long as you can.

  4. Such an inspiring post....I've never been much of a reader and i recently also made a commitment to read more. So far ok.....but I wil get better and I've so much enjoyed your posts. Does that count as reading too:-). Thanks

    1. Thank you so much Karen. so nice to hear from you. And thanks for reading and commenting..yes, this counts! :)

  5. That first picture is absolutely beautiful. Glad you're feeling in a better place. :) And hooray for happy runs! I definitely know what you mean about running just making you feel better all-around. I can tell when I haven't been running or riding because I start getting CRABBY.

    1. So good to hear from you Kate! I hear you on CRAZY...I feel this when I'm not running. ;)

  6. Not a new reader, but first time commenting :) Absolutely love your blog!

    " I'd rather run slow for the rest of my life and still be able to run injury free". I could not agree more.

    I've definitely dealt with injuries (and the weight gain as a result, ha!) and it's made me feel SO blessed when I finally can run pain-free.

    1. So good to hear from you. Thanks for commenting...and for your kind words. Yes, that's the thing about injury and then coming back...makes me so so thankful for returning to normal running again. :)

  7. Well you KNOW that I recognise that and I'm going to write that quotation out and put it on my computer so I see it every day. I definitely get overwhelmed with "I should"s and "I'm not" and "I have to"s and it DOES cloud what I am really thinking or what is actually coming through. Thank you Amanda also for your lovely lovely lovely comments on my blog last week - you definitely GET me!

    1. I think we get each other! :) I need to write this on out too...like right now. :)

  8. Beautiful pictures, Amanda! This fall weather we are having has been an absolute gift, I suppose because it is so unexpected to have every single day be glorious. All good things must come to an end, though, right?! I hear the rain is coming!!

    I have the Chi Running book but haven't started reading it yet. Those are great quotes, especially the one about "I can't" and "I should" and "I have to". I love your idea of turning some of those into positives about what we CAN do or what we want to TRY. Always looking on the bright side of life. :)

    1. Yes yes yes, this weather is incredible!! Really don't want the rain. :( boo.

      I think you'll like Chi Running.

  9. I love that quote... "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." So true.

    I was in a major workout rut a few weeks ago... not even running was pulling me out of it! And then, of course, I plateaued on my baby weight-loss. So I mixed it up and joined CrossFit! Since I mostly work out or run by myself, I think joining CrossFit helped light a spark under my ASS and, because of its high-intensity, I am seeing way faster results than had I just been running only. Plus... as I get older, I realize just how important cross-training is for keeping my body balanced... not just bazillions of 'junk' miles like I used to do. Quality over quantity is my new motto.

    And a little cush is a GOOD thing!

    1. Hi you! Yes, A little cush is a good thing...I like it. I think my marathon body is way too skinny...personally. Not that I can help that. I hear good things about Cross Fit...and yes...quality over quantity is a good motto for lots of things.

  10. Needed to read this post today Amanda, thank-you. I cannot run right now, healing from a year long bout of plantar fasciitis I managed to hold off enough to finish ironman Canada, but now it is time to heal, fix the things that are broken and switch up my focus. So much easier said than done, my heart wants to be out running through the crunching leaves, so much easier to get out for a 'me' break when I just go for a run. Trying to stay positive, but it's hard- becasue of course when someone tells you you can't do something, it's all you want to do! I just need to take a minute to refocus my priorities, I know that in order to run again, I need to get strong, do the exercises, and life goes on. I too have had a grey gloomy cloud over my head the last few weeks, I'm sure my kids think I am a grouch, I think your post helped lift that a little for me. Thank-you!

    1. I'm so sorry about your injury Becky. :( So glad you are taking the time to heal and fix things so that you can be WHOLE. I know it is hard. So glad my post helped..even if only a little. Thinking of you.

  11. I'm so glad you're starting to feel like yourself again, and that you are okay with the pants that don't quite button. :) I've had a little of that lately too, with extra rest over the summer and am slowly getting back into the swing of things. I agree with you- I'd rather run slowly til I'm old than get plagued with injuries trying to get faster! But it's a hard goal to put into practice...

