Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Running Talk: Long Run, Marathon Plans, and Strength Work (natural butt lifter)

I woke up this morning with that tight and kind of sore feeling in my body from doing some strength work yesterday.  I've been trying to add some sort of strength circuit work into my week.  Sometimes it means breaking it up into shorter workouts over multiple days but I'm sticking to my goal and my body is happier for it--at least it's looking more defined.  It's not all about the definition though--it's about being stronger! Stronger = healthier body for running.  The ab, arm and leg definition is nice too!  Ha!  Especially the slight butt lift from the squats and lunges.

After the NYC Marathon this weekend, emceeing the Happy Girls Half and 5k, and starting to read about people's fall marathon training starting, I opened my eyes today with a bit of a marathon training itch. A very subtle itch but stronger than my desire yesterday and over the past weeks.  This is a good thing since I'm pretty sure I'll be in Boston in April to run the marathon.  Having the DESIRE to at least put in the mileage that it takes to run a marathon (and not hurt yourself) makes a huge difference.  Desire...Motivation..Drive...this is a HUGE piece of the puzzle when it comes to training for a marathon.  Glad to smell that desire just a bit more today.  I hope it grows!

Long Run Tuesday
Speaking of long runs and marathons, I'm heading out there today for a long run. Long run for me right now will be anything over 10-12 miles.  I'd like to shoot for 13.1.  Why not? Then I can say I ran a half marathon today.  I might die though.  Instead of making it all trail, I actually want to get out on a flatter stretch of road for a change.  I want some sort of time test (even just a 2-3 mile tempoish portion of my run) to let me know where I'm at with running fitness.  Gaging my time on the trails just doesn't work for accuracy.  I'm not sure what to expect with pace since I don't pay much attention to it anymore.  I know I won't be finding 7:30 pace easy right now but I certainly hope for some 7:40s to 7:50s when I try to pick up the pace and focus on form.  I predict my base easy pace on road right now would fall somewhere between 8:00 -8:30 pace at this point.  But really, I don't know.  We'll see today!

What I'm most excited about for running longer today:

  • Time to think and get some ideas flowing
  • Endorphins and Energy
  • Inspiration
  • Help with building endurance base
  • That overall tired but satisfied feeling that can't quite come from anything else
Post Run Picture (added later of course):  

Yes yes yes to a Tuesday Half Marathon Run!  First 5 miles on river trail and rest on road for a change.  Mostly easy with some faster (for me right now) miles in middle and a pick up at very end.  Add on about 1:30  to make up for a few 30 second stops to stretch (and breathe between pick ups..ha!)  Woowee, a 7:2x mile doesn't feel like it did in spring!  Slowly but surely!  So thankful for running and endorphins!  8:04; 8:34; 8:33; 8:28; 8:46; 8:17; 7:26; 7:23; 7:53; 8:11; 8:22; 8:16; 7:54; 7:39 for last little bit.  

Marathon Plans
I'm still flipping through books trying to decide on a plan for marathon training.  Right now, Pete Pfitzinger's 18 week Advanced Marathoning plan is at the top of my list.  I've also heard from some of you about the Greg McMillan plan.  And a few of you have emailed about the Hanson plan--not sure what to think about this one.  I think no matter what plan I go with, I will tailor it to me and I will follow it loosely.  Byron Powell, author of Relentless Forward Progress, also has a loose plan (mostly about logging mileage) for ultra marathon training.  So, that is the other one on the table.  The final option is just to log 50ish miles a week and make my own plan up as I go as long as I'm remembering to have a long run and some tempo/faster paced/marathon paced stuff in the mix.  After 20 plus years of running and racing, I think I'd be just fine with an Amanda Plan!  I have plenty of time to mull over these options and even stay open to others  It's only November!  

Next Post:

Much to say in the next post about how being an emcee for a race changed my perspective about a few things.  It definitely gave me an entirely new window from which to see the FINISH LINE.  Wow.  I left inspired and energized by each and every finisher that crossed the line (all 4 plus hours of the half marathon).  There were some especially cool stories and moments from the day... a team running in honor of their friend/wife/mom that died this year, a familiar name and Runninghood friend/reader that came to say hello (she's all the way from MN!),  seeing moms in the community that I know from school, watching little kids run up to their moms to run them in... and lots more!  Excited to write about it.  

