Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gift of the Run; Beauty to be Found

Such beauty greeted me on my run tonight. Lonely streets, 
snow covered ground, 
little footprints and happy snowmen winking at me with crooked grins, lopsided hats and carrot noses -- signs of the joyful life that graced another snow day.
Small town charm surrounding me as I passed churches and little bungalows with red doors... 
The sky lit up with the sun peeking through for a glorious sunset over the Blue Ridge Mountains.
It stopped me in my tracks. 
     in awe at the beauty that is there for us when we slow down to take it in. 
I ran on with the perfect song in my ear, my heart feeling big and wild 
       passing field after field, 
street after street 
Then there it was...the bright and full moon leading me home, 
smiling down on me while I counted the first stars of the night...feeling blessed and beyond grateful to be living this life and to have the gift of the run.


I don't write here as often as I used to but you can also find Runninghood on:


  1. Glorious sunsets indeed. I hope to run over the Blue Ridge Mountains someday. I heard there are some good races in that area.

  2. Just beautiful. Just another one of the gifts of nature that running's given you.

  3. Those pics and thoughts are really is the best therapy isn't it?