    1. Yes, definitely a hard goal. I think right now I can try to be faster and have big goals and hope to stay injury free....I'll continue to chase those PRs until my body tells me it can't anymore...that might be sooner than later. But hoping for little injuries this next year.

  12. Always a breath of fresh air, Amanda! How are you liking a Tree Grows in Brooklyn? I agree; I would rather run slow and injury-free than not at all. I just need my competitive side to come to an agreement with me on that. Those photos are beautiful! I just wish I could hop right into one. I have some serious fall cravings right now and San Diego just doesn't cut it in that department.

    I'm glad you have such a positive outlook on the weight gain. How refreshing! And you're so lucky to have it go to your boobs!

    1. Hi Kate. Gosh, I've already dropped the ball on reading that book regularly. Must pick it up tonight. So hard for me sometimes...lately. I would miss the seasons so much if I were in San Diego. Although, I probably wouldn't mind the nice warm weather all year though. :) Yeah, the weight gain isn't so bad...it will come off. And I kind of like having a curvier body for a change. I've spent too many years of my life unhappy about my body (mostly in my 20's)...so I'm just happy to be healthy and strong. :)

  13. Just read Chi Running last month - that second quote really resonated with me too!

  14. Save some salmon for me;) LOL

    I was thinking the same thing the other day-I feel like myself when I'm running. Can't explain it, just do. Injuries have a way of putting running back in it's proper place. Hold on to that, and I wonder what will happen??

    1. Hi Adrienne! Yes, so nice to have running back. Makes everything else seem...better.

  15. I've put on 5 pounds since school started because I haven't been running as often each week. :) I'll get em back off! When I STOP eating Butter Crunch ice cream that I have become so addicted to.


    1. EAsy to happen when teaching starts...I remember this!

  16. I've had to scale back and run slower, again - more knee problems! It's a conscious effort to stay positive, not get mad at your body. I make sure I give myself "put-ups", instead of put-downs. Keep staying positive :D!

  17. Good stuff Amanda. I really have lost who I am as of late. So feeling more like myself -- I have no idea. Glad you are finding your groove. Hopefully, I will find mine before grad school and work finish me off for good.

    All of my fun reading has gone to the hills. Everything I read now is for a paper or some other assignment. Do you still have your reading space? I lost mine somewhere in the bloody house; I think that it is hiding.

    Thanks for the needed break; always good reading here. Godspeed.

  18. So so glad to hear you are running almost pain free again. I could not agree more about throwing all of the goals out the window and just being able to enjoy the simple act of running. I have been dealing with a downward spiral of injuries since my marathon and it has definitely given me a new respect for running. I am glad I am going through this because it is teaching me gratitude. Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Hooray for 8 miles! And your 8 miles is pretty close to your pre-injury easy pace too :)
    I don't feel right when I don't get to run, so I am just so glad that you are back at it. Wish i could come do wildwood with you again.

    Reading...it's never been my #1 hobby, sad to say, but I do like a good read! When i was teaching, I used to read novels in the car to Jon :) This was before kids. Not sure how you do that with kids . haha.

    It was fun race spectating with you. It makes me hungry for a good race too! Very inspiring to see such a deserving lady get a new PR.

  20. Hope your Salmon was fabulous! I'm dying for something good to eat as this week has been all on the go.....I love your contentness or contentedness (or whatever the hell that word is that I'm too lazy to look up is) with your weight. Great attitude. You have such a strong fit little frame that a few pounds one way or another are just little seasons to be enjoyed and not major life issues!! I thought you looked smokin' amazing when I saw you (even in your text-ha)!! I'm getting a visual of your little muscle butt in speed shorts:) Congrats on the 8 miles! I'm so anxious for 8 miles at easy pace again even though it's only been a week!!

    Thankyou for cheering for me this weekend:)

    Jealous of your Pacific Northwest Fall although we are now getting a taste of that again. Temps in the 50's have melted the snow and we're back to a beautiful Minnesota fall. A big bonfire in order!!! Time to get out the 22 and shoot targets while drinking beer and listening to the radio by the fire!

    OK-putting that book on my list now that I will have more time to read....WRONG. Deciding to not train for a marathon is being replaced by work!!

    Love you friend!

  21. One of my favorite things is long car rides with a good book! It's even better if the kids are getting along!
