Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Other Side of the Thirties Mountain: Bring IT ON Life!

My body was angry with me for running longer yesterday.  13.1 miles on a Tuesday with 8 of those miles off trail and on the hard road (longest I've run on road since we moved to Bend this summer) felt good at the time but afterwards my body was sending me all kinds of messages to say:  "Woah! WTH?!"  My hips and IT band were screaming, and for the first time, I felt sick to my stomach from the long run combined with not a lot of calories before and after.  I think my body was also a little ticked that I did strength/circuit work the day before.  But all systems set to go now.  I'll have a date with my foam roller this afternoon!  And try to stick to running on dirt for most my runs from now on...even if it means keeping the Garmin off and not paying attention to pace.  Running is all fun and games until someone gets injured...dare I even say the "I" word.  I want to stay far away from it.

As I approach 36 years-old this week, I'm realizing that I'm kind of going to a new age bracket...not race division type of bracket..but a new life age group.  The other side of the mountain in the thirties decade.  I imagine each decade to look like a mountain with half way being at the top.  So here I am...hiking down the other side of the thirties mountain.  Crazy.  I'm excited to see what's next. My 30-35 side of the mountain brought with it an incredible amount of travel and adventure but an equal amount of hard life lessons that I'm beyond grateful to come out of (stronger and wiser).  So far, as a woman, I've loved my age more the older I get.  Minus the wrinkles and random chin hairs that keep trying to pick a fight with me.  What is that all about anyway??   I'm sure there will come a point where I'll want to go back to a younger age (maybe) but for now,  I'll take my thirties any day over my twenties.  I truly do believe that the best is yet to come!  

Just some reflection in my journal about my age brackets/ peaks and valleys  

So, what do I want for the next bracket of my thirties?  
  • To enjoy life.  Be still.  Soak up my kids that won't be kids for too much longer.  
  • Start putting my foot back into the career/work world just a little now that my baby is almost in kindergarten.  But still be available LOTS.  Not sure what this looks like.  Writing a book...networking...connecting with my community...volunteering...using my gifts.... The more I get connected with the running community here in Bend, the more I think finding a job in the running field just might be something that would provide MUCH joy and satisfaction.  In fact, I was talking to my friend last night about how fun/rewarding it would be to work in a running store.  A perfect way to use my passions for running and people.  I also have thoughts of returning to graduate school and teaching again.  We shall see.  :)
  • Continue running and enjoying these gorgeous trails that Central Oregon and the Pacific Northwest have to offer.  Train for my first ultra trail marathon.  Not so sure I'm all about chasing a PR anytime soon though.  I'm happy with where my running is with simply running because I LOVE to RUN!  Outside.  On dirt. In nature.  With my thoughts and dreams.  What a gift it is!  It's certainly freeing to keep the watch at home for much of the time.  
  • Dig deeper with my marriage. There's always room to grow together.  Making time for each other through date nights, sharing our lives, doing the extras to show love, and continuing to talk and know each other...these things are important to me!  
  • Put myself out there.  What does this look like?  Telling my story as it comes (the good and bad), reaching out, taking chances, doing things that scare me, telling FEAR to get in the backseat and let me drive the bus...connecting with people!
  • Be WAY easier on myself than I was from 20-35.  Grace. Love. Imperfection.  Bring it! And give it freely to those I love most.  
Things I'm smiling about today with Running, Parenthood, Life:

  • Feeling good today after my run yesterday.
  • The local running community in Bend.  The more I get plugged in, the more excited I am!  From running stores to races to opportunities for families to run and be active. Pretty cool scene.  
A Boston Marathon confirmation in the mail still hasn't lost its charm.  Even if I have been indecisive about this year, this race means so much more than a race.  It's about good friends that I miss, a city I love, east coast vibe, amazing running energy, and more.  I know I'd regret not getting there.  I just have to find some deals on flights and train enough to be able to finish without dying (probably more than enough) and I'll be good to go!  