Okay, about that long(er) run!  I'm heading out.  I'm still new to Bend so here's to finding a good piece of road to explore.  

1.  I'm still open to hearing your input about marathon plans you'd recommend.  
2.  What's your "LONG RUN" distance right now?  
3.  Do you prefer training for races:
a). Year- round (always want to have something on your race calendar to keep you going)
b).Summer (for a fall race)
c). Fall/Winter (for a spring race)
d). None of the above.  I just like to run to run without an specific training.



  1. Wow! Looks like you nailed that run. Nicely done. I've got nothing with regards to a training plan. I would choose option A. Especially since I didn't have much on the race calendar this year and my base building has really suffered as a result. Next year I will have races on the calendar!

    1. Thanks! It felt good to run longer again! Nailed for what I had intended...yes. :) I take off most of the summer from training but winter/spring is my train time.

  2. Nice run! I bet you have some amazing training grounds to explore. Jealous of that! I always hear good things about Pfitzinger from friends who have used it. McMillan I'm sure is great, too, and I just bought the same book…lots of options!

    1. Yes, come visit! But I bet you do too! I love the east coast! Yes, I have tried Pete's plans in the past but never stuck with it. You bought the trail book right?

  3. Great run~ I wish I could get back in the groove with pushing harder but I am enjoying my gym time and I am at least getting out there!

  4. Hi! I'm a new reader to your blog and enjoying it so far!

    At this point in life, I stick to 5Ks and 10Ks, so a long run for me is 6-7 miles or so. I am option A of your multiple choice question-- I train all year long and try to do always have a goal-race coming up soon to stay motivated.

    1. Hi Katie! Welcome. Thanks for stopping in. 5ks and 10ks are great! Races work well for motivation!

  5. If I end up with a duplicate comment - sorry!! My first comment disappeared.
    Glad you are getting the marathon itch!
    I don't follow a training plan mostly because I rarely train for a race. Right now I just want to be able to run again.
    Can't wait to hear all about your experience as an Emcee!!

    1. HI Kim. No duplicate. :) I hope you are running again soon too! Yes, emcee was awesome. I loved the energy!! Made me appreciate running in a whole new way!

  6. I might be odd but I just like to train year round whether I have a race on the calendar or not. I like to know that if I had to run a spontaneous half marathon for some obscure reason that I'd be able to do a decent enough job of it. At the moment my long run distance is 20k and will be going up soon to 24/28 in preparation for a 30k run in December.

    1. I get this for sure! Ah, excited to hear more about this 30k Char!

  7. My long run right now is 7 miles. Feels good to relax a bit and take it easy :) I kind of like to race in the fall and the spring. Summers are too hot!

    1. 7 miles has been my long run all summer! Or 6 even! I love my summers! Although the drop in endorphins always catches up to me by fall and I'm ready to restore my supply. ha! Who knows how that works but it feels that way.

  8. I am in the middle of a 2 week recovery period after running my first marathon on 10/26. I guess that makes my long run 0! I can't wait to get back. I prefer running year round, but the winter races I just use to keep me motivated, but focus more on times etc. Spring through Fall. I hope to build up a bit more cross training this winter.
    The marathon plan I used was in Runner's World Mag (July 2014) and was by Doug Kurtis. It was 6 days a week of running--the only thing I would change was swapping one day for cross training. It was 20 weeks.

    1. I think only having 5 days of running with a cross training day and one day off sounds smart! I'm going to consider this. Good to hear from you Cheryl.

  9. I'm sure you'd be just fine with your own plan! In fact you probably know exactly what to do for yourself at this point.
    Long run right now...I guess anything in double digits. Or maybe even eight. Although I must confess that I ran 14 last weekend while race spectating, and I was sorry later, too!

  10. I agree that you'd be fine with an Amanda plan! I often have a general plan to follow but then tweak it week to week based on how I'm feeling or if I teach spin, etc. I'm glad you're getting the itch to log some miles!! I usually like training for a fall race better than spring (due to the winters here and my lack of motivation to get out of bed on cold, dark mornings) so Boston training will be interesting. :)

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