Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Visit Central Oregon on Mother's Day Weekend: Races for the Whole Family! And Moms Run Free!

Smith Rock Ascent Trail 50k and 15mile.  Photo courtesy of Paul Nelson Photography

If you're like me, the new year means making a plan for the upcoming months and penciling in a few things on the calendar!  Marathon and ultra marathon training is underway and I've started to think more about other races I want to enjoy during this training cycle as either training runs or time trials. I'd also like to find some fun family friendly races this spring where my kids can run too! So far, I have no races penciled in before the Boston Marathon in April (hope to find some) but  I do have a few races after the marathon that I'm looking forward to! 

My current race calendar looks like this:
April 20th: Boston Marathon. I'm supposed to run this as a training run for my 50k...we'll see how that goes. 
May 9: Smith Rock Ascent 4 mile race with my daughters (Moms run FREE).  Free kid run for my son. These races will be a fun opportunity for all of us to get outside, share time together, and be active while working towards a goal.  
May 10: Smith Rock Half Marathon at easy pace for a training run.  
May 25: Trail Factor 50k--My first ever ultra marathon in Forest Park/Portland, OR. And I'm so excited to run it with my husband (his first ultra too).  

Come Visit Bend, Oregon!
I know some of you have commented on my posts or Instagram pictures saying how you'd love to come run or visit Bend, Oregon. Well, if you're serious and can get away, Mother's Day weekend just might be the perfect time!  Bring the whole family for a weekend of racing, celebrating the Mothers in our lives, and enjoying beautiful Central Oregon!  Here are some more details about the racing part:

On May 9th and 10th, Go Beyond Racing has several scenic races for you and your family to choose from.  They are all located at Smith Rock State Park, which is known as one of the most scenic places in Oregon and only a short drive from Bend, Oregon.  Whether you prefer a race on trails, shorter distances to run with your kids, or faster and flatter road races, there is something for everyone.  There's even a free mile kid run for your youngest of runners.  Here is a short blurb directly from the Smith Rock Ascent website:

Welcome to the Smith Rock Ascent! Spend the weekend at one of the most scenic places in Oregon – Smith Rock State Park. Whether you prefer to run on trails or on the road, we have a course that you’ll love. Saturday is all about trails. Choose from a 50K, 15 mile or 4 mile route, all run on trails throughout the park. There’s even a free kids race. Sunday is road day. With a half marathon and 10K, you’ll be able to stretch your legs on this flat and fast course, with views of the rock faces.

Smith Rock Ascent Trail 50k and 15mile.  Photo courtesy of Paul Nelson Photography
I've never seen such amazing race photos.  This guy Paul is quite the race photographer!  I've spent so much time looking through the different events he shoots at...INCREDIBLE!  

A few bulleted points
  • Moms get to run with their kids FREE when they register them for the 4 mile race! This a shorter distance option (for all ages of course) that still offers the same incredible views and single-track that the 50k and 15m races!  
  • The kids mile fun run course is along the top of the race start/finish area.  All kids will receive a finisher medal.  What a great way to get the entire family involved!  
  • On the 10th is when the half-marathon and 10k road races are held.  A few words from the site on this:  "This road race is sure to become a favorite, featuring two great distances that provide amazing views of the Cascade mountains, sheer rock faces at Smith Rock State Park and unique beauty of the area.  Both courses should be quite fast with minimal elevation change. "
  • The races held on Mother's Day will mean a rose and entry into a drawing for a spa package for all the moms that finish!  
Smith Rock Ascent Trail 50k and 15mile.  Photo courtesy of Paul Nelson Photography

So, whether you are a family of runners or a family that wants to get on board with some new running goals by training for some races, here's a weekend that works for everyone! It's definitely something worth penciling in on that calendar of yours for a weekend of running, travel, family, and celebration!  

Be sure to let me know if you are going to be visiting Bend or the surrounding area for these races!  It would be fun to meet you! 


You can also find me writing at Run with Me Kids


  1. Great post! Awesome photos! I just wanted to let you know that you inpsired my New Years Resolution in a way. I've been thinking about one of your posts from several weeks ago where you talk about encouraging your kids to journal and to make a list of what they are grateful for. My resolution is to Practice Gratitude and I wrote about it for the first time on my blog today!

    1. Hi Katie. Thank you. I will be over to check your blog post out! Thanks for commenting. Good to hear from you.

  2. Bend is really beautiful. I would love to come run trails there one day.As long as they're not too steep.

    1. Ha! Come visit...we'll deal with the steep issue later. I can find some flat trails!

  3. Oh, I would love to come and run (with you!!). Too bad it isn't even a long weekend so the boys have school!

    1. Ah, do a little home schooling for a couple days? I guess that's hard when they are older!

  4. Would love to put this on my calendar! Oregon looks so beautiful and it's the complete opposite of flat, humid Florida where I live. What are the average temps in May? Is there altitude changes to factor in? Obviously I've never been out west to the mountains so forgive my naïveté !

    1. Put it on your calendar! May is generally a pretty good month in Oregon but this is my first time living in Bend (central Oregon). We used to live in Portland (3 hours away). I'd imagine around May, it will be beautiful here! Perfect! Yes, a little altitude or a lot if you're coming from Florida maybe.

  5. I can't make it Mother's Day weekend, but maybe on weekend we can get a girls date down. If nothing else, BOSTON!?!?!

    Thank you sincerely for your very kind note on my last blog post - meant the world. I so rarely read blogs anymore but I do check in on you from time to time (FB and Instagram) and know it's been a tough move for you. Hope you're finding that peace (LOVING that red chair of yours :)).

    Here's to an awesome 2015 (and I think you could EASILY race Boston and come back strong for the 50k!!! Just my 2 cents :)).


  6. There is nothing more than I would love to do than visit Bend in May! It looks so beautiful there! I am a trail girl, so anything off road makes my heart swoon. My 50K was one of my most memorable racing moments. I still re-read my own recap of it- I love going back to the finish line feeling. I am running Boston as a training run too!! Your training run is probably my PR! I haven't been back since 2013 so this will be a very emotional race for me. I plan on taking my time and soaking it all in.

  7. I definitely enjoy a chance to travel for a race! This could be fun!