  • My kids are making friends and getting settled!  Yes!  A good feeling to see your kids happy.
  • Just this last week, I've experienced some incredible comfort from my kids.  My oldest came with me to two different things that I was nervous about and she supported me and provided comfort and strength.  Wow, when did we get to this point in life where they are actually the ones giving back to us?  So cool!  When I was emceeing, she knew I was nervous at first and she kept coming over from where she was passing out medals to tell me: "Good job Mama!"  So so neat to see them growing up and giving back to the world with their unique personalities and gifts.  
  • Thankful that I've been able to be home with them.  I don't think stay-at-home-motherhood is something everyone can or even wants to do.  Different strokes.  But it was something I wanted to do from the beginning.  I wanted a career and an education but I also knew that being a mother was up there at the top of my "career" list.  There are times I've felt like I've lost my mind. Times where I've craved intellectual stimulation from graduate school or a career or just something outside the home.  Times I couldn't remember the last time I actually dressed up and wore something other than workout clothes or yoga pants.  Yup.  Times where I've just itched to be doing something different. BUT.  In the end, I'm so so glad I've had this time.  And I plan to keep enjoying it.  Yes, I feel like a taxi driver with three kids in three different schools and sports across town at all different hours but even then, I'm glad.  I'm honored to be doing what I'm doing and I want to remind myself of this when I find myself scowling and growling and feeling drained.  This is a choice and one I'm grateful for.  Smiling for this today!  Yes!  
  • I got to talk to one of my dearest friends last night.  So special to me to see that I can talk to this friend for over 3 hours and STILL have things to talk about.  So thankful for friendship.  
  • Really, nothing I haven't said in the rest of this blog.  

  1. What are some things you're smiling about today?  
  2. Do you like getting older?  Pros and cons?  I definitely would choose my 20's when it comes to my body as an athlete (pre injuries, able to handle so much more with running!) but with other things, I am loving my 30's! 
  3. What are some things you want to accomplish in the next "BRACKET" of your age mountain?  


  1. Hey Happy Birthday! I turn 42 on Friday...always a time for reflection, huh? I get what you're saying about needing to remind yourself to be grateful about staying at home. In fact I just wrote down your statement "This is a choice and one I'm grateful for." to remind me to be grateful for working at home because sometimes I forget to be grateful for that. I have Tim McGraw's song "my next 30 years" on a lot of my running playlists. Always makes me smile. I don't mind getting older...especially being involved with the running/tri community where people older than me are beating me. Today I'm smiling about my "long" run of 5 miles that was without music, filled with leaves, cold air and dirt and absolutely perfect. I just talked with a friend a few minutes at the grocery store who is gearing up for her 71st marathon ... and she's 61. Who can fear growing old when we have things like that to look forward to?

    1. Hey you! Wow, our birthdays are close. Mine is Sunday the 9th. So I still have 4 days to hold on to 35! Happy early birthday to you! Thanks for quoting those words back to me...sometimes I type without thinking...ha! But yes! This is a choice. I'm grateful! And yes, definitely things to look forward to! Maybe I'll try a triathlon one of these days. You bet I'll be asking questions!!

  2. November seems to be a big birthday month. My baby turns 21 next week - I'm definitely marching down the other side of my life's hill but still enjoying it. Most of the time. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you are spoilt rotten by your family.

    1. Hi Char! A few days yet until my birthday but I say we should all have a birthday week! ha! Happy early birthday to your son! YOu seem to be enjoying life as it comes!

  3. Happy birthday soon-to-be! May the coming year be one of dreams fulfilled :)

    Smiling pretty broadly today just because :) And I have enjoyed getting older for the most part...though this perimenopause stuff is rather un-fun. As I've gotten older I've found myself not pinning accomplishments into time frames. What do I want to accomplish in my fifties (cuz that's where I am! lol)? Living a loving life. Gaining a deeper understanding of what nourishes me and what sucks me dry...incorporating more of the former and eliminating more of the latter :)

    1. Hi Marjorie! Good to hear from you. Thank you. So glad to hear you smiling! I love what you want out of life...Yes! "Living a loving love. Gaining a deeper understanding of what nourishes me and what sucks me dry...incorporating more of the former and eliminating more of the latter :) " AMEN!

  4. So far my 40s have been really great. I feel more at ease with myself and as myself than I ever did in my younger days!!! Some of the new things that pop up aren't my favorite but I will just take them and learn to age gracefully:)

    1. I hear you on the "more at ease with myself" part...I feel this about my 30's! I imagine my 40s being even better!

  5. Happy Birthday! I turned 36 just a few weeks ago and it feels completely normal :)

  6. Happy Birthday! Truly, I loved my 30s! I felt more confident and it felt like life was coming together for me. But getting older, as scary as it is for me, has been ok! I'm 52 now, and while I'm really struggling with raising teenage boys, I have a lot of positives--I'm comfortable and confident in my career, and I've changed the way I'm training, which has brought me fast finish times! I'm hanging on to my fleeting youth.

    Now, about those wrinkles and chin hairs.... ;P

    ~Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home

    1. Thanks! Fast finish times in your 50s is awesome! I'm thinking my 50s will bring slower finishing times for sure but I'll be ok with that. Already am. Chin hairs and wrinkles...ha! Yup, not digging those.

  7. Happy Birthday! I will turn 36 on the 17th. Turning 35 bothered me for some reason, but I feel great about 36. I know a lot of people in their early and mid 30's complaining about feeling old (aches and pains whatever). I'm over here thinking I feel as good if not better than I did 10 years ago. :)

    1. Our birthdays are close! Thanks. You know, I think I kind of had a hang up with 35 too now that I think of it. But yes, 36 feels great. For a lot of reasons! I don't know if I feel better but I certainly feel more confident and embracing of who I am and where I'm at with things!

  8. Happy Birthday!! I'm facing the same questions as I turn 50 next month! Feel better now than I did in my 30's that's for sure! Age is just a number, for now anyway!

    1. And you're still racing super fast! Dang, you do 50s proud Robin!

  9. Too funny! I thought the same thing when I turned 36 in May. It's like you're in a whole other bracket.

    1.What are some things you're smiling about today? I found a whole bunch of Glacier Mints in my pocket from last trip to England. The boyfriend is happy to have some since we can't find them here.
    2.Do you like getting older? Pros and cons? Same with you about the injuries. I felt like my body fell apart around 34 and just keeps getting worse. I wish I could go back to the time before my first car accident where it gave me back problems that I deal with on a regular basis. But I feel better about being in my late 30s. I know what I want now. I know what I don't want. And I have a great relationship.

    3.What are some things you want to accomplish in the next "BRACKET" of your age mountain?
    More travel. More exercise when I fix my foot issues. Sub 30 min 5k. Half Ironman. Maybe join a team to get me structured again.

    1. What are Glacier mints? Car accidents will screw things up, yes. Sorry to hear. First car accident? Have there been more? Sorry! Yes, on knowing what we want and don't want...I feel like this comes more with age. Except my 34-35.8 year range...that was a tricky time for me. Maybe an early mid life crisis? Hmmm. Good luck on your goals for this next stretch!

  10. Dear lord where do these chin hairs come from? Overnight they just started planting their wiry little flags on my face and I just turned 34. Horrifying.

    1. Ha ha! No joke!! no joke! Yes, 34 sounds about right. Ridiculous little annoyances! I was hoping someone would read that line and "Get it!" :)

  11. Happy Birthday! I am 43, and I wouldn't turn back time, well, except if I didn't have to dye my hair, and if I could recover from my runs as quickly as I did in my 20's--that would be great...
    I am enjoying the time with my kids, and I, too, am exploring what the next age bracket holds--maybe a new job? Still doing some soul searching on these things!

    1. Yes, the dying of hair...I'm not there yet and hoping it stays that way for a bit longer! My mom lasted into her late 40s early 50ss so I'm hoping hoping. Good luck deciding about next bracket!

  12. It seems you have a beautiful story and one I can't wait to hear about. I love the drawing of your age brackets and major peaks and valleys you have gone through. I absolutely believe the best is yet to come for you. You're in Bend and you fit right in. :)
